MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 814 Soul crossing

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Yanfei is about to show the most terrifying aspect, open the killing ring here, and completely destroy the ape flagship. However, due to the role of the mutant universe, it will take some time for the drone to reach Yanfei. Before that, he must stay in this strange space.

This space is very weird. Yan Fei has not been attacked by the enemy until now, but it is actually very dangerous. Every time he stays here for an extra second, his chances of encountering danger increase greatly. Although Yan Fei was anxious, there was no better way but to wait slowly.

Gu Xiaolan saw Yan Fei's sad face and began to walk around this white light ball unconsciously. Yanfei did this not only to relieve the anxiety in his heart, but he was still observing this white sphere of light, trying to find out the secrets hidden in this white sphere of light. The volume of this white light sphere is very huge. Even if Yan Fei is very fast, it will take a long time to complete the lap.

Yan Fei stood in the original standing position again. He touched his chin and said, "Xiaolan, please use your strongest attack power to attack this white light ball with all your strength."

Gu Xiaolan nodded his head and offered his white long sword. He would do his best to launch the most violent attack. But at that moment, the white sphere of light became dynamic and began to separate a tiny sphere of light from the inside. Yan Fei made a look, Gu Xiaolan understood, and immediately stopped preparing for the attack.

The tiny light ball fell lightly in front of Yan Fei and Gu Xiaolan, and then the light ball exploded, revealing a person inside. It's just that this person is covered with dense white mist all over his body, and he can't see through the mist to see what it looks like.

However, from the outline of this person, Yan Fei recognized it. The person who could not see the face was the commander of the First Army of the Ape Clan who negotiated with Yan Fei through the video, that is, the attack and defense with Yan Fei in the dark. The commander of the ape race. Before Yan Fei wondered why the commander of the ape family had never appeared, but did not expect that it had been hiding in the white light ball. No wonder it was not seen in the outside ape flagship battle army.

The commander of the First Army of the Ape Clan looked at Yan Fei, his eyes flashed red, and he used a mechanical sound to utter the same voice as before, saying, "Yan Fei, I didn't expect you to have this ability. Since you can really enter here, you My strength is beyond my expectations."

Yan Fei originally suspected the identity of the commander of the First Army of the Ape Clan, but after hearing it in person, although he did not hear any clues in his voice, there was a familiar feeling in his tone. Yan Fei said: "Although you have been using a mechanical voice to try to cover up your true identity, you cannot change the tone and tone of your speech. Your tone and tone make me have a familiar feeling, you must be an acquaintance I know ..."

The commander of the First Army of the Ape Clan suddenly changed the previous mechanical sound, issued a silver bell-like laughter, and then asked: "Yan Fei, do you think my voice is familiar?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Yan Fei was taken aback, and said, "You are Su Taner... Um! No, you are Shao Zuo of the island country."

The commander of the First Army of the Ape Clan smiled and said, "Yan Fei, it seems that you still remember the original female secretary! After so many years, she still remembers the tone and tone of her speech. To be honest, did you like her? ?"

As soon as the words fell, the white mist surrounding the head of the first army of the ape clan suddenly dissipated, revealing the people inside. This person is Shao Zuo of the island country, but the former owner of this body is Su Taner, who was later lost by Shao Zuo and became Shao Zuo.

Yan Fei did not expect that the commander of the First Army of the Ape Clan was actually Shao Zuo on the earth. He was taken aback and said, "Shao Zuo, you are a human on earth, how did you become the commander of the Ape Clan?"

Shao Zuoyan smiled, revealing the infinite charm of the woman, and said, "Yan Fei, why do you think I am a human on earth?"

Yan Fei stunned and said, "You have been staying on the earth for so many years and have been guarding the safety of the island nation. Your appearance is also a human on earth. Couldn't you be a human on earth?

Shao Zuo smiled: "Yan Fei, I know you all want to know my secrets, and have been gathering intelligence about me all the time. But would you find it strange, because no matter how powerful your intelligence gathering ability is, you all I can't gather more information about me, and naturally I can't know my true origin."

"You don't even know my true origin, why do you think I am a human being on earth? Is it because every time I appear, it is the appearance of human beings on earth? You must know one thing, that is, I have the ability to transfer souls, I You can transfer on different human bodies and change your identity at any time, so the shape I show does not represent my true race. Let me tell you the truth, I am an authentic ape family, and my soul state is chimpanzee, earth human Appearance is just a cover for me when I walk on the earth."

