MTL - Super Devouring System-Chapter 5088 Maybe Issei

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After a short silence, a low voice of God's voice came out from this abandoned star: "It's okay to make a bait, but after the event... the deity must be more than a heavenly treasure!"

Between the moments, a powerful **** circling in the void of the magic wolf banned the land, and immediately gathered away from an abandoned star to the left of the center of the forbidden land, this is the cave of the black-spotted wolf. The place where the nest is located. short

After the temporary silence, a low voice of God's voice came out from this abandoned star: "It is okay to do bait, but after the event, the deity... must be more than a heavenly medicine!"

As soon as this discourse was exported, the emptiness of the sky suddenly became a masterpiece, and a circle of gods hovering in the starry field immediately made a sound, revealing the meaning of dissatisfaction...

"More than one percent? Black tattoo wolf, you dare to open this mouth..."

Do you know how many heavenly strong people are there? In addition to this, there are also the absurdities from the major forbidden places, all of which will be contributed in the follow-up battle. The mysterious survivor is the sixth stage of the heavens..."

"Yes, it’s already a lot of porridge, but you have to score more than one, which is absolutely impossible..."

Even if you consider that your magic wolf is forbidden as a place of war, there must be damage, but considering this, plus your risk of being a bait... at the most, you will be more than half! ""

Half-successful and half-successful, but the deity must first take half of the treasure medicine, and then the remaining 95%, and then share with the merits of the big battles..."

"This request is ok, although it will still make you a little cheaper, but it is not big... it is acceptable!"

So it was settled. The warfare harvested in this battle was made by the representatives of the black-streaked wolf and the sorcerer of the sorcerer’s squad, and the sneak sneak sneaked for the first time. ......""

Seconded! ”




Here, the ruins of the demon and the heavenly powers of the demon in the forbidden land of the demon wolf have just reached an agreement, and the edge of the magic wolf banned the land, a sudden roar of noise. tight

Then there was a crisp and unremarkable crack, and a huge void crack appeared..."

call out! "tip

The sharp sound of the air broke out, and a blue figure rushed out from it. The oval shape is like a huge star. It is a singularity of the sky...

This time, Tiandao Qingyan is also for the deer and the mysterious survivor.

Its flood ban is located in the middle of the left bank, but it has also received some news. In order to make some of the savage generals have some strong heavens, it rushed in the first time...

However, considering that the flood control land has just arrived, there may be foreign enemies invading, so this time it is only coming alone, not only the strong people who are under the shackles are left in the floodplain, even the furnaces are not brought.

In the eyes of Tiandao Qingyan, a sixth-order heavenly remnant is only enough for him to arrive.

At this time, as he descended, the powerful atmosphere of the eight-order heaven and earth in the body spread, and the entire huge demon wolf was quiet in the forbidden land. very

As for the power of the gods of the ridiculous old monsters and the heavenly powers who were originally hovering in the forbidden land, they immediately condensed.

Although Tiandao Qingyan is an eighth-order heaven, it is actually far from the ninth-order grand perfection of heaven and earth. It is extremely powerful.

At this time, although there are many strong people in the forbidden territory of the magic wolf, the strongest existence is only the sixth stage of the heavenly state, and there is only one. and also

For this reason, in order to ensure that the mysterious survivors who are also the sixth-order repairs of the heavens are left here, they will need to join forces. no

Then, if there are three or four seventh-order, eight-order heavens in the late stage of the heavens, then there is nothing else in the matter...

"I am a wilderness, my name... blue eyes!"

At this moment, with the arrival of the flood, the Tianyan Qingdao self-reported the door for the first time: "I am from the middle of the left bank... the floodland!"

"The words of the Taoist friends have been fully understood, but there are other suggestions..."

Here, the bright green eyes of Tiandao Qingyan flashed, and looked around for a circle, and then he took it: "I have to shoot, can ensure that the prey is left, so I must first split into battles. Lee..."

