MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 366 Fengchan Busan

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  Fuso・Kyoto Base Camp

  The terrifying divine coercion clashed violently, and the ministers of the navy and army dressed in fine clothes sat clearly on both sides, and regarded each other as enemies. The suffocating pressure enveloped the hall, and only the trembling report of the herald remained.

"On May 29th, Damin [Zhen Guogong] single-handedly stopped our army outside Kangxing City. With the bombardment of naval ships, hundreds of thousands of our army did not dare to cross the thunder pool, and could only watch the enemy cross the sea. .”

"On June 4th, the [Shenwu Army] took a boat all the way to the north, and landed in [Qingwo West Road] Ruijin County, and captured one county every day. Died in war..."

"On June 23, the [Shenwu Army] stepped into [Qingwo East Road]. The guard Shuntaro Yagi gathered soldiers from all counties to defend [Qingshan City]. Tens of thousands of garrison soldiers were shattered, and tens of thousands of immigrants died for their country..."

   "On July 9th, [Shenwu Army] invaded [Gushang North Road], and the defender Tsuchiya Nobunaga knew that he was invincible, so he led 110,000 defenders and turned southward, joining with General Kubota Tomoki who went north to support..."

"On July 25th, [Shenwu Army] swept across [Gushang North Road] and contacted our army in Gaoling County. The vanguard of the two sides fought a **** battle. The enemy army was defeated and fled in a hurry. Our army only had thousands of casualties... "


  Hearing the herald's emphatic emphasis on the word'only', a naval general sneered, causing a group of army generals to glare.

   "Dongxiang Hangtai! What are you laughing at?!"

   "Laughing at your shamelessness in the army, there are still 'only' thousands of casualties, and the battle losses are more than you, so you really don't mention a word!"

   "Laughing at your numbness, our army has been raiding tens of thousands of miles for several months, chasing [Shenwu Army] and fleeing in a hurry. If your navy didn't hold back, we would have killed Damin [Zhen Guogong] to Shen Li long ago!"

   "Fart! If you know it, you are chasing and killing, but if you don't know it, you think you are following him to see off guests!"

   "That's right, they fled in a hurry, [Shenwu Army] swept up the three realms, and hundreds of thousands of loyal souls of the imperial kingdom died in foreign lands. How about you? How many enemies did you kill?"

  Hearing these shameless words, the army generals couldn't bear it anymore.

   "It can't be repaired! It's not all because of you! If the navy could stop the enemy's fleet in Kangxing City, hundreds of thousands of troops would have wiped out the [Shenwu Army] long ago. How could it be possible to watch them go north by boat?!"

   "We have just rushed all the way to the southernmost point. We are exhausted, and we will soon turn over mountains and mountains and turn north. Within a few months, we will travel tens of thousands of miles from east to west, north to south, and even hard-nosed people can't bear it!"

"People travel thousands of miles in a boat for a few days, what about us? Our navy is full of turtles with eggs. When we hear the name of Damin [Zhen Guogong], we are frightened and will only hide in the port. Rishi trembled!"

  Hearing this, the admiral was so aggrieved that he vomited blood.

   "Enough! Do you think we don't want to annihilate the enemy's fleet? The last battle lost almost all advanced warships, and the rest are wooden shell ships. What can I use to fight those steel warships armed to the teeth?"

"What's more, Damin [Zhen Guogong]'s fighting power alone is equal to that of a fleet. We dare not divide our troops at all. We can only concentrate all our forces to fight a decisive battle, but the commander of the enemy fleet is the [It's like the wind] path , without division of troops to intercept, she can play us to death by hanging and beating!"

   "At the same time, our navy has to protect [Moon Night Sees God] to extend the border, annex Shenli, and protect the smooth supply line of the waterway in the eastern waters. The remaining warships go to [Liuyin Fleet] to seek their own death!"

  Hearing the navy's roar of grief and indignation from the heart, all the soldiers were slightly taken aback, and inexplicably there was a pity connected with the disease.

I know!

  We also did not dare to separate our troops to intercept that monster-like [Zhen Guogong], but we were hanged by [Shenwu Army] like walking a dog.

   Otherwise, the four **** generals would divide into four groups, and they would have blocked the [Shenwu Army] for a long time ago!

  However, sympathy is sympathy, understanding is understanding, and the blame should still be thrown.

   "Red Deer! It's all your fault for the incompetence of your navy, and you are fully responsible for this loss!"

   "Baga! Your army is vulnerable, and it has nothing to do with our navy?"

   "Navy Red Deer!"

   "Army Baga!"


   Obviously they are a group of incomparably noble and high-ranking generals. They are cold and graceful in front of outsiders, but once they close the door, their quality is low, and they blush and have thick necks.

