MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 319 Yizhi

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  Chapter 319 Yi Zhi

  Liuyin Fengguo·Taiping Bay Naval Base

In the huge dock, a majestic battleship is wrapped in hundreds of layers of dense magic circles. Countless energy circuits revolve around it. Terrifying divine energy surges and rhythms in the circuits. Every flicker will cause the battleship to generate Minor changes.

  Watching the black muzzle slowly "grow" and the armor becoming more indestructible, in an inconspicuous corner of the dock, three low-key figures were talking softly with interest.

   "Newman is becoming more and more mature. Under his deployment, the transformation speed of the holy battleship has at least doubled..."

   "I'm afraid it's not just because of the mature technology. Didn't you notice the weird change a while ago?"

   "You mean the vision that the efficiency of cultivation, research, and study has increased out of thin air?"

   "You really noticed it!"

   "Well, it's a bit like the bonus effect of the teacher's field, but the coverage is completely beyond my understanding."

   "I have tested that the land boundary is limited to the [Liuyin Fengguo] territory, and the sea will gradually weaken after one hundred kilometers away from the sea..."

   "That is to say, the entire [Liuyin Fengguo] is shrouded in a super-large sanctuary? Such a large-scale distortion of reality is impossible for a ninth-level saint!"

   "Thinking about the [Shenzhou Enchantment] covering the entire Damin, does it suddenly feel much easier to accept?"

   "Well... this is also..."

   "Not only that, the restlessness of the elemental forces is also slowing down, and even tends to weaken. If this continues, the preparations for strengthening and renovating [National Land Formation Formation] can be slowed down."

   "Hehe, Damin is really a magical country, we really came to the right place!"

   "Indeed, with the blessing of these forces, all development speeds will be multiplied, and everyone will benefit endlessly. This place will turn into a fertile ground for knowledge and cultivate the fruits of truth..."

  [The Gate of Truth] The great sage Simon Joe whispered like an aria, and his deep vision seemed to see the grand scene of the future.

While the leaders of the three religions were thinking about the future, hundreds of kilometers away from Taiping Bay, the assembled [Cangjiao Army] was in full swing. possible damage.

  After the morning drill was completed, bottles of delicate minced meat exuding colorful divine light were carefully sent to the cooking class of each camp by special cadres, and a small spoon was added to each cauldron.

  The soul-stirring aroma dissipated in an instant, and the soldiers, whose bones seemed to be scattered, turned over with a grunt, and without hesitation took out their sea bowls and rice bowls and rushed to the "canteen".

  The thick and mellow broth is soaked with sweet and white rice, and then served with a large pot of fresh, salty and delicious vegetables. The delicious taste makes all the soldiers almost swallow their tongues.

  After wolfing down a meal, the unparalleled satisfaction made everyone feel a deep sense of happiness. The exhausted body and mind seemed to be healed, and the whole person exuded infinite vitality again.

   "Ah... Finally alive..."

  Rubbing his chubby stomach, several disgraced soldiers collapsed on the ground, moaning happily.

   "General Tang is too cruel, and the amount of training has increased several times. If it weren't for supplementing blood and food nutrition every day, many people would have to be crippled by training!"

   "That's right, I live on this every day now."

   "Speaking of which, what magic has the cooking class learned? How can it suddenly make such delicious food?"

   "I have a cousin who is in the cooking class. I heard that he just added a spoonful of minced meat to each pot..."

   "How is it possible? I used to eat three bowls of food for a meal, but now I am full with one bowl. Why is minced meat so nourishing? One spoonful can satisfy dozens of strong men?"


   Curious discussions echoed in the camp, while in the coach's big tent, Tang Hongda was carefully feeling the transformation of his subordinates with his eyes closed.

  【Qi Xu Rulin】

  Extraordinary authority is linked to every soldier. As a growth-oriented military path, every slight improvement of subordinates will feed back mysterious power, accelerating Tang Hongda's transformation of divinity.

  In just a dozen days, he has improved a lot at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his efficiency is so high that it even makes him a little scared.

  Is this really the growth rate I can enjoy?

   Those heavenly talents who are directly descended from the sanctuary are probably not as good as them, right?

   Habitually pinched his thigh, and the severe pain made Tang Hongda know that he was not dreaming. After grinning his teeth, a simple and honest smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

  At this moment, there was a faint commotion outside the camp, Tang Hongda looked serious, picked up his saber and rushed out.

And when he walked out of the big tent, he saw a young boy in white riding a snow-white dragon horse slowly approaching. The sturdy army automatically made a wide passage for him. All the soldiers along the way half-knelt on both sides of the passage, bowing their heads in awe. .

