MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 377 The strength of the battle is unknown, but if you meet the strong, you will be strong!

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  Chapter 377 Combat strength is unknown, if you meet the strong, you will be strong!

  The scarlet blood boiled behind Li Yuerong, and the overwhelming military tactics gradually retreated. Tens of thousands of soldiers guarded the high platform, as if they were facing an enemy.

  Looking around, Zhao Yinshun waved his hands calmly.

   "People see that only tens of thousands of troops come here. It's normal that you can't break through his domain, and there is no need to blame yourself."

This **** world is ridiculously big. Weili County alone has a territory of millions of square kilometers. The [Shenwu Army] has a million troops scattered on the front that winds thousands of miles. The size of the unit area is actually quite limited. , can't pose a threat to a peak seventh-rank Confucian who is in charge of the [Holy Relic].

In addition, Li Yuerong has just ascended to the gods, and the military skills of [Moving Like Thunderous Shock] are still very immature, and it is impossible to draw the blood demon from thousands of miles away, otherwise the three **** generals and millions of troops will be able to kill the soldiers in minutes. Refining Lian Yuanwei's divine realm.

   Covering his mouth thoughtfully, Zhao Yinshun frowned slightly.

  This incident also reminded him, although the expansion of the [Shenwu Army] seems to be amazing in scale, but it is actually scattered in the mountains of Luzhou like a handful of sand thrown into the sea, without even a bubble.

   An army that has lost its size is fine against ordinary superhumans, but it will be extremely powerless in the face of mythical creatures.

Zhao Yinshun did not forget how the Fusang defenders in the Shenli occupied area were swallowed up by the [Shenwu Army]. The scale of the group army made him feel afraid.

  Thinking of this, Zhao Yinshun secretly reminded himself in his heart that he should not be dazzled by the victories along the way. He could despise the enemy strategically, but he must pay attention to the enemy tactically!

   But seeing his pensive and dignified appearance, Li Yuerong blamed himself even more.

   "It's all my fault that my subordinate [Moving Like Thunder] couldn't practice well, and couldn't fully integrate the army to exert the strength that [Shenwu Army] should have, which put Junshang in danger..."

   "Hehe, with the current scale of the [Shenwu Army], if you want to fully exert your strength, you have to have the eighth-rank soldier Dao Yasheng as the commander, and nearly ten gods will be the backbone. You are too demanding of yourself."

  Shaking his head with a broken smile, the young man in white looked softly and raised his hand to support him. Li Yuerong suddenly felt an irresistible force pulling him up from the ground, and he couldn't help standing up straight.

  Afterwards, Zhao Yinshun looked past him to the boundless sky, and smiled meaningfully.

   "As for being in a dangerous situation... Hehe, it's actually not dangerous. Someone is watching."

When he released the divine resonance before, he clearly sensed a secret line of sight observing in secret. Even the divine domain of the peak seventh-order Confucian with the help of "Zuo Zhuan" could not block this line of sight. The familiar feeling made him He guessed the other party's identity in an instant.

  The Lord of the Central Destiny, Da Min 【Emperor】!

  Actually, when [Emperor] appointed him as Luzhou Shepherd, Zhao Yinshun already faintly understood his calculations.

   On the one hand, it is to lay a solid foundation for the succession of the senior sister.

From a geostrategic point of view, Luzhou borders Youzhou in the north, Zhili in the west, and Yangzhou in the south. Once [Xuanwu Jing] or [Qinglong Jing] changes, the [Shenwu Army] can immediately send troops to rescue them, or even directly take over the two major cities. The army of Zhu Kingdom!

  [Zhen Guogong] In theory, he is qualified to command the world's soldiers and horses!

   And in case of a more serious situation, Zhili rebellion, the [Shenwu Army] hoarded at the junction of the two states will be able to enter the imperial capital in just ten months, and the Qing Dynasty will be in trouble for Yasukuni!

   At that time, without any real threat, [Shenwujun] will hang like a sword of Damocles on the top of the Tianling Cap of the court officials, so that they will be extra sober when they talk to their senior sisters.

   On the other hand, Zhao Yinshun guessed that the [Emperor] had seen his achievements in [Liuyin Fengguo] in the past few years, and wanted to fundamentally remove obstacles for the senior sisters and reshape the foundation of the empire.

Although the memorials to impeach him in the court are piled up every day, describing himself as a heinous tyrant, and describing [Liuyin Fengguo] as a **** where corpses are everywhere and people live in poverty, but I did practice in just two or three years. Formed a powerful navy and army.

In Shen Li's battle, the [Shenwu Army] wiped out millions of enemies, and made an incomparable contribution. To a certain extent, it broke the slander of the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty. He made up his mind not to break but not to stand.

