MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 749 Population strategy

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The diameter of the spirit star is not very large. After 100 million large-scale resource mining equipment appears on it, the entire spirit star appears very crowded. And these devices are still running at a very fast speed. The scene on the Spirit Star will be very chaotic when most people want to come.

As long as Yanfei is within the farthest control distance of the drone mothership, the artificial intelligence "dream" can control all the fantasy island intelligent devices in this range. Although the UAV mothership is now 370 million kilometers away from Neptune, "Dream" can still span a long distance, and at the same time control more than 100 million large equipment and control them to carry out resource extraction at the same time.

Yanfei just issued a resource mining plan, and then this mining plan was strictly implemented by "dream". Under the precise control of "Dream" ultra-long distance, the resource extraction on the entire Spirit Star is not only not confusion, but also the resource extraction efficiency is very high. It looks a little crowded on the Spirit Star, but the equipment on the whole site is running orderly, without any accidents, and even the error is not even half, fully showing the super strength of Dream Island in automatic production capacity.

It is different from the previous resource mining just digging up the resources and stacking them in place. This time Yanfei specially built several super-large comprehensive smelting factories on Lingshenxing. These comprehensive smelting factories also adopt fully automatic intelligent control. system. In the entire smelting plant, there are no living creatures except for a large number of robots and mechanical arms.

With the current technological strength of Neverland, it is not enough to make the most efficient material burning furnace in the outside world, but Neverland ’s nuclear fusion technology has developed to the point where the fire is pure, Yan Fei just built two giant giants on Spirit God Star. Nuclear fusion power stations, the electricity they produce meets all the energy needs of Dream Island's activities on Spirit God.

The high technical content of the smelting plant, coupled with sufficient energy supply, makes their mineral resource processing capabilities very powerful, and they can actually smelt all the ore mined by the 100 million mining equipment, changing them from the ore state to the processed Various metal raw materials. Seventy-eight Chinese premiere www.7 * m.7 *

All resources smelted on Spirit Star, except for a part will be transported back to Dream Cave, and stored in the warehouse on Dream Cave and Dream Island, all other resources are stored on Spirit Star. In a large warehouse. Ling Shen Xing will be an important node of Yanfei's plan in the future. He specially built a large warehouse on Ling Shen Xing and stored a lot of raw materials here, so that he can use these raw materials later.

Residues left after ore smelting, Yanfei did not abandon them, but transported them back to Dream Cave. There are magical material burning furnaces in the sky of Fantasy Cave, as long as it is matter, it can be "swallowed" by it and turn them into massive energy. These smelting residues, which are of little use to outsiders, will continue to burn in the dream cave sky until their masses have all disappeared, and converted into energy that can be used in the dream cave sky.

Fantasy Island ’s resource collection ability is very efficient. In the following month, the resources that Fantasy Island obtained from Spirit Star exceeded the total number of resources that humans have ever obtained from Earth. However, due to Yan Fei's deliberate arrangement, most of the resources mined from Spirit God Star did not appear on Earth, and no one knows that Neverland has actually obtained so many resources.

If you follow the resource extraction rate of Neverland, even the asteroid-level spirit star will not be able to support it for a long time, and resources will be exhausted and then completely disintegrated and disappeared from the universe. However, there is another use for Lingfei to Yanfei. He will not sit back and watch it fall apart. In Yanfei's plan, he must next exploit resources in other planets in the asteroid belt.

With the transit station of Dream Cave Sky, Yan Fei is very simple and easy to mine the resources in the solar system. As long as a temporary space channel is opened on Dream Cave Sky and the resource planet, this resource planet can be mined. However, the current fantasy cave lacks energy, and Yan Fei is afraid to open up new space channels at will. Therefore, before the energy crisis is resolved, Yan Fei can only temporarily nest on the Spirit Star to collect resources.

Fortunately, two space channels have been opened to connect Spirit Star, Dream Cave Sky and Dream Island closely. As long as the two space channels are used reasonably, resources and personnel can be quickly transferred in these three places. However, as long as the energy of Dream Cave is guaranteed, Yanfei will open up a whole new space channel in the entire solar system to obtain the resources of the entire solar system except the earth at the fastest speed.

After having a large amount of resource reserves, Yan Fei began to build his own solar system defense network. He really wanted to develop Mars directly and build Mars into his own battle fortress, but without the space channel of the dream hole, Yan Fei could not transfer a large number of manpower from the earth to Mars in a short time, and naturally he could not Mars was developed. Therefore, he can only retreat to build the moon first, build this space transfer station away from the earth first, and then transport people to Mars by routes from the earth to the moon and from the moon to Mars.

