MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 810 Technology suppression

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Yan Feizhi went here to deliver a small hydrogen bomb. The ape commander was shocked when he discovered the small hydrogen bomb, because it believed that under the protection of the rules of the mutated universe, nothing could be passed without their permission. Entering the ape clan flagship, but did not expect to be sent into a big killer unconsciously.

Although this small hydrogen bomb did not explode under the action of the Ape's flagship internal defense mechanism, this incident still stimulated the Ape Commander. In its opinion, since this kind of thing has happened for the first time, it will definitely happen for the second time, and this transmission cannot be defended at all. Just in case, the ape commander set up an ambush here, but I didn’t expect to really wait for the enemy’s second teleport here. It's just that this transmission is no longer a super bomb transmission, but a personnel transmission.

These ape warriors who waited for a while saw Yan Fei and Gu Xiaolan suddenly, they didn't think much at all, but quickly activated this trap, and then used the powerful weapons in their hands to eliminate these two intruders.

Yan Fei and Gu Xiaolan just stood in this room, and a huge gravitational force appeared from the bottom of their feet. This gravitational force is so powerful that it directly acts on Yan Fei and Gu Xiaolan, almost making them fall to the ground. But whether it was Yan Fei or Gu Xiaolan, their strength at this time was far beyond the scope of God-level masters. Their bodies just stagnated for a while and immediately returned to normal, and then they began to counterattack the ape warriors who were about to attack themselves. .

Yan Fei did not personally fight as usual, but activated the nano-scale armor on his body. He would use the super weapons on the nano-scale armor to kill the apes. But what surprised Yan Fei was that the very powerful Nano Warframe in the outer universe actually failed after entering the ape clan flagship. Those powerful super weapons could not be activated at all, and naturally would not attack the ape clan warriors.

Fortunately, this problem didn't appear on Gu Xiaolan. With her finger, the white long sword flew up and suddenly split into 100 pieces, each of which was a reduced version of the white long sword. These white long swords just flashed in the air and disappeared. When they appeared again, they flew out of the heads of the ape warriors next to them, and then the heads of the ape warriors exploded, and they couldn't die anymore. Gu Xiaolan moved again, and the hundred long swords disappeared again, and then flew out of the heads of the other hundred ape warriors, killing them all.

The number of ape warriors surrounded here is more than a thousand. They are the most powerful god-level masters selected from ape warriors. They are extremely powerful, and they also control powerful weapons in their hands. Strength is even more irresistible. However, under the attack of Gu Xiaolan's white long sword, they were as helpless as babies, and their heads were all burst and died. In just a moment, these more than a thousand god-level masters were all killed by Gu Xiaolan. They did not say that they dodge, and even the weapons in their hands did not have time to start...

Even if Yan Fei's Nano Armor really started, he could not carry out such a large-scale group attack on Ape Warriors with the help of super weapons. But he did not expect Gu Xiaolan to be so powerful that he would wipe out all the ape warriors in such a short time. This was the first time he saw Gu Xiaolan exert his full strength, but he did not expect Gu Xiaolan to be so powerful, which was far beyond his imagination. But it also shows a problem, that is, Yan Fei is very correct to pull Gu Xiaolan into his team.

After Gu Xiaolan wiped out all the ape warriors, she pointed a finger, and the hundred white swords were united again to become a huge sword, just suspended in mid-air. A flash of light flashed in her eyes, and she began to scan the huge steel room. Then I saw the white long sword dispatched again, and drilled a hole in the steel wall next to it. When the white long sword got into this cave, I heard constant explosions...

After the explosion was over, Yan Fei felt light, and the gravitational force acting on him suddenly disappeared, and he finally recovered all his abilities. Then I saw the white long sword flying out of the cave and returned to Gu Xiaolan's hand again.

Gu Xiaolan eliminated the ambush of the ape warriors by himself, and also destroyed the traps created by the ape clan. But Gu Xiaolan, who completed all this, did not have any expression on her face. She just stood in the room and looked at Yan Fei silently.

Yan Fei coughed and explained awkwardly: "I just had a problem with my Nano Warframe and couldn't attack..."

Gu Xiaolan said: "I have sensed that there is a strange cosmic rule here. This kind of cosmic rule is different from the outer cosmic rule. Although I don’t know what is going on, it is roughly certain that this A kind of cosmic rule can suppress the equipment and technology of scientific and technological civilization. Your Nano Warframe contains a large number of technological and civilized technologies, which naturally cannot be activated here."

