MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 311 I... am the new master!

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  Chapter 311 I... am the new master!

  One thought creates all things, and one thought destroys everything.

  Beyond the universe, omniscient and omnipotent...

  Thinking about his peak posture in the future, Zhao Yinshun's eyes showed longing, but there was also a faint fear.

  Really reaching that point, [Madness] and [Rationality] may have grown beyond imagination, how much of my humanity can be left under the erosion of the source?

  Is Zhao Yinshun still Zhao Yinshun?

   Or it has been transformed into a concept of some kind of cosmic rules, indifferently overlooking the operation of all things, and ruthlessly watching their birth, prosperity, decline, and destruction...the cycle of reincarnation is endless...

   With an inexplicable shock, Zhao Yinshun subconsciously looked up at the sky, and a sentence flashed in his mind.

  Heaven and earth are not benevolent and regard all things as straw dogs!

  Will I turn into this prehistoric existence?

  The phantom in the spiritual dimension that is too huge to see the whole picture seems to have faintly revealed such signs...


   Taking a slow and long deep breath, Zhao Yinshun suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and his thoughts unfolded infinitely in a dimension beyond matter.

  In the grotesque spiritual world, the boundless spiritual projection reduced dimensionality, and a young man in white condensed into shape in an instant, and opened his eyes to stare at the miniature [Golden Yin Fengguo] in front of him like a sand table.

  With a thought, the twisted and wriggling void slowly solidified, and the solid and ancient jade slabs spread under the feet, gradually forming a semi-closed majestic palace.

The young man in white bent his body and sat back slowly. During this process, a shivering divine radiance bloomed from the place that was originally empty, and lines that were neither real nor illusory appeared out of thin air, and then connected and expanded, finally turning into a Make a majestic and holy dark gold throne.

  Sitting on the throne, Zhao Yinshun overlooked the miniature mountains and rivers in front of him. The light golden "sun" beating like a heart rose slowly, turning into an inconspicuous warm light source in the dome composed of void.

  Looking down at the degraded [Old King's Court] that he forged, Zhao Yinshun suddenly smiled slightly, and the fear in his heart disappeared.

   "I am high above the dimension, overlooking all beings."

  "Thinking understands the origin, and eternity is condensed in a moment."

  “I am everything and only one.”

   "I am the Lord of Destiny, life or death is what I want, and what I want is what I want."

   "I am the source of extinction, and also the template for reshaping the universe."

   "My will is the law of the world's operation."


  While whispering faintly, stars and rivers are reflected in the deep and boundless pupils, and everything in the world seems to be born and died in the beautiful and vast pupils.

  Time stagnates and then speeds up in an instant. The miniature [Liuyin Fengguo] seems to have experienced the scouring of hundreds of millions of years of time, and the sea has changed in an instant.

  The indescribable vision shook the void, and the majestic and clumsy hall seemed to be shaken by an invisible force, as if it was about to be unable to withstand the authority of the Creator.

   At this moment, Zhao Yinshun finally uttered the last sentence.

   "The ancient gods have long since left, and I... am the new ruler!"


  As if the rules in the dark were touched, the trembling hall instantly solidified and collapsed into a [symbol] that was more stable than matter and closer to the source.

   Staring at the [miracle] he had created, Zhao Yinshun nodded in satisfaction, and suddenly raised his eyebrows, and an upside-down black cross emerged from the depths of his pupils.

   " no wonder..."

   The corners of his mouth curled up, the dark upside-down cross slowly disappeared from his pupils, Zhao Yinshun laughed and shook his head.

   "I didn't pay attention, and that's right... There will be no second existence in the world that fits it better than me. Even if there is no ancient forerunner, I'm afraid it will become my authority sooner or later..."

   After muttering to himself, Zhao Yinshun looked around, and a phantom of a throne slowly took shape around [Liuyin Fengguo].

  Then he looked up at the void again, and the stars that were shining with spiritual light appeared in the dome made of darkness, shining with the golden sun in the center.

   Sensing the causal connection between every star and himself, Zhao Yinshun breathed a sigh of relief.

   Even the most basic trace of authority is enough to satisfy him...

  The mind is closed, the spiritual body dissipates from the throne, and falls back to the material world. The young man in white with his eyes closed slowly opens his eyes and walks out of the room.

"you're awake?"

  In the living room outside the bedroom, a mature figure turned her head and looked at him curiously.

