MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 315 crazier and stronger

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  Chapter 315 The crazier the stronger


  In the dark night, the long breath gathered the essence of heaven and earth, and countless extraordinary people discovered in horror that a spiritual vortex with a diameter of hundreds of miles appeared in the sky.

  The gathered aura shrinks spirally towards the center point, like a bottomless funnel, swallowing the energy of the whole world in it.

And in the core area of ​​this aura storm, a group of white-clothed teenagers sitting upright in the void, bathed in the moonlight and breathing softly, their handsome faces under the hazy moonlight looked beautiful and dreamy, it was hardly like the real world characters that should exist.

  However, under the holy and gorgeous appearance, the purple air of the mysterious moon invisible to the naked eye runs through the sky and the earth like a straight beam of light, linking the boy's eyebrows with the bright moon above the nine heavens.

Evaporating devil energy, sharp and brutal platinum divine light, indestructible gilt mist, thick and ferocious pure gold particles... Visions representing different original profound arts lingered around the young man at the same time, as if at the same time, there were countless top-level The Tianjiao of Tianjiao had an epiphany and practiced in him.

After an unknown amount of time, the young man in white with his eyes closed and meditating slowly opened his eyes, as if he had opened a tunnel leading to the abyss. All kinds of divine light condensed and fused in the depths of his pupils, turning into dark purple gold and escaping out. A steaming flame invisible to the naked eye formed around the boy.


   Slowly spit out the last trace of turbid air, Zhao Yinshun restrained his mind, and with his movements, the vortex of spiritual energy covering a radius of nearly a hundred miles stagnated and gradually dissipated.

   But in his body, earth-shaking changes took place at this time.

  【Original demon fetal breath method】: LV.61→LV.63 (Master)

  [Myriad Tribulations Mysterious Yin Manual]: LV.61→LV.64 (Master)

  【Taiyi Longevity Art】: LV.99 (Returning to Void/Bottleneck) → LV.100 (Health · Myth Cycle)




  【Origin · Essence】+0.3



  Taiyi Longevity Jue [Truth Emblem] Fragment evolution, [Immortality] specialty upgraded to [Myth SSS level]

  [Immortality] (Myth SSS level)

  The gate of heaven is open, the household of the earth is closed, the inner energy flows and the stars of the universe complement each other, self-spiritual power interferes with reality, breathes in the heaven and the earth, and breathes naturally.

  Physical form is permanently solidified after reaching its peak, lifespan +500→1000

  Life efficiency increased by 20%→30%

  【Reverse Innate】

   Comprehension +200

   Charisma +200

   Root bone +200

  Qualification +200

  [Taiyi Longevity Jue] joins the Tao, [Crazy] +3

  The dark purple-gold flame lingering around his body oscillated silently, and it took a long time before it gradually calmed down and retracted into the body of the boy in white.

  The boundless and ruthless divinity is concealed, and the empty and out-of-focus pupils slowly shrink. Zhao Yinshun feels the transformation in the dark, and understands many things as if instinctively.

  Healing with the Dao...The body and the Dao are united, accepting the indescribable origin, and begin to transform towards the existence of rules and concepts. This change is reflected in the reality level, which is [crazy] and [rational].

  The existence of accepting the source of taint, from a certain level, is no longer a [human], and the innate shackles that bind a [human] will gradually loosen...

  Thinking of this, Zhao Yinshun turned his eyes to the records in the property panel.

  【Crazy】Dyeing, 【Root Bone】【Charm】+1


  [Rationality] Dipping, [Qualification][Savvy] +1


   A row of reminders would pop up every three or four days. After opening [Jingguan] for more than a month, my innate attributes grew by about 10 points out of thin air!

  According to this situation, there will be a total innate improvement of nearly 100 points in one year!

And this is only the effect of 1 point of [Crazy] and 1 point of [Rationality]. Now that [Taiyi Longevity Art] is combined, and [Crazy] is added with 3 points, it should... well... still not enough to keep up with my growth rate …

   After pondering for a few seconds, Zhao Yinshun shook his head regretfully, moved his eyes, and looked at the two wonderful kung fu states.

  【Taiyi Longevity Art】: LV.100 (Healing Dao · Myth Cycle)

  [Floating Light Dream Shadow Sword]: LV.100 (Health · Myth Cycle)

  The way is endless, once the mythical level of practice is combined, it will enter a new realm, not only is it not the end, but a new beginning!

  Under the link of the original truth, every practice will have new gains, and if the realm is high enough, even more terrifying mythical exercises can be created on this basis!

  Perhaps, those mythical D-level and C-level exercises were upgraded step by step like this...

   And the attribute improvement of the myth cycle is greater than any level before, plus [Fate Deprivation], my [Madness] and [Rationality] may not be enough...

