MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 789 Control authority

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In the valley, Yan Fei helped land Pingping and walked slowly in the sea of ​​flowers. On the one hand, it was to relieve Lu Pingping's nervous mood because of the upcoming production. On the other hand, it was also to exercise Lu Pingping's body and let her stomach Children are healthier.

The two wandered in the beautiful sea of ​​flowers and looked at the scenery like the fairyland around them, and their mood became relaxed at once. In particular, Yan Fei suddenly regained confidence. For Lu Pingping and his children, he will definitely find a way to defeat the ape empire and innocence. He must leave a bright future for the people and descendants he likes. In order to achieve this goal, Yan Fei at all costs.

Just as the two relaxed, the intelligent program "Nightmare" transplanted into the dream cave sky suddenly sent a message to Yan Fei: "Dear Mr. Yan Fei, there is a team of elementary school teachers and students out of the valley outside of the valley. They are in When I passed the valley and saw the beautiful sea of ​​flowers in it, I applied and wanted to enter here to visit. Do you agree to their application?"

Yan Fei extended his spiritual power, and really saw more than a dozen people at the entrance of his valley. There are men and women in these people, but there is only one adult. Except for this adult, all the other children are seven or eight years old. It is obvious that the young and beautiful adult is the teacher, and the other children are all students. At this time, they were looking at the beautiful sea of ​​flowers in the valley, with an envious expression on their faces.

In the fantasy cave, Yan Fei is the god, he can do anything he wants. When this group of people was just discovered, although this group of people did not seem to have any threats, he still carried out a probe scan of these people's bodies. In just a moment, Yan Fei knew the situation of the teachers and students of these ten elementary schools. In Yan Fei's view, they are all ordinary people, at most a little stronger than ordinary people, and there is no danger to themselves.

Yan Fei's spiritual power continued to extend, connected with the intelligent program "Nightmare", and began to view the identity information of these teachers and students through the system. In the huge database of "Nightmare", Yan Fei quickly found the information of these people, and found that the teachers and students of these elementary schools were innocent and had no problems. Especially the young and beautiful female teacher, she is also a fanatical supporter of Yan Fei and Lu Pingping, and often publishes words supporting Yan Fei and Lu Pingping in public. Driven by this female teacher, her students also adore Yan Fei and Lu Pingping.

When Yan Fei began to assess the danger coefficient of this group of people, Lu Pingping also saw this group of teachers and students through the holographic laser projection of "Nightmare". She stroked her raised belly, looked at the lovely children, and then thought of the baby she was about to be born, her mouth smiled.

Yan Fei saw the smile on Lu Pingping's face, and he immediately said: "Nightmare, agree with them to enter here, but remember to remind them that this is a private place, they can visit here, but they can't make noise and run around everywhere."

After getting Yan Fei's permission to enter, the group of students was immediately excited. Under the leadership of the young and beautiful female teacher, they walked in line in a regular manner. After seeing Yan Fei and Lu Pingping standing in the sea of ​​flowers, a male student pointed to the front with excitement and said, "Teacher, look, that is Mr. Yan Fei and Miss Lu Pingping. I have often seen them on the Internet."

The female teacher hurriedly pressed the male student's hand and said, "Guo Mingming, you can't point at someone, it's rude."

After educating her students, the female teacher kept apologizing to Yan Fei and Lu Pingping.

Lu Pingping said with a smile: "This teacher, we don't matter, don't scare the child."

The female teacher then said: "I'm sorry, Miss Lu, I always explain the heroic deeds of the two of you in class, so my students respect you very much. Today, when I see real people, they will be so excited. "

Lu Pingping said modestly: "Don't say so, I didn't do anything at all, these are my husband's credit."

The female teacher glanced at Yan Fei. Although she admired Yan Fei, she was scared when she saw Yan Fei. She said: "Miss Lu, you are a role model for all of our women and our role model. Can I take a photo with you?"

Lu Pingping took a generous pose and said, "Okay! It's just that my figure is now out of shape, so don't dislike it."

The female teacher said, "You are going to be a mother right away. This is the proudest moment of all women's life. I envy it. It's too late. How can I betray it?"

After speaking, the female teacher gave her mobile phone to the male student and said, "Guo Mingming, please help me take a picture with Miss Lu."

After talking, the female teacher walked excitedly to Lu Pingping.

