MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 307 【Original magic tire】

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  Chapter 307 [Original magic tire]


  A small figure poured into the sea, blasting a column of water nearly 100 meters high.

   A few seconds later, Zhao Yinshun got up from the bottom of the sea, suppressed the blood rolling and oscillating in his chest and abdomen, and excitedly looked at the majestic giant beast in the distance.

It was a dragon beast resembling a sea snake. The part exposed to the water was hundreds of meters high. Its body nearly thirty meters thick was like a pillar of the sky. Its silver-blue scales reflected the metallic luster in the sun, like a statue. The mountain peaks made of precious stones are dazzling just by looking at them.

  Holy, majestic, brutal...

  The divine aura that cannot be seen directly illuminates the world, causing a brief panic in the fleet in the distance, but soon, the black dragon flag on each battleship released a dark golden luster invisible to the naked eye, instantly alleviating the indescribable fear.

  However, the terrifying mythical creature didn't pay attention to the fleet dozens of miles away. Its winding body gracefully stretched and swam, constantly surfacing, and came to Zhao Yinshun as if in a hurry.

  The huge head was like a cloud hanging from the sky, slowly descending, and the shadow full of oppression covered the white-clothed boy little by little. He stared at the tiny creature in front of him, and his light blue divine vertical pupils shone with cruel and fierce light.

On the other side, Zhao Yinshun stood on the sea, staring at Him without showing any weakness. The small human body and the towering giant beast formed a picture full of visual impact, just like an ordinary person standing in a skyscraper In the past, the strength and weakness are fully reflected at this moment.

  However, looking at the straight and handsome back of his own monarch, Cen Xing inexplicably felt the joy from his heart, like a child who received a gift he wanted, instead of facing the oppression of a mythical creature.

The fins on the side of the ears shrink and expand, two tens of meters long fleshy whiskers wriggle on both sides of the cheeks, the head of the majestic giant is getting lower and lower, the illusory divine power turns into substance, the originally clear sky is suddenly covered with dark clouds, silver blue The thunder began to roll and flash in the clouds.

   Perceiving the supernatural divine power permeating the real world, watching a several-meter-long sword mark on the dragon beast's neck shrink and heal slowly, Zhao Yinshun clenched his fists and urged all the power without reservation.

  【King Kong Indestructible Physical Ability】

  【Desolate God Broken Star Strength】

  【Dragon Elephant Wisdom Skill】

  【Original demon fetal breath method】

  【The Mysterious Yin Manual of Myriad Tribulations】

  【Phantom Sword·Rahu】


   Gilt gold, platinum, deep purple, dark silver...

  Different colors of light gathered and fused deep in the pupils, turning the boy's eyes into a pair of dark purple-gold vertical pupils.

  The originally drooping eyelids were completely opened, and the purple-gold color was steaming on the body surface. Zhao Yinshun looked directly at the terrifying head above his head, and a happy smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

   "You look delicious..."


  A thigh-thick fiery thunderbolt fell from the sky, but Zhao Yinshun felt it ahead of time, and instantly came to the top of the dragon beast's head, raising his arm high and striking it down like a holy sword.


  The dragon beast shook its head without showing any weakness, and its sharp horns headed up against the invisible sword gang!


  The ear-piercing metallic sound oscillated the atmosphere, and the ten-meter-long Luohu sword gang extended from the boy's arm, revealing a translucent outline. It cut on the horn and burst into brilliant flames, and then the whole person was ejected uncontrollably.

Irresistible brute force swept everything, the small body shot straight into the sky like a cannonball, and the mythical dragon beast was also slightly sank by the strange force, but quickly recovered, looking at the enemy shot into the clouds, mountain-like The body floated to the surface little by little.

However, at this moment, the dark gold and black dragon invisible to the naked eye let out a mournful roar in the distance. In sync with his movements, more than 100 warships in the entire fleet opened fire at the same time. Like a volcanic eruption.


  A pair of fin-like wings emerged from the water surface, and the dragon beast roared and demonstrated without showing any weakness. It was more than a kilometer long, and its body like a miniature mountain left the sea a little bit, as if it lost weight and rose towards the sky.


  In the process of rising, the dense shells spanned a long distance, blasting circles of violent ripples on the invisible barrier around him.

  The main guns of the twelve heavy cruisers even penetrated the barrier, blasting away the silver-blue scales, and blasted blood pits several meters in diameter on the majestic body.


  The dragon beast suffered pain, its brutal vertical pupils swept across the fleet in the distance, and a mysterious magic circle formed by energy manifested instantly spread out in front of it.


  The sea, sky, wind, thunder, rain and lightning obeyed His authority and turned into a sky-penetrating storm, slowly and steadily sweeping towards the fleet.

