MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 324 stay with me...

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  Chapter 324 I live here...

   Aware of his daughter's rebellious rebellion, the majestic middle-aged man secretly shook his head and looked worriedly at the map in the hall.

On the large map, from Linbo County to Yanhai County and then to Weishan County, a thick black and red arrow meanders forward from west to east. Wherever it passes, all caves and caves are crushed to powder, killing demons and ghosts Their blood flowed like rivers, and their livers and gallbladders were torn apart!

Although the scale of these small forces is far smaller than that of the [Dark Underworld Ghost Kingdom], the middle-aged people feel the oppression of God's power from the terrifying speed of the enemy's advance and the style of slaughtering the whole family at the slightest disagreement. Sensation, closed eyes helplessly.

  Clearly knowing that the crisis of national subjugation and genocide is slowly approaching, but he can't find any way to deal with it, he can only hopelessly wait for the "natural disaster" to come. This kind of powerless sadness, he has never felt for hundreds of years...

"Mr. Wu'an led one hundred thousand armor, and commanded the division of tigers and wolves with the [God General], destroying the city and pulling out the village all the way, and the situation is like a broken bamboo. Today [Liuyin Fengguo] is only left with us 'people outside the country', and resistance is futile. ...If you are afraid of the power of the sky, you can leave..."

   Before he finished speaking, a group of courtiers below raised their heads in unison and interrupted him firmly.

   "We have been blessed by the King's grace for generations, and today we are faced with a catastrophe. If we don't think about repaying, we will just live in idling, how is it different from animals?"

  As soon as this remark came out, several courtiers who were originally moved blushed with shame, and lowered their heads guiltily.

  Above the high ranks, the middle-aged man with snow-white beard looked around and looked at the sincere eyes of the human race, monster race, and ghost race... He couldn't help but nodded in relief.

   "My heart is very comforted for the loyalty of the kings, but the majesty of Wu'an Lord is invincible to those who stand in his way. I don't want to see the bones of the state and the country become mountains, and the blood flow..."

  The heroic female general in white robes gritted her teeth in disbelief when she heard the tragic declaration that a room full of people seemed to want to live and die together.

  The resourceful uncle and uncle who usually cover the sky with one hand, why suddenly seems to be a different person?

  Is a mere yellow-haired boy so scary?

   "Why are you so afraid of Lord Wu An? That guy is just a mortal!!"

The fierce questioning did not "wake up" anyone, but was stared at by everyone with the helpless eyes of looking at children. Yin Hanling's eyes narrowed and shrank into fierce vertical pupils like felines. He stomped his feet fiercely and turned into a white light Shoot out of the hall.


  The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked old man wanted to persuade him, but the middle-aged man on the stage waved his hand wearily.

   "Let her alone for a while, they say that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, but my newborn tiger cub is not afraid of dragons..."

   Grinning self-deprecatingly, the middle-aged man withdrew his gaze and looked at his courtiers in the main hall.

   "Since the lords never leave, is there a good way to deal with Lord Wuan?"

  Hearing the words, a minister of the human race hurriedly stood up.

"Your Majesty, although Lord Zhu is cruel and violent, he only uses thunder to sweep away evil spirits. Your Majesty is the **** of benevolence, who educates and protects all people. There is actually no fundamental conflict between the two sides. Why don't you send an envoy to contact them and see if there is any difference?" There is no room for relaxation."

"Hmph! You are a human race, so of course you speak to your human race! That Lord Wu An is cruel and bloodthirsty, and only by hurting him can he stop, so no matter how much the sacrifice is, we must fight bravely, and then we can contact the peace talks, otherwise we will only Can be devoured by him step by step!"

"Fart! Once you become an enemy, have you ever seen Mr. Wu An leave someone alive? Once the war starts, it will be an endless situation. With Mr. Wu An's violent character, it is absolutely impossible to make peace with the enemy. At that time, I am afraid that the entire state will be killed." Because you are ruined!"

  The human minister jumped up and cursed, and then the demon minister's counterattack followed. The middle-aged man sitting on the throne looked at the bustling hall and rubbed his temple in pain.

  Although the ministers were still united when they agreed to the outside world, they still split into many different factions internally, and each time they quarreled because of different ideas.

  But...every faction of them seems to have a point...

   And when there was a commotion in the main hall, a sharp white light crossed the mountains, passed through the winding Weishan Mountains, and flew towards Yanhai County in the northwest direction.

   Along the way, the stretched and running figure slowly deformed, and finally turned into a three-foot-long elegant white tiger. With every leap, there was a whistling wind, and the mountains and forests trembled as they passed, and all animals were silent.

