MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 380 It's hopeless, wait for death!

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  Chapter 380 There is no hope, wait for death!

  The invisible sword light disappeared in a flash, and the seven Pujie, who had been bundled into rice dumplings, regained their freedom. They stood up cautiously, exchanging eyes quietly while moving their hands and feet.

  Seeing that the eyes of the younger brothers and sisters were flickering, eager to try, the young leader quickly suppressed them with serious eyes.

   Don't play dead!

   Put away whatever evil thoughts you have now!

  On the other side, Zhao Yinshun didn't care about the eye contact between them at all, and waved his hands casually.

   "Wait on the side first, there are still things for you to do after I finish my business."

  Hearing this, the irritable sixth brother's eyes bulged, and he wanted to resist on the spot.

  However, before the words could be spoken, Zhao Yinshun glanced casually, and his deep and boundless vision scraped across his skin with a piercing chill, instantly extinguishing the courage he had finally mustered up.

   Coupled with the fact that the leading young man took his arm and squeezed it quietly, the irritable young man immediately died down and shrank aside following the guidance in his heart.

   Seeing the seven quail shrank to the corner tremblingly, Zhao Yinshun shook his head with a smile, and looked at Zhou Rou who was calm and indifferent.

   "Where were we talking just now?"

   "Speaking of Confucianism may encourage less sober fools to make your enemies."

  Looking at the seven youths who were staring at the corners of their eyes, Zhou Rou calmly spoke words of hatred.


   "Brother, is this **** mocking us?"

   "Remove the 'Is it'!"

   "Damn! We are not his subordinates, why should we obey his orders!"

   "Don't talk about it, Seventh Sister, this [Zhen Guogong] is so arrogant, planning with his subordinates in front of us, just for us to spy on the truth."

  Several young people secretly exchanged sights and used secret methods to transmit sound, but they didn't notice that Zhao Yinshun cast a glance at them without any trace, and shook his head helplessly.

  【God】The attribute is completely crushed, the personality is low, and there is no special talent or high-level artifact. Why do you vulgar warriors dare to plot loudly in front of my noble Lord?

  Cookies and love to play...Forget it, there is no hope, just wait for death!

   Sighing, Zhao Yinshun was too lazy to pay attention to those guys with clear and stupid eyes, and began to listen to Zhou Rou's report seriously.

"Because our action is very sudden this time, the original agricultural production in Weili County has not been damaged. According to your land reform policy, the farmers who have obtained the land distribution will directly own all the output on the land. The tax rate is the same as [Liuyin Fengguo], so now the enthusiasm of the farmers in the entire Weili County is unprecedentedly high, and they are very cooperative with our cadres. The autumn harvest is also proceeding in an orderly manner, and it is estimated that they can harvest 20 million tons of staple food..."

  Hearing Zhou Rou's orderly report, several youths in the corner looked at each other.

   "Twenty million...tons? I'll be good, how much grain is that?"

   "Hmph! The rumors are indeed true. This [Zhen Guogong] robbed the people's fields and put them all into private treasury. It is a heinous crime!"

   "Wait, why does it sound like he gave all the fields to farmers? This..."

   "It must be his trick to buy people's hearts. The common people at the bottom have little knowledge, and a little profit can make them grateful. They don't know that this hypocritical guy has more evil plans behind him!"

   "Hush! Be quiet and listen carefully!"


   "After finishing the autumn harvest, we can start to set up [Longwei] locally. It is expected that Weili County will be completely digested within a month or two, and the grassroots organizations in various places will be able to operate on their own. At that time, you can proceed to the next step."

   After a pause, Zhou Rou reminded with some hesitation.

   "However, I'm afraid it's already winter at that time, and it's freezing cold, so it's not suitable for a large army to conquer."

  Hearing this, Zhao Yinshun hadn't responded yet, Li Yuerong, who had been standing quietly by the side, became anxious first, and knelt down on the spot with fists folded.

   "My lord, the winter in Luzhou is not too cold, and the quality of the [Shenwu Army] is far superior to that of the general army. Coupled with sufficient logistics and warming materials, the subordinates guarantee that there will be no problem in using troops in winter!"

   After pondering for a few seconds, Zhao Yinshun quickly made a decision.

   "Well...then continue to implement the tentative military plan."

  Actually, although the physique of the awakened warrior is not as amazing as that of a martial artist, it is still far beyond that of a mortal, and ordinary minor illnesses and pains can be completely ignored.

  But if you want to be truly invulnerable to cold and heat, and fully adapt to most environments, you have to go to the Legendary Realm.

  Considering that after the expansion of [Shenwu Army], most of them are recruits, Zhao Yinshun does not intend to be too radical.

