MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 322 Prosperity and extinction continue to be extinct, sealing all nations

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  Chapter 322 Prosperity and extinction, sealing all nations

  Under the [High-Dimensional Vision], the crystal dust that covers the sky and the sun gathers in a spiral. Among them are not only the source quality that belongs to the ghost king, but also countless ghost soldiers and generals that have been slaughtered by the Cang Jiao army all day long.

   Is it a war to destroy the country?

   It’s not in vain that I’ve been talking nonsense to you for so long before going to war…

  The boundless and cold divinity slowly disappeared into the depths of his pupils. Zhao Yinshun stared at the only "survivor" left on the earth, with a cruel arc on his mouth.

   "Kill them all, leave no one behind!"

  The ruthless order passed into the ears of every soldier in the Cangjiao Army, awakening them from their sluggishness.

  Although I don't understand what are mighty!

  Looking up at the white-clothed boy standing in the sky like a banished fairy, the excited and crazily adoring came from the bottom of his heart, and everyone couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

   Noticing that the mysterious concept of divinity flowed into the souls of the soldiers along the [Army Soul] link, providing them with endless power like sunlight nourishing plants, Zhao Yinshun pursed his lips as if realizing.

  [Martial Arts] and [Warrior Art] don't seem to be completely opposite, as long as they are done properly, they can even complement each other!

  But after thinking about it, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help laughing and shaking his head.

  Except for himself, which [Warrior] can make this group of arrogant soldiers worship from the bottom of their hearts, as if they were gods?

  This not only requires crushing at the level of strength, but also at a deeper level, involving the original touch of the spiritual soul-[individual] conquering [collective]!

   And just when Zhao Yinshun's thoughts diverged, the generals below finally remembered his order, and his mournful roar woke up the soldiers who were still looking up at the sky like whips.

   "Prince Zhu has an order to kill them all and leave no one behind!"

   "Prince Zhu has an order to kill them all and leave no one behind!"


  The ruthless orders were passed on the continuous front, and soon the soldiers like wolves and tigers rushed out one by one, launching the final charge towards the high-level ghosts who had lost the kingdom of God.

  Looking at the soldiers rolling all over the sky, the only remaining demons and ghosts were full of despair.

  In their eyes, what rushed was not a single human soldier, but a steaming and raging sea of ​​blood!

No matter where you look in any direction, all you can see is a piece of brutal blood. The mysterious military link seals off the world and turns dozens of miles into a cage. Unless you can break through the encirclement of a hundred thousand troops, They have no life today!

  Suddenly, a feeling of powerlessness in the face of Tianwei spread in the bottom of my heart!

  Desperation spreads like a plague. Demons and ghosts whose morale has plummeted are crushed under the impact of the fanatical army. Officers wearing magic knight armor are pushing across the battlefield like tanks, leaving a lot of broken limbs along the way.

   At the back of the battlefield, Tang Hongda sat in the center, feeling the turbulent battle situation, and subconsciously raised his head to look up at the sky.

  Compared to the ignorance and ignorance of the grassroots soldiers, as an existence who was lucky enough to step into the [Wang Ting], he understood what happened just now, but it was precisely because of his understanding that he was even more shocked.

   With Tianxian in your mouth, you will oppress all beings!

  At that moment, the boy in white clothes in the sky followed his words, and the whole [Liuyin Fengguo] changed and distorted under his edict. In a trance, it seemed that the whole world was prostrate at his feet, moving according to his will...

  The attitude of a **** like a **** is nothing more than a ninth-level saint, right?

  Even with the help of His Royal Highness the Princess, the two of them can easily erase a [country] from the map with their joint efforts. This kind of power is simply beyond his imagination!

   You know, it is within the territory of Damin that the [Wu Ming Gui Kingdom] is small and humble, but if its scale is placed in other tributary countries, it can at least dominate one side, not to mention calling for wind and rain.

  Other countries don’t have as many saints as dogs like Damin. Myths are everywhere. A seventh-level ghost king, coupled with the amazing kingdom of God, is enough to protect itself.

  Thinking of this, Tang Hongda couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, feeling sad for the small forces in Damin.

  Almost every state has a deep-rooted sanctuary heritage, and some state capitals even have more than one!

  In addition, standing above all living beings, the sage of all saints, the king of kings, His Majesty the [Emperor] who overwhelms everything, the suffocating sense of oppression makes one despair!

  But soon, Tang Hongda came to his senses again. With the weakening of the 【Emperor】, the oppressive force covering the entire sky gradually dissipated, and the forces everywhere were about to move!

   Troubled times are approaching, and the land of China will be engulfed in flames of war, until the new [Emperor] ascends to the throne and tries his best to turn the sky... Enter the next cycle...

   But this time, there are great powers from outside looking at it, and red dust sweeping the world from inside. No one can tell what the future will be like.