Hearing Shao Zuo's confession, Yan Fei was not only shocked, but Gu Xiaolan beside him was also a bit creepy. They had doubted Shaozuo's identity before, and had made many guesses about her identity, but no one thought that Shaozuo's real body was actually an ape chimpanzee. Shao Zuo likes to take advantage of the young and beautiful super-beauties of human beings on the earth. In everyone's eyes, Shao Zuo is a beautiful girl with a lot of charm and charm, but she has no idea that she is an ugly chimpanzee inside. The extreme contrast makes everyone unacceptable...

Yan Fei carefully observes Shao Zuo. No matter how he looks at it, Shao Zuo is a beautiful **** earth, without the clunky feeling of chimpanzees. Shao Zuo stood in front of Yan Fei, which was her real body, but she didn't seem to be here at all, giving people an extremely contradictory feeling. Even if Yan Fei wanted to attack Shao Zuo, he didn't know where to start.

Yan Fei's face was suspicious and said, "If you are really apes, then why would you appear on our earth? Be aware that since the ancestors of the ape empire fled the earth, they have lost their way in the universe. And never returned to earth. Or that you are not part of the ape empire. You are actually the soul of a chimpanzee who died on earth 80,000 years ago. Has your soul lived from 80,000 years ago to the present?"

Shao Zuo smiled proudly: "Yan Fei, I know you are pretending not to understand, and deliberately come to set my words. But the current form is all under my control. I am not afraid of any conspiracy or trickery you do. I will be the first today. Let me tell you my true identity this time! Yes, I am not a human on earth, I am from the ape empire in the universe, I am the most pure ape empire."

Yan Fei asked curiously: "It seems that your position in the Ape Empire is very high! Otherwise, why can you become the commander of the First Army of the Ape Empire?"

Shao Zuo's face appeared proud and said: "The First Army is the most powerful fleet of the Ape Empire. It has the latest equipment of the Ape Empire. It is the key force to defend the Ape Emperor Star. From the day of the army, the head of this army can only be the most important member of the imperial royal family. Do you know my identity now?"

Yan Fei immediately remembered the power structure of the Ape Empire known from Ape War Prison Qira, and he guessed: "Are you the Empress of the Ape Empire?"

Shao Zuo's rare red face, but immediately returned to normal, she said: "I am not the emperor of the ape empire, but it will be soon."

Suddenly, Yan Fei realized, "I know, your true identity is actually the less popular prince of the Ape Empire."

Shao Zuo's rare appearance on his face was loudly excused: "The rumors that don't want to see me are all deliberately circulated by the opposition within the empire holding power. They just don't want to see me as a capable prince. Ascended the throne. The emperor knew my abilities best and knew that I would be able to push the empire to a higher peak, so I was established as the prince of the empire."

Yan Fei said, "I don't even care if you have the ability. I am more curious that you are the prince of the ape empire and should be heavily protected by the ape empire. Why do you appear alone on our earth? "

Shao Shao shook his head and said, "This is my biggest secret. I won't tell you."

Yan Fei said faintly: "I heard that the Emperor of the Ape Empire gave birth to you more than a hundred years ago, which means that you are only more than one hundred years old. But according to the information I got, the first time you were in It’s been at least a thousand years since it appeared on the earth. From the age point of view, you can’t be the crown prince of the ape empire, you are probably fake.”

Shao Zuo originally didn't want to tell Yan Fei her secrets, but she was most concerned about her status as a prince. After being suspected by Yan Fei, she immediately changed her mind and decided to explain her identity with Yan Fei. She pointed to the white sphere behind her and said, "Yan Fei, have you seen this white sphere behind me?"

Yan Fei said: "It is so huge, as long as the eyes are not blind, anyone can see it."

Shao Zuo said: "Do you know what it is?"

Yan Fei said: "It should be a group of mutant universe rules."

Shao Zuo said with approbation: "Yes, your Fantasy Island's scientific and technological strength is really strong, and you have begun to study the rules of the mutant universe. You can see through its essence at a glance. Since you are also studying the rules of the mutant universe, then you should also know, Within the radiation range of the mutated cosmic rules, the well-known rules of the universe will change dramatically. Many things that are considered reasonable outside may not exist at all. On the contrary, you think my age is only one I shouldn’t be on Earth for many years if I’m in my 100s, but I’ve been reasonably on Earth for many years under the influence of this mutated universe’s radiation.”

