MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 751 Cosmic development

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Yanfei did not force everyone to enter the virtual reality game. After all, some older employees did not like such extremely real games, and it did not make much sense to force them into the game. But after the launch of this virtual game, basically all the young employees of Fantasy Island entered it and began to experience the unique life of weightlessness and work in the game.

The previous Fantasy Island supercomputer was "Dream Light", and it has surpassed any supercomputer on earth in terms of computing power. After a large-scale technical upgrade, its computing power has been increased by 100 million times on the original basis. The computing power has reached a level that ordinary people cannot imagine. It is no problem to simulate ten solar systems with such huge computing power. , Not to mention a full moon.

Neverland has obtained detailed data of the stars in the solar system before, and a lot of research on the human body can perfectly simulate the physiological response of the human body in various states on the moon. In addition, this virtual reality game is managed by a highly intelligent artificial intelligence "dream". All the people who enter this game will have the same feeling in the game as on the real moon.

After they enter the game, the knowledgeable "Dream" will also be transformed into a portable elf to provide guidance on their work inside at any time and correct the size mistakes they made. After having the experience of being a personal teacher, and without worrying about the huge loss to the company caused by job failure, everyone dares to try and operate in the game. The result was just a month, and a large number of engineers and managers who could adapt to the work of the moon were produced on Neverland.

What surprises Yanfei is that some people who have been mediocre in ordinary jobs before, they actually performed very well in this virtual reality game. They are like a fish in the water, showing their talents for working and living in space. In this way, Yan Fei remembered the truth that there is no waste in this world, only people who cannot use people. As long as he is good at employing people, there will always be a position that can exert his ability ...

Everyone who enters this virtual reality game has a lot of fun inside. But what they don't know is that their actions are in Yan Fei's observation. Fantasy Island ’s research on human brain waves has reached a very high level. When these people enter the game in the form of brain waves, artificial intelligence “dreams” can unconsciously observe everyone ’s brain waves. And analysis.

Compared with the analysis of human behavior and appearance, in order to judge the real thoughts of this person, to analyze humans in the form of brain waves, the conclusions drawn are much more true. Now that there are many staffs on Fantasy Island, it is impossible for Yanfei to gather them together, and use the excuse to unzip the movie to detect them one by one, so connect their brain waves to the virtual reality game device, use It is much simpler for them to carry out inner analysis.

No matter how good this person is at being disguised, or good at countering detection, hiding his true inner thoughts, his brain waves will never be faked. Observing a person's brain shape can basically know the person's true thoughts. So in just a short time, Yan Fei found some very deep hidden spies from the login game staff, and quietly dealt with these spies. After identifying the problematic people, those who performed well in the game are the real talents that Neverland can rely on.

Two months after Neverland officially announced the space launch base, Neverland established a brand new department called Dreamland Space Development Department. For a long time to come, this department will be the most important one in Neverland. It has just been established, the total number of staff in the department exceeds 500,000, of which the number of logistics staff has reached 300,000, and the number of front-line pioneers has reached 200,000.

The first mission of the Universe Development Department of Fantasy Island is to develop the moon and build a huge human city on the moon. This human city will become a transit point for humans to rush out of the earth and enter the universe. Almost all personnel and materials will enter and leave the earth through this huge lunar human city.

A large number of talents who excel in virtual reality games are absorbed into the Universe Development Department, and work positions are arranged according to their best abilities in the game. Because they have sufficient work experience in virtual games, when they come to the real world, they will be able to adapt to the development work of the moon. Although these jobs are actually their first contact, they are familiar with it. There is no stranger.

In the third month, the Fantasy Island Universe Development Department formally established the first moon development team of all mankind, and will soon be on the moon to carry out an unprecedented development of the moon. At this critical moment, a European country actually jumped out for the domestic vote. They called out loudly that the moon is the common property of all mankind, and it cannot be occupied by the Neverland family. Bring it and let everyone land on the moon together.

Lu Pingping did not respond positively to this brain-damaged country, but accidentally cut off the transmission circuit of the nuclear fusion power station leading to this country. Under the vigorous promotion of Neverland, all the backward power stations have been eliminated all over the world, and all have been changed to clean and pollution-free nuclear fusion power stations. The world ’s nuclear fusion power stations are all controlled by Neverland, so when Neverland is powering off this country, the country will immediately fall into a state of collapse. A large number of problems began to appear in their country, and they were already overwhelmed by themselves, and could no longer talk about the behavior of Neverland ......

With the lesson of the chicken being slain, no one dared to have any doubts about the moon development of Neverland. Facing the world's live TV broadcast, the first batch of Lunar Pioneers on Dream Island lined up to board the two huge spaceships, and then all kinds of large equipment came on the scene to load a lot of materials into the spaceship. After everything is ready, Neverland will travel to the moon 380,000 kilometers away and begin its first step in the development of the universe.

The first batch of employees of the pioneering department that landed on the moon, their total number reached 50,000. In addition to these staff members, the amount of materials carried by the two spacecraft reached as much as 190,000 tons. The personnel of Neverland will use these materials to carry out a magnificent era of great construction on the moon.

In fact, with Yanfei's current capabilities, as long as the universal space movement capability of the drone is activated, more materials can be transported to the moon in minutes, and this transfer station can be built at a faster rate. However, for the long-term and healthy development of Neverland, Yan Fei cannot do everything by himself. He must cultivate the talents of Neverland to avoid falling into collapse after he leaves, so a plan to develop the moon from scratch can be realized. The goal of training a large number of talents for Neverland.