The moon is too close to the earth. People on the earth can observe the moon with a slightly better smartphone, not to mention that there are many artificial satellites over the moon. It is simply impossible to build a lunar transit station in silence, so Yan Fei simply announced the lunar construction plan to let everyone know that they are developing the moon and avoid unreasonable speculation by others.

In the dark, after everyone ’s eyes are attracted to the Lunar Development Project of Neverland, Yan Fei will quietly take action to transform the natural environment of Mars, making the environment on Mars suitable for human habitation on Earth, and making Mars the first Two earths. For human beings on the earth, everyone can barely accept Neverland to develop the moon, but for Neverland to develop Mars with its own strength, this is a bit beyond their imagination. Yan Fei does not want to make Fantasy Island a thorn in his eyes or a thorn in his flesh, so although he has invincible strength, he does not want to make his affairs known to the world. Seven or eight Chinese genius remember ωωω.78zω.còмм.⒎8zщ.cóм in one second

So in order to cooperate with Yanfei's solar system development plan, Neverland has not recruited manpower for a long time and suddenly started a large number of recruitment work. Unlike the previous recruitment plans of all companies, the total number of staff recruited by Dream Island reached an astonishing 20 million. However, as long as the employees of Fantasy Island are assessed, they will not only be able to obtain high wages and benefits, but also take their families to live together on Fantasy Island.

After several years of development, the fantasy island at this time not only has developed medical treatment, but also has a beautiful environment, and the economy is unrivaled in the world. With the efforts of Lu Pingping ’s father, Lu Shuchun, Ten High-level Universities have been built on Neverland, and they provide high-level talents for Neverland. Below these universities, there are a large number of grass-root kindergartens, elementary schools, and middle schools, which unite to form a huge education network. Under the strong subsidies of Neverland, the learning on Neverland has been realized for free, and the teaching quality is very high. As long as they graduate from Neverland University, they will automatically become Neverland employees and enjoy high salary.

It is precisely because of the high welfare treatment of Neverland and the detached status of Neverland that almost everyone wants to live on Neverland. It's just that Neverland has rarely recruited people recently, and everyone has no chance to enter Neverland. After getting the news that Nanta Island is about to recruit 20 million people, everyone is crazy and wants to become Nanta Island employees. As long as they have successfully signed a contract with Neverland, they will not only step into the sky by themselves, but also their family members can be brought to Neverland, the benefits he can enjoy, in addition to salary, his family can also enjoy.

However, many people questioned why Neverland suddenly recruited so many workers, Lu Pingping immediately stood up to explain. That is because Neverland is about to develop 7,000 square kilometers of land. The workload of this development is very huge. The current population of Neverland is not enough to support it, so it will recruit so many people. At the same time, the super large project of Fantasy Island also includes the development and construction of the lunar transit station. This lunar development project also requires a lot of manpower.

Because these two projects are unprecedented super large projects, even Fantasy Island can't say how many staffs are needed to complete them. Even 20 million people may not be enough. Maybe it will not be long before the second large-scale recruitment of staff.

If it was before, the interpretation of Neverland will not necessarily be listened to, and there will be various conspiracy interpretations of their actions. But now Neverland has a transcendent status on the earth. Since it said so, no one will question the recruitment of Neverland again.

But no matter how it is the development of the new land of Neverland or the construction of the lunar transit station, so many people are not needed at all. These staff were recruited to Neverland, the main purpose of which was to replace the positions of the staff of Neverland, and the former staff were immigrated to Neverland after various investigations. The reason why they are allowed to take their family with them is to take them away when it is convenient for immigrants, so that when they reach Dream Cave, they will not be separated from their families, and at the same time, the secret of Dream Cave will not be revealed.

The purpose of Dream Island is to obtain a large population. The first batch of immigrants to Dream Sky was only one million, but with their families, the number is likely to be close to five million. By the time the second batch of immigrants arrives, the number of people entering the fantasy cave will reach 10 million. If you want to obtain such a large population, you can only plan ahead and prepare in advance. The first recruitment of 20 million people is just the beginning. In order to carry out the next recruitment operation smoothly, Lu Pingping will deliberately leave a tail so that his second recruitment will not appear so abrupt.