Yan Fei did not prevent the female teacher from approaching Lu Pingping, because everything in the female teacher's body was under his surveillance, and he has not yet found any dangerous situation in the female teacher. But if this female teacher really has any disadvantages to Lu Pingping, when she has just reacted in her body, Yan Fei can immediately use her god's power to imprison the other party to ensure Lu Pingping's safety.

The female teacher stood beside Lu Pingping with a smile on her face. She made a very cute gesture of a scissors hand. That student of hers was about to take pictures of her and Lu Pingping. But at this time, the female teacher suddenly slipped than the hand of the scissors, and punched Lu Pingping's belly with a punch.

Yan Fei snorted, this female teacher really had a ghost, and dare to attack Lu Pingping. But in the fantasy cave sky, Yan Fei is a well-deserved god, and no one dared to make trouble in front of him. His spiritual power began to play a role, a huge and incomparable force fell from the sky, this female teacher will be imprisoned.

But what happened to Yan Fei unexpectedly happened. The energy of the dream hole just came into contact with the female teacher. It seemed like a huge vortex appeared in the female teacher's body, and the huge energy was sucked into the body at once. After receiving the help of that energy, the breath of the female teacher began to soar rapidly, but in a moment, her breath changed from ordinary people to god-level masters.

Compared with Yan Fei's god-like strength in Dream Cave, the god-level masters are nothing, and they are easily suppressed by Yan Fei. However, this surging God-level master is obviously different from others. Her body is like a seed. After being catalyzed by the energy of Dreamy Sky, the seed began to grow rapidly.

After absorbing the huge energy that fell from the sky, the vortex outside the female teacher's body not only did not disappear, but became bigger and bigger. It also traced the energy back to the source, and found the energy reserve on the crystal wall of the dream cave sky space. Point, start to actively absorb the energy on the space crystal wall. As a lot of energy enters her body, the breath of her body becomes stronger and stronger, and there are even signs of exceeding the god-level master.

Yan Fei was taken aback, but he didn't expect such a weird situation, because this was the first time he missed in Dream Cave. Yan Fei couldn't imprison the female teacher, and the female teacher's hand continued to hit Ping Ping's stomach. Yan Fei pointed her finger. The space around Lu Ping Ping fluctuated strangely. She disappeared all at once. When she appeared again, It appeared behind Yan Fei.

Then Yan Fei's mental power extended outward, and all the pupils who came with the female teacher were imprisoned. These elementary school students were just ordinary people, and they were immediately imprisoned. Yan Fei's heart moved, and these elementary school students were transferred out of the valley and fell into a lethargic state. Then Yan Fei began to mobilize the energy of Dream Cave, and she had to cut off the energy channel to the female teacher.

In peacetime, Yan Fei does whatever he wants to control the energy on the crystal wall of the fantasy cave sky space, but today, the energy on the space crystal wall is difficult to control, and it is impossible to cut off the connection between the female teacher and the energy of the dream cave sky. As a lot of energy enters the female teacher's body, her strength begins to surpass the god-level master, and gradually becomes more and more like those outside the self-cultivation. Not only that, she can also slowly control the energy on the crystal wall of a part of space, and use this ability to resist Yan Fei's control of the dream hole sky.

Yan Fei was very angry and asked, "Who the **** are you?"

The female teacher, aware of the powerful power in her body, couldn't help but make a violent laugh and said: "Yan Fei, I'm just a trivial little person. What I call is simply not enough."

Yan Fei said, "Why are you counting me?"

The female teacher laughed and said: "Yan Fei, I will let you know what you are about to lose completely. You can remember that you killed Duan Hongye of the Duan family, and I came to avenge him today. of."

Yan Fei was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly realized, "You are Duan Hongyu?"

The female teacher was stunned and said, "How do you know my name?"

It turned out that this female teacher was Duan Hongyu who had disappeared for a long time. Yan Fei had not met Duan Hongyu before. Even her existence was known by talking with Captain Hua Xia. After knowing the existence of Duan Hongyu, Yan Fei immediately realized that Duan Hongyu had something to do with the comprehension of the comprehension civilization. Those comprehension people are likely to return to the earth again, so he would foresee a huge change in the earth in the future.