  Anyway, he is playing Yangmou this time, and he wants to push Luzhou openly and squarely. It is the kingly way to fight step by step.

  On the other hand, Zhou Rou did not intervene in military affairs too presumptuously. Zhou Rou only made some suggestions from a logistical point of view, and soon followed up with reports.

   "In addition, [Liuyin Fengguo] has had a bumper harvest of grain this year. Two rounds of rice and wheat planting have harvested a total of 210 million tons of grain, and the yield per mu has reached more than 800 catties, which is nearly three times higher than in the past!"

  Hearing this, the few fools in the corner once again lamented the astronomical grain output, but the young man in the lead was slightly stagnant for breathing.

  He is not as indiscriminate as his younger siblings, and he is clearly aware of the terrifying meaning behind this understatement.

   800 catties per mu!

   That’s enough to feed three or four people!

  Although the food is not full, it is not too tight.

   And a normal labor force can take care of 10 mu of land a year, that is to say, one person can support 3 to 40 people!

  A large amount of food can support more superhumans, such as [soldiers]...

  When he thought of Zhao Yinshun's [Shenwu Army] continuing to expand, he felt his scalp go numb.

  One hundred thousand [Shenwu Army] can sweep Shen Li, kill millions of Fusang troops, and lose more than ten thousand. If he is given tens of millions of troops, who else in Damin can compete with him?

   What's more frightening is that this guy is younger than his seventh sister. It is said that he is only eighteen years old. There is no suspense about his future ascension to the gods.

  Warrior is not as good as the [Taoist] class in pursuit of longevity, but it is much better than the short-lived classes such as [Emperor Dao], [Bing Dao], and [Official Dao].

  Once he becomes a god, he will have a long lifespan of hundreds of years, at least, if he becomes a saint again...

In a trance, the young man seemed to see a boundless shadow covering the whole Damin, millions of miles of the empire trembled under the power of this monster, and this dark age of endless sun did not last for one or two years, but for several years. A hundred years, even thousands of years!

  Thinking of this, he shuddered for a moment, goosebumps all over his body stood up, and subconsciously looked at the handsome side face of the young man.

  In the next millennium, will everyone live in his shadow?

   Immediately, endless doubts filled the young man's heart.

  Why can such a cruel guy produce 800 catties per mu?

  Didn’t everyone in the world say that 【Zhen Guogong】was militaristic, making the people’s lives miserable, all businesses dying, and the people changing their sons to eat?

  Why does it sound like [Liuyin Fengguo] feels very rich and powerful?

   What about the militarism that was agreed?

   Are you deliberately deceiving us?

  However, seeing Zhao Yinshun talking to his subordinates with a smile in his eyes, the young man quickly dismissed this idea.

  With the arrogance and conceit of a hero like him, he doesn't even bother to deceive us prisoners.

   Besides, it's useless to lie to us...

   Shaking his head, suppressing the complicated emotions in his heart, the young man cheered up, pricked up his ears and continued to listen.

   "Mr. He Li contributed a lot. Next year, the budget of the Ministry of Agriculture will be increased by 20%, and the funding for [Agricultural University] will be doubled."


  Recording Zhao Yinshun's order, Zhou Rou pursed her lips and smiled lightly.

"Mr. He Li has received a lot of merit feedback because of the winter wheat. Now that he has improved his cultivation base, he is expected to ascend to the eighth-rank sub-sage. He is just proud of the spring breeze. He often shows off to Mr. Zhang Kangsheng. I am afraid that Mr. Zhang Kangsheng will not be able to bear it for a long time. ..."

  Hearing this, Zhao Yinshun couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion.

   After so long, I finally caught it!

  Before, although Mr. Zhang tried his best to teach Qi Tong, and also helped him refine the magic medicine of the military way, but he never said it would be effective, and he was as reserved as a sea king...

   Now, my [Ministry of Health] and [Medical University] finally have a person in charge!

"Your Majesty, more than 80% of the grain harvest this time is the output of Linbo County. The potential of the two counties of [Yanhai] and [Weishan] has not yet been realized. When the immigrants from various places settle down next year, it is estimated that [Liuyinfeng] The country’s total grain output will increase by 50%.”

   "Just the [Liuyin Fengguo] three counties can produce 300 million tons of grain per year?"

   "Yes, and that's not the limit."

  Seeing Zhou Rou's reserved and proud expression, Zhao Yinshun sighed and looked at the sky outside the window.

  The land of the three counties has an annual output of 300 million tons. This is on the premise that there is no big killer of chemical fertilizers. The Celestial Dynasty in the previous life saw it and cried!

  In such a rich land, how did the group of insects starve to death? !

  However, Zhao Yinshun felt relieved when he thought of the coquettish operations of those traitorous compradors in his previous life.

