MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 363 Zhao Yinshun did all the bad things

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  Chapter 363 Zhao Yinshun did all the bad things

  The summer wind blows, and the monsoon from the southern ocean brings warmth and moisture, but it also brings a disgusting smell of decay.

  Following the stench of corpses, a ten-meter-high [Jingguan] stands not far from the avenue, like a signpost to guide the direction of latecomers.

  Looking at the mound of flesh and blood corpses piled up by at least tens of thousands of Fusang soldiers' limbs, Kubota Tomoki and the other gods' faces sank like water, and the veins on their foreheads throbbed with anger.

   "Which Beijing Temple is this?"

   "From stepping into [Xianluo South Road], this is the fourth one."

   "That is to say, the entire remaining garrison of [Tao] was almost killed by him..."

   "In addition to the 70,000 to 80,000 people of Hasegawa Hokuto, the two [armies] guarding the north and south of Xianluo can all be abolished."

"No, the [Shenwu Army] just swept across the center line. There should be many survivors on the east and west sides. There are also several counties in the east of Xianluo North Road that have not been affected. These two [Army] still have seeds and cannot be removed! "

   "Damn it! That little **** deliberately gathered corpses beside the avenue to form a Jingguan, he was provoking us!"

   After an incompetent rage, Kubota Tomoki looked to the north worriedly, then shook his head.

   It should be impossible. No matter how strong the iron army is, it will fight for thousands of miles and lay down hundreds of cities, large and small, and the battle damage will definitely not be small.

   Not to mention the 200,000 imperial army, even if there are 200,000 pigs, how many enemies can be killed before dying?

  The most conservative estimate, even if ten were exchanged for one, the [Shenwu Army]’s death toll would be close to 30,000, and their total number was no more than 100,000, and 30% of them were lost in battle...

   Rubbing his chin, the uneasiness in Tomoki Kubota's heart slowly dissipated.

   At the end of the crossbow, it is impossible to penetrate Lu Jin, and Kangxing City is a capital with high walls and thick walls. Maybe it can stop [Shenwu Army] for a few days, and I and others still have a chance to kill Damin [Zhen Guogong] in Shenli!

   As long as Damin [Zhen Guogong] is killed and [Shenwu Army] is annihilated, all previous losses will be negligible!

  Even if you can't kill that kid, you can just drive him out of Shen Li.

  After this battle, he will have to repair and replenish the army for at least a few months in the next few months, and he has no time to make troubles.

   Wait until he regroups, and his side is fully prepared to deal with it, the Imperial Navy will never again...

  Thinking of the navy, Kubota Tomoki's blood pressure soared, and he rubbed his temple in pain.

  A group of red deer, cowardly before a battle, humiliating the country, if you can cut off their retreat at sea, wouldn't [Zhen Guogong] and [Shenwu Army] be hard to fly? !

   Clenching his fists, Kubota Tomoki ground his teeth and looked up to the south.

  In his spiritual vision, he could already vaguely see a touch of blood red flickering at the end of the horizon, indicating that the enemy is still struggling to attack Kangxing City!

   "The whole army speeds up!"

  Killed so many of us and want to run without leaving something behind?

  Tomoki Kubota let out a low growl, and the will of the **** general was conveyed along the **** aura. The huge and exhausted army cheered up, squeezed every bit of potential in their bodies, and began to accelerate gradually.

   "General, the brothers have been chasing almost non-stop during this time, and their bodies and spirits are already close to their limits. I am afraid that they will suffer from the enemy in this state. It is better to find a city to repair for a day, and let the brothers vent their grievances."

From the mass grave in [Maoshi City], to the Jingguan where 70,000 to 80,000 corpses were piled up outside [Guochang City], and then to the four "road signs" of corpses along the way, ordinary soldiers saw the fate of these familiar robes. , How could there be no fluctuations in my heart?

   Fear, dread, anger, pain, hatred...

  The inner torment brewed a huge amount of negative emotions. If it weren't for the suppression of several gods, these uncontrollable resentful beasts would have begun to vent on the locals.

  If you can’t rule the Heavenly Dynasty and the Kingdom, you can’t rule you Shenli bastards? !

Especially from the mouths of some surviving Fusang immigrants who knew about the cleansing and massacre of the Shenli people, and most of them were related to the people in the army. Originally, these immigrants were trying to get the most fat and fat first. A piece of cake, but before the cake reached his mouth, all the staff died suddenly.

   Now that new and old hatreds are added together, an uncontrollable restless bloodthirsty is brewing in the army.

  Hearing what his subordinate said, Kubota Tomoki shook his head without hesitation.

   "One bang, then decline, three exhaustion, they are a full bowstring, I want them to release all their anger on [Shenwujun]!"

   Kubota Tomoki also knew that the mental state of the army was dangerous, but he didn't dare to let the army go to massacre the city to relax.

Although killing can vent negative emotions, it will also dissipate the tense breath in the chest. Once it is relaxed, the physical and mental exhaustion will completely weaken the entire army. It will take at least a few days to make them tense The time is adjusted, and by that time, [Shenwu Army] might all run back to [Liuyin Fengguo]!

