MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 760 Super fast flight

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In the huge Wu Gang airport behind the moon, there are two huge cosmic-level transport planes moored at the moment. These are the transport system of one of the UAV mothership subsystems. Yanfei only used them as a space channel for the movement of interstellar materials before, and did not show their huge transportation capacity. Now when it is time to transport people to Mars on a large scale, they formally appear in front of Neverland employees, showing their horror.

The two space-class transport aircraft are exactly the same model. Each of them has a length of 8 kilometers, a width of 5 kilometers, and a height of 4 kilometers. With the support of strong power, each transport aircraft can transport 10 billion tons of cargo at one time. In addition to pure cargo, they can also carry 1 million people at a time and allow these 1 million people to live on the transport aircraft. Ten years of living supplies.

Compared to the fully armed UAV mothership, these two transport planes are only equipped with defensive energy shields and some self-defense light energy weapons, which have little combat power. But their speed is very fast, and the maximum speed has even reached 30,000 km / s. This speed has reached one-tenth of the speed of light, which is three times faster than the flying speed of the UAV mother ship.

In the future, even if Yan Fei cannot open the space channel of Dream Cave because of lack of energy, but only relying on these two faster giant transport planes, Yan Fei can transport the required personnel and materials to the solar system in the shortest time. Every corner helps him control and develop the entire solar system.

After seeing these two larger and more advanced space transport aircraft than the previous spaceships, the originally embarrassed employees of Dream Island had more confidence in Dream Island, and they no longer complained about their upcoming cosmic work and life, but instead Full of expectations. After the two million people in Wu Gang City boarded two transport planes and took off a large amount of materials from the moon, Dream Island officially started the great pace of marching into the universe.

Because the gravity of the moon is only one-sixth of the earth, there is no need to worry about the huge gravity will make your hull collapse, so Yanfei's transport plane dares to dock on the moon. And their power is so strong that they can fly into space again after docking on the moon.

So the two transport planes took off from the back of the moon. They cleverly used the cover of the moon and relied on their stealth capabilities to leave the moon silently without being detected by any detection equipment. Unless someone constantly monitors the changes of gravity parameters nearby, it will be found that there are traces of massive objects nearby, otherwise the existence of the transport plane cannot be found at all.

The first group of Martian immigrants only spent more than forty minutes in the transport plane. They did not recover from the excitement that they had entered the universe. They found that they magically came to Mars more than 60 million kilometers away. What shocked them even more is that Mars at this time looks no different from Earth. It is also a blue planet covered by seawater, which is not the desolate image of Mars.

By this time, all talents understand the fact that the technological strength of Neverland is still above their imagination. Although they have overestimated the technological level of Neverland as much as possible, but the technological level that Neverland has shown is only the tip of the iceberg. Where they cannot see, the technological level of Neverland has already broken through the sky. They didn't even know when Fantasy Island developed Mars. Not only they, but also other people on Earth, didn't know the action of Fantasy Island. The red planet that the earth people see through the device is not real, but the fantasy island misled them by plasma projection.

When the two transport planes landed on the surface of Mars, these people actually found the complete space port on the surface of Mars. Even outside the space port, they also saw a lot of green plants and leafy flowers. In the distant ocean, you can vaguely see creatures swimming in the sea water.

After seeing such a vigorous Mars, everyone became full of ambition, and they determined that they would contribute their energy on this brand-new planet and write their own life legend here ...

Yang Qi has worked out the entire immigration plan. He handed over the immigration plan to the artificial intelligence "dream" management. Under the "dream" scheduling, the immigration work of the entire Dream Island will be carried out in an orderly manner. I'm worried about immigration.

In Yan Fei's heart, the sense of urgency became more and more obvious, which made him realize that the calm of the solar system will not last too long. In the near future, the solar system will definitely undergo great changes. This change is likely to be an invasion of foreign enemies, or an unexpected situation on the earth, but no matter what kind of situation, he must be prepared in advance, otherwise it will be defeated.

On the earth, Yanfei will strengthen its monitoring of the whole world. Once it discovers that there are signs of disasters on the earth, it will put them out in time. In response to the invasion of foreign enemies, Yanfei's response was to establish a solar system defensive circle. With Mars as the core, turn Mars into a battle fortress, and then fight back.

It is precisely because Mars is the core of Yanfei's defense, so he did not build a large defensive weapon position on the earth. But in order to monitor the earth, he will build a weapon turret on the moon. Then build high-power energy forts on the outer asteroid belt, Jupiter satellites, Saturn satellites, and other dangerous planets. If you really encounter an invasion of foreign enemies, these weapon forts are the defensive positions for the defense of Mars and the earth. Even if they can't completely resist the invasion of foreign enemies, at least they can also buy time for Yan Fei to move the people on the earth and Mars away, avoiding heavy losses to humans on the earth.

So in the next time, Yanfei fired at full power, and began to build a variety of weapon platforms in the solar system to create his own defense system ...


After several years of large-scale mining of mineral resources, the spirit star has undergone tremendous changes in shape. The previously nearly circular star has been flattened into a flat rocky land in the middle. This rocky land is connected to the dream cave through a second space channel, and exchanges materials and resources with each other.

This piece of land is suspended in space, flying in a certain direction. A large number of smelting plants and production plants have been built on it, and the mineral resources mined from the nearby asteroid belt will be transported to the above for smelting. On top of it, Yanfei specially built a large space warship production plant and began to produce warships that could be used in space operations.

In order to upgrade Yanfei's unmanned aerial vehicles before, Yang Qi designed a mature space battleship. It was only because of the lack of production capacity at that time that Yanfei was unable to produce such space warships, only to let them exist in the drawings. However, after Yanfei completed the drone upgrade and possessed super production capacity, especially after the core components of the space battleship could be produced in the medium-sized production workshop, Yanfei had the ability to produce space warships according to the drawings for the first time.