  At least this group of insects didn’t sell out Damin’s women, and they didn’t treat ordinary people as organ farms.

  Of course, maybe it’s because they haven’t learned such "high-end" operations. After all, you can always trust the bottomless lower limit of insects...

   Shaking his head, putting all distracting thoughts behind him, Zhao Yinshun tapped his lips and narrowed his eyes with interest.

In a few months this year, he rescued more than 20 million refugees from Shenli, plus more than 10 million refugees from Yangzhou and other places, the total population of the entire [Liuyin Fengguo] has exceeded eighty million.

   When Weili County digests it again, the population size under his rule will expand to more than 100 million.

  There are people, there is food, there is industry, and there is an unreasonable [Old King Court] who gave theocratic power to the entire country.

  Perhaps the preparations for the next expansion of the army can start earlier.

  Thinking of this, Zhao Yinshun looked at Li Yuerong: "How is the recruitment of the reserve team going?"

   The unexpected question stunned Li Yuerong for a moment, and he pondered for a few seconds before answering.

   "Recently, the work center of the military department is all concentrated on the expansion and integration of the [Shenwu Army]. The recruitment of the reserve service has not been carried out on a large scale. At present, it has only absorbed some reserve members from the [Dragon Guard] in various places."

   As part of Zhao Yinshun’s envisioned mobilization system, the [Longwei] rooted in the countryside almost covers more than 50% of middle-aged men, and it is also the prototype of the future compulsory military service system.

   It is even more to prevent future chaos in the world. He, the [Duke of the Town], can pull up an invincible army with the force of thunder, help the senior sisters sweep the eight wastes and suppress disobedient ministers internally, and resist the siege of the great powers externally!

  Once the worst situation is reached and the soldiers are truly militaristic, he hopes to have hundreds of millions of soldiers under his command!

   "Well... Recently, the [Shenwu Army] has been working well. The military department no longer needs to devote all its energy to the regular army. Let's start a new round of reserve recruitment and training. The planned scale is tentatively set at 5 million."

  Li Yuerong was overjoyed when he heard the words, but Zhou Rou couldn't help but tremble with the tip of his writing pen.

"What's wrong?"

   Noticing Zhou Rou's strange behavior, Zhao Yinshun asked softly.

   "The 5 million off-the-job reserves will put great pressure on production. If awakened, it will become a bottomless gold-eating beast. It is impossible for the Ministry of Industry to provide enough equipment in a short period of time."

   After a pause, Zhou Rou bit her lip in embarrassment.

   "Master Qi Tong will probably go crazy when he hears it."

5 million reserves means at least 5 million war awakening medicines. If you consider their second, third, and even fourth-tier medicines in the future, Qi Tong will be squeezed out even if he opens the [Jingguan] authority. Dry.

   "Well... it's a problem, don't tell her yet, wait until the new alchemy furnace over at the [Pill Medicine Bureau] is put into use to see the effect, if it doesn't work, call the lecturer from [Medical University]..."

   Speaking of this, Zhao Yinshun suddenly rolled his eyes.

   "By the way, don't the students of the [Medical University] already have alchemy courses? Arrange them to go to the [Pillage Bureau] for an internship! The grades will be calculated according to the average energy level of the alchemy!"

   "But if these apprentices are used to refine the big medicine, the loss will increase several times, and the quality will drop!"

   "This tuition is always payable, isn't it?"

   Shrugging, Zhao Yinshun said helplessly.

  Zhou Rou was silent for a moment, bowed her head respectfully: "Your will."

   At this time, in the corner of the room, a few fools were dumbfounded, and looked at each other in disbelief.

  5 million troops, a figure they have only seen in historical records.

  Adding the number of [Shenwu Army] active duty, that's six million!

   This scale is probably more than half of the entire Da Min army!

   Only one Luzhou, no, only four counties can support such a large army?

You must know that an awakened extraordinary person consumes far more resources than ordinary people. An ordinary person can live well with a few hundred catties of food a year, and an awakened [soldier] or [warrior] needs ten times more blood and food. In addition, not to mention the great medicine for advanced stages, the supplements for nourishing the body on weekdays, and armor weapons and other equipment.

   Several naives blinked their eyes, and they all saw doubts in each other's eyes.

  Where did this tyrant get the financial resources to support such a huge army?

   Isn't it said that the people are in dire straits and all industries are in decline?

  If this tyrant is really as cruel and cruel to the people as the rumors say, and with his level of governance, he can have millions of troops, then what are so many virtuous and talented people doing in Damin?

  Seeds of doubt took root in the bottom of my heart, and some illogical clues flickered and connected in my mind in the past, a group of naive frowned thoughtfully, and fell into a deep silence.

   Ask for a ticket~ヾ(ゞ)



  (end of this chapter)

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