And the remaining 90%, I have to participate in the warfare with the proportion of warfare! ”

In fact, he is already a very face-to-face. After all, it is the strongest person in this place. It is only a matter of profit. It is not necessary to be so polite. It is a big deal to expel other vulgar old monsters and weaker heavenly powers. but

Today is different today, here is no longer his wild world, the floodland is forbidden, it is inconvenient to plant too many enemies, he has to eat large pieces of meat, and he has to eat some soup for others...

It is for this reason that today's Tiandao Qingyan will be so polite, and it is completely inconsistent with Ye Xuan's impression of its style. This

As soon as the words were spoken, the magical power of the magic wolf banned in the sky, and the power of the gods immediately began to communicate, and soon there will be results...

"Qingdao Daoyou is the eighth-order Tiandao. It is not far from the ninth-order of this environment. It is here to sit in the town. It can indeed ensure that the target is left behind and avoid the possibility of accident..."

It is only because of this that the Taoist friends are half-profited, but it is not excessive. At least the interests of me have a certain guarantee..."

So it was settled. The warfare harvested in this battle was made by the representatives of the black-streaked wolf gangsters as the devil's forbidden place in the battlefield. The young-eyed friends from the ruined land were first and foremost. 90% of the time, I will wait for the war to share..."





After cutting and finalizing, the powerful gods circling in the void of the forbidden land star field will continue to express their opinions in an instant, and there will be no more words in the green eyes. its

Just like the giant star in the huge vertical eye, it suddenly shot a fierce green awning, tearing a huge hollow crack in front of it, and then swaying into it.

This huge black crack will soon be repaired under the influence of the powerful law of Hongmeng. After all, it is the powerful existence of the eighth order of the heavenly state, leaving no trace at all.

I am afraid that Ye Xuan is here, deliberately exploring, and I absolutely can't think of it. Not long ago, the green eyes of the Hongtian Heavenly Road entered an unknown parallel void from here, and were quietly crouching there. very

Fast, with the temporary departure of the green eyes of the torrents, the powerful gods that had been hovering in the void of the forbidden land were also shot in succession. All of them were hidden in an unknown parallel void, in a short period of time, the big devil wolf. It was quiet inside the forbidden place.


Don't squash in their own Dongfu stars. What is it like on weekdays, so quiet, isn't it obvious to tell the other side that there is an ambush? ”

It was also at this time that in the previous abandoned star, the voice of the black-spotted wolf was also heard: "All the guards are given some care. If anyone reveals the horse's feet, the prey is detected, and the U-turn escapes. The deity must have smashed his skin..."


Although a large number of ridiculous old monsters and strong heavenly powers have emerged from one place on both sides of the Milky Way, and a large number of ridiculous old monsters and heavenly strongmen have disappeared, the virtual giant tortoise disappeared and no longer appeared here. but

He apparently only turned to the dark, and did not leave, so he still knows a lot about the forbidden land and the stagnation of the beasts on both sides of the Galaxy. Do not

Dare to say that every beast is forbidden and the land of the benevolent, but at least master the general situation of some of them.

For example, he provided Ye Xuan with the strong forbidden land in which the two beasts with gold origin and fire originated in the body. Virtual

Among the information provided by the empty giant tortoise, there are not only the details of the two beasts, but also the strong forbidden land they are sitting in. The general situation is also briefly described...

Among the two supreme forbidden places, Ye Xuan went from the dark end of the right bank of the retreat to the right side of the right bank of the left bank. The first thing he encountered was the devil's forbidden land. Therefore, he chose this as the first. A goal. eye

He had already concealed his figure, concealed his breath, and sneaked into the void in the air, rushing to the devil's womb...

The strongest person in the forbidden place of the magic wolf is a black-spotted demon wolf, also a kind of congenital beast. Like the demon-like wolf, after entering the desert, the body can grow slowly. The innate treasure medicine, in the heart of its head, is called the same.

