MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 360 "Temple calculation"

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  Chapter 360 "Temple Calculation"

   "[Zhen Guogong] led an army of 100,000 to attack [Xianluo North Road], captured seven counties, beheaded 80,000 people, and pulled out [Maoshi City], executed Fusang God General Falcon Haraguchi, and beheaded more than 60,000 people..."

   "Then turned sharply like the wind, took the south of [Xianluo North Road], went to [Guochang City], ambushed the enemy reinforcements, and killed 80,000 people by killing God and Hasegawa Hokuto..."

   "Crossing the mountain into [Xianluo South Road], attacking cities and villages all the way, sweeping across thousands of miles, taking seventy-nine cities, large and small, invincible, and beheading more than 40,000 people in total, and now the soldiers are approaching Kangxing City..."


  Golden Luan Hall echoed deep and solemn words. Listening to the information from thousands of miles away, the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty looked at each other in blank dismay, each with an inexplicable brilliance in their eyes.

   Some couldn't believe it, some were puzzled, some were surprised, but most of them were deeply jealous and gloomy.

  The previous [Zhen Guogong] was just a joke in the eyes of many people.

  Seventeen years old, with no merits, could not convince the crowd at all, it was all up to the [emperor] to force him up.

  Once the [Emperor] Bintian, they have a lot of ways to deal with that yellow-haired boy.

   But now, this seventeen-year-old yellow-haired boy is accumulating a little bit of prestige, and has changed the title of [Zhen Guogong] from false to real!

   What's more frightening is that this will change the situation in the court where the people are strong and the military are weak!

Wu Anjun, Champion Hou... until now [Zhen Guogong], these titles represent the most glorious pinnacle of generals. If the successor is too weak, those vulgar Qiu Ba will only be dissatisfied and even hostile, and if the successor can prove that he is strong enough …

  The thought of the generals group headed by the Four Great Pillars united under the flag of [Zhen Guogong] and kneaded into a whole, many people in the court broke out in cold sweat.

   Civil servants rely on the will of the [Emperor] to check and balance military generals. In order to suppress these arrogant soldiers, they did everything they could to suppress them, and they also ate their brains full of fat...

  In case these Qiuba start to liquidate after gaining power...

  Looking up at the tall and cold figure, many ministers had a strange and distorted black light in their eyes.

  If she inherits the throne, then [Duke Zhen] might really become a mountain that suppresses everyone!


   "The emperor should rule under the roof and rule the world with benevolence and virtue. Now the whole court is praising the **** atrocities of the butcher. There is a lot of shame in the Golden Luan Hall. Master Fan, you have to clean up the mess and make things right!"

  After the imperial court, a group of people quietly gathered in Fan Zhengyuan's mansion, complaining loudly in the name of appreciating poems and songs.

   "Hehe, I, Da Min, have been away from the battle for a long time, and it is rare to have some inspiring external feats, which is a good thing... Even His Majesty is very excited to hear these news..."

  Fan Zhengyuan took a sip of the fine wine and said with a noncommittal smile.

  Looking around, there were no outsiders, and the speaker murmured sullenly.

   "It's okay if there are other generals who don't have a foothold, but that's [Zhen Guogong]. Every merit he has made now is the foundation for suppressing us in the future!"

   After a slight pause while drinking, Fan Zhengyuan pursed his lips and smiled meaningfully.

   "I'm too strong to drink, and I'm about to drink tea in the backyard. I wonder if Mr. Lu would like to drink tea together?"

   "Stick to what you want, but dare not ask for it."

  The two left the banquet calmly and came to the hidden secret room in the backyard.

   "Lord Fan, there are no outsiders here, so I will open the skylight and say it bluntly. The battle between Damin and Fusang is an unjust war. It is a waste of money and people. We must find a way to end it as soon as possible!"

  Lu Zhe held the steaming teacup in his hand, his eyes were as cold as a hungry wolf.

   Taking a sip of the fragrant tea, Fan Zhengyuan pursed his lips with a smile.

   "Lord Lu, you also said that there are no outsiders here, so you might as well say it more bluntly."

   "Okay then, Damin must lose in this battle, and those Qiu Ba must not be allowed to gain power!"

   "Well... It seems that Lord Lu bought a lot of Fusang's [war bonds] through Sanjinlian. Once they are defeated, many people will lose their life savings..."


   After a moment of silence, Lu Zhe's face was as cold as snow meeting the scorching sun, and he smiled brightly in a blink of an eye.

   "Master Fan is not the same. I heard that many people used the lost military funds to buy Fuso bonds. This is embezzlement of their own military expenses to subsidize the enemy. If it is discovered, a treason may not be able to escape."

  Hearing this, Fan Zhengyuan's expression remained the same, he just put down his teacup and sighed.

   "I didn't want to, but I can't help it. They gave too much."

   "Yeah, they give too much..."

  Nodding in agreement, the two people in the secret room looked at each other and smiled, and the atmosphere suddenly became more relaxed.

   "Since this is the case, Master Fan must have already made up his mind. I wonder if you can teach me?"