   In the process of advancing, the storm continued to devour the surrounding spiritual power, expanding crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the dazzling incandescent arc lingered and rotated in the storm, like the blade of a meat grinder, reflecting a penetrating luster.

   "Full right rudder, ready for two salvos!"

  Looking directly at the overwhelming thunder storm, Cen Xing calmly issued an order, and the fleet turned slowly, constantly adjusting the muzzle.

  The dark golden black dragon phantom in the sky turned and swam gracefully, staring at the distant enemy with a pair of cold and cruel vertical pupils.

  However, just as the thunder storm intensified, a purple-golden "silk thread" fell from the sky and penetrated straight into the eye of the storm. The supernatural disaster caused by divine authority was instantly shattered, slowly dissipating and collapsing between heaven and earth.

   "Your Majesty!"

   Cen Xing was overjoyed, tried his best to suppress his excitement, and calmly prepared for the next round of attacks.

   On the other side of the battlefield, the seawater that was swept into the sky by the hurricane fell like a torrential rain, and the figure shrouded in purple and gold aura flashed away in the rain, and appeared in front of the dragon beast without warning.

  【Phantom Sword · Luohu】!

   Realizing that his [Primitive Heavenly Demon Fetal Breathing Method] could not penetrate the aura of the mythical creature's body protection, Zhao Yinshun simply injected the magic energy into Luo Hu, using his arm as a sword, and pierced the enemy's scales fiercely!

  The sharp sword gang, more than ten meters long, pierced through the defense, injecting magic energy like the fangs of a poisonous snake, but in a blink of an eye, most of it was wiped out by the spirituality of the mythical creature, leaving only a small part of impregnated flesh.


  The mountain-like body twisted and rotated at a speed that did not conform to the laws of physics, and it was drawn like a whip. The terrifying swing seemed to divide the world into two.

  Under [High-Dimensional Vision], Zhao Yinshun stared at the devastating blow, with no sadness or joy in his eyes, and his clear figure gradually became blurred.

  The next second, the tyrannical "Long Whip" blasted the afterimage, and realized that the attack had missed. Before the dragon beast could adjust its figure, a sharp pain came from the other side.


  The anger in his heart kept piling up, violence and madness appeared in the eyes of the blind and stupid beast, and endless divine light bloomed from his body, like a sun suspended in the sky.

  buzz buzz~

  Will interferes with reality, and mysterious arrays with a diameter of several hundred meters condense in the clouds, circling around the dragon beast like satellites.

  The hurricane and thunderstorm swept across a radius of several thousand meters. In the torrent of crazy energy, a small figure ignored the impact and flew up and down around the dragon beast, tearing open gaps in his body.

   Realizing that a ranged attack could not kill this tiny bug, the dragon beast became more and more violent, frantically flicking its body, drawing out vacuum ripples in the sky.

The mountain-like body endowed them with unimaginable strength, coupled with the myth's suppression of the legendary personality, Zhao Yinshun knew that even if he pushed the [Dragon Elephant Wisdom Skill] to the extreme, he could not compete, so he could only rely on Luo Hu's Sharpness deals with him.

  Using the power of the dragon beast to twitch its body, the invincible sword slashed, pulling out a "canyon" of flesh and blood several meters deep and nearly 100 meters long on him. In the deepest place, you can even faintly see bones.

   But it was too late to expand the results of the battle, and the subsequent attacks forced Zhao Yinshun to back away. He could only watch helplessly as the "canyon" closed and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then disappeared little by little.

  Those who are on horseback, the mythical creatures with [Jingguan] turned on are outrageous!

  After a short fight, Zhao Yinshun had already figured out the enemy's routine, and he was sulking.

   I knew mythical creatures were difficult to deal with, but I didn't expect it to be this difficult!

  Except for [Min] and [God], the other four-dimensional attributes are crushed in all directions, coupled with the suppression of personality, he probably releases [Shenwei], and the chances of winning with Luohu are not great!

  The size of the dragon beasts not only endowed them with unmatched [strength], but also endowed them with unfathomable [body]!

   That is to say, they can rely on their "frankness" to force themselves to survive a big move!

   At that time, when I fall into a weak period, I can only watch the enemy recover quickly with the help of [Jingguan] infinite vitality...

  Unless... open to upgrade!

  The dark purple gold vertical pupil shrank slightly, and Zhao Yinshun quickly suppressed this thought.

  With the promotion of personality and the transformation of divinity, he has become more and more aware that every time he resonates and ascends the dimension, he will experience a slight change at the original level.

   The more intense the resonance, the more obvious this mutation will be!

  So if it is not necessary, he does not want to use this foul trick.

  Alas... Do we have to retreat first and come back after leveling up to the sixth level?

  Gritting his teeth, Zhao Yinshun calculated unwillingly, his body subconsciously dodged the dragon beast's attack, and stabbed the sword gang full of magic energy into the enemy's body.