At the same time, this lunar development plan is also a guise, in order to attract the eyes of the earth to the moon, so Yanfei not only live broadcasted the development plan in real time, but also proactively announced more detailed information. And in the subsequent construction process, this live TV broadcast will continue ...

In the eyes of many people, the two spaceships of Neverland slowly flew out of the underground space launch center in a suspended manner, and when they came to the sky of Neverland outside, their posture began to change from the previous vertical upward. In order to lean towards space, then their flight speed is getting faster and faster, and soon disappeared into the vast sky. But through the live TV signal in the spaceship, people can still see the fantasy island below which is rapidly becoming smaller through the camera on the spaceship, thus knowing that the spaceship is flying upward.

Judging from the performance of the two spacecrafts just levying into the air, it means that Neverland has at least mastered anti-gravity technology, so that the spacecraft with a total weight of more than 300,000 tons can be suspended in mid-air. As for the power they use, there is no doubt that it is the nuclear fusion program. After all, Fantasy Island has popularized nuclear fusion power plants on the earth, and they have no reason not to install more powerful nuclear power plants on their own spaceships. It is precisely because the nuclear fusion power station provides sufficient energy to reduce the carrying of a large amount of fuel and to transport more goods.

Neverland has monopolized space, and its technology has left all countries on the planet behind. But those countries with high ambitions have not completely lost their confidence. They have to learn the technology of Neverland to achieve the purpose of surpassing Neverland. So when the spacecraft of Neverland was lifted off, they mobilized all their satellites in space and recorded various data of these two spacecraft in detail, thus ignoring changes in other parts of the solar system.

With the attention of all the people on the planet, the two spacecrafts of Neverland successfully got rid of the gravity of the earth and came to the outer space. In these two spaceships, many new technologies are used, including the life-support system. Under the protection of this system, even if these pioneers are just ordinary people and have not undergone long-term physical training, they are still very relaxed. 'S into space.

In particular, the spacecraft uses Yang Qi's original artificial gravity manufacturing technology, so that the weightlessness that originally entered the space did not appear on them. Everyone sat steadily in their seats. During the entire flight, no one felt uncomfortable. This space flight is as simple as taking an ordinary plane flight for them.

Under the precise control of artificial intelligence "dream", the spacecraft entering space began to speed up, just a minute, from the previous 10 km / s to 100 km / s, but this high speed still has no effect on the inside. Passengers have any discomfort. Under the detection of various satellites, they found that these two spacecraft flew toward the moon at a very terrifying speed. In just one hour, the two spaceships crossed a long distance of 380,000 kilometers and appeared in the moon's low-Earth orbit.

The two spaceships began to fly around the moon. After flying around the moon for a week, their speed was reduced by Daifuku, and then they began to fly toward the moon. They had to land at the scheduled landing point. Ten minutes later, the two spacecrafts landed accurately on the barren surface of the moon. This space flight was a complete success.

It took less than two hours from the start of the two spacecrafts to levitate and take off on Neverland until they officially landed on the surface of the moon. If you compare it, this time is not enough for the flight time between two more distant cities in China. Then everyone realized the horror of Neverland, because Neverland successfully transformed the traffic between the earth and the moon into city-level traffic. It only takes two hours to reach the other party ’s location, and 50,000 people and twenty Ten thousand tons of materials were transported to the moon. In this way, it may not take long for Neverland to really develop the moon ...

On the moon, the hatch of the spaceship opened, and the giant robot of the staff driver officially landed on the moon. With the help of giant robots, they opened the cargo warehouse on the spacecraft and began to take out the materials inside to build a huge nuclear fusion power station in the selected canyon area. In fact, this nuclear fusion power station has been produced on Neverland, but it has been split into several parts for easy transportation. After coming to the moon, the staff of Neverland just assembled these huge nuclear fusion power stations, and it became a nuclear fusion power station again, which can provide sufficient energy for the development of the moon.

After the construction of the energy core is completed, the second batch of buildings to be built are the temporary accommodation cabins of the staff. These cabins were also produced when they were in Neverland, and when they came to the moon, as long as they were assembled, they could form a completely enclosed large living area.

Constructed at the same time as this living area, there are also several huge warehouses, which are used to store various materials transported to the moon. Then, the large tap water tower and sewage treatment system were built. After the construction of these two systems was completed, the tap water transported in the spacecraft was poured into the water tower, and they were treated as domestic and industrial water.

The next thing to be built is the complete ventilation duct system. There is no air on the moon, and naturally there is no oxygen, so all the oxygen that keeps them breathing comes from the earth. However, as long as a complete air system is established, the staff can only breathe on the moon.

After these systems are completed ~ ~ Large living area will be connected to power, air and water system. At this time, this living area can be officially settled. So other staff members officially landed on the moon and lived in these temporary living areas. In the following time, more materials were transferred from the spacecraft and stacked in a huge warehouse just built.

With the experience gained in the virtual reality game space, with the help of various smart devices, the pioneers of Dream Island have carried out their work on the moon in an orderly manner, and there are very few accidents. This allows watching live broadcasts in front of the TV. People on Earth are puzzled. Some of these dark people are very disappointed.

Soon, the first batch of materials shipped to the moon was unloaded, and the staff who had landed on the moon began to perform their work according to the "dream" division of work, and began to officially change the moon.

The two spaceships that were unloaded were suspended and lifted off again, returning to space from the newly established moon base, and rushing all the way back to the dream island on earth. When they returned to the space launch center of Neverland again, the second batch of staff and materials were also transported into the spacecraft.

Twenty-four hours later, the two spaceships full of people and materials took off again. Two hours later, they came to the moon again and transported the transported people and materials to the moon base ...

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