MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 396 【The Seven Deadly Sins · Lust】

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  Looking up at the beautiful young man who was close at hand, the old monk Gu Jing Wubo's [Dao Heart] vibrated violently, instinctively avoiding his eyes, not daring to look directly at those terrifying pupils overflowing with the original light.

  The direction of destiny is completely out of control. Even the old monk who is in charge of the [Past Buddha] holy status can no longer keep the spiritual platform calm, and the illusory sea of ​​consciousness has set off turbulent waves.

  Holding his palms together, the old monk lowered his eyebrows and nodded and recited the secret mantra, his expression gradually becoming peaceful and compassionate.

   "The ancient Buddha of Dieng Deng attained enlightenment in the 【Past Solemn Calamity】, even the 【Emperor】could hardly cross history and cross this calamity..."

   "Although [Zhen Guogong] used the power of [Fengshen Bang] to incarnate [Wu Sheng], but [Wu]'s way of killing sins, why can he cross the eternity and reach the Buddha?"

  A few meters away, the young man in white looked down at the old monk from above, with an undisguised sarcasm on his lips.

   "Who told you that I am 【Wu Sheng】?"


  A few simple words made the old monk's emotions tumbling again after he finally calmed down. His old and hazy eyes lifted slightly, and he stared at Yuan Tingyueli's white-clothed boy in amazement.

   "Don't use your limited cognition to measure me, stupid low-dimensional creature..."

  He raised his toes and took a step, and the vision of the vicissitudes of life changed around the boy's body, as if tens of thousands of years had passed between lifting his feet.

  With a short distance of a few meters, Zhao Yinshun walked slowly and firmly in front of the old monk in one step of the rise and fall of civilization, and one step in the cycle of life and death.

   Despite urging all the authorities, they couldn't stop the young man from approaching. When he finally stood in front of him, the old monk realized clearly, as if he had foreseen his own destiny, and he was unwilling to look up at his unparalleled handsome face.

  When a [Martial Sage] who dominates killing and destruction stands in front of him, even the most holy [Buddhist and Taoist] cannot resist the fate of eternal silence!

  In close proximity, there are as many enemies as possible!

   Is this the supreme power that even the [Emperor] fears?

  But...he said he is not 【Wu Sheng】ah!

  A sense of absurd disillusionment surged in his heart, somewhere, the old monk had the illusion that the young man in front of him was unreal, as if he should not have existed in this world.

  Different ways of heaven...

   Monsters that shouldn't exist...

  The catastrophe that swept across the world...

  Inspired by his heart, the old monk waved his sleeve robe and shot out a simple and faint candle, but the target was not the boy in white clothes, but the Buddhas of the heavens farther away.

   "I've said it before, after today, there will be no [Lantern] in the world."

  The young man looked down at the old monk without squinting. The ghostly purple-black flame bloomed from the void, condensing into a sword of destruction that could not be seen directly, and instantly fixed the burning candle in the air.


  The seemingly weak and insignificant candle flame bursts out with great light, which collides with the destructive sword intent of [You Huang Zhu Shen Jian], causing the entire dimension to oscillate into violent ripples visible to the naked eye.

  With the stalemate between the two [True Holy] original powers, the time is disordered, the space bursts, like broken glass, and the cobweb-like cracks in time and space spread infinitely, revealing the chaotic and twisted deep abyss below.


   Realizing that he couldn't break free from the young man's sword intent lock, the old monk let out a long sigh and waved his hand again. Dozens of Buddhas in the distance instantly collapsed and disappeared into the depths of the endless river of time.

   "Struggling is futile, I will eventually destroy [Suyamaten]."

  Hearing this, the old monk showed a relieved and peaceful smile.

   "Even so, it will be a long time later. [Duke Zhen] invoked the power beyond his control. I'm afraid he will fall into a long sleep..."

  Raising his hand and looking at his gradually blurred and transparent palm, under the [high-dimensional vision], countless original substances representing his own existence dissipated like a cloud, and Zhao Yinshun frowned impatiently.

   Sure enough, 1 point [Reality Modification Points] is still too little, even if it is only temporarily carried, it cannot support your long-term divine resonance.

  I didn't even fully unfold the super-dimensional posture!

   "Besides, even if [Zhen Guogong] destroys [Suyamaten], it will reappear in the future. [Wu] can destroy the body, but cannot destroy the spirit, let alone destroy the immortal Buddha fruit..."

  The old monk beckoned, and the infinitely bright candle flame returned to his chest, and he treasured it into his palm.

   "If the dust and the non-attached ones are all dust, one dust and one kalpa, I have become a Buddha, and it will be more than hundreds of thousands of billions of nayuta asamkhya kalpas..."

  Listening to the old monk's long and solemn recitation, Zhao Yinshun sneered and hooked the corners of his mouth.

   "I don't destroy [Past Buddha] sainthood because it takes root in the past and moves the whole body. It's just that I don't want to, not that I can't... It doesn't mean that I can't do anything about it."