   There is certainly a factor of dumping the blame, but more of it is the old grievances accumulated due to long-term competition for resources.

   And hearing that the noise in the main hall was as loud as the vegetable market, the mysterious figure sitting behind the jade curtain finally couldn't stand it any longer, and uttered two words in a low voice.


  The weird and distorted Crane's voice couldn't follow what he said, the boiling criticism disappeared instantly, and the whole hall was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

   However, at this moment, a hurried waiter rushed into the hall and quietly presented the latest information.

   Seeing the information, the herald's pupils shrank severely, and he couldn't help but gasped.


  The sound of the crane behind the jade curtain was calm and calm, but the fiercely transpiring and wriggling body protector Xiangyun revealed that his heart was not as calm as it seemed.

   "August...August 11th, Kubota Tomoki drove all the way, [Shenwu Army] left by boat on [Qingwo West Road]..."

   "On August 16th, [Shenwu Army] re-landed in Kangxing City, and swept [Gushang South Road] eastward. 40,000 defenders were broken, and the remaining 50,000 people turned north..."

  Hearing the news, the silent ministers couldn't bear it anymore, especially the army generals who were so angry that their heads were smoking.

   "Beast! Beast! Beast!!"

  The incompetent and furious roar resounded through the sky, and the world with a radius of dozens of miles trembled under the tyrannical and crazy divine fluctuations.

   But after the rage, they still have to face reality.

   So far, the Shenli six roads occupied in the rear have been completely plowed by the [Shenwu Army], leaving only the [Gyeonggi Province] and [Jiangping Road] with a total of tens of millions of troops facing each other. The enemy dare not set foot easily.

  In just a few months, the casualties of the regular army alone exceeded 500,000, and the loss of immigrants was even more numerous!

   You must know that most of these immigrants are the elites in Fusang. They are full of adventurous spirit, strong mobility, and rich experience...

  Originally, they were expected to assist the army in developing local resources, reduce the supply pressure on the front line in the early stage, and continue to provide domestic blood transfusions in the later stage.

   It turned out that Damin [Zhen Guogong] was so vicious, and all soldiers and civilians were caught in the same pot wherever he went, and he even found time to take away many prisoners and transport them back to [Liuyin Fengguo] as slaves!

  Now, the famous [Fusang Happy Camp] has been spread back to the country, which has become a shame to the entire empire and an indescribable scar in the hearts of all Fusang people.

  On the other hand, although there are still four generals and an army of more than 500,000 in the occupied area, anyone with a discerning eye can see that without the help of the navy, they can only be played by the [Shenwu Army] repeatedly, running back and forth from north to south like walking a dog.

More importantly, the 'quality' of the enemy army is obviously a level higher than theirs. Coupled with the ability to maneuver by boat, they have been chasing desperately in the past few months. Thousands of soldiers died of exhaustion during the march alone. I was really taken aback.

  Now, the enemy landed in Kangxing City again, and inserted the deadliest knife into their scarred Dao Xin.

  I chased you tens of thousands of miles from south to north, from west to east, and you ran back on your horse? ! !

   What about playing? !

  This can no longer be called a war, but a unilateral insult, an all-round trampling from the body to the soul.

   Everyone present was about to have a cerebral hemorrhage just listening to the briefing, let alone those humiliated generals on the battlefield!

  Thinking differently, everyone felt that they couldn't bear it, and they absolutely must make a break with the enemy at all costs.

  So, seeing the herald's hesitant expression, a trace of coolness rose from the back, and an ominous premonition emerged in everyone's mind.

   Shouldn't it be...

do not! Don't be fooled by [Duke Zhen Guo], he just wants to make you lose your mind and divide up your troops so that you can defeat them one by one!

   Clenched their fists, but after thinking about it, everyone suddenly realized that from the standpoint of those generals, they had no choice.

  500,000 troops were shattered, millions of immigrants were massacred, the grassroots rule that had been established with great difficulty was completely disintegrated, and the occupied areas of the six provinces returned to the hands of Shen Liren.

   What's even more frightening is that after the humiliation of Damin [Zhen Guogong], the majesty of the Fusang army has been demolished, and the unscrupulous people have lost their fear and will even continue to resist their rule.

  This turned the fat that was originally a blood transfusion into a bleeding wound. Not only could it not feed back the local people, but it also required a steady stream of people to suppress it.

   And for all of this, someone must take responsibility!

  The humiliation and responsibility left those generals with no choice, either to kill Damin [Zhen Guogong] to make a comeback, or to return to the native land and confess their sins amidst the scorn of the crowd.

   It will even bring down the face of the family and make them unable to hold their heads up!

  At this point, only one of them and the [Shenwu Army] will survive.

   "Keep reading!"

  Accompanied by the urging behind the jade curtain, the herald wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and whispered dryly with a slightly trembling voice.