Yan Fei suddenly realized that it was full of mutant universe rules here. No wonder his nano armor would suddenly lose his ability to attack. It was suppressed by the mutant universe rules. Fortunately, Nano Warframe contains not only technological and civilized technologies, but also self-cultivated and civilized technologies. Although the super weapons on it are no longer usable, other functions continue, and they can still provide perfect protection for Yanfei. He also understood why the previous small hydrogen bomb did not explode, because the small hydrogen bomb is also a product of scientific and technological civilization. After entering here, it was completely suppressed and became a pile of unexplosive waste.

Yan Fei only sees now that the weapons used by the ape warriors who ambushed them are no longer the weapons produced by the scientific and technological civilization, but a kind of other civilization weapons that Yan Fei does not yet know the principle of. Fortunately, Gu Xiaolan did not use technological civilization weapons, and her white sword was still as powerful as before. Under her rapid attack, all Ape Warriors were eliminated in an instant, before they were attacked by Ape Warriors.

Yan Fei began to sense the universal space, his face became a little ugly, because he did not sense his universal space. He had suspected that after entering the ape clan flagship, he would not be able to open the universal space. He stored a lot of powerful weapons and raw materials in the general space, and even the medium-sized production workshop was also in the general space. Unable to open the universal space now, it means that he can no longer use the various materials prepared in the universal space. His previous preparations are in vain.

No one knows what technology is used in the universal space, but from its inability to use now, it can be seen that the universal space must have been created by technological civilization. The ape flagship suppresses the technology equipment, and it is normal that the universal space cannot be opened here.

Yan Fei began to sense the UAV avatar, and he immediately sensed the magical channel connected to the UAV avatar. Through this magical channel, he can still communicate with the drone avatar, and can call the drone avatar to his location at any time. The current UAV avatar is not just a product of technological civilization. It is actually a product of the combination of technological civilization and cultivation civilization. Even if you enter here, only some functions will be limited, and there are other capabilities that can be used.

After sensing the unmanned aerial vehicle, Yanfei regained hope. Even if the ability of the drone avatar is limited, but the strength of the drone avatar has increased sharply at this time, and the various energy reserves have reached the peak. As long as he summons the drone avatar to the ape flagship, it will be soon Destroy the ape flagship. After all, he has entered the ape clan flagship, and destroying it from the inside is much simpler than destroying it from the outside.

However, Yanfei did not immediately summon the drones, because they are still located on the periphery of the ape flagship and have not yet entered the core zone. Even if it is destroyed here, it will not have much impact on the Ape flagship with a diameter of 1,000 kilometers. He must enter the core area of ​​the ape flagship, and only when he arrives there will he summon the drones to perform the final lore on the ape flagship.

Yan Fei looked at Gu Xiaolan who was completely exposed to the air around him and said worriedly: "Xiaolan, you don't have any protective equipment on your body, so you have to beware of the air here and be careful not to be infected by viruses and bacteria in the air."

Gu Xiaolan said: "Relax! I'm completely poisonless now, and no viruses or bacteria can affect me."

After listening to Gu Xiaolan's assurance, Yan Fei was at ease, but he did not have this ability himself. He had to rely on the nano war armor to completely cut off the contact with the outside, so as not to be harmed by viruses and bacteria. Even with his current ability, he will also be killed by the virus once he encounters the perfect virus that exterminated the universe, so even though this nano armor has lost most of its combat capabilities, he dare not take it off and still wear it. On his body, he was afraid of the deadly viruses and bacteria in the flagship of the apes.

Suppressed by technology, Nano Warframe has lost most of its capabilities, including network intrusion capabilities. So even though Yan Fei has entered the ape clan flagship, he did not use the supercomputer in the nano war armor to connect to the ape clan flagship, which made him blinded and turned blind.

Thinking of Gu Xiaolan's insight ability, Yan Fei hesitated and said, "Xiaolan, can you see the vents in the ape clan flagship?"

Gu Xiaolan's eyes reappeared in his eyes, and he checked all the rest assured. After a while, she pointed to a vent in the front and said: "This vent is connected to the largest vent pipe in the ape flagship. If you want to put something into the ape flagship, you only need to pass this vent. , And apply a little pressure, you can send things to the entire ape clan flagship."

Gu Xiaolan didn't know what Yan Fei's next plan was, but her IQ was very high, but with a few questions from Yan Fei, she almost judged Yan Fei's entire plan.