  With a thought, an indescribable original light bloomed from the deep and dark pupils, and the terrifying sight penetrated the palm of the old monk, facing the small yet great flickering candle.

  【Heart is better than things】!


  Accompanied by a whisper, the rules were distorted, and time and space were reversed. The old monk only felt that his palm was empty, and the holy Buddha fruit that had been inherited for hundreds of years disappeared without warning, and completely disappeared in his induction.

  For the first time, the emotion of panic dominated my mind, and the old monk looked back at the past hundred, thousand, ten thousand, million years...

   Until the line of sight was obscured by the fog of history, I couldn't feel the familiar solemn atmosphere.

"what have you done?!"

   "As I said before, my will is the rule by which the world operates. I exiled it to the source of time, and let it decay in the meaningless time..."

   Staring at the old monk who had lost his sanctity, Zhao Yinshun raised the corners of his mouth with a half-smile.

   "A mere eighth-rank false saint, who gave you the courage to challenge me?"

   " are not [Wu Sheng]...what kind of monster are you?!"

"you guess?"

   Opened his mouth to speak, but before the old monk could speak, the young man in front of him had already stepped over him, and slowly walked towards the twisted giant snake that stretched across the world.

  It wasn't until this moment that the old monk realized that there was a two-finger-wide pathetic black light between his brows, and the sword intent to destroy everything flowed through his whole body, crazily devouring his original divinity.


  Long sighed helplessly, the old monk sat cross-legged in the void, clasped his hands together, lowered his head, and the solemn Buddha light illuminating the heaven and earth slowly went out.

The light behind him is forever silent, and the whole world is shrouded in the evil light of the dark sun and the dark moon. After passing through the last obstacle, Zhao Yinshun finally came to the painfully struggling giant snake, and the blazing flame eroded Dissipated quickly.

   Stretching for thousands of miles, the mountain-like snake body stops twisting, shrinks slowly, and squirms and deforms in the beautiful colorful divine light.

  Zhao Yinshun took off the [Snow Dragon Clothes] calmly, and covered her naked upper body on the beautiful woman with a snake tail that slowly fell in front of her.

  Afterwards, Zhao Yinshun gently hugged the weak and boneless delicate body, stared at her tightly closed eyes, and let out a long sigh of relief.

   After a long time, Zhao Yinshun turned his head to look at the old monk who had been annihilated by the sword intent of killing God, his pupils froze slightly.

  【Fate Deprivation】!


  The source quality storm that no one else could observe roared and gushed, sweeping across the entire field in an instant.

  Afterwards, the beautiful colorful torrent spiraled, swallowed by the black hole like an inescapable light, and completely submerged in the body of the boy in white.

  Under the [high-dimensional horizon] of divine resonance, the previously invisible deep laws are projected in the soul in every detail.

   Those are complete 【Crests of Truth】!

  Filling the sporadic source of energy into his gradually melting soul and flesh, and fixing the concept of his own existence, the white-clothed boy looked around, and his eyes captured the precious [Crest of Truth] one by one at the level of mysterious and mysterious concepts.

  However, there are too many powerful [Crests of Truth], as the divine resonance dissipates, the personality declines, and the secrets of [Fate Deprivation] quickly dissipate, Zhao Yinshun can only try to grab the most powerful individual among them.

  【Deprivation of Creation】

  Complete the secret ceremony [Buddha Extermination], the world line is shifted, and 10 points [Reality Modification Points] are obtained.

   "Deprive special fragments of existence, and obtain exclusive mythical exercises—【Yi Jin Jing】."

   "Deprive the special fragments of existence, and obtain the exclusive mythical exercise - [Marrow Washing Sutra]."

   "Deprive special fragments of existence, gain 4 points of [Shenmen Liutianguan·Li] transformation authority."

   "Deprive special existence fragments, gain 9 points [Shenmen Liutianguan Qi] transformation authority."

   "Deprive special existence fragments, gain 5 points of [Shenmen Liutianguan Min] transformation authority."

   "Deprive special existence fragments, gain 7 points [Shenmen Liutianguan · Body] transformation authority."

   "Deprive special existence fragments, gain 3 points [Shenmen Liutianguan·Shen] transformation authority."

   "Deprive special existence fragments, gain 6 points of [Shenmen Liutianguan·Jing] transformation authority."

  【Shou Yuan】+200

  【root bone】+1295




  [Original Devil Embryo]: Heaven and Earth contain the Devil Embryo, the common people turn into blood food, devour sub-holy divinity, heterogeneous true essence +61928

  【Turning Calamity into Use】: Survive the disaster perfectly, and the effect of acquired attribute [God] law is increased to +100%→120%

   Root bone +500 Qualification +500

   Absorb the original substance of mythical creatures, and [Mythical Bloodline·Pure Yang Tyrant Blood] evolves with divine factors.


  【Root bone】【Charm】+40%→50%

  [Mythical Bloodline · Overturning the Sea] Divinity factor evolution.


  【Root bone】【Qualification】+30%→40%

  [Mythical Bloodline·Insight into Mystery] Divinity factor evolution.



