MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 370 wake

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  Chapter 370 Awakening

  The sun and the moon travel, and the river of stars turns.

   In the blink of an eye, several days passed by in a hurry, and the endless sea of ​​aura clouds gradually surged on the top of the mountain.

  The white-clothed boy sitting upright in the void breathes slowly and long, but with his breathing, the spiritual energy with a radius of thousands of miles gathers in a spiral and condenses into a cloud visible to the naked eye.

   Bathed in the rich aura, Su Lingyi lazily got up from her junior brother's arms, raised her buttocks and stretched her waist.

  Suddenly, she felt the whole world tremble and tremble, the sun and moon essence gathered around resonated and oscillated, and the frightened scorching sun above her head seemed to be stimulated by something, releasing unprecedented hot flames.

  Heart trembling, the little cat quickly picked up the little pig next to it, and jumped out of the arms of the boy in white.

   "Stay away!"

   There was no need for her to warn, the sun's divine fire poured down from the sun, the air around the boy in white gradually twisted and wriggled, and the terrifying heat wave spread like ripples, causing all the "sucking" demons and ghosts to howl.

  After a cup of tea, the people who fled to the foot of the mountain looked back and were stunned by the magnificent picture.

  The sea of ​​clouds is evaporated, and a beam of materialized beam of light spans the celestial body, like a divine sword shot down from the sun, piercing straight into the towering and pointed mountain.

  The golden-red divine light spread down from the top of the mountain like a liquid, it was molten magma flowing down at high temperature!

  Finally, bright golden-red flames burst out from the top of the thousands-meter-high mountain, as if it was burning blazingly, or like a piece of molten gold inlaid on the top of the mountain. This gorgeous and spectacular scene can be clearly captured within hundreds of miles.

   "Is Your Majesty awake?"

  Just as she put down the little fragrant pig, a deep and deep whisper came from behind her. Su Lingyi looked back at the white-bearded middle-aged man who was not angry and arrogant, and shook her head solemnly.

   "Not yet, the return of the will triggers the vision of heaven and earth, which is just a precursor to his awakening."


  After a long silence, Yin Weiping looked at the terrifying golden-red beam of light above his head, his brows and feet twitched unnaturally.

  Just a slight change of will to trigger this level of vision of heaven and earth, even if the king is in a special state of [enlightenment] at this time, it is really too exaggerated.

  Back then, he had the honor to listen to an eighth-rank sub-sage preaching, and that battle was not as terrifying as it is now!

   At this moment, the sky was surging again, but this time, what was condensed was no longer the light and peaceful white clouds, but the black and ink-like demonic energy robbery clouds.

   "Huh? The younger brother seems to have broken through. This range is still not safe. Let's step back a little bit."

Su Lingyi picked up the ignorant little fragrant pig and ran, and the melon-eating crowd at the foot of the mountain quickly retreated, only Yin Weiping did not retreat but advanced, a pair of tiger eyes saw the chaotic energy in Jieyun, and his brows were slowly knotted .

  Buddha, Taoism, martial arts, soldiers, demons...

  Although I knew that the path of power controlled by the emperor is very extensive, but why now even the paths of [Shinto] and [Emperor's Way] have appeared? !

   Could it be true that the rumor that the emperor deprived the king of Wonu of his divine power was true?

  He seems to be the combination of [Shinto] and [Emperor Way]...

  Thinking of this, Yin Weiping couldn't help but shudder.

   No matter how you say it, King Wonu is a genuine new ninth-rank saint!

  How did you, a sixth-level martial artist, **** food from the hands of an existence of this level?

   It's outrageous!

   Shaking his head, suppressing the chaotic emotions in his heart, Yin Weiping regained his composure.

  Aside from those unnatural operations, your majesty attributes all the power of so many paths to himself, will there really be no conflict?