   Walking straight to Tang Hongda as if no one else was around, Zhao Yinshun sat on his horse, looked around at the **** evil covering the world, and nodded with satisfaction.

   "You practiced well."

   "Thank you for your blessings, the strength of the Cangjiao Army has greatly improved!"

  Until now he woke up from the overwhelming coercion, Tang Hongda hurriedly knelt on the ground, clasped his fists and saluted.

   "Don't be too polite, get up."

   Turning over and dismounting, Zhao Yinshun looked around with great interest, strolling leisurely in the camp.

   "By the way, have you finished eating the flesh and blood of the Sea God?"

   "Report to Your Majesty, there are thousands of catties left."

   "Hmm... you 100,000 strong men can eat as much in ten months as a certain pig. It's really easy to feed..."


  Unable to hear any emotion from the boy's tone, Tang Hongda hesitated for a moment, then lowered his head in fear.

   "The subordinate is incompetent, please punish him."

   "I didn't mean to blame you, I just sent it out of feeling, don't mind."

   Waved his hand, Zhao Yinshun continued to patrol without looking back, Tang Hongda was relieved, and followed behind him step by step.

   After roughly walking around, Zhao Yinshun finally slowed down and looked at his subordinates beside him in relief.

   "It seems that you are so diligent that you can control an army of 100,000 by yourself?"

   "It's all thanks to your cultivation!"

   "Cultivation and self-effort are indispensable. No matter how much meat you feed a chicken, it won't grow into an eagle..."

  Patting Tang Hongda on the shoulder, Zhao Yinshun suddenly remembered something, and took out huge jade boxes from the [Snow Dragon Clothes].

   "I came back from the imperial capital and passed by Linbo City. Qi Tong happened to refine a batch of powerful medicine for military skills, and I brought them all for you."

   "A total of more than 20,000 pieces, all of which are above the sky rank. You can let qualified sergeants apply for advancement."

  Open the jade box, and the pills the size of longan are piled up like dense pearls, exuding a refreshing medicinal fragrance.

  Seeing the blood-colored cloud patterns visible to the naked eye floating on the elixir, Tang Hongda was overjoyed, and it took a lot of effort to suppress his excitement.

   "Thank you, Your Majesty, for giving me the medicine!"

   "Well, the progress of the navy is ahead of schedule. I can only give you another ten days to digest and prepare. Is there a problem?"

  Hearing this, Tang Hongda's face froze, and he nodded solemnly.

   "No problem, I promise to squeeze out all their potential after advanced!"


  Ten days of hell-like devil training made the entire [Cangjiao Army] miserable. If it weren't for the extraordinary food that heals the body and mind three times a day, it is estimated that many people would not be able to withstand such perverted torture.

  However, after the pain, there was an unimaginable rapid progress. In just ten days, the blood demon of the entire army had undergone earth-shaking changes, vaguely reminding Zhao Yinshun of the [Sirius Camp] that caused him a lot of trouble back then.

  However, [Sirius Battalion] gathers the elite soldiers from the three states, with a total of no more than a thousand people, while [Cangjiao Army] is a genuine army of 100,000 troops. The overall combat power of the two is completely different.

   When the potential of the entire army was fully stimulated, the itchy Zhao Yinshun waved his hand, and the brutal war machine started rumbled, and under his control, it rolled towards a deserted and deserted area.


  The sky is always shrouded in lingering dark clouds, and the ghostly aura pervades within a hundred miles, condensing into a black mist visible to the naked eye.

  Without seeing the sun all day long, coupled with the turbulent earth's evil spirit, all the plants here have turned into strange and hideous shapes. The dry and twisted branches stretch out their teeth and claws, as if they want to tear the passing creatures into pieces.

  The terrible divine power has continued to erode reality for hundreds of years, turning the originally fertile land into a forbidden area for the living, but it has also sheltered and nourished countless demons and ghosts.

  However, hundreds of years of "calm" came to an abrupt end. A dark red "sun" released a brutal **** red light, brutally tearing through the clouds and mist, and unabashedly suppressing the entire world with violent killing intent.

   "Madam! Madam! No good! There is an army coming towards us!"

  In the gloomy cave, a seductive woman woke up from a deep sleep, and heard the scream of the ghost slave.

   "Which rogue dares to pout at the king's tiger beard?"

   Gradually waking up from the chaos, the beautiful woman smiled coldly, put on a blood-red dress, and walked out of the cave slowly.

  But when she left the protection of the enchantment and felt the cruel and violent **** sun, the sneer on her face gradually became unstoppable.

   "I only slept for a few years, Linbo County, no, where did Luzhou get such a strong army?"

