MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 8 Mysterious organization

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The drone quietly flew over the villa, the HD camera rotated 360 degrees, and began to look for Zhang Baocheng's figure.

Although the upgraded drone camera has no infrared function, it has reached the ultimate in optical imaging technology. At night, as long as there is a little light, and its automatic fill technology, the entire picture can be clearly presented. At the same time, the drone's sound collection system is also more sensitive. Even subtle sounds up to 100 meters away can be collected by it, and even the noise can be automatically filtered to analyze the original sound.

With such a powerful means of detection, coupled with the faint moonlight tonight, the entire villa is completely under the control of Yan Fei. The main energy of the villa guards is on the ground. Even the searchlights rarely illuminate the sky. No one would think that a drone in the sky is watching them.

十一 It's eleven o'clock at this time, most of the villa's rooms are in the darkness, only a ray of light is seen through a gap in the window on the top floor. The drone carefully lowered its height, then flew over, hovering outside the window, and found that the window was tightly closed, and that ray of light leaked through the slits in the curtains in the room. So the high-definition camera of the drone began to adjust. Through the gap of the curtain, Yan Fei really saw the situation inside the room.

There were several people sitting in the room. One of them was Zhang Baocheng. The burly man sitting next to him was the second child of Xie, while the other side was a very thin young man who looked like he was not awake. Opposite them, there is the middle-aged woman Wang Xiaohong who often goes to Yan Fei's house to cry.

Bian Yanfei saw the middle-aged woman Wang Xiaohong at Zhang Baocheng's house, and finally determined that Wang Xiaohong was sent by Zhang Baocheng. All this was done in Zhang Baocheng in secret.

里面 In the room, Zhang Baocheng looked very angry and completely uncomfortable when he was in the company. He cried out: "How did you do things, so long after that, Yan Fei didn't look succumbed?"

Xie Laoer said: "Cheng, that Yan Fei is a stone in the pit, which is stinky and hard, and still calls the police. You don't let us use force to intimidate him. Without deterrence, he would not easily yield. "

Zhang Baocheng frowned: "This is an extraordinary period. I don't want you to use force, but I don't want you to make things bigger, and then set fire to ourselves. But our time is very urgent and we can't wait any longer. From Starting tomorrow, you will find a few vicious people from Lord Hou, posing as the distant relatives of the second aunt, and you must give the boy a lesson. The boy cannot give in without suffering. The demolition is about to happen It's time for the negotiation and signing phase, and I worry about Ye Changmeng. The kid's building is worth at least 100 million yuan, and we must not miss it. "

My second aunt named Xiaoxiao Wang who went to cry at Yan Fei's house said: "Boss Zhang, when you asked me for help, you said, once I help you achieve your goal, you promise me the benefits!"

宝 Zhang Baocheng said, "You can rest assured that as long as you come forward and do this, we promise you a million dollars."

The second aunt looked very happy and said, "Boss Zhang, don't worry, I will come to find that surnamed Yan tomorrow. Find a chance to come into his room and make physical contact with him, as long as there is a physical contact , I'll rip up my clothes, and call him indecent, then your people can take the opportunity to rush in and hit him hard. "

Thanks to the second child scornfully, "Yan Fei will be indecent to you? No one will believe you even if you act like it!"

Zhang Baocheng glared at Xie Lao Er and said, "Whatever you think of others, we just need an excuse. You know? What we want is just an excuse. What excuse is important?"

Xie Xie didn't dare to question again, and asked, "Cheng, do we really want to hit the kid?"

Zhang Baocheng turned around and slapped him on the body, screaming angrily: "You are silly, we are asking for money, not killing, why should we really hit him. In case he hides in the hospital after being injured, who do we ask to sign? So this time I was just scaring and scaring him. When playing, we must avoid the key, but we must make him feel pain. "

Mr. Xie said, "The kid often exercises and is a bit brute. Last time I had a bit of a loss with him. I already saw that kid was not pleasing to the eye and thought I could teach him a little!"

Zhang Baocheng comforted his men and said, "After this storm, let ’s talk, I wo n’t care about you until the money is in hand. You can do whatever you want with him, even if you kill him, I have no problem. The boy dare to refuse me several times He didn't give me any face. I wanted to pack him a bit, and I would cut a few more knives for me. "

几个 Several people in the room didn't speak very loudly, but they could hear them clearly under the drone's sound pickup device. When hearing the discussions of several people in the room, Yan Fei suddenly felt a cold sweat on her body, but did not expect to hear such a bad scheme.