  It would be fine if he just learned from it briefly, but he has obviously cultivated these powers to an extremely high level. It stands to reason that his [Dao Heart] should have collapsed long ago and fell into twisted madness.

   Immediately, Yin Weiping felt relieved when he remembered that he could forcibly change his class to the [Shinto] path.

   It is not once or twice that he has done something that ignores the laws of the world.

  Although it's outrageous, it's normal when I think it's him...

  At the same time, the robbery clouds in the sky became thicker and thicker, black clouds covered the sky, and thunderbolts as thick as arms rolled in the sea of ​​clouds, releasing dazzling incandescent light.

  The endless thunder began to gradually become agitated, converging towards the center, and finally turned into a pure white [Thunder Pool] that could not be seen directly, completely submerging the figure shrouded in the real fire of the sun.

  Endogenous energy mobilizes the outside world, and the thick liquid robbery ignores defenses, rushing along the meridians in Zhao Yinshun's body, penetrating down into every cell, and pouring up into the mysterious and ethereal Zifu Consciousness Sea.

  The spirit and flesh are purified and tempered in the thunder calamity, and the piercing pain is shielded by the [high-dimensional vision], like a detached person who stays out of things, watching all these with a half-awake will without sadness or joy, indifferent and boundless.

I don't know how long it took, Yin Weiping's heart trembled inexplicably. In the next second, the burning sun flames, the tumbling and steaming incandescent thunder pool, and the black cloud of demonic energy that covered the sky and the sun were like warm pets. into a tiny body.

  The tightly closed pupils slowly opened, and a river of stars flowed in the depths of the deep and boundless pupils, emitting a horrifying sword intent.

  Yin Weiping instinctively lowered his head, but the prying eyes still elicited a response, which made him startled.


   Mingming accepted the specialness of the boy, thinking that his heart was already as cold as a stone, and would never be throbbed by him again, but Yin Weiping's indifferent state of mind was crushed to pieces in the next second.

  Subtle tingling pain came from the cheek, Yin Weiping lowered his head and stroked it, a bright red mixed with platinum and gold appeared on the fingertips.

  The tiger's eyes shrunk into a vertical line, Yin Weiping looked at the blood on his fingertips in disbelief, felt the long and narrow sword marks that could be seen deep into the bones, and was speechless for a long time.

  I am a descendant of the white tiger who opened the [Body Pass]!

  Can you break through my defense with just a sliver of sword intent?

  It’s fine if you use the edge of the sword to break through, the jet-black sword that contains the law of destruction is indeed very powerful, but this is just a touch of sword intent!

   It's still the misty sword intent overflowing unconsciously!

  The last time I fought against the boy, he clearly had to rely on the power of the [Fengshen Bang] to defeat me...

  Mistaking the power of opening and hanging for the future body of [Fengshen Bang], Yin Weiping has always been able to comfort himself that he was defeated by the future martial arts sage, although the defeat is glorious.

  But the strength Zhao Yinshun showed today made him completely autistic.

   There is no need to use the power of the future, he seems to be able to crush himself easily now!

  An 18-year-old sixth-order mortal crushing himself, a thousand-year-old demon god...

  Suddenly, Yin Weiping felt absurd that his life was wasted.

  Just as his [Dao Heart] was oscillating, the surging and roaring energy tide above his head finally calmed down. The white-clothed boy sitting cross-legged in the void completely opened his eyes, and warm humanity emerged from the depths of his pupils, replacing the vast and empty divinity.

   Slowly spit out a mouthful of twisted black air as thick as ink, Zhao Yinshun smiled and raised the corners of his mouth.

  Heterogeneous Essence: 129011→0

  [Air]: 89692→166389 (Abyss)【+120%】

   Relying on Lei Jie's baptism and tempering, the heterogeneous true energy in the body is completely refined, like an arm and a finger, and there will be no backlash and riots again.

  Unfortunately, among the four Fusang gods back then, Tianke who had activated the [Qi Guan] [Primitive Heavenly Demon Fetal Breathing Method] couldn't breathe at all.