  However, in this troubled world, [Liuyin Fengguo] should be the safest paradise, and it really was the right choice to take over relatives and family members early...

  In a trance, Tang Hongda suddenly came to a realization. Perhaps it was because of this that the emperor wanted to sweep away all the evil spirits, eliminate internal hidden dangers, and knead the entire [Liuyin Fengguo] to lay the most solid foundation for the coming troubled times!

  Looking up at the sky, the young man in fluttering white clothes stands tall in the void, his independent figure has an indescribable elegance and charm, and at the same time releases a palpitating sense of oppression.

  Obviously he has restrained all his strength, why is your majesty still so terrifying?

  In the dark, a ridiculous idea suddenly flashed in Tang Hongda's mind.

In the past, when he commanded thousands of people, it was the emperor who led him to fly. Now he holds an army of one hundred thousand, but it is still the emperor who leads him to fly. Will the emperor lead him when he is in charge of a million or even tens of millions of troops in the future? fly?

   Smiling and shaking his head, Tang Hongda dismissed the incongruous thoughts.

  No matter how powerful the king is, he is only a person, and he cannot lose the most basic judgment because of blind worship.

   No matter how powerful [individual] power is, it cannot compare to the growth of [collective] numbers. Even His Majesty the Emperor, who overwhelms the saints, has to rely on the will of hundreds of millions of people!

  Your Majesty is walking on the [Martial Arts] with thousands of mighty powers attributed to himself, and the suppressive power at the scale level is definitely not enough...

  And I...will be your most powerful support in the future!

   Suppress the whole world for him!

   Caressing his hot and beating heart, Tang Hongda looked firm and looked at the sky with lofty belief. A small figure in his retina was like a scorching sun in his heart.

   On the Nine Heavens, Zhao Yinshun stared at the source quality crystal dust that was still gathering and condensing in the palm of his hand, and the corners of his mouth could not help but raise an arc of anticipation.

   This "leek field" is quite fat. Although it is not as good as [Sea God] alone, it is much stronger when the whole country is combined!

  Responding to his joy, the dark golden black dragon, invisible to the naked eye, stretched its long body and let out a deep and excited dragon chant.

  The silent humming was transmitted to the souls of the soldiers like the **** war drum, stimulating them to be more excited and bloodthirsty.

   Looking down from the sky, the blood fiends of the 100,000 army crowded the eerie ghosts little by little, and finally completely submerged all the strange colors, leaving only a sea of ​​bright red rolling and roaring.

  Crush mountains and destroy temples, kill gods and demons!

   This is the way of war!

   Firmly grasping the palm, a clear crystal emitting colorful brilliance suddenly took shape in Zhao Yinshun's palm, and all the source quality in the sky collapsed into it without revealing it.

   Deprive Creation




  【Original Essence】+1



  【root bone】+101




  [Original magic tire]: Different kind of true essence +8558

  【Turning calamity into use】: Exterminate the ghost country, survive the disaster perfectly, and increase the effectiveness of the law of the acquired attribute [God] to 45% → 50%

  Do your best to absorb the "nutrition" in the source quality crystal, but even if you "eat" your share, the crystal in your palm is still shining brightly.

  Originally, these remaining source qualities could only be allowed to dissipate and return to the sea of ​​origin, but after awakening the unique talent of manipulating the basic laws, Zhao Yinshun has a way to use them...

   With a firm grip with five fingers, the source quality crystal exploded into colorful particles that filled the sky, transpiring and flowing along the boy's body surface.

  Colorful streamers surged along the mysterious links and converged towards the sky. The dark golden black dragon, invisible to the naked eye, let out a joyous roar, and greedily inhaled these dense particles into its body.

  In the illusory [Old King's Court], a faint star suddenly flickered on the dome, emitting a beautiful colorful halo.

  Through the connection of [Wang Ting], the entire Cangjiao army turned into an extension of Zhao Yinshun's will and body, enjoying the authority bestowed by him.

  On the ground, Tang Hongda was shocked, his pupils dilated slowly, and he looked towards the sky in horror.

  He clearly felt that an incomprehensible and wonderful energy injected into the soul from the void, continuously catalyzing his divine transformation!


  The state at the conceptual level is grafted onto oneself out of thin air, and the process of transformation and sublimation that originally took a long time is compressed, as if a distance of decades has been spanned in an instant.



It was as if a thunderbolt exploded in my mind, and the closed "door" slowly opened, gushing out a divine warmth unimaginable by mortals, and endless vitality bloomed from the depths of the body, silently nourishing every cell , every trace of consciousness.

  Divine metamorphosis completed!


  With a clear understanding, Tang Hongda tremblingly took out a big medicine that had been prepared for many years, and swallowed it with reverence and excitement.