  During the brief contact, Luo Hu's sword gang was like a poisonous fang injected with the original demonic energy attached to the bone.

  Ethereal thinking touched the bottleneck, blessing to the soul, Zhao Yinshun only felt that the level that had been stagnant for a long time was shattered, and purple awns flourished in his eyes.

  [Original Demon’s Breathing Method]: LV.30 (mastery/bottleneck) → LV.31 (small achievement)

  The fragments of the Primordial Heavenly Demon Embryo Method [Crest of Truth] are solidified, and the specialty [Original Demon Embryo] is obtained.

  [Original Magic Tire] (Myth S Rank)


  Heaven and earth contain magic embryos, common people turn into blood food, and the effect of acquired attribute [Qi] law is increased by 10%


  The sky demon has no form, melts the soul and eats the bones. After the continuous magic energy reaches the limit, it can be detonated, causing the total amount of [Qi] attributes injected into itself plus 20% of the maximum value of the enemy's soul and flesh. Backlash damage.

   If the enemy dies, it will devour different kinds of energy, the maximum value is 20% of the upper limit of its own [Qi] attribute

  【Reverse Innate】

   Comprehension +10

   Charisma +10

   Root bone +10

  Qualification +20

  Sudden information bloomed in his mind, Zhao Yinshun's pupils moved, and a bold idea surged up in an instant.

  [Shenwei] and [Luohu] can't kill you, but what if you add magic energy to detonate it?

  That is the endogenous backlash damage, which is difficult to weaken, and the stronger the enemy's own flesh and blood, the heavier the backlash damage, it is simply a trump card to deal with these giant beasts!

  The only problem is that my personality is too low, and the state of [Primitive Heavenly Demon Embryo Breathing Method] is not enough. Even if there is Luohu Jiangang infused with magic energy, I don’t know how long it will take to reach the limit...

  Moving his gaze, Zhao Yinshun hesitated for a moment and made up his mind decisively as he looked at the increasingly crazy mythical beast.

   Give it a try, if it doesn’t work, just ride Ao Baibai, anyway, this guy can’t run fast, and his head is not very smart...

  Just as he was thinking, dense shells fell like raindrops, blasting circles of energy ripples on the dragon beast.

  Several main cannons tore through the divine barrier, blasting the originally smooth silver-blue scales into numbness and blood pits, stimulating the dragon beast to roar wildly.

   Boom boom boom!

   Along with the shells came a group of ship spirits wrapped in steel armor.

The war machines Zhao Yinshun spent his money to transform and upgrade showed their value at this time. The thick armor prevented them from being torn to pieces by the energy lingering around the mythical creatures. The huge heavy artillery could barely penetrate the divine barrier, giving the enemy some damage.

  Although it is a bit insignificant compared to the opponent's mountain-like body, but it adds up to a lot, and it is still qualified as an auxiliary output.

A series of miniature naval cannons floated on the side of the ship spirit like wings, and the continuous approaching and shooting made the dragon beast irritated. However, whenever he wanted to kill these small bugs, Zhao Yinshun would take the opportunity to eat Slash randomly, hold His hatred firmly.



The stern roar and the roar of naval guns resounded through the sky, the violent shock wave stirred up dozens of miles around, and the terrifying divine fluctuations traveled along the atmosphere for thousands of miles. The sky trembled.

   "A sea **** is fighting?!"

  Looking to the west, a young man in golden armor squinted his eyes with great interest, but after a long time he curled his lips helplessly.

   "Too far away to see."

   "Then take a closer look."

  Beside him, a burly man stepped onto the chariot and looked at him with questioning eyes.

   After hesitating for a moment, the young man still shook his head.

   "Forget it, when we arrive, they may be finished fighting. With this skill, I can take another city..."

   "Then I will go by myself."

  Hearing this, the burly man urged the chariot without any surprise, and the four bronze horses spread their hooves like living creatures, slowly accelerating.

   "What are you going to do?"

   "Let's see if there are any cheap ones to pick up. My Ascension Potion is still short of the main ingredient."

   "Using Poseidon as the main material? You are quite extravagant..."

   Ignoring the ridicule of the young man in golden armor, the strong man pushed the chariot, and the speed gradually became violent.

   "If you find a Sea God who has opened [Qi Guan] and exchange it with me, I have a [Golden Apple] here!"

  Looking at the chariot that quickly shrank into a black spot, the young man waved his arms and shouted loudly.

  The strong man on the chariot didn't turn his head, but turned his back to him and made a sign of acceptance.

   At the same time, on the anxious front of the two countries, with the idea of ​​fighting three poles if there is no date, countless Tianjiao saints showed their magical powers and skimmed the sea towards the distant battlefield.

   Now there is no place to set foot in the house, moving is really annoying, the more I pack, the more things I get...w(Д)w



  (end of this chapter)

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