The black-spotted wolf is a metallic innate beast. Therefore, the Tianmu, which grows in his head, can be used as the golden source of the five-line medicine. This

The cultivation of the head black-spotted wolf is not weak, but it is the third-order of heaven and earth. It is only one step away and can enter the middle of this situation. but

For Ye Xuan, he is not a one-of-a-kind. If it is a positive war, it may take a certain amount of time for Ye Xuan to kill him. There must be no weak people in the heavens. Everyone has a special way of life. can

If you sneak into the dark, suddenly unexpectedly shot, the black-spotted wolf in this third-order situation must be degraded on the spot, no luck.

After all, today's Ye Xuan's self-cultivation has reached the sixth stage of the abandonment. After the activation of the konjac's **** magical powers, he will be able to possess the late stage of the 7th-order. One

Once this **** magical power is applied to the ninth change, Ye Xuan’s real combat power will once again skyrocket a big realm, that is, the seventh stage of the heavenly state. This

However, the cultivation of the late Tiandao is the strength, and the black-spotted wolf is only the beginning of the heavenly state. Under the secret sneak attack, he is obviously dead. This

It is also the intention of Ye Xuan’s heart. He is not prepared to go to the door with great thorns. Instead, he is prepared to hide his body shape and hide his breath as he used to ban the land in the black crow. Quietly touched in...

Although the deer's goods are bad, but at this point, his suggestion is correct. The left bank of the Galaxy is no better than the right bank of the Milky Way, and the red-black crow in the black crow's forbidden land has been killed. very

As for the powerful beasts of the four heavenly kingdoms, such as the arrow carvings and the magic carvings that came from the forbidden land, they all fell into the hands of Ye Xuan. These things could not be stopped and must have been leaked.

So, Ye Xuan naturally can't be vigilant...

In addition to the third-order black-spotted demon wolf in the first day of the heavens, there is another powerful beast in the forbidden land of the magic wolf. It is a blood crocodile, but only the second stage of the heavens. If Ye Xuan shoots, He can't escape death.

However, this time went to the magic wolf forbidden, Ye Xuan did not intend to shoot this blood crocodile. black

Although the demon wolf and the blood crocodile are the same as the magical wolf forbidden, but the two people's Dongfu stars can't be together. Once Ye Xuan shot and killed the black-spotted wolf, the blood crocodile must be shocked. Such as

Therefore, naturally it is impossible to kill like a black-spotted wolf, and suddenly it is impossible to prevent it from being shot. he

Although it is only a second-order heaven, but in the case of biting his teeth, how much can support a little time, considering that the current news of the red-black crow and the arrow-headed demon carving has spread, Ye Xuan decided not to have more trouble, so as not to Leading to unnecessary variables. complete

Actually, he was killing this black-striped demon wolf, and after he got the demon wolf eye that can be used as the source of the gold, he had to go to another strong Xing ban to capture the origin of the fire...

In the ridiculous blame, there are many in the forbidden places of the devil wolf, more than 20, but Ye Xuan has now refining the 30th-level Tiandao Baodan, even if it is possible to refine the second furnace in the future, at least not It is a recent event. Place

Therefore, his current demand for the blood of the desert is not urgent, and naturally there is no need to force the shot for this matter...

All of this, on the way to the magic wolf forbidden, Ye Xuan has been in the brain to figure out. ten

After the day, the endless darkness of the sky in front of the sky finally appeared the atmosphere of some starry beasts, and the number is quite large, which means that there is a strong forbidden land in front, according to the information provided by the virtual giant turtle, if there is no accident If this beast is forbidden, it is the destination of his trip, that is, the demon wolf field..."