The reason why Dream Island dares to play this trick is mainly due to the massive use of intelligent robots in the construction of the lunar transfer station, which can save the manpower cost of adults. Because the moon is far away from the earth, no one knows the number of people working on the island of Fantasy Island on the moon. In this way, Lu Pingping is given a chance to get paid at the bottom of the kettle. .

In fact, with the strength that Yan Fei currently has, there is nothing on the earth that can cause him to worry about, but he dare not expose his secret of dream hole. In his subconscious mind, he still regards Dream Cave as a life-saving card. The later the card is opened, the safer Yan Fei will be. This is why, despite Yan Fei ’s strength, he can only use the method of stealing beams and replacing columns to obtain population from the earth.

Part of the recruitment of Dream Island this time will be used in the development of Dream Island, which belongs to low-end and mid-end jobs. There are many job seekers who meet this position. The other part will be used in the construction of the lunar transit station. This part of the staff will only recruit high-tech engineers. The number of people required for these two projects adds up, which means that the recruitment of Dream Island from the low end, to the middle section, to the high end is all involved, so everyone in the local knows this recruitment, they are all excited, one after another Send your cover letter to the Neverland personnel department through the Internet.

Among these job applicants who submitted their resumes, there are not only authentic Chinese people but also foreigners with other skin colors. Responsible for processing the resumes of these job applicants, not the real Dream Island staff, but the artificial intelligence "dream" of Yanfei.

After receiving a cover letter from all over the world, according to the rules laid down by Yanfei, "Fantasy" made a classification of these people's resumes to ensure that the talents they really needed were recruited. Among these resumes, the first one to be dropped by a "dream" PASS is a job applicant who obviously has Western national characteristics.

Yanfei wants to build in the dream cave, a super company composed of Chinese people recognized by a common identity. Only a single ethnic group with a common culture can be peaceful in the long-term development. He does not want to mix other ethnic groups among these Huaxia people. Otherwise, after a long time, the number of ethnic minorities will increase and they will have sharp ethnic conflicts with the Huaxia people, which will cause great trouble to their children and grandchildren.

The second to be lost by the "dream" PASS is those who have pagans who are completely different from the mainstream religious beliefs of China. In the history of mankind, conflicts among various denominations have flowed one after another, and their blood has flowed into rivers. Their conflicts are no less fierce than racial wars, and Yan Fei does not want all kinds of extreme religious ideas to appear in his employees .

Huaxia has experienced many cultural fusions since ancient times, but behind these cultural fusions, all are blood and tears. A civilization is really strong, and it will never take the initiative to carry out cultural integration. All it needs to do is to completely eliminate the other party, so that there is no need for integration. As long as the essence of other civilizations is transformed and absorbed in time, it can also guarantee the continuous progress of its own civilization.

The third person to be dropped by the "dream" PASS is a non-Chinese person. Those who do not have Chinese nationality and look like Chinese people will not be absorbed into Neverland even if they meet the previous conditions. Yan Fei soberly knows ~ ~ These Huaxia people who do not have Huaxia nationality, they grew up abroad, because the growth environment and education level are different, they are more ideologically biased to the West, for Chinese culture is Very disgusting. Without a sense of cultural identity, even if they look the same as the Huaxia people, they are not authentic Huaxia people. There is a big difference in nature between the two.

These people who have the appearance of Chinese people, they received the western education from their childhood told them that they will not have any collective spirit, nor will they sacrifice themselves for the collective. They will constantly have to fight for the so-called Ziyou, Minzhu and Renquan. They will never obey the strict management of Neverland. If these people are recruited into the staff of Neverland, they will definitely become rat shit, slowly corroding the foundation of the building of Neverland. So Yan Fei very simply blocked these people from Neverland and did not give them the opportunity to enter Neverland.

After passing the screening of the first three levels, in fact, the only people left in the end are the authentic Chinese people. At this time, "Dream" once again exerted its magical data collection capabilities. Through the intelligence collected from various channels, it once again screened among the remaining Chinese people. However, this time the screening criteria have become whether there have been illegal or criminal acts in China, or are psychologically abnormal, dissatisfied with the society, spreading and propagating rumors everywhere, or serious breach of trust.

After the screening of the above four links, the personnel screening work is still not over. The Chinese people who have survived to the present still cannot guarantee that they will be admitted to Dream Island, because Dream Island also has a key screening link, that is, through the gene Testing methods to screen out people with malignant genetic diseases in their bodies.

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