This scheme is too vicious. If Yan Fei hadn't heard it in person, maybe he would have really caught the trap of these people, and he was still dumb to eat Coptis chinensis, and he couldn't tell. At that time, how bad he was, Yan Fei could completely imagine. And Zhang Baocheng was also cruel. He actually wanted his life afterwards because he refused.

For the first time in Yan's life, Qi Yanfei killed someone. This Baocheng not only seeks his own fortune, but also wants to kill his own life. For his real estate, he actually uses such a poisonous plan to treat his life as nothing. If Yan Fei is an ordinary person, his end is absolutely tragic.

Zhang Baocheng, Xie Lao and Ergu in the room continued to discuss, revise and improve this plan, how to carry out manual movements, and how to use this plan to give Yan Fei a fatal blow ...

Until half an hour later, several talents had completed their discussions. The second aunt rose to leave, and Xie Ershi sent her away. There was only Zhang Baocheng and the skinny young man in the room. The skinny young man had not spoken. He looked sleepy and looked asleep.

Zhang Baocheng turned his head and asked, "Xiao Kong, have you come this time, what news is there?"

The thin man named Xiao Kong finally spoke, saying in a non-standard Mandarin language: "Speaking over there, let you keep dormant, don't be troublesome, so as not to delay their major events."

Zhang Baocheng laughed: "I didn't want to be troubled at all, but the kid actually has such a net worth, and always feels a loss if he doesn't do it. It is the so-called renunciation of the gods, and he will be blamed. But you can rest assured that this matter is fast They'll get it done and promise not to delay the business over there. "

Xiao Kong said: "You remember, the big V and expert resources in your hands are not yours, but the organization. You are only managing for them, so don't let them rush to avoid revealing their identity. . This time you used them to hype Yan Fei, it is likely to have caught the attention above. "

Zhang Baocheng smiled awkwardly and said, "This time is only a special case, and I promise not to use their power at will in the future."

Xiao Kong said: "They are the pawns in the organization and will play a great role in the future. What they can publish to the outside can only be the content provided by the organization. Your job is to maintain their relationship and grow stronger. They. You know how miserable you would be if the organization's mission failed because of your reasons. "

Zhang Baocheng wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "I know this, please tell the organization, I will do my best to work for the organization and ensure that the tasks assigned by the organization are completed."

Wu Yanfei was taken aback, but did not expect to hear such news. That Zhang Baocheng was actually a mysterious organization. Those Internet veterans and experts were hacked by him, as if there was any conspiracy. Seeing that Xiao Kong had a high status in the organization, Zhang Baocheng was very jealous of him and spoke carefully.

Xiao Kong said, "This is the best, as long as you work for the organization, the future benefits will be indispensable to you."

Zhang Baocheng nodded repeatedly and said, "This is what I should do."

Xiao Kong said, "I'm curious. Will you really give the second aunt one million yuan afterwards?"

Zhang Baocheng sneered: "That woman is not only greedy, but also vicious, how could I give her so much money. Such a person has a weakness, that is, she is afraid of death, so if she knows the current affairs after the incident ~ ~ Even if it were to cause trouble, I wouldn't mind letting her disappear. "

Xiao Xiao Kong smiled, said nothing, and then took something out of his arms and said, "You are also very knowledgeable here. Can you help me see, do you know what this is?"

Zhang Baocheng took the things in Xiao Kong's hands and looked in front of them.

Wu Yanfei was curious, but the angle was a bit wrong, and the drone couldn't see what it was. So the drone carefully turned to the other side, ready to adjust the angle and look at the thing. Who knows when a strong wind suddenly blows at this time, Yan Fei didn't check for a moment, failed to control the drone, the drone swayed in the wind, accidentally hit the wall outside the window, and made a slight sound.

In the room, when Xiao Kong's ears moved, he even heard the subtle sound outside. He grabbed Zhang Baocheng's hands back, and then walked to the window and opened the curtains. Man-machine.

Ji Yanfei froze for a moment, immediately reacted, quickly pulled up the drone, and was about to leave here. As soon as Xiao Kong punched out and smashed the window glass, he leaned his head out and saw that the drone was taking off. Xiao Kong sneered, grabbed a chair, and threw it at the drone in the sky.

The drone was taking off quickly, and saw the chair flying over. Yan Fei didn't care about it at first. Who knew that the chair was so fast that she chased the drone straight up. Yan Fei was taken aback. The drone quickly dodged, but didn't have time to completely avoid it. The drone was hit by the chair.

Wu Yanfei carelessly, the drone was hit by a chair, making the drone clone hurt for the first time. Yan Fei, who has a great relationship with the drone, immediately felt a severe pain, as if she was hit by a chair.