  Anyway, the situation has become so rotten, and I have reached the end of my life. I use a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and use a Luzhou to "fuck" [Zhen Guogong] to see if I can make some tricks.

   You must know that Luzhou is located in the Central Plains, the core ancestral land of the Central Empire, and it has been a rich land since ancient times.

  Although the area of ​​the eight states in the Central Plains only accounts for about one-seventh of the entire territory of Damin, the population accounts for more than one-third, and the economic proportion is even higher!

  The land is vast, the resources are abundant, and the population is large. The potential of these places is huge. It is only because of the continuous corruption of vested interest groups that the country cannot draw strength from them.

  Once the original ruling group is destroyed and the local productivity is released, Zhao Yinshun is confident that within a few years, with the power of Luzhou and one state, he will blow up Fusang, drink horses in Kyoto, and seal Zen Fuji.

  [Emperor] I am afraid that he saw the hope of turning the sky back, so he gave him such exaggerated authority.

   In the first battle with Lian Yuanwei, Zhao Yinshun also deliberately tried.

   As expected, the [Emperor] just watched in secret, even though he watched a generation of Confucian scholars die under his sword, he did not mobilize the Divine Barrier to "persuade the fight".

   Rubbing his chin, Zhao Yinshun looked at the sky and smiled meaningfully.

   Now that the [Emperor]'s attitude has been clarified, there is a tacit understanding between the monarch and his ministers. Some conservative and cautious plans may now be bolder.

   Moreover, Zhao Yinshun had a deeper guess in his heart, feeling that the [Emperor] was using him as a knife to cut off some hidden danger.

  In Luzhou, there is one and only one that is worthy of the [emperor's] fear—Confucianism!

  【Sheng Yan Gong】Eternal lineage, no matter how the dynasties change, as long as the 【Sheng Yan Gong Mansion】does not rebel, the current emperor will be happy to give them a share of glory and wealth, and gain the respect of Confucianism in terms of jurisprudence.

  So, [Sheng Yangong] and Damin are not a community of interests. On the contrary, a dynasty with weaker legal principles may need the support of Confucianism more, so that they can obtain higher authority.

  Thinking of this, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help showing a wicked smile.

  Confucianism is the representative of the big landlord class, and there are irreconcilable contradictions with his policies. He doesn't mind being the butcher knife of the [Emperor], and bloodbathed the entire Luzhou.

   It's just that he doesn't know whether he can fight against the Confucian sanctuary with the strength of millions of [Shenwu Army].

After all, that is a powerful sanctuary that has been passed down from the ancient times to the present. This generation of "Holy Master" was even more powerful decades ago, overwhelming the supreme genius of an era, but I don't know why later, After he became a god, he gradually faded out of the world's field of vision and rarely appeared again.

  Later, he seemed to have inherited the holy titles of the contemporary [Sheng Yan Gong] and the ninth-rank [Supreme Sage Master] for granted, and even his own master would show awe when he mentioned him.

   He even guessed that he might ascend to the holy throne with his own strength and become one of the few [true saints] in the history of Confucianism.

  Combined with the Confucian sacred objects in his hands, he is one of the most powerful saints in the whole world!

  Thinking of this, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help pursing his lips in distress.

  I am a mere sixth-level warrior, why should I consider dealing with a ninth-level [True Saint]?

  Damn it!

  I'm still a child!

  I have endured the pressure that I shouldn't have to bear at this age!

  In case one day you are forced to blacken and want to make the world feel pain, then no matter how you think about it, it will be the world's fault!

  Gritting his teeth, Zhao Yinshun frowned for a moment, then sighed helplessly.

   If it’s not necessary, he doesn’t want to push Confucianism and Taoism, especially when he sees Master’s “illness” getting worse.

  There are already enough silly and cute pets. If I go crazy again, there will be no normal person in the entire Wahuangshan Lingyun Palace!

   What's even more frightening is that if [crazy] or [rationality] overwhelms human nature, with one's own power, it might cause a catastrophe!

  The strength of the battle is unknown, if you meet the strong, you will be strong!

The divinity of infinitely ascending dimensions will crush all obstacles and devour all enemies, and then the synchronous growth of [madness] and [rationality] will further overwhelm [humanity], and finally when I open my eyes again and wake up, maybe the entire universe will be destroyed. They were all "eaten" by themselves.

  Heaving a long sigh, Zhao Yinshun temporarily put the matter aside, and prepared to take a step forward.

  If the [Emperor] is strong enough to help him suppress the high-end Confucian combat power, he can also try to create a wave of Confucian sanctuary.

   But if [Emperor] can’t hold back, then he will think about it in the long run. Anyway, if he can run away, the monk can’t run away from the temple.

  When he completely digests Luzhou, pulls out an army of tens of millions, and piles up a ninth-rank soldier saint, it will not be empty talk to destroy temples in Nava Mountain, burn books and bury scholars.