In order to eliminate this biggest hidden danger, Yan Fei has been searching for Duan Hongyu's whereabouts worldwide. It's a pity that since Duan Hongyu ended nine years ago and the captain of Huaxia sneaked into the sea, it disappeared. No matter how Yan Fei searched, Duan Hongyu's whereabouts could not be found, as if she had disappeared in this world. Yan Fei originally thought that Duan Hongyu was seriously injured during the battle with Captain China. s attack.

Then Yanfei found the real identity information of this female teacher from the supercomputer database, and then combined with the population data obtained from China and the surveillance video accumulated over the years over the world, Yanfei immediately knew that Duan Hongyu How to change the image and mix it into the dream cave.

Since Duan Hongyu was rescued from Duan Hongye's old mansion by Duan Hongye, he has always been such a sloppy and sloppy image. No one knows what her true appearance is. Duan Hongyu had been seriously injured before and had to dive into the sea to heal the wound and wait for five years to fully recover. Just as she was about to return to land, she found a woman who looked very much like herself on a cruise ship near the sea.

So Duan Hongyu had a plan. She boarded the cruise ship, quietly killed the woman, and then made a complete change for herself to replace the woman's identity life. With her efforts, she not only became exactly like this woman in appearance, but also completely changed her personality and lifestyle. Even her people could not find her to be a fake.

Yan Fei could not monitor every cruise ship on the vast ocean, and Duan Hongyu's actions were very careful. As a result, Yan Fei missed the best time to discover Duan Hongyu, causing Duan Hongyu to change shape and have a normal social identity. When the Ape Fleet was about to attack the solar system, Yan Fei transferred a large number of people to Dream Cave, and as a result, the impostor Duan Hongyu was able to enter the Dream Cave, and approached Yan Fei under impossible circumstances.

By this time, Yan Fei was absolutely sure that Duan Hongyu was really in contact with those outsiders. The communication channel between them is the tragic symbol of Duan’s yin and yang conquering the world. The comprehension learners know what is happening on the earth through Duan Hongyu, so they will know that the earth is now being invaded by foreigners; With the support of cultivation materials, and even the initiation of the instructor's ultra-long distance, and the acquisition of a very powerful ability, it will allow Captain Hua Xia to perform a taboo that increases the combat power by ten times.

Those self-cultivators were able to find the space coordinates of the fantasy hole in the vast universe, probably because Duan Hongyu entered the fantasy hole and leaked information about the fantasy hole. The fantasy cave sky is made by cultivation civilization. These comprehensioners must know many secrets of the fantasy cave sky, and even these secrets may not even be known by the controller of the fantasy cave sky.

Fantasy Dongtian’s control authority is probably not the only one that Yan Fei knows. It should have other hidden It is because of this hidden control authority that Yan Fei just mobilized Dream Dongtian’s power Only then can Duan Hongyu be imprisoned, and through this hidden control authority, Duan Hongyu can absorb the energy of Dream Cave Heaven for his own use, and thereby repel Yan Fei's control of Dream Cave Heaven.

The reason why Yan Fei was fooled was mainly related to the situation in Duan Hongyu's body that he felt before, because Duan Hongyu was really an ordinary person at that time. There were no abnormalities in her body, so she could completely hide Yan Fei's perception.

Under the guidance of those who are self-cultivators, Duan Hongyu not only knows more secrets of Dreamy Sky, but also learns this unique skill. She first dispersed all her powers, let Yan Fei lose vigilance to her, then she approached Lu Pingping and pretended to attack Lu Pingping, so that worrying Lu Pingping's Yan Fei was furious, she would use the power of Dream Cave to deal with her. She immediately absorbed and used these energies. Not only did she regain her power in a short period of time, she also took a hundred-footed step forward, turning herself into a true self-cultivator, gaining huge benefits.

If Yan Fei at that time did not rely on the power of Dream Cave to deal with Duan Hongyu, but used the individual power of his god-level master, then Duan Hongyu would not be given the opportunity to regain his strength and was killed by Yan Fei. After all, he lost his power. Duan Hongyu didn't move fast in his hand, Yan Fei could kill Duan Hongyu in advance. But Yan Fei was too intoxicated by the power of God to make this mistake and was calculated by Duan Hongyu.

Duan Hongyu keeps absorbing the huge energy in the crystal wall of space, her breath becomes more and more powerful, and even surpasses those outside those who are self-cultivating, moving towards the height of the **** like Yan Fei. In this process, Yan Fei couldn't stop it at all, only to watch Duan Hongyu's strength soar rapidly...

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