  In the end, only three of them were swallowed by the demonic energy, contributing more than 40,000 different types of true energy.

   Otherwise, I can add more...

  Thinking of this, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help sighing secretly.

   Nearly 130,000 different types of true qi were only refined to produce more than 70,000 [qi]. In addition to the loss during refining, there is also the reason for the attenuation of innate shackles.

  Although after a battle, my innate attributes skyrocketed a lot, and the upper limit of spirit and flesh was raised to an unimaginable level, but the growth of the [Qi] attribute was even more against the sky!

  【Primitive Heavenly Demon Fetal Breathing Method】plus【Myriad Tribulations Mysterious Yin Manual】, the superposition of one and one magic and two original profound arts produced a wonderful chemical change.

  Other five-dimensional attributes have huge positive bonuses, only [Qi] has a huge attenuation.

   With a thought, mysterious information is projected on the retina.

   "Affected by [Qualification], the acquisition efficiency of [Qi] attribute is reduced by 23%."

   Fortunately, with the support of Fusang veterans, the attenuation is not too severe.

   Smacking his lips, Zhao Yinshun looked down and looked at this rare achievement of [Enlightenment].

   "Six Heavens Pass of Shenmen—【Sensitive Pass】opened, 【Sensibility】+2"

   "Divine epiphany, immortal harmony."

  【Original demon fetal breath method】: LV.100 (jointly)

   "The Primordial Heavenly Demon Embryo Method [Crest of Truth] fragments evolved, and the expertise of [Original Devil Embryo] was upgraded to [Myth SSS Level]."

  [Original Magic Tire] (Myth SSS level)


  Heaven and earth contain magic embryos, common people turn into blood food, and the effectiveness of acquired attribute [Qi] law is increased by 30%


  The sky demon has no form, melts the soul and eats the bones. After the continuous magic energy reaches the limit, it can be detonated, causing the total amount of [Qi] attributes injected into itself plus 40% of the maximum value of the enemy's soul and flesh. Backlash damage.

   If the enemy dies, it will devour different kinds of energy, the maximum value is 30% of the upper limit of its own [Qi] attribute

  Seeing that the Hedao-level [Primitive Heavenly Devil's Breathing Method] can swallow up to 30% of his own [Qi] attribute's upper limit of alien energy at one time, Zhao Yinshun was excited for a while, but soon calmed down again.

  After this battle, he has roughly figured out the level of ordinary seventh-order gods.

  The one who opens a gate is a new god, with limited knowledge, and the attribute of [Qi] is between 10,000 and 30,000. My current devouring limit of more than 50,000 can't be filled at all.

  At least you have to open the middle seventh-level gods of two divine levels, and even open the upper seventh level of three levels to satisfy your appetite.

   But now the problem is coming, how can I refine it after swallowing a large amount of heterogeneous true energy?

   With a slight movement of the mind, the next important exercise information came to mind.

  [Myriad Tribulations Mysterious Yin Manual]: LV.100 (Combination)

   "Myriad Tribulations Mysterious Yin Canon [Truth Emblem] Fragments evolved, and [Turning Tribulations into Utilities] Specialty was upgraded to [Myth SSS Level]."

  【Turning catastrophe into use】(myth · SSS level)

  Concentrate the essence of the yin, cast the immortal god, and increase the effectiveness of the law of the acquired attribute [God] by 70%→80%

   Perfectly survive the [Thunder Tribulation], the effect of the acquired attribute [God] law increases by 80% → 100%

   Innate attribute [qualification] law efficiency increased by 20% → 30%

  The three tribulations of wind, fire, and thunder have already passed, and my current body and soul are pure and intact, and I will no longer be able to rely on external tribulations to cleanse myself.

  After a short period of regret, Zhao Yinshun showed a gratified smile again when he saw the terrifying bonus of [Turning Calamity into Use].