Before entering the flagship of the apes, Yanfei carried a large number of special viruses specifically for the apes. The special viruses in the apes flagship have been cleaned up, so the apes warriors in the apes flagship can move freely. Yanfei entered the Ape Flagship this time, one of the purposes is to spread a special virus into the Ape Flagship, through this special virus mass killing ape warriors.

Originally, Yanfei had to release a logic virus here to paralyze the control system in the ape clan flagship. However, this logic virus was stored in Nano Warframe. Now that Nano Warframe is suppressed by Ape's flagship technology, it is impossible to use this ability at all, so Yan Fei's plan to paralyze Ape's flagship is still defeated.

But even if it can only release special viruses, it is a victory for Yanfei. He came to the place near Gu Xiaolan's designated vent, took off a jar on his back, opened the lid of the jar, and released the special virus stored in it. I saw a hurricane on his body. This hurricane rolled up those special viruses and drilled into the vents inside.

Under Yanfei's control, these special viruses were quickly transmitted deep into the ventilation duct. The nearby Gu Xiaolan also monitored the situation here. After all the special viruses entered the main air duct, Gu Xiaolan started to stop, and Yan Fei stopped making the hurricane. Those special viruses have entered the main vents of the apes flagship. As long as a little more time, these special viruses will spread to the entire apes flagship. At that time, the unprepared apes warriors will suffer heavy casualties...

Yan Fei and Gu Xiaolan broke into the ape clan flagship. Although they wiped out the ape warriors who ambushed them at the fastest speed and released the special virus, their whereabouts were immediately exposed. I saw a laser projection screen suddenly appear in the void in front of me. On this screen, a soft white light appeared. In this white light, there was a faint existence of an organism.

Then a voice came from an unknown corner of the room. This voice was completely mechanical, and there was no voice for men, women, children, and children. The mechanical sound uttered in ape language, saying: "Yan Fei, I have used all methods, not only did not catch you, but also sneaked into my flagship, I really look down on you."

Yan Fei knew this was that the Ape flagship had found himself, and someone was talking to him. But after he sensed the unmanned aerial vehicle, he no longer has to worry about it, because he is completely confident to destroy the ape flagship from the inside. The unmanned aerial vehicle is his last killer. However, he has not yet reached the core area of ​​the ape clan flagship, so he didn't make trouble immediately, but instead fought with the ape clan for more information.

Yan Fei said in earth language: "I know that you have studied the language of humans on our earth and will also speak our language. So please speak to me in our language, I am not very suitable for communicating with the cry of animals."

The ape clan was stunned and suddenly angry, but it still did not turn its face immediately, but instead turned to human language and said angrily: "Yan Fei, I still think about how I can force you out, but I didn't expect you to throw yourself in the net. . You still entered here, and you fell into my trap, and there was no reason to leave here alive."

Yan Fei said with a sneer: "It seems that your ape clan's brain is not very bright, and it is no different from beasts. Think about it. Since you approached the solar system, how many battleships and manpower have you lost in the ape clan? By now, you still don't have Take an attitude that pays enough attention to your enemies, which shows that your apes are really stupid, and you still have to suffer a big loss in my hands."

The ape race was furious again, but it didn’t know what it thought. It suddenly calmed down and said: "Yan Fei, you have sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, I won't tell you more. You can feel it, after you enter here, do you? Feel like your performance is affected? Your technology equipment can no longer be used?"

Yan Fei said faintly: "This is just the application of the mutant universe rules. We also have the mutant universe rules on our planet. It’s no big deal. Even if I can’t use those technological still destroys you. The capabilities of the flagship."

The ape clan laughed: "Yan Fei, do you rely on Gu Xiaolan standing next to you? Although she is powerful, compared with our apes clan's strongest weapon, her strength is simply not enough. Can kill her in minutes."

Yan Fei was still not scared: "Since you are not afraid of us, and you have powerful weapons in your hand, why come out and contact us? Is it not good for you to directly attack us?"

The ape clan laughed again and said, "Yan Fei, what I have to admit is that you are really the nemesis of our ape clan. The main fighting power of our First Army is destroyed in your hands. But you should not fight us The idea of ​​the ape flagship, if you leave the solar system, we can't take you at all. But if you want to save the dream cave and enter into our flagship, then you are dead. I am So talking to you is just to see the helplessness of the prey before he dies."

Speaking of this, the ape clan in the soft white light suddenly flashed red light, and the tone became fierce, saying: "Yan Fei, when you enter here, no matter what method you take, you can never leave here. Yes, you will be killed here by me. If you don’t believe it, you can try it immediately to see if you can leave here?"

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