   "Well, let's sort out the main opponents we face..."

"Appreciate further details."

"First, it is the Beimingzhu Kingdom. Youzhou's aristocratic family has fought against it for decades, and has accumulated a lot of grievances. There are also many people in the imperial court who have suppressed it for a long time and swallowed up its military resources. It's just that the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty tacitly cut off their speeches. These guarding generals are speechless..."

   "But if this battle is victorious, and they return with the power to save the country, then all the previous grievances will probably be settled!"

   "The anger of the eighth-rank soldier Dao Yasheng, and even the entire general group, may cause blood to flow from the land of Shenzhou..."

  With a pitiful sigh, Fan Zhengyuan wiped the moisture from the corners of his eyes, and shook his head helplessly.

   "For the sake of the common people, Li Shu, I can only wrong the North Mingzhu Kingdom."

   "Master Fan really cares about the common people, and cares about the country and the people!"

   "Where, where, what a helpless move, nothing to worry about."

   "Then how does it work?"

   "When we choose an opponent, we naturally choose a friend. Many people in the Youzhou family and the court do not want Beimingzhu Kingdom to win and return. They will all become our most steadfast allies!"

   "Relying on them alone, I am afraid it will be difficult to control the situation of the war? If it is too explicit, your Majesty..."

   Seeing Lu Zhe hesitate to speak, Fan Zhengyuan smiled lightly and nodded.

   "Don't forget, we still have a more important opponent—【Duke Zhen Guo】!"

   With a thought in his mind, Lu Zhe seemed to grasp something, and stared deeply into Fan Zhengyuan's eyes.

"This son is full of evil, and the things he did in [Liuyin Fengguo] are too numerous to write down. 】Give him great favor and cover him in every possible way, those talents can't find a chance, as long as we link up a little bit, this will be a force that can overturn the world!"

  Listening to Fan Zhengyuan's eloquent talk, when he heard the words 'overturning the world', Lu Zhe's breath stopped, and his eyes became extremely dignified.

   Seemingly aware of his emotions, Fan Zhengyuan showed a meaningful smile.

   "Finally, it is our most important opponent—【Liu Yin King·Li Min】!"

  As soon as these words came out, Lu Zhe's whole body trembled, and his heart suddenly realized.

   Everything above is just foreshadowing, Fan Zhengyuan's real purpose is to involve himself in the struggle for the throne!

  But anyone with a discerning eye can see that [Emperor] wants to pass on to the eldest princess, otherwise he would not force Zhao Yinshun to take the throne.

  Seventeen-year-old [Zhen Guogong], behind this consumption is the prestige of the emperor!

  The situation is so clear, they actually...

  The words 'overturning the world' suddenly flashed in his mind, Lu Zhe realized something, and took a deep breath.

  The too deep!

   "The emperor and the scholars ruled the world together, but [King Liuyin] refused to listen to advice, appointed treacherous evil, and was headstrong and conceited. He is definitely not a wise king..."

   "What's more, she has ascended to the throne, and then inherits the sainthood. Such a powerful [emperor] is definitely not a blessing for the people."

   "What? The eldest princess has become a god?"

   Pupils shrank, Lu Zhe wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and subconsciously nodded.

  “[Emperor] should rule by doing nothing, professional matters should naturally be left to us courtiers…”

  The seventh-level gods inherit the status of [Emperor], so it’s not like the false saint who was promoted with a mortal body is so easy to fool...

  Many dynasties in history were rejuvenated, but smoke rose from the royal ancestral tombs, and a unicorn who ascended to the gods with his own power came out, and then inherited the [emperor] holy position with the personality of a god, and forcibly saved the sky!

   But the price... Naturally, blood flowed into rivers from the government and the opposition, the original ruling group was completely dismembered and liquidated, and all power belonged to the [Emperor] himself!

  The most frightening thing is that the eldest princess is not only strong in her own strength, but also has a [Zhen Guogong] assistant with unlimited potential!

  At only seventeen years old, breaking the army and killing gods is like picking something out of a bag. Wait for him to grow up a few more years, I am afraid that no one in the world can control him!

   In a daze, the four characters [Qin Huang Han Wu] flashed through Lu Zhe's mind.

  Emperor Qin's Wu An Jun, Han Wu's champion Hou, and now Damin [Zhen Guogong] looks no less than the previous two sages in the slightest, and even... the potential is even more terrifying!

  If it is unknown that he suppressed the title and did not die young, then he may suppress an era by himself!

   Is Damin destined to thrive in this era?

   Otherwise, how could such a monster beyond common sense be born like Zhao Yinshun? !


   Slowly let out a mouthful of turbid air, Lu Zhe's flustered eyes gradually became cold and firm.

  He doesn't want to give up the power in his hands, and the world doesn't need a strong emperor!

  No matter how prosperous the country is, if it is "at the expense" of him, it would be better to continue to decline!

  Anyway, Damin is rich all over the world, and he can drag on for hundreds of years if he is on his last breath. When he enjoys all the glory and wealth, let it be flooded after he dies!