  Through the gorgeous crown mask, Zhao Yinshun seemed to be able to feel her hot gaze, and couldn't help smiling and nodding.

   "Well, have you been waiting for me long?"

   "Since your subordinate sent you back, I have been sitting here... After all, kittens can't scare people..."

   "During this period of time, there are many powerful guys who want to find out..."

   To be called powerful by her, at least it must be a mythical existence... That kitty really has no deterrent power.

  Knowing that she has been protecting the law for him for so long, Zhao Yinshun felt a little warmth in his heart, and his heart moved slightly.

  【Heart is better than things】

  Raise the palm of your hand, and distort the reality with your thoughts, a real purple gold token materialized out of thin air.

"what is this?"

   After receiving the token from the boy, Oakley Yani played and observed it curiously, getting more and more excited the more she looked at it.

   "I haven't seen it! What is this thing?!"

   "I give you the authority, the key to a fun place..."

   Pursing the corners of his mouth, Zhao Yinshun looked at the curious baby in front of him with a half-smile, and let her hug him, rubbing back and forth with his soft and boneless plump body.

   "Don't be a secret, tell me what is this?"

   "You'll know when the time comes."

   Even soft and hard foam couldn't pry Zhao Yinshun's mouth open, so Oakley Yani pinched his cheeks angrily, and pulled them to both sides.

   "Believe it or not, I won't give you glasses!"


  As soon as his complexion changed, Zhao Yinshun raised his legs and wanted to run, but was hugged by Oakley Yani, unable to break free.

   "Don't run, if you don't make it clear today, I will never end with you!"


   "Okay, okay, I'll take you there!"

   Curling the corners of his mouth angrily, Zhao Yinshun said to her solemnly.

   "You have to recite first, the fool who does not belong to this era, the mysterious master above the gray mist, the yellow and black one who is in charge of good luck... hiss!!!"

  Before he finished speaking, Oakley Yani pinched a piece of tender meat on his arm and twisted it hard.

   Even with Zhao Yinshun's physique, he couldn't bear this poisonous attack, and his eyes widened from the pain.

   "You want to kill someone?!"

   "I am [Eye of Omniscience] High Priest [Lord of the Hidden] Oakley Yani, not those ignorant country girls, even a **** would not believe your story!"

   Twist the tender meat back and forth, Oakley Yani smiled viciously, and Zhao Yinshun twitched from the pain.

   "Just kidding, why are you so serious..."

   Dodging the murderous hand with a smirk, Zhao Yinshun pointed at the center of Oakley Yani's eyebrows, and a subtle colorful light instantly sank into the depths of her soul.


  At the same time, the purple-gold token in her hand glowed faintly, projecting part of her spiritual consciousness into a mysterious and majestic hall.

  In the center of the vast and ancient palace, there is a miniature miniature of mountains and rivers suspended, and Oakley Yani recognized the outline of [Liuyin Fengguo] at a glance.

"This is…"

   Subconsciously wanted to take off the crown mask and spy on this frightening world, but her fingertips directly touched the soft skin. The real touch made Oakley Yani even think that she was still in the material world.

  But she can clearly sense that the main body is still in a lower dimension...

   "This is the gap between illusion and reality, a high-level dimension beyond matter, welcome to my world, Yani..."

  The soft words rang in her ears, and Oakley Yani turned her head to look, and her exotic green vertical pupils stared straight at the young man in white who was pacing and approaching.

   "Is this the secret of your soul? Why show it to me?"

  Aukli Yani had a complicated expression, full of joy and emotion.

   Without answering her words, Zhao Yinshun held her face with a light smile, stared at her eyes and looked around.

   "It's been a long time since I saw your eyes, they are still so beautiful."

  The crystal-clear green vertical pupils carried a captivating and enchanting charm. Looking directly into these eyes, it seemed as if the soul would be absorbed into them.

  However, Zhao Yinshun observed it unconsciously, as if admiring two beautiful gems.


  Looking at the young man in white, Oakley Yani asked in confusion.

"what why?"

   "Why did you reveal your most important secret to me without reservation?"

   "Hahaha, do you think this is all I have? Yani, even if I let you spy, you will never be able to see the whole picture of me..."

  Holding Oakley Yani's face, Zhao Yinshun pressed the center of her brows against hers, and the two pairs of bewitching and deep pupils looked at each other unobstructed.