After several years of construction, this space battleship production plant has been completed. From now on, it can produce its own space battleship belonging to Neverland. Although this factory is a fully intelligent unmanned production workshop, but because the size of this space battleship is too large, even if its productivity is raised to the limit, it will take at least three years to produce a ship. Coupled with the test of personnel on board and familiar with the operation of the battleship in the later period, it will take at least three more years to fully develop the combat effectiveness. In other words, even if Yanfei started production from now on, at least six years later, he would get a space battleship that could be used in actual combat.

But this is the first large-powered space warship produced by Neverland, which can also be operated by ordinary soldiers. They have no number limit, no energy limit, and no operating distance limit, so as long as Yanfei does not lack resources, he has enough With more fighters, he can continue to explode and improve his strength. Even at the extreme, if all such space warships are changed to intelligent control, Yanfei can have endless space warships even without sufficient control personnel.

However, there is still a certain problem with the production capacity of this space battleship, and there is still a long time to go before we can fully produce this space battleship. However, the future is bright. Once the conditions are met, after Yan Fei begins to explode, even if he loses the UAV avatar, Fantasy Island will become a force in the universe.

Regardless of whether it is an explosive soldier or building a solar system defense system, it takes a lot of time and sufficient resources, and you can not see the results in a short time. Yan Fei could not have been waiting here all the time, so he began to turn his attention to the detection of the solar system environment. He must be familiar with the battlefield in advance, plan ahead, and prepare for the possible future Star Wars.

Yanfei released a large number of quantum satellites long ago, and these quantum satellites flew out of the solar system at a speed close to the speed of light. Although most of them were destroyed by high-speed impact obstacles during the flight, Yanfei immediately replenished the quantity from the rear in time to ensure that they could enter the universe from different directions.

Three years have passed, and Yanfei's quantum satellite has been farthest away from the earth by nearly three light years. Quantum satellites in some directions are still vacant, but Yan Fei has generally understood the situation of the universe within three light years of the solar system through quantum satellites. Artificial intelligence "Fantasy" has also taken over the quantum satellites in these places. It monitors these star fields all the time. As soon as it finds any anomalies, it will immediately notify Yan Fei to know.

In other words, through quantum satellites, Yan Fei actually received a warning period of at least three years. Once a foreign enemy actually invades from outside the solar system, Yan Fei will immediately know and prepare for the response three years in advance. For three full years, even if the invading enemy cannot be defeated, at least the absolute safety of the earth and Martian humans can be guaranteed.

Yan Fei is about to start exploring the universe around the solar system. He must first be familiar with the geographical situation, and know himself and himself before he can win a battle ...

Yan Fei ’s inherited knowledge from the universe ’s human soul told him that in the universe, because of the restrictions of the universe, no matter what kind of object, its flying speed has an upper limit. limits. This is also the fundamental reason why Yanfei ’s quantum satellite speed can only be infinitely close to the speed of light, but it cannot exceed the speed of light.

But the universe is so huge, if you just fly at a speed close to the speed of light, you may not be able to step out of a river system in a lifetime, let alone travel across river systems. So the cosmic creatures launched their clever wisdom and developed two super-light speed flying techniques. The first technique is curvature aviation, and the second technique is wormhole crossing.

The so-called curvature navigation is to create a space depression in the front of the spacecraft, which produces an effect similar to gravity, and the spacecraft slides towards this space depression. This process can regard the spaceship as a process of falling continuously to the center of gravity in the gravitational field, but this center of gravity continues to move forward with the movement of the spaceship. At the same time, it will also create a negative space curvature at the tail of the spacecraft, pushing the spacecraft forward and flying fast in a forward and backward manner.

The essence of curvature navigation is actually to bend the space to shorten the distance between the two places, so as to achieve the purpose of quickly moving from one place to another. Theoretically, the speed of curvature navigation can exceed the speed of light, and can even reach many times the speed of light. But this is only due to the bending of space, it does not mean that its flight speed really exceeds the speed of light.

Wormhole traversal technology consumes a lot of energy and forcibly opens a temporary connection channel on two different space nodes. As soon as the spacecraft enters this connection channel, it will appear in another space, and it will span a long distance in an instant. Wormhole traversal technology is technically faster than the speed of light by many times. But in essence, its speed is still unable to break the speed limit of light.

These two super-light speed flight methods are essentially no difference between high and low ~ ~ They are both one of the methods of ultra-long distance flight. But in detail, the two are very different, which also led to the majority of cosmic civilizations choose curvature navigation, and rarely use wormhole traversal technology.

Although curvature navigation can be achieved, it has a premise that it must be in a vacuum and no obstacles can appear on its flight path. Once an obstacle appears, even if the obstacle is very small, it may cause the warship to disintegrate and explode. So curvature navigation is only suitable for a completely vacuum universe. Once you enter the galaxy, you will never dare to use such a flying method again. Because there are huge celestial bodies everywhere in the galaxy, as well as a large number of meteorites and cosmic dust, once using curvature to navigate in such an environment, it is a dead end.

But the most in the universe is all kinds of vacuum environments. On the contrary, it is similar to the environment inside the galaxy is relatively small, so cosmic civilization generally uses curvature to sail. After entering the galaxy, it will slow down and use other methods to enter.

Wormhole traversal technology is completely the opposite, it does not have this limitation at all. Even if there are huge stars in the middle of the wormhole crossing, as long as the wormhole's entry and exit ends are not among the stars, it can also safely pass through the wormhole. So wormhole crossing can be used inside the galaxy, because it is not afraid of obstacles.

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