   "Ma'am, this is Lord Wu An's general!"

   "Mr. Wu An?!"

  The thunderous three words made the glamorous woman's liver and gallbladder burst, but she reacted in an instant, and her panic calmed down.

   "Emperor Damin sealed this **** title? Which **** will inherit the title?!"

   "It's not a general, but a young man who inherited the title, named Zhao Yinshun, who just turned 17 this year!"

   "17 years old?"

  Hearing this, the glamorous woman stared seriously at the scorching **** sun in the distance. After a long time, her brows relaxed and she let out a long sigh of relief.

   "There is no commander in chief, a group of rabble..."

   After finishing speaking, she glared at the ghost slave again sullenly: "Just a little yellow-haired kid scares you like this, what use do I want you for?"

"Madam doesn't know, that Lord Wu'an is absolutely extraordinary. He claims to be more brutal than King Zhou, and even more murderous than Bai Qi. He has slaughtered the world at a young age, and no one can control him. All the aristocratic families in Luzhou you are familiar with have been killed by him." Butchered all over!"

   "In addition to being named [Wu'an Lord], he was also named [Champion Marquis], [Liuyinzhu Kingdom], and now he is in charge of a country by himself, and he can take whatever he wants!"

   "Some time ago, he led the fleet into the deep sea and killed a sea god!"

  Hearing this, the beautiful woman's heart was suspended again, and her mind was in chaos.

   "Didn't you say that he is only 17 years old? How could he have such great power? What rank is he? Why haven't I heard of such a person before I retreated?"

   "He is a fifth-level martial artist, and it has only been four years since he was awakened. He hadn't become famous before you retreated..."


   The corners of her mouth twitched, and the beautiful woman was filled with endless confusion. She had only been sleeping and practicing for a few years, why suddenly she couldn't understand the world?

  Upgrade to fifth rank in four years?

  17-year-old Wu Anjun, Champion Hou, Zhu Guogong? !

   Killing gods with mortal bodies? !

   Is it because I didn't wake up, or is this world too crazy? !

   "Don't panic, with the protection of the king's divine domain, no matter how powerful he is, he will only return with nothing in the end!"

   Confirming again that there are no generals in the army on the opposite side, the glamorous woman murmured as if comforting herself, and regained her spirits.

   "You go to organize the army and prepare to wake up the king, I will hold them back..."

  While instructing the ghost slave in a low voice, the woman adjusted the blood-colored long skirt on her body, and it turned into a puff of green smoke. In a blink of an eye, she crossed a long distance and came to the dividing line where blood evil and yin qi intertwine.

   "I don't know that Lord Wu An is here in [Wu Ming Country], what advice do you have?"

  The tyrannical and domineering **** aura paused slightly, and soon a young man dressed in white snow was caught in the eyes of the woman. His elegant and elegant temperament did not look like the cruel and bloodthirsty tyrant in the rumors.

  Come closer, the handsome jade face is too beautiful to be real, and the immature facial features with a faint smile make people love it at first sight.

  Swallowed subconsciously, the glamorous woman smelled an indescribably seductive aura from Zhao Yinshun, and instinctively wanted to swallow him into her stomach, tear apart the skin and bones, and **** the blood and marrow!

   What a thick qi, blood and essence, it seems to be a pure yang body...

  Licking his lips, his greedy eyes wandered over the young man until he met those strange pupils that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

  Averted her gaze in horror, the beautiful woman lowered her eyebrows and nodded, never daring to look directly at the boy again.

   "[Wu Ming Country]? A group of ghosts and demons are crowned with monkeys, and dare to call it a country?"

  A faint sarcasm lingered in her ears, the beautiful woman's eyes sank, and she retorted with a sneer.

   "Why don't you dare? I [Wu Ming Kingdom] has been established since ancient times, and it has stood for thousands of years. At that time, there was no Damin!"

   "A dilapidated cave that was dug out hundreds of years ago will really put gold on my face..."

  Unhurriedly urging the secret instrument, Zhao Yinshun looked past the woman and looked directly at the black mist rolling and wriggling behind her. When he saw the hideous ghost in the depths of the mist, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise a ferocious arc.

   "Is it the king's land under the whole world, and the king's ministers on the coast of the land, such lonely souls and wild ghosts enclose the land and call themselves respectful, which is really a great treason."

   "Today, Duke Shun of the Zhu Kingdom obeys the laws of the country and obeys the destiny of the country. He promotes the Sixth Division to fight against order, and with the power of the mighty heaven, barbarians!"

   Today I worked overtime until the early hours of the morning, and I was almost numb. (╥﹏╥)



  (end of this chapter)