  On the contrary, let them slam into the enemy with this resentment, but they can explode with extraordinary fighting power!

  He was ruthless, Kubota Tomoki's will was whipped like a whip, and the huge army stretching for dozens of miles continued to accelerate, rushing towards Kangxing City like crazy.

   Painful? Resentment? angry?

   All of this was caused by 【Shenwu Army】, they are right ahead, go, go and avenge them!

  Use their blood to soothe the poisonous fire in your hearts!

  The imperceptible power of the extraordinary was injected into the heart, and the eyeballs of countless Fusang soldiers gradually became bloodshot, like a hungry wolf with a piece of fat hanging in front of their heads, with a violent and fierce light in their pupils.

  Seeing the soldiers forgetting their physical exhaustion and speeding towards Kangxing City, several generals nodded in satisfaction.

  Thousands of miles away, Zhao Yinshun raised his head and looked up with a feeling, adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and pursed his mouth with a half-smile.

   "The vicious dog is out of the cage..."

   "My lord, what did you say?"

  Cui Eunxian, who was reporting in a low voice by his side, blinked and looked at him suspiciously.

   "Nothing, you continue."

   "Oh, I plan to organize all these people in Kangxing City and train them as the backbone of the rebel army. They have been impregnated with your martial arts divinity, and the butcher knives of the Fusang people will never frighten them!"

   "Well, yes, all these rebels behind the enemy will be handed over to you. They don't need to fight directly, as long as the Fusang people don't let the Fusang people **** blood from you comfortably."

   Waving his hand, Zhao Yinshun smiled lightly.

  The seeds of resistance and hatred have been planted, sparks will continue to spread in the occupied areas, and soon the Fusang people will know what is called the quagmire of war.

   "Follow the order!"

  Cui Enxian stepped back excitedly, and Cen Xing followed closely behind.

   "Your Majesty, all the luggage and personnel have been boarded, can we set off?"

  This time the navy not only dispatched with all their strength, but also brought hundreds of large transport ships. It only takes one trip to transfer the entire [Shenwu Army].

  However, Zhao Yinshun looked at the north and showed a meaningful smile.

   "He chased us for thousands of miles, how could he not even say hello?"

   After pondering for a moment, Cen Xing nodded as if realizing something.

   "Understood, I will keep all ship boilers running at low speed, hundreds of meters offshore."

  Knowing that Cen Xing understood his intention, Zhao Yinshun smiled gratifiedly, and turned to look at Tang Hongda who was aside.

   "How about the soldiers? Can they hold on?"

  Hearing this, Tang Hongda solemnly clasped his fists: "Your Majesty, please rest assured, the morale of the soldiers is high, but they are just a little tired. They just rest and relax on the ship for a few days, and it will never affect the next action!"

   "That's good. This time I traveled nearly ten thousand miles with me, wiped out more than 200,000 enemy troops, and captured hundreds of large and small cities. They have worked hard. When this battle is over, I will reward them well."

"this is what we are supposed to do!"

   "Great rewards for meritorious deeds, heavy punishments for those guilty, I have never been stingy with rewards."

   Smiling and shaking his head, Zhao Yinshun remembered something, and his face darkened.

   "By the way, what is our overall loss?"

  The 200,000-odd Fusang army is not 200,000 pigs, but there are many legend-level powerhouses among them, and the desperate blows of these people before they die still pose a great threat to ordinary [Shenwu Army] soldiers.

   Not to mention that among the Fusang immigrants, there are also hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and there are hundreds of sixth-level transcendents!

   These people are certainly not the opponents of the [Shenwu Army] in frontal combat, but they are indeed hard to guard against by hiding and using various means to attack.

   "The loss was not large. A total of less than 2,000 people were killed. The overall combat effectiveness of the entire army has not only not been weakened, but has been strengthened a lot."

  Hearing this, Zhao Yinshun nodded thoughtfully.

Bing Dao is a war class that feeds on blood and killing. It feeds on the lives of more than 200,000 Fusang regular troops. More feedback settled deep into the soul and flesh of every soldier participating in the battle, waiting for them to slowly digest.

   In addition, the unknown [Ultimate Prize] is still accumulating a "prize pool". By the day of the lottery, it is estimated that the entire [Shenwu Army] will be reborn!

  With a trace of anticipation in his heart, Zhao Yinshun looked down at the sand table.

   "The Fusang troops in the northern and southern provinces of Xianluo were basically wiped out, and the remaining fish that slipped through the net can be ignored."

   "The rest of Qingwo East and West, Gushang, the main force of the four northern and southern routes, the total is close to 400,000..."

   "Four **** generals and 400,000 troops launched a killing battle. I will definitely be suppressed alone, unless I cheat..."

   "Forget it, you can, but you don't have to."

   While muttering to himself, the boy in white turned his gaze to the north of the sand table, the corners of his mouth curled up brightly, and he hummed a lighthearted tune.