   What's more, there are also the promoted [Myriad Tribulations Xuanyin Manual] and [Primitive Heavenly Demon Fetal Breathing Method].

  Thinking of this, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help looking at his expertise information.

  【Turning catastrophe into use】(myth SS level)

  Concentrate the essence of the yin, cast the immortal god, and increase the effectiveness of the law of the acquired attribute [God] by 25%→35%

   "Perfectly survive the [Fire Calamity], [Turn Calamity into Use] sublimation and promotion."

  Acquired attribute [God] law effectiveness increased to 35%→45%

   Innate attribute [qualification] law effectiveness increased by 10% → 20%

  [Fire Tribulation] Refining heterogeneous true essence, 【Qi】+3081

  [Original Magic Tire] (Myth SS Rank)


  Heaven and earth contain magic embryos, common people turn into blood food, and the effect of the acquired attribute [Qi] law is increased by 10%→15%


  The sky demon has no form, melts the soul and eats the bones. After the continuous magic energy reaches the limit, it can be detonated, causing the backlash damage of the total amount of [Qi] attributes injected into oneself plus the maximum value of the enemy's soul and flesh 20% → 25%.

   If the enemy dies, it will devour different kinds of energy, the maximum value is 20% → 25% of the upper limit of its [Qi] attribute

  [Enlightenment] survived the calamity of fire, and under the power of unique talent, I didn't even notice the difference!

  It's a pity, those two gods shoveled too hastily, and my devilish energy didn't have time to imbue them, let alone trigger the "catastrophe".

  Zhao Yinshun shook his head regretfully, but soon felt relieved.

   That's right... If something that can be dropped in seconds can also trigger "catastrophe", then the feedback of fate is too cheap...

   Immediately, a faint realization dawned in his heart. With the improvement of his strength and personality, there may be fewer and fewer existences who are qualified to become [Jie] in the long river of his destiny!

  In the end, his opponent may only be the destiny itself...

   With a long sigh, Zhao Yinshun restrained his divergent thoughts, brought his attention back to reality, and examined the remaining mythical exercises.

  The main combat skills are all stuck at the bottleneck of returning to the void. It needs actual combat, and even the stimulation of wandering between life and death to break through the entrance. Simple meditation has not much effect.

   And an existence capable of giving me enough pressure...

   Blessed to the soul, the boy in white nodded his eyebrows, and part of his thoughts sank into the mysterious spiritual dimension.

  In the vast [Old King's Court], a snow-white figure suddenly condensed and materialized, sitting on the throne calmly.

Accompanied by his movements, a mysterious and strange holy emblem of the [Eye of Omniscience] appeared in the sky above the miniature [Golden Yin Fengguo]. An abstract eye pattern in the triangular rune turned like a living thing. Scan the mountains and rivers below.

  Suddenly, one after another in the miniature kingdom was either brutal, sacred, or crazy. Especially in the ocean on the edge of the feudal country, the blind and stupid huge divine light almost enveloped the entire offshore sea.

   Compared with the mythical creatures on the land, the mythical creatures in the ocean are generally more powerful. Just looking at their aura, Zhao Yinshun seems to feel the madness and tyranny coming to his face.

  Inexplicably, a sentence flashed through his mind.

  The more rational the more ruthless, the more crazy the more powerful...

  Even if they know that they will lose themselves, mythical creatures will gradually fall into the sea of ​​origin. They don't have the power to transcend dimensions.

   The distracting thoughts in his mind disappeared in a flash. Zhao Yinshun leaned lazily on the armrest of the throne, propped his chin with one hand, and looked around the feudal kingdom, looking for a worthy opponent.

  Too strong won’t do. After all, I’m only at the fifth level. Anyway, I still have to respect these old comrades who are hundreds of thousands of years old.

  The ones in the sea can be ignored for the time being. They are protected by the Divine Barrier, so they dare not approach the near sea.

   It is best to be the monsters and ghosts who occupy the mountains and become kings on land. They used to be invisible to the eyes, but now they are really an eyesore...

   Rubbing his chin, Zhao Yinshun looked around the mountains and rivers, and quickly locked on a few suitable targets.


   Snapped his fingers, the snow-white figure dissipated instantly, and his consciousness returned to his body. In reality, the boy in white looked at the warm morning light in the sky, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

   "Cen Xing, Tang Hongda."

  The orderly on duty outside the courtyard echoed a clear order, and hurriedly clasped his fists in agreement, and galloped away.

  When he heard the movement, a chubby little pig rushed out of the house and lay on Zhao Yinshun's trouser leg, whimpering non-stop.

   "Ji Ju Hungry ~ Shun Shun Fan Fan ~"

   "Eat, eat, eat, eat, eat all day long! You are a pig... er, forget it..."

   In the middle of complaining, he suddenly got stuck, Zhao Yinshun picked up Xiao Xiangzhu, and Rua slapped her twice angrily.