  And if the eldest princess is allowed to take the throne, he will probably die in a short time without a place to bury him!

   He has done many things over the years, any one of them is enough to punish the nine clans!

  With enlightenment in his heart, the strange and distorted black light in Lu Zhe's eyes squirmed slightly, spreading and growing silently.

   "It seems that Master Lu is determined to take care of the overall situation, I am so relieved..."

   Taking a sip of tea, Fan Zhengyuan smiled gratifiedly.

   "Master Fan, there is no need to say more, I will not hesitate to give you any orders!"

"Hehe, I mentioned the three opponents we need to face. Correspondingly, our allies are all over the world. Kings and aristocratic families don't want to see a powerful emperor ascend the throne. They are all on our side. Lord Lu, please coordinate in the center and unite everyone's strength."

   "No problem, I will do my best!"

   "In addition, the top priority is to prevent the protracted war. On the one hand, we can continue to mobilize funds to buy Fuso bonds, on the other hand..."

  Hearing this, Lu Zhe asked tentatively with doubts in his eyes.

   "Now the war situation is not clear, re-raise..."

   "Hehe, we are both contestants and referees. The outcome of this bet is already doomed before the war begins."

   Smiling and shaking his head, Fan Zhengyuan whispered in a seductive voice.

   "Behind us are the kings, the world's aristocratic families, the heavens and saints, and hundreds of millions of people. We represent the general trend of heaven!"

   "The enemy is going against the sky and is doomed to fail. Master Lu, you might as well be bolder!"

  Nodding as if realizing something, Lu Zhe's eyes showed a greedy look of joy.

  When he merged into this huge and intricate group and knew many secrets that he could not know before, the information gap alone was enough for him to benefit endlessly!

   "We have ten thousand ways to decide the outcome of this war, this is called temple calculation!"

  Pursing his lips and chuckling triumphantly, Fan Zhengyuan changed the topic.

   "By the way, I have some discarded ordnance, food and grass to be disposed of. Please, Mr. Lu, help me clear up the relationship between various places."


   It’s a good thing you stole from the Ministry of War, right?

   These military funds are not easy to cash out, and there is no market for civilians at all...

   Rolling his eyes, Lu Zhe tentatively said calmly.

   "I don't know how Master Fan plans to deal with it?"

"I heard that Jizhou in the far north is covered with ice and snow, and the people don't have enough clothes and food to eat. I have already contacted the eight major Shanxi merchants, and I want to sell these things to them, and exchange some fur ginseng by the way... It's a pity that the journey is far away, and all the joints are still there. Did not get through."


   Aren’t those savages rebelling against the defenders of Liaozhou?

   Frowning, Lu Zhe's pupils shrank suddenly, and he felt a chill rushing from his tailbone straight to Tianlinggai.

  The borders of Youzhou, Liaozhou, and Shenli emerged in his mind, forming a battle line stretching thousands of miles.

  Northern Mingzhu Kingdom’s millions of troops confronted Fusang in Shenli’s territory, and the war had reached a fever pitch. Just like two martial arts masters competing for internal strength, any off-court factor could lead to the collapse of the battle.

   At this time, if the savages in Jizhou break through Liaozhou, they will cut off this long supply line and go all the way south...

  As if seeing a sharp knife piercing the heart of Beimingzhu Kingdom from behind, Lu Zhe's eyes filled with endless ecstasy.

I see!

I see!

   The left and right battles are really so simple!

   One south and one north flanked back and forth, even the eighth-rank soldier Dao Yasheng would have to hate the battlefield!

  In a trance, Lu Zhe felt the pleasure of standing in the clouds, using the vast land as a chessboard, and arbitrarily mobilizing the general trend of the world.

  His every move can determine the rise and fall of a country, and judge the fate of eighth-rank or even ninth-rank saints!

  Seeing the ecstasy in Lu Zhe's eyes, Fan Zhengyuan smiled calmly.

   "Actually, the eight major Shanxi merchants have been secretly trading with the northern states to help them deal with some shady things and buy some sensitive resources... But this time the scale is too large, so we need to clear it along the way."

   "If Master Lu is interested, I can share this channel with you."

   "Interested, very interested, Master Xie Fan."

   "You and I are all friends now, and we are both prosperous and wealthy, so you are welcome."

   As he spoke, Fan Zhengyuan took out several colorful gold coins and solemnly put them into Lu Zhe's palm.

   "A little greeting, please don't dislike Master Lu."

  Understanding the significance of these gold coins, Lu Zhe greedily licked his lips and slowly clenched his palms. The strange black light in his eyes twisted and wriggled like a shadow spreading.

   Thanks to [Classmate Xiaoliu] [I don’t want to drive, I just want to show it off] and other book friends for their rewards.

   Touching fish codewords feels like playing a horror game called "Don't look back, the leader is behind you". It's too exciting, so I'm a little late, sorry. _(:зゝ∠)_

   In addition, tomorrow should also be updated at noon.



  (end of this chapter)

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