  Holding the sleeping master in his arms, Zhao Yinshun lowered his eyebrows and nodded, quietly comprehending the torrent of knowledge like enlightenment.

   Soon, two brand new exercises appeared on the property panel.

  【Yi Jin Jing】: LV.1 (Beginner)

  【Marrow Washing Sutra】: LV.1 (Introduction)

  With the addition of two super god-level exercises [Fudo Mingwang Prison Strength] and [Youhuang Zhu Shenjian], his attribute panel finally became "lively" again.

   Pursing the corners of his mouth, he noticed that Gao Wei's divinity was falling rapidly, Zhao Yinshun restrained his strength, the dark sun and moon disappeared, and the purple and golden flames that filled the sky converged and condensed, turning into a majestic and evil holy sword of destruction.

   Immediately, [You Huang Zhu Shen Jian] collapsed into a dark sword pill that was neither real nor illusory, submerged between the eyebrows of the young man in white, and returned to the "sword scabbard".

  The huge source of the Holy Throne returned to the body, Zhao Yinshun frowned with difficulty, and it took a long time before he let out a foul breath.

  At this time, the realm of Zhu Shenjian that transcends the material gradually dissipates, revealing the vast and real world.

   Looking down at the peaceful Wahuang Mountain at the foot, and then looking at the Lingyun Palace on the top of the mountain that had been completely refined without a trace, Zhao Yinshun narrowed his eyes and ground his teeth.

  But there are priorities, Zhao Yinshun took advantage of the high-dimensional divinity before he completely fell, stepped forward, instantly tore the void, and reached the far shore.

One step across thousands of miles from Zhili to Linbo County, Luzhou. Zhang Kangsheng, who was concocting natural materials and earth treasures, felt his scalp tighten. He subconsciously looked up and saw a familiar figure descending out of thin air with a woman with a snake tail in his arms. He completely ignored him. Various restrictions laid down in advance.

   "【Duke Zhen Guo】?!"

   "Mr. Zhang, please take a look at my master, she was injured by [Suyemotian]'s holy Buddha flame."

   " a demon master?"

  The coquettish snake tail is seven or eight meters long, and the scales exuding multicolored divine light are like the most gorgeous gemstones. Just looking at Duan Musui's mythical posture, Zhang Kangsheng's mind is in turmoil, and even the golden light of merit that surrounds his body is distorted for a while.

   Hastily closed his eyes and focused, Zhang Kangsheng opened his eyes again after a long time, his pupils were already clear.

   "Please allow me to feel the pulse of the commander."


  Picking up the sleeve of [Snow Dragon Clothes], revealing a snow-white arm, Zhao Yinshun watched Zhang Kangsheng frown more and more after he felt his pulse, and felt more and more uneasy.

"Any questions?"

   "Alas... Lingshi's situation is due to the erosion of the endogenous [Dao], either to suppress the divinity with humanity and completely bring it under control, or..."

   Zhang Kangsheng did not say the second half of the sentence, but Zhao Yinshun also understood what he meant.

  Or, human nature is devoured by divinity and turned into some kind of natural disaster like natural rules...that is, the so-called divine disaster by those bald donkeys!

   At this moment, a mysterious figure wearing a crown mask appeared beside Zhao Yinshun without warning.

   "What's going on? I saw a drastic change in the world line."

  Zhang Kangsheng: "..."

  How can anyone ignore my prohibition?

   "Yani, you came just in time, help me see Master."

   "Eh? [Seven Deadly Sins·Lust]!"

   Seeing through the essence at a glance, Oakley Yani stopped breathing and subconsciously took two steps back.


   "Oh, there is actually something wrong with what I said. The same path is the ninth level [Seven Original Sins·Lust] at the top of the West, but it is different in your East..."

   Aware of her gaffe, Oakley Yani calmly came to Zhao Yinshun, staring at Duan Musui's face through the crown mask.

   "Lust is the instinct of almost all living things. This path is essentially a condensed concept of reproduction. There is no distinction between good and evil in itself, but its internal source is more inclined to suppress rational [crazy], so it is easier to lose control."

  Hearing the words, Zhao Yinshun's heart skipped a beat, remembering the doubts he had when he first became a teacher.

  Why is Master honored as the mythical venerable, but there is no attendant around him, not even a servant in the huge Lingyun Palace!

  Later, I realized that it was because ordinary people couldn't stand her divine influence, but as his knowledge grew, Zhao Yinshun knew that this was actually a precursor to losing control.

  This means that the master can no longer control the overflow of divinity, she herself is like a source of nuclear pollution, and begins to radiate power unconsciously towards the surroundings, and this power cannot even be exempted from herself!

  Thanks to [I don’t want to drive, I just want to show it badly] [Nailing the Wind] [GA-Lome] [Xingluochen] and other book friends for their rewards.

  I went home at 5:50 this morning. It was dawn and I was numb. I slept until the afternoon and started coding after a meal. Then, I didn’t know if I should go to bed. I couldn’t sleep, but I still have to go to work tomorrow! (╥﹏╥)