  " Kubota Tomoki and other four **** generals left a last letter, willing to serve the imperial country with their lives. The 570,000 imperial troops were divided into two groups, blocking the [Shenwu Army] at [Gushang South Road], and then...then..."

   "Then what happened?!"

"Then Damin [Zhen Guogong] rode thousands of horses and broke the formation alone. The two armies in front and behind were defeated one by one. Four **** generals died for their country. Almost all of them were destroyed, and there were less than 10,000 survivors..."

  The trembling words echoed in the dome, and the vast hall fell into a deathly silence, only the suppressed breathing came from behind the jade curtain.

   "Da Min [Duke Zhen Guo]...Zhao Yinshun..."

   After a long time, chewing on this thunderous name carefully, a palpitating and terrifying divine power came from behind the jade curtain.

   "Zhuzi! Today's enmity, I will repay a hundredfold!"

  The ninth-level holy prestige that distorted time and space was overwhelming, and all the generals knelt down to persuade them.

   "Your Majesty calm down!"

   After a long time, the divine coercion in the air gradually dissipated, and the strange and distorted sound of the crane sounded again.

   "The one million troops who have completed domestic training will be sent directly to the front line, and the follow-up conscription plan will be expanded by another two million!"

   "The naval fleet is undergoing a comprehensive upgrade. In addition, I agree with your eighth and eighth fleet armament plan!"

  Hearing this, the generals of the sea and land armies were ecstatic, while the rest of the ministers were worried.

   "Your Majesty, our finances are almost exhausted, and we will expand our military..."

   "Increase taxes! Sell war bonds to the people, and apply for another batch of loans from Sanjinlian."

   "But the interest of San Jinlian is too..."

   Opened their mouths to speak, the worried ministers hesitated for a while, and finally swallowed the idea of ​​exhortation, and respectfully agreed.

   The "gambling" has come to this point, and Fusang has no way out. Either bet on the country's luck with all chips, or die without a place to die!

  No matter how exaggerated the [interest] of San Jinlian is, they can only grit their teeth and borrow.


  Thousands of miles away, on the bleak and tragic battlefield, clusters of flames were blazing, and each cluster represented a heroic soul returning to the west.

  The dots of fire flickered in Zhao Yinshun's retina, reflecting a trace of sigh.

  Watching the soldiers of the [Shenwu Army] carefully collect the ashes of their comrades, even though he knew that war is not a script, and it is impossible not to die, he still felt a bit of sourness in his heart.

  From the Cangjiao Battalion, to the Cangjiao Division, to the Cangjiao Army, and now to the [Shenwu Army]...

   This army has been carefully cared for by him, and he has single-handedly supported it until now, and he has devoted a lot of effort.

  Many soldiers accompanied him all the way to the north and south, and they even knew their names!

  Now, they have closed their eyes forever...

   "Your Majesty, according to preliminary statistics, we have killed more than 11,000 people in this battle."

   Tang Hongda quietly appeared beside Zhao Yinshun and reported in a low voice.

   Annihilating more than 500,000 enemy troops and four generals at the cost of more than 10,000 people. This is an epic victory. He should have been happy, but Tang Hongda couldn't help laughing for some reason.

  Compared to Zhao Yinshun, he has a deeper affection for this army, and now this loss is more painful than gouging out his flesh.

   "Including the 4,000 people who died one after another before, one of our divisions was wiped out..."

  Amidst the faint whispers, Zhao Yinshun let out a foul breath, turned his head to look to the south, and a stern light flashed in his eyes.

  In [High-Dimensional Vision], the mysterious divine light that covers the sky and the sun flickers at the far end of the sea level, rhythmically rhythmic like breathing.

   And with every movement, the oppressive divine light seemed to inflate a little, getting closer and closer to Shen Li's homeland.

  According to this speed, it is estimated that in a short time, this terrifying divine light spreading from Fusang's homeland will officially cover Shenli's homeland, starting the [annexation] from the conceptual level.

   "Tang Hongda, what is the name of that mountain over there?"

   "My lord, according to the records on the map, it's called Busan."

   "Busan? Is there Busan here too?"

  Mumbling to himself, Zhao Yinshun soon felt relieved when he thought that Damin's famous mountains and great rivers also had subtle similarities with his previous life.

   "Has the tripod been cast yet?"

   "The casting is ready, but the time is tight and it is a bit rough."

   "It's okay, I just need a ritual medium..."

  Waving his hand, Zhao Yinshun pointed to the top of the mountain not far away.

   "Arranging a secret ceremony, I will worship the heavens, and seal Busan!"

  Thank you [I don’t want to drive, I just want to be bad] and other book friends for their rewards.

   It is still the usual practice to ask for tickets~ヾ(ゞ)

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