Yanfei's UAV avatar is moving fast towards him in that magical channel, but it will be some time before the UAV avatar comes here. What he needs most now is time. Fortunately, after being deliberately stimulated by him, Shaozuo was anxious to prove his distinguished identity, so he began to tell Yan Fei about his origins.

So the situation that Yan Fei most hoped for appeared, and he decided to follow Shao Zuo's conversation and delay the time until his drone arrived here. He pretended not to understand and asked: "Your age is obviously not the same as the time you appear on the earth. Is this caused by the mutated universe rules?"

Shao Zuo did not directly answer Yan Fei’s question, but began to tell a seemingly irrelevant past: “80,000 years ago, our ape clan ancestors were massacred by you, the extraterrestrial demons. In order to survive, our ancestors had to venture out of the earth , Escape in an unfamiliar and dangerous universe. If it wasn’t fortunately that we encountered a great god-level civilization, and this great god-level civilization is also interested in our ape clan body, those of us who have no fighting power have long been in the universe The whole army was destroyed."

"After tens of thousands of years of development, the ape empire has gradually become stronger, and it has also killed many cosmic civilizations and become a party overlord, but in our ape clan's heart, there is always a sense of humiliation, that is, our ape clan in fact It’s the dog of the mourning family, who was driven out of his ancestral star. All apes have a belief in their hearts that one day they will find our ancestor star, and kill the ancestor star, and drive those celestial demons that drive us away. Kill and recapture the ancestral star. As an imperial prince, this belief in my heart is much stronger than everyone else."

"Since I was established as the prince of the ape empire, people have constantly questioned me. They said that I did not make any contribution to the empire, and I don’t deserve to be the future emperor. If I want to succeed in the throne, I must be the ape empire. Make a contribution to Khanma, otherwise even if I ascend to the throne to become an emperor, my orders will not be carried out. The reason why I did not establish merit for the empire is because my first army has been defending the emperor star and has not gone out to fight at all Opportunity, and there is no war here at Emperor Xing, I naturally cannot make a contribution to the empire."

"My mother is a benevolent person who treats the imperial ministers who hold heavy powers, and makes the imperial ministers have unnecessary ambitions. I realized this huge hidden danger, so I announced my political idea long ago. After I became an imperial emperor, I would definitely revive the dynasty and regain the empire rights. It was precisely because of the fear of losing the power in my hands that those ministers tried my best to prevent me from becoming an emperor. Questioning that I did not make a contribution to the empire, it was theirs. Excuse."

"In the past ten years, my mother’s health has been getting worse and worse, and I am about to ascend to the throne, but the ministers still do not support me, and they sing back against me everywhere. When I ascended the throne, I started a rebellion. In order to reverse this unfavorable situation, I decided to make an earth-shattering big event, that is to find the Ancestral Ancestral Star alone and recapture the Ancestral Star. As long as I can help the Ape Clan to retrieve the Ancestral Star, I will become an idol of all ape clan worship. By that time, I will get the support of all ape races, including those of the ape army under the control of the minister. With the support of the army, I can promote my reforms. But our ape family has been searching for so many years, but we have not found an ancestor. Spatial coordinates, what can I do?"

Shao Zuo became excited, his face flushed, and his voice slowly became louder, saying, "When that great god-level civilization left us a lot of apes Science and technology and equipment, the most precious of which is this group of mutant universe rules. We have studied this group of mutant universe rules and built a huge space warship based on it. The flagship of a legion. Relying on the unique ability to mutate the rules of the universe, the strength of this ape flagship is very powerful, far exceeding the flagship of other aces, it has become the artifact of the town kingdom of our ape empire."

"Although this ape flagship rarely comes out to fight, as a commander of the army, I can access this group of variant universe rules. After contacting this group of variant universe rules, I slowly discovered a kind of variant universe rules. A brand new magical ability. That is, as long as I draw the belief of all apes to find the ancestor in this group of mutant universe rules, after being pulled by the power of the rules in the mutant universe rules, I can bring a person to think instantly The target to look for. This person cannot be in a physical state, it must be in a state of soul separate from the physical body."

"In order to find where the progenitor is, I resolutely separated my soul and body, and then entered the mutant universe rule in the state of soul. I originally thought that I could see the spatial coordinates of the progenitor immediately, but I did not expect my soul to be mutated. The rules of the universe were sent directly into the long river of time, and I went upstream in the long river of time. When I broke away from the long river of time and returned to the real world, I found that I did find the location of the ape ancestor, but the time is already eight Ten thousand years ago, my state is the state of the soul."

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