  The bonus was only 10% when it was first formed, but now it has been increased to 100% step by step. It is worthy of a growth specialty, and it is worthy of the magic power of [Nothingness Yuehengtian], an untold secret!

   Immediately, the line of sight continued to move down, and the last three exercises that had not yet been successfully completed came into view.

  【Basic swordsmanship】: LV.99 (return to void/bottleneck)

  [Phantom Sword · Luohu]: LV.99 (Void Return/Bottleneck)

  【Fudo Mingwang Prison Force】: LV.61 (Master)

   Several months of wars and killings, more than a hundred battles, and this long [Enlightenment], the super god-level [Fudo Mingwang Prison Strength] is fine, why is [Basic Sword Art] still at level 99?

   Can this thing really [join the Tao]?

  Looking at this "nail house" who has been with him since time travel, Zhao Yinshun frowned in distress, and the instructions of his master appeared in his mind.

"[Basic swordsmanship] You must practice diligently and unremittingly. Although everyone knows this thing, it is actually the original swordsmanship handed down from [Xuanming Gonghuatian]. Even those sword lunatics in Shushan regard it as a treasure. I can think of it. the mystery."

  Indeed, 【Basic Swordsmanship】is easy to learn but difficult to master, the more mysterious and powerful it gets at the back.

  The [Sword God] specialty at level 90 directly increases the power of the sword by 100%, and can even suppress the authority of Shenmen Tianguan from a conceptual level!

  [Phantom Sword·Luohu]'s law of destruction, amplified by [Sword God], is his sharpest weapon against the gods!

   After pondering for a moment, Zhao Yinshun put the matter down for the time being, looked at the final magic skill, and slowly relaxed his frowning brows.

  【Fudo Myoo】(Super **** level)


  Condensed Fudo Myoko's divine body, the acquired attribute [Body] law efficiency increased by 80% → 100%

  Acquired attribute [Force] law efficiency increased by 40%→50%

  Permanently reduce all damage equal to the sum of [Body] and [Strength] attribute values.


   Release the power of Fudo Myoo, the passive effect is increased by 250% → 300%, [Strength] and [Physical] attributes are superimposed on each other, and the upper limit is the sum of the two.

  The damage received is reduced by 75%→80%, and the reduced damage can superimpose its own strength to counter-shock the enemy.

   After careful perception, the corners of Zhao Yinshun's mouth involuntarily rose crazily.

  In the future, apart from [Liguan]'s unreasonable "true damage" authority, the attacks of ordinary seventh-level gods may not even break his skin!

  Pursing his lips and chuckling lightly, Zhao Yinshun let out a mouthful of turbid air, and looked at the overview of all the gains after the improvement of skills.


  【Original Min】+0.6


  【Origin · Essence】+0.8



   reverse innate


  【root bone】+631




  【Original Heavenly Demon Fetal Breathing Method】Enter the cycle of mythology, 【Crazy】+5

  [Myriad Tribulations Mysterious Yin Manual] Entering the cycle of mythology, [rationality] +5

   After sorting out his own progress, Zhao Yinshun restrained the overflowing energy, and his consciousness returned to reality.

  As soon as he regained his senses, the majestic golden talisman condensed out of thin air, turning into a divine authority and sinking between his eyebrows.

  【Luzhou Mu】!

  Feeling the exaggerated power he had gained, the corners of the white-clothed boy's mouth could not be suppressed completely.

  Open a government office and establish a dental office, and rule everything!

   Cut first and play later, the imperial power franchise!

   What the [Emperor] can’t control, I [Zhen Guogong] will take care of!

  Some insects need to be posted~

   Thanks to [Baili Heping] [Kuanglongsheng] and other book friends for their rewards.

   The biological clock is completely out of order. I sent it during the day and will continue to adjust it tomorrow. (╥﹏╥)



  (end of this chapter)

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