Undetectable sound broke, Ye Xuan did not hesitate, directly crossed the edge of the forbidden land and rushed into the interior of the star. and

All of this, and there is no existence to discover that although today's Ye Xuan is a humanoid form, but the **** magical power of the konjac has been transformed to the ninth change, and the realm has reached the seventh level of heaven and earth. in

Under the support of such a strong cultivation, the secret of his spiritual power of perfection is that he is better than him, and he has reached the eighth stage of the heavens and the heavens, and it is impossible to detect the arrival of Ye Xuan... …can

It is said that this time, the magic wolf banned the ground and gnawed the teeth to be the black-streaked demon wolf. This time it was destined to steal the chicken and not to erode a handful of rice, and the consequences of the eclipse that he eroded were absolutely unbearable. Because that means giving you a life...


The wolf is forbidden!

From that day, the blue eyes of the ridiculous heaven and the road came, and then the great forbidden land and the ruins of the forbidden land in the forbidden land of the magic wolf, the agreement between the heavenly and the powerful, has been a whole ten days... Ten

Since the day, the whole magic wolf has been banned from the ground, and there will be some beasts inside and outside the forbidden place. These forbidden beasts are still somewhat unnatural in the first few days, but now they can't see the clue.

Since it is a bait, then naturally it is not possible to converge the breath, so that the mysterious remnant who came to hunt can't find his position. Therefore, in the past ten days, the atmosphere of the black-spotted wolf has not deliberately converged, as long as It is a strong heavenly person. After entering the interior of the star field, it can be sensed in an instant. This

Although some are insured, but for the half-profit, the black-striped wolf is also fighting, of course, and more importantly, he does not think that the survivor of the survivor will be able to kill him instantly! this

At that time, he was in his own Dongfuxing, but he still didn't know. Although everything he was waiting for was coming, but it was coming, it was the final fall...

In fact, Ye Xuan did not find any abnormality. At this time, the demon wolf was obviously normal, but it was this too normal scene and feeling that Ye Xuan realized that it was wrong...

With regard to the existence of four powerful heavenly environments, such as the red-black crow and the arrow-headed vulture, the news of successive degeneration in a short period of time has now spread. In this case, the two heavenly powers in the magical forbidden land are not May not know.

In this case, they should be somewhat vigilant, but in fact they are just the opposite. The magic wolf in front of the forbidden place does not see a sense of vigilance at all. This is obviously not normal.

I have to say that the old guys, such as the black-striped wolf, are so secreted that they only want to hide the traces of ambushes as much as possible, but they are just because of this. Do not

However, although I realized that the situation was somewhat abnormal, Ye Xuan did not care. What about ambush? He has no fear at all.

Moreover, the source of the gold in this black-spotted wolf, that is, the magical sky, he is also determined to win. Come

Already come, how can you retire? band

With this firmness, Ye Xuan directly sneaked into the Dongfu Star of the Black Devil Wolf. He did not deliberately search for and explore, because the Black Devil did not converge on the body, and soon after entering the Forbidden Star, Ye Xuan It was sensed. very

Fast, he entered the interior of the star, and saw the black-spotted wolf in the depths of a large canyon. At this time, his body size was reduced to about a thousand feet, and he was curling up in the canyon, as if it were false.

Ye Xuan’s arrival did not perceive him, and this was doomed to his fall today, and there was no chance of even half-escape...”


Everything that happened down there was no suspense. After being lurking in the dark, close to the Grand Canyon, Ye Xuan immediately shot, and the sound of the earth-shattering roar was ringing in the air.

Faced with this level of terrorist power, and has arrived recently, the black-striped wolf can't resist it at all, and it is too late to make any reaction.


His eyes opened abruptly, just a little open mouth, but then, the horrible screams in the mouth were still unfinished, and a rush of horrible power rushed into him. Infuriating

The power of the storm raged in an instant, and the entire shape of the black-spotted wolf burst open, turning into the blushing red blood of the canopy, which shrouded the sky above the Grand Canyon.