   A day later, the galloping white tiger crossed the border between the two counties, and from afar, a mass of hot and brutal blood sprang up into the sky, as if a continuously erupting volcano was releasing an endless sense of oppression.

  The horrifying aura that hit the face made the tiger's eyes pause, and the menacing Yin Hanling slowed down his pace, looking at the **** ocean that was pressing across the world, his steps became heavier and heavier.

   Only after experiencing this suffocating majesty for herself, can she realize the reality that the enemy cannot match...

  It seems... Really strong... It is worthy of being a powerful army that suppresses a country...

  But immediately, feelings of resentment boiled in his chest.

  Commanding such a powerful army, with the support of a **** general, wouldn't even a tethered dog win?

  Yin Hanling bared his fangs, his figure slowly shrunk, and finally turned into a normal figure with a length of one foot.

  However, her snow-white fur mixed with majestic black markings is still shining, revealing her extraordinary.

  Looking at his beautiful and clean fur, Yin Hanling frowned in distress. After hesitating for a long time, he still didn't want to dirty them, but kept his breath and continued to lurk towards the distance.

  But the closer you get, the stronger the oppressive feeling is. Yin Hanling feels like a mountain is pressing on him, and even his breathing becomes heavy.

  What a thick blood fiend, is this really an army of 100,000 people?

  Before my father took me to watch the confrontation of a million-level army, the power is not much stronger...

  The spirit in his chest became more and more frustrated, Yin Hanling hesitated, and began to think about whether his trip was wise.

  She originally just wanted to break the aura of Wu Anjun's invincibility and prove that he is not as terrible as the adults imagined, but now it seems that she is not even qualified to face Wu Anjun...

  Pausing, the elegant and slender white tiger stayed in the forest dozens of miles away, looking at the magnificent **** light in the distance.

   Can’t get any closer, any closer will be within the sensing range of the general…

   Staring unwillingly and resentfully for a long while, Yin Hanling let out a low and suppressed growl in his throat, and was about to turn around and leave when he stopped abruptly.

  Through the authority of 【Tiger】, she noticed a strange existence in the forest.

  Blinking her eyes, she restrained all her breath, lowered her body, and lurked towards the distance like a white phantom.

   Soon, a palm-sized pig with watermelon patterns all over her body came into her sight.

  The piggy wiggling its **** cheerfully didn't notice it, and was still moaning and digging into the soil, digging out a rhizome exuding a strong aura.


   After a few mouthfuls, it swallowed the treasures of heaven, material and earth that were several times larger than its body. The little pig licked its mouth, raised its head and twitched its nose, trying to find the next place to eat.

  But he didn't know what smell he smelled, his **** eyes suddenly stared, and he looked in the direction behind him in horror.

  After that, she saw a terrifying shadow curled up, completely lying on the ground.

  For a while, eyes widened and eyes widened, the whole forest seemed to have fallen into a dead silence, and neither side dared to act rashly.


   I don't know how long it took, but Little Xiangzhu was the first to react, and ran away, screaming towards the barracks.

   "Don't run! Don't bark! I won't eat you!"

  Yin Hanling panicked, and rushed out like a bolt of lightning, and pushed the little pig to the ground with one paw.

  However, an unimaginable force came from under his palm, and Yin Hanling felt that what he was holding was not a palm-sized pig, but a prehistoric beast.


  Amidst the screams full of anger, the little pig twisted its buttocks and broke away from the tiger's claws, and continued to run wildly.

  After failing to hold her down several times in a row, Yin Hanling became ruthless and picked her up in one gulp.

   "Whoa! Whoa!!"

  The pig entered the tiger's mouth, and the little fragrant pig struggled even more fiercely. The four short and cute pig's hoofs were desperately thumping, but because of the posture, they were unable to break free.

   "Don't move! Don't bark! I'm a tiger who has become a god. I usually don't eat flesh and blood. Don't force me to bite you!"

  Holding the little fragrant pig in his mouth, Yin Hanling issued a low threat from his throat, while looking around nervously.

   Seeing that the sea of ​​blood demon in the distance remained unchanged, she was relieved and dealt with the little fragrant pig seriously.

   "You and I are both monsters..."


   "I just want to ask you a few questions..."

   "Woohoo! ~ Woohoo! ~~~"

   "You answer obediently..."

   "Woohoo! ~ Woohoo! ~~~"

   "I'll let you go!"


  The screams like killing a pig made Yin Hanling's brain ache. She frowned in pain and let out a low growl.

   "Stop barking!"