   "I want to go from south to north, and I want to go from white to black..."


  A few days later, beside the avenue outside Kangxing City, a quaint gazebo blocked the scorching sun, and a handsome young man leaned lazily on the bench, teasing the kitten in his arms boredly.

  Squinting her eyes because of her master's proficient cat stroking skills, Su Lingyi suddenly asked.

   "Today is your eighteenth birthday, what do you want? Senior sister will satisfy you."

  The action of stroking the cat paused slightly, and the boy in white raised a wicked smile.

   "Pass my stomach."

  The expression of the squinting-eyed little kitten enjoying it changed, and it glared at the young man in shame and anger, and viciously snapped out its sharp cat claws.

   "Meow! Are you a pervert? No! Change!"

   "Cut, there is no sincerity at all."

  Hearing this, a little pink and jade-carved loli beside her hurriedly pulled up the hem of her clothes, puffed out her chubby belly, and looked at Zhao Yinshun expectantly.

   "I'll let you touch Juju~"


   Rubbed his plump belly casually, the boy in white didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

   "Xiangxiang is really capable."

   "Well, Juju is very smart and can do everything! Juju will help you with whatever you want today!"

  Seeing the little loli with her belly akimbo triumphantly, Zhao Yinshun rolled her eyes and showed a smirk.

   "My wish is hard to come true..."

  Little Lolita groaned twice, twisted her buttocks, and took a silly oath pose.

   "Be brave to live, not afraid of difficulties~"

   "Okay, I want to eat pork."

   "No problem, eating and living...huh??!"

  The first second was still triumphant, and the next second he was so scared that his pig's eyes widened. The watery black pupils soon glowed with a layer of water, and the bean-sized teardrops swirled back and forth in the eye sockets.

   "Ju... Juju is poisonous and not tasty..."

   "Didn't you say you are not afraid of difficulties?"

   Seeing little Lolita's weak, pitiful, helpless, and frightened appearance, Zhao Yinshun raised an evil smile.

   "I am timid and afraid of difficulties...kuong~kuong~"

  Seeing the little Lolita yelling in fright, Zhao Yinshun almost laughed, but he still held back his grim expression.

   "That won't work, I just want to eat pork today."


   Humming and whimpering, Zhu Xiangxiang struggled for a long time, finally biting her pink lips, looked at Zhao Yinshun timidly, tremblingly raised her white tender lotus root arm and stretched it to his mouth, then tightly closed her eyes.

   Seeing her wrinkled facial features, Zhao Yinshun inexplicably recalled the pictures of those children getting injections in his previous life, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became even wider.

   "I don't want to eat pig's trotters, I want to eat pork belly."

   "Huh?! Five shots?"

  Opening her eyes, Zhu Xiangxiang stared blankly at Zhao Yinshun, her **** eyes were full of confusion.

   "It's the meat on the belly, fat and thin, it's the essence of a pig!"

  Patting Luo Li's belly, she was so frightened that she quickly shrunk her stomach and squatted down with her belly in her arms.

   "Can't you eat your hands?"

   "No, it must be pork belly."

   "Then you should eat less, or Juju will be washed off, and no one will touch your stomach in the future... woo woo..."

   "That won't work, I want to be full."


  Little Lolita uttered a pig cry in fright, and slowly picked up the hem of the skirt, revealing her round belly, and looked at the little white cat with tears in her eyes.

   "I live here, it's time for washing today... Meow, would you like to eat some together?"


  Under Zhao Yinshun's contorted and twitching expression, the little white cat finally couldn't hold back anymore, jumped onto his head, and slapped it hard.

   "Don't bully her, she is so stupid, she will believe it!"

  However, Zhu Xiangxiang felt unconvinced when she felt that her death was imminent.

   "I'm not stupid, Juju is very smart."

   "Ah yes yes yes, you are as smart as a pig!"

  Holding his forehead in pain, the little cat shook his head helplessly.

   "Junior brother is teasing you, how could he eat your meat?"

   "But...but... Shun Shun said that the purpose of picking up a house is to grow up and eat meat..."

   As she spoke, the little Lolita looked at the boy in white with a questioning look, Zhao Yinshun exhausted all his strength to suppress the twitching corners of his mouth, and nodded calmly.

   "That's right, I fell in love with your skeleton at first glance, and you are suitable for food storage."

  Hearing this, little Lolita forgot to be afraid for a while, and looked at the little white cat and whimpered twice triumphantly.

   "Look, Juju's bones are amazing, suitable for food storage!"


  You are proud of a hammer!

   Is this honorable? !

   After a long silence, Su Lingyi gritted her teeth and looked at the young man holding back his laughter.

   "Zhao Yinshun, you have done all kinds of bad things!"

   Thank you [I don’t want to drive, I just want to show it off] [Qi Guan’s Qi] [Su Ye Xuan You] and other book friends for their rewards.

   Let’s book a guaranteed monthly pass for February, Qiuli Cream~~ヽ(≧□≦)ノ



  (end of this chapter)

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