In the **** fog of this awning, there is clearly a black crystal of the size of a human head, which is when the head of the black-spotted wolf bursts out of it...


call out! ”

Without hesitation, Ye Xuan waved at the first time, and with the sound of a whistling whistling sound, invisible, a majestic force whizzed away, and the black-skinned wolf's huge figure exploded. The blood and blood of the smoldering swept across the body. with

Wrapped in time, it also includes the black gold body of the size of the human head, which is the magic grain of the black-spotted wolf.

At this point, Ye Xuan’s five-line medicine guide has been made up of three kinds, namely four-day velvet, four Tiandan, one Tianmu...

And the blood in his hands, with the fall of this black-spotted wolf, has reached six giants!


Almost in the same moment that Ye Xuan waved the **** mist formed by the black-scarred demon body, the other direction of the demon in the depths of the demon, suddenly sounded a terrifying noise... …through

With endless anger, there is even more sorrow and fear that cannot be turned away. pass

The existence of this screaming scream is another strong tyrant in this forbidden place, that is, the blood crocodile. he

It is not like the absurd grotesque and the heavenly strongmen from other forbidden places. It is hidden in the parallel void, but is left in the other side of the star field. Place

So, Ye Xuan shot, the moment the body breath, the blood crocodile has been inductive. when

He sensed that this powerful heavenly atmosphere suddenly appeared in the cave of the black-spotted wolf without any indication, and the blood crocodile realized that it was not good.

He didn't hesitate, and the first time he sent out a terrible news, because in the face of this powerful late Tiandao, he didn't have half the resistance. Now he has no heart and soul. The black-striped wolf is falling, he is worried. Is your own safety..."

Roar! ”



As he summoned, the original quiet and incomparable magic wolf banned the emptiness of the sky, and immediately responded to the general rumors of arrogance and screaming, those ridiculous and ignorant in the parallel void, All of them rushed out, without exception, all in the first time to push the power of the body to the extreme, turning into an invisible pressure, covering this square.

Too many, in the blink of an eye, there are hundreds of ridiculous and ridiculous figures appearing in the distance. At least seven or eight of them have been cultivated in the air to reach the heavens.

And this is far from over, because when Ye Xuan turns around, there are new figures appearing one after another...

The invisible pressures of so many ridiculous and eccentric and powerful tyrants are all raging in this emptiness. Under the superposition of each other, the entire stellar field of the magic wolf is forbidden. General.

They are deliberate, so they can sever Ye Xun's teleportation or the possibility of fleeing in other secret ways.

In fact, they have also succeeded. The sound of humming sounds has been heard in the void. It is extremely unstable. Even if it is repaired in the late seventh stage of Ye Xuan’s realm, it can no longer be teleported. very

As for his extreme suspicion, even the interstellar coordinate jump ability attached to the system title of the body's engulfing system has failed.

This is really trapped here.

However, Ye Xuan was not afraid, and he did not intend to leave. Because he was surrounded by nearly ten heavenly beasts that had already appeared around him, he saw a red **** unicorn...

This sub-blood unicorn is the other of the two congenital beasts provided by the Void Giant Turtle. The innate treasure of his body is called Dzi Bead, and the attribute is fire. It is the fire source that Ye Xuan needs... …original

Ben also planned to solve the black-spotted wolf and then went to find him, but I did not expect it to be here. but

Obviously not the best time to hunt, you can only wait for the edge...

The thought flashed through the brain, and Ye Xuan did not hesitate. When he waved his hand, there was a nine-color flame sea whizzing away, turning into a huge nine-color flame ball with a diameter of 10 billion miles. Following

However, his figure swayed directly into the flame ball.

At the same moment, the surrounding sounds screaming..."

This is... Shennong nine-color flame? How do you feel where you heard? ""

I was violent, when the deity had been to the right bank, I heard that there was a starry sky, raging the entire right bank of the right bank... Shennong Ding was in his hands, the survivor must be changed by him, and he is back! ""

hiss! How can this be? That violent temperament was only a retreat in the past, how long? Actually entered the heavens, and still... Heaven's seventh order? ”

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