  In an instant, the whole mountain forest was silent, and the little fragrant pig in its mouth stopped struggling, but Yin Hanling didn't feel happy at all, instead his whole body became stiff and terrified.

A biting chill came from behind, causing the snow-white hair to stand on end, like a big cat with blown fur. Yin Hanling turned his head slowly and stiffly, and saw a slender and handsome figure standing not far away. Staring at her with a smile.


  Even if this is not my "territory", but as a [tiger], why can't I detect his approach?

   Even when he was standing there, there was still nothingness in his spiritual sense...

   On the other side, the little pig that was gently held in the tiger's mouth looked at the boy in white with tears in his eyes, thumped his little hoof twice, and moaned pitifully.

   "I live here, I've washed my head in the shower today~"

  Looking at that stupid and cute little pig, Zhao Yinshun shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

   "Tell you not to run around all day long, it's fine now, have you been caught?"

"Who are you?!"

  Glaring indistinctly from his throat, Yin Hanling jumped tens of meters with his back arched, staring at the boy in white with his beard and hair all stretched out.

  However, deep fear was revealed behind the strength. From the young man, she felt an unprecedented oppression and trembling.

  Evidently the other party was just standing there, but she seemed to see the natural enemy opening its **** mouth, and felt the suffocation of dying.

   "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is why did you catch my pig?"

  Pointing at the little fragrant pig in her mouth, the boy in white walked towards her with great interest, causing Yin Hanling to back away in fright.

   "Don't come here! If you come here again, I will bite her!"

   Bared his fangs ferociously, but the stern roar couldn't stop the young man's pace at all.

   "Let's not talk about the layer of pigskin on her that I was struggling to bite. You should be glad that you didn't use too much force, otherwise you would have been shot in the head with a sword."

   Approaching the beautiful and ferocious white tiger step by step, Zhao Yinshun looked at her shiny fur left and right, the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

   This tiger skin can be peeled off to make a cloak for the master...or a soft cushion is also good...

  Thinking of the master lying lazily and enchantingly on the soft bed, with the snow-white and moist skin complementing the tiger skin, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help nodding in satisfaction, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to rub the stiff white tiger's head.

  The silky smooth feel glides over the skin, which makes people love it.

  However, his gentle movements made Yin Hanling shudder, like a frog being targeted by a poisonous snake, its whole body froze into a stone, unable to even move.

   Obviously loved the doting eyes, but Yin Hanling could smell the thick **** smell that lingered in his mouth and nose.

  Vaintly, she understood that those eyes were not looking at a living thing at all, but looking at a piece of sweet and attractive fat! me...

  Teardrops rolled in the eyes, Yin Hanling had already guessed who the young man in front of him was, and the previous arrogance had long been lost in his heart, and he just wanted to escape here as soon as possible, as far as possible.

   But the problem is, feeling the "gentle" big hands rubbing the top of the head, the stiff body has been completely solidified, and it doesn't listen at all.

   After a good experience of the texture of the raw material, Zhao Yinshun stopped in satisfaction, took the little fragrant pig out of her mouth, and pampered the pig's buttocks.

   "We'll see if you still dare to run around in the future!"

  Getting out of the tiger's mouth and returning to the warm and familiar embrace, Zhu Xiangxiang straightened up.

  The sky cleared up, the rain stopped, and she felt that she could do it again.

   "I live in me, I will run with Meow in the future~"

   While she was speaking, a dexterous white shadow jumped onto Zhao Yinshun's shoulder, staring at her condescendingly and speechlessly.

   "I don't want to run around with you, what if I encounter danger?"

  The crystal-clear black eyes rolled around, and the sworn pig called out.

   "Miaomiao is not afraid, there is danger, Juju will help you create and kill it~"

   As she spoke, she showed her smooth and small forehead fiercely, and arched it in Zhao Yinshun's arms, as if she was rushing forward.

  Seeing her rampant appearance, Zhao Yinshun put her on the ground without hesitation, pointed at the white tiger that dared not move, and joked with a smile.

   "Come on, create and kill it!"


   Breaking away from the warm and familiar embrace, Zhu Xiangxiang instantly returned to the "poor, weak, and helpless" appearance, and crawled into Zhao Yinshun's arms moaning.

  Picking her up again, Zhao Yinshun stroked her soft fur and sighed helplessly.

  Who did you learn this fierce and cowardly character from?

   Turning his head to look at the little cat on his shoulder as if realizing something, after a few seconds of looking at each other, Zhao Yinshun was pawed on the face.

   "What are you looking at? Bite you!"

   After the departmental annual report is finished, I will have time to write the personal report report!ヽ(≧□≦)ノ



  (end of this chapter)

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