  The next second, a group of fiery colorful flames exploded, turning the tiny human body into a slowly floating miniature sun.

  The officers and soldiers who were cheering for the victory had a feeling in their hearts, they stopped their movements at the same time, and turned their eyes to the direction of the central army tent.

   Afterwards, the warm and thick colorful mist spread along the **** link, gradually covering the entire Cang Jiao army.

  Above the nine heavens, Zhao Yinshun's lingering source matter particles completely merged into the dark gold black dragon's body. The army soul in the sky and the army on the ground seemed to be reflections of each other, and at the same time emitted a beautiful colorful halo.

   Sensing the crazy growth and strengthening of the Cang Jiao Army, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

  Although there are only dozens of attributes per person on average, it has already benefited these grassroots soldiers who are no more than heroes, at least saving them years of hard work!

   Some lucky ones got precious innate attributes, and changed their fates against the sky from then on, faintly hoping to step into the legend...

   Rubbing his chin, Zhao Yinshun suddenly had a bold idea in his heart.

  Precious medicine above the heaven rank, coupled with the "feeding" of [Fate Deprivation], the shackles that limit the rank of the army seem to be crumbling.

   Not to mention cultivating them all into myths, but it seems that it is not impossible for all members to become legends...

  Thinking of the legendary army like wolves and tigers flooding the land like a tide, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help pursing his lips in excitement.

  Even if they are not regarded as grassroots combat forces, it is not bad to train them as reserve officers.

  A fourth-level hundred lieutenant can provide blood demon links to hundreds of soldiers. At that time, with the 100,000 Cangjiao army as the backbone seeds, it will be easy to pull out millions of troops in half a year!

   If you are aggressive, you can even assemble an army of 10 million!

  Thinking of this, Zhao Yinshun suddenly laughed and shook his head, dispelling the unrealistic fantasy.

With the current national power of [Liuyin Fengguo], it is impossible to support an army of tens of millions without exhausting all potential, let alone the limit of military souls. The current number of 100,000 has reached the limit of [Cangjiao]. Raise the rank of the military soul, or obtain a new military soul...

   With a thought, Zhao Yinshun calculated the difficulty between raising [Cangjiao] to a higher level and obtaining a new army soul, and decided to favor the latter.

  【Wei Wu】【Beiwei】【Qi Xue】【Tiger and Leopard Cavalry】【Static Sailor Army】【Iron Eagle Sharp Warrior】【Trapped in the Camp】【Wudang Flying Army】…

  Da Min has countless high-level mythical army souls that have been passed down for thousands of years. It is a waste to put them in the hands of a bunch of garbage, so you might as well use them for yourself!

  Thinking of this, four thunderous names suddenly flashed in Zhao Yinshun's mind.

  【Tiger Ben】!

  【Long Xiang】!


  【Zhu Yu】!

  Four Pillar Kingdoms exclusive township military souls, the top military souls with almost no upper limit!

  In a trance, Zhao Yinshun seemed to understand the promotion path of [Liu Yinzhu Kingdom] that his senior sister prepared for him.

   It should be that I hope that I will inherit the position of Daminzhu Kingdom in the future, and defend one side with the soul of the Zhenguo Army...

  Long sighed, the young man in white felt that the blood of the Cangjiao army had solidified and completely suppressed everything within a hundred miles, and took out a small bronze tripod that had been prepared in advance.

  Holding the exquisite small tripod engraved with ancient cloud patterns in the palm of his hand, Zhao Yinshun's eyes moved slightly, and the eyes of the dark gold and black dragon in the sky changed into majestic pure gold.

   "The ambition of a champion, to expand the land thousands of miles, to shock the world, to rise and fall, to seal all nations!"

  [Champion] (mythical SSS level)

  Whispering faintly, the young man in white standing in the void urged the authority, and gently dropped the small cauldron in his palm.

  Mysterious golden divine light suddenly bloomed, and a towering giant tripod that was constantly expanding was ready-made outside the small palm-sized tripod.

  As the small tripod slowly fell, the phantom of the majestic giant tripod swelled wildly, and soon turned into a colossus thousands of meters high!


When the palm-sized cauldron lightly touches the ground, a golden halo invisible to the naked eye spreads instantly, and in a short time, within hundreds of miles, you can see a majestic golden light shining from the phantom of a giant cauldron that towers above the sky, as if swearing to you. Sovereignty of this world!

   "Seal! Wu Ming!"


  Deep in the earth, the suppressed Kingdom of God wailed unwillingly. The huge torrent of energy twisted and squirmed in the void, but it could not be gathered and released under the suppression of the magnificent cauldron, and finally had no choice but to dissipate.

   I’m still working overtime at the company. Today I’m using yesterday’s saved manuscript. The original update tonight can only be postponed (╥﹏╥)



  (end of this chapter)

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