   Rubbing his chin, Zhao Yinshun had a calculation in his mind, no longer entangled in the future situation, and looked at the death row prisoners under the high platform.

   "Ready for execution."


  Beside Li Yuerong clasped his fists solemnly, then looked at the stiff Confucian with some vigilance, and turned to Zhao Yinshun with a questioning look.

   "Well... this guy has a special status, and his spirit and flesh are still active. I don't know if he can eat it... Forget it, people can't, at least they shouldn't..."

   Smash it, Smash your mouth, Zhao Yinshun murmured, shaking his head, and ordered softly.

   "Ask Qi Tong to come see me."

   "Follow the order!"

   Taking advantage of the gap between the soldiers driving the death row prisoners, Li Yuerong disappeared in a flash.

  At the same time, the death row prisoners under the high platform seemed to realize something, and suddenly turned upside down, crying, cursing and begging for mercy intertwined, forming a "vigorous" picture.

   "Spare me!"

   "Wrong! I didn't rebel! I entered the door with my right foot!"

   "Zhao Yinshun! You shameless villain! You must die!"

   "Bastard! Zhao Yinshun, you are causing trouble for the court! My Damin thousand-year-old country will be destroyed by you, God! Open your eyes!"


   Just when Zhao Yinshun was enjoying their performance before they died with great interest, a young woman who still had a charm suddenly appeared beside him.

   "See Your Majesty."

  Looking back at the **** of medicine he raised with his own hands, Zhao Yinshun nodded with a gentle smile.

   "You seem to be getting more and more beautiful after becoming a god."

   "It's just a mere divine charm, I dare not compare with the king."


   Noticing a trace of fatigue in Qi Tong's eyebrows, Zhao Yinshun frowned in doubt.

   "You are [Jingguan] a god, and you are still tired."

  Hearing this, Qi Tong suddenly raised his head and opened his mouth to speak, but the words were swallowed back when he reached his mouth, staring at the boy in white resentfully.

   After a long time, she whispered quietly.

   "In more than a month, I have practiced hundreds of thousands of military medicines, and all of them are high-level medicines above A level. Do you think I will be easy?"


   After a few seconds of silence, Zhao Yinshun patted her on the shoulder, skillfully drawing big cakes.

   "Thank you for your hard work, I will give you a promotion and salary increase immediately."

   "Forget it, Your Majesty summoned me, but what's the matter?"

   "Oh, by the way, see if this thing is useful."

   Pointing at the great Confucian who was still in the posture before dying, Zhao Yinshun asked casually.

  Have noticed this person a long time ago, Qi Tong's beautiful eyes were focused, and his deep eyes scanned him back and forth, but he couldn't penetrate the thick and holy aura of body protection.

   "Majestic righteousness, is it a Confucian god?"


"What's up with him?"

   "Dead, I beheaded the true spirit, but the body and soul are still intact, I wonder if it can be recycled."

  Hearing this, Qi Tong was shocked, and looked at the boy in white in disbelief.

   "Just now the army's killing array was activated, could it be because of him?"


  Qi Tong no longer cared about etiquette, clasped his fists at Zhao Yinshun to plead guilty, walked around to the front of Daru, and saw his dull and out-of-focus pupils.

   "The true spirit dies, but the soul and body are not damaged..."

   Staring at the empty eyeballs, Qi Tong stretched out his hand to touch him in awe, trembling all over, subconsciously looking at the boy in white, swallowing involuntarily.

   "【Jing】【Qi】【God】The peak seventh-level **** who can open all three levels, my did you do it?"

   "Isn't it just as long as you have hands?"

   Spreading his arms, Zhao Yinshun looked at Qi Tong strangely.


   After being silent for a long time, Qi Tong finally calmed down the roiling emotions in his chest, and changed the subject abruptly.

   "This kind of corpse that retains the flesh and erases the true spirit is the best material for looting, and it is also the favorite material of the magic way. It can train corpses, dismantle organs, peel skin and bones, practice blood and soul..."

   "Of course, it's too wasteful to dismantle it into materials. The complete body is his greatest value. Even Maoshan's [Nothingness Yuehengtian] will be moved."

   Speaking of this, Qi Tong looked at Zhao Yinshun worriedly.

   "However, this is a great Confucian. Your majesty has a noble status and is the supreme ruler of the country. You should not be tainted with such a stigma."

   "Didn't they say that I led beasts to eat people? Then I will show them what it means to eat people!"

   Zhao Yinshun sneered dismissively.

  Hearing the words, Qi Tong hesitated to speak, and it took a long time before admonishing him.

   "Your Majesty, Your Majesty the Eldest Princess will be very embarrassed. You have to think about her honor."

   Ask for a ticket~Qiu Li Gao~~ヽ(≧□≦)ノ



  (end of this chapter)

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