  Holding the light and insignificant cute thing in his arms, Zhao Yinshun really couldn't figure out how such a small body could eat so much flesh and blood!

I opened [Jingguan] by myself, and [Multiple Self] is still consuming several times, and I eat a few hundred catties every day to die. This guy is a little bigger than his palm, and he consumes nothing except eating and sleeping. There are more, where did so much food go?

  Bringing up the little fragrant pig, Zhao Yinshun frowned as he looked at her chubby belly.

   "This pig is at a loss, it won't grow long after eating..."


  The cute little Xiangzhu tilted his head and looked at him in confusion.

  Holding her on all fours in his arms, Zhao Yinshun grinned viciously.

   "If you don't grow any meat after eating, I'll make you a sausage!"


   His eyes widened in disbelief, Zhu Xiangxiang shook his head tremblingly.

   "Don't eat it, don't turn it into a sausage..."

   "It's late, you have to eat if you don't eat today! Rua~"


   "Struggle, the more you struggle, the happier I will be...uh..."

   While teasing the little fragrant pig, Zhao Yinshun suddenly felt the top of his head sink, and the soft pads slapped wildly on his forehead.

   "You're bullying Junior Sister again, today I will teach you instead of Master! Meow~"

  A little white cat stood proudly above Zhao Yinshun's head, but before she could show her majesty as a senior sister, the boy in white hugged her into his arms behind his back, and hugged her with the little fragrant pig.



   "Let go of the nest~"


   "You're done, I'm going to tell Master!"

   "Meow! No way! No way there!"


  The two messy-haired cuties ran away screaming as soon as they let go, but when Zhao Yinshun cooked the mythical food, they started to stick their little heads and sneak around the kitchen door.

   "Xiangxiang, you go first!"

   "Don't be a sausage! Meow Meow goes first."

   "I am a senior sister, you have to listen to me!"

   "No, Xiaojuju has evil intentions!"


   Just as they were pushing each other, Zhao Yinshun had a thought, and thousands of catties of flesh and blood exuding colorful divine light collapsed and fell on the prepared giant plate to form a hill.

   "It's time for dinner, take out your own tableware."



  In the blink of an eye, I forgot the previous unhappiness. The two cute animals took out their beloved small pots and cat bowls from nowhere, and jumped onto the table with vigorous steps, watching Zhao Yinshun wagging their tails.

   Ren Jun couldn't help pursing his lips, Zhao Yinshun added "pet food" to them, and then sat down to eat slowly.

  After wolfing down the meal, the little kitten's stomach soon bulged, and it licked its mouth unsatisfied, and began to comb its hair.

  Looking at the little pig who was cooking, and then at the little white cat busy licking its fur, Zhao Yinshun hesitated for a moment and waved to her.

   "Senior sister, come here."

   "Meow! What do you want to do?"

  The little white cat was instantly alert, lowered its body, hid its stomach, and stared at him with vigilant eyes that could slip away at any time.

   "I want to see if I can help you speed up your divine transformation. Why did it take so long for such a simple thing..."

  Hearing this, Su Ling narrowed her cat eyes, and then a blush appeared in her eyes.

   "You're the one who procrastinated, I just... just... just to be perfect!"

   "Good, good, perfect."

  Nodding perfunctorily, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help but hugged the kitten into his arms, and while smoothing her fur, he glanced at her with deep eyes.

   "Senior sister, what conditions are you short of becoming a god?"

  Blinking her eyes, Su Lingyi lay in the boy's arms and hesitated for a moment, she didn't really believe that he could help her, but when she thought of him single-handedly sending Cen Xing to the throne, she couldn't help feeling a little bit of luck and anticipation in her heart.

   "There are two main ones. One is that the transformation of the divine nature has not been completed, and the other is that the medicine that ascends to the gods is still missing the main ingredient."

   "What main material? Is it not in the body of Sea God?"

   "There are tens of thousands of mythological materials, do you think that a sea **** can cover it all?"

   "I'll help you find everything you need!"

  Su Lingyi shook her head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, looking at Zhao Yinshun's serious eyes, she felt a faint warmth in her chest.

"[Di Liuye], this kind of natural and earthly treasure can be encountered but not sought after. It is a sacred object that all goblins and ghosts dream of. Only a very small number can be born in the world's mutation that occurs once in hundreds of years. Once it appears in the world, Even mythical existences will fight for it."

   Noticing the brows of the younger brother gradually knotted, Su Lingyi smiled and comforted.

   "Actually, it's okay to not use [Emperor Liuzhi], but the grade of the big medicine will be worse..."

   Thank you [I don’t want to drive, I just want to show it off] [sea1111] [Celestrail] and other book friends for their rewards.

   I worked overtime at the company today, and it was past ten when I got home. Sorry for the late update. (╥﹏╥)



  (end of this chapter)

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