  “[Eye of omniscience] Archbishop of the Hidden Path—[Secret Peeper] Oakley Yani, don’t try to spy on the world outside the “box”, that is the “truth” that you will never understand…”

  The beautiful face that was close at hand fell silent, and the touch in his eyes gradually faded, replaced by endless bitterness.

   "Is it still like this? I can never get close to you. Everything I can spy on you is just what you want me to know..."

   "Yani, you can't look at my whole face, don't pursue goals that can never be achieved, okay?"

   Tightening his face in his hands, Zhao Yinshun advised with earnestness.

   You can’t even see the vast and boundless palace in front of you, not to mention that it is just a speck of dust in the palm of a larger phantom...

  Even if you really advance to the ninth level [Eye of All-seeing], I'm afraid you can only realize that you are in the corner of the palm of an indescribable existence.

  At that time, you may be even more desperate.

  Hearing the boy's raving, Oakley Yani closed her eyes tightly, and it took a long time before she sighed softly.

   "You're still so arrogant and conceited, but I'm also the same..."

  Opening his eyes, there was a touch of tenderness in the vertical green pupils.

   "In my eyes, you are the most precious treasure God has given me, the sweetest candy in life. In order to [see] your true appearance, even at the cost of my life, I am willing."


   After a long silence, Zhao Yinshun took two steps back, rubbing the center of his brows painfully.

   "Yani, the mythical disease is also a disease, and it can be cured!"

   "I'm not sick!"

  "Psychopaths say they are not sick!"


  With a lovely whimper in her throat, Oakley Yani suddenly spread her palms and gestured in front of Zhao Yinshun.

   "Give me back my glasses!"

   "Hey, I forgot to introduce you, come on, choose a place first!"

  Changing the topic extremely bluntly, Zhao Yinshun took Oakley Yani's hand and walked in front of a phantom of the throne.

   "Choose one you like."

   Looking angrily at the boy in white, Oakley Yani looked around, found a gorgeous dark gold throne, and walked straight over.

  Zhao Yinshun twitched his brows, feeling flustered inexplicably, and quickly pulled her back.

   "Yani, it looks good here."

   "No, I'm going to sit next to you!"


  Then who is sitting on the other side of me?

  Master or Senior Sister?

   It's over, I feel like I'm going to be bitten by a dog...

Under Zhao Yinshun's desperate gaze, Oakley Yani sat on the throne beside him without hesitation, and suddenly a Western-style high-backed throne several meters high took shape, and the top of the backrest burned out of thin air. Lines slowly outline a triangular [Eye of All-seeing] holy emblem.

  As if linked to some kind of power, the corresponding holy emblem projection emerged in the center of the hall, and a brilliant star brilliance flourished on the dome wrapped in void and mist, instantly sucking the projection into it.

   A few seconds later, the holy emblem on the top of the high-backed throne was completely materialized, and the mysterious and strange lines exuded a faint divine light, flickering like breathing, and resonated with the stars on the dome.

  In the dark, Zhao Yinshun felt that his authority was fused with Oakley Yani's authority link, and each could invoke the other's power.

   "How is it possible? How can divine power be shared?!"

   Eyes widened in disbelief, Oakley Yani only felt that her long-held world view had been shaken.

  In this hall, the laws of the material world seem to be no longer indestructible, the cognition she used to take for granted in the past collapsed, and a new door opened slowly in front of her eyes.

   "I've said it before, this is the authority I gave you. You can use the power of each member without being bound by the rank, and learn to understand their [Tao]."

   Sitting next to Oakley Yani, Zhao Yinshun smiled softly.

   "Every member?!"

  Looking at the unowned throne, Oakley Yani's eyes slowly burst into brilliance.

   "However, only here can one avoid the restrictions of the laws of the real world, not after returning."

   Seeing her excited appearance, Zhao Yinshun quickly took a vaccination.

   "I know, I can sense the power of this hall, it has given me a deeper vision, faster thinking, more diverse ideas... so amazing..."

   "That's actually my talent projection, well, you can slowly explore the mystery of [Wang Ting] in the future, we should 'go back'."

  Hearing what Zhao Yinshun meant, Oakley Yani recovered from the excitement and frenzy, and realized that someone was approaching in the real world.

  With a thought, the two of them instantly dissipated into a light mist, leaving only two majestic thrones exuding a blurred light in the hall.

   Thanks to [Zhongyu Yashan] and other book friends for their rewards.

   Let’s save the tickets for December~~w(Д)w



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion