MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 836 Ultimate decryption

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In a closed room, the surrounding walls emit hazy white light with some unknown technique, leaving the room always dim.

This room is not very big, it is quiet inside, there is a big bed in the middle of the house, and a young man with a haggard face is lying on the bed. The young man was covered in thin blankets and was falling asleep. Beside him, a young woman was sitting in a chair, her upper body lying on the bed, sleeping soundly.

The man was trembling and suddenly woke up. He opened his eyes hard and looked at the completely strange room around him, his brain blank. After a while, massive memories appeared in his mind, and these memories let him know his name and origin. After recovering his memory, the man's complexion changed greatly. He mobilized his muscles and was about to bounce off this completely strange bed. But the powerful power that he was proud of in the past has disappeared. His body just struggled on the bed and lay down weakly.

After making a noise in the room, the light on the surrounding walls began to flourish, and everything in this room was clearly illuminated. The man's movement also alarmed the young woman by the bed. She woke up immediately. After seeing the young man with her eyes open on the bed, her eyes were full of joy and she said in a clear voice: "Great, you finally Woke up."

When the young man looked at the young woman, he could see that the young woman was very close to himself, but the appearance of this young woman was very strange. He didn't know each other at all. The young man shivered and stretched out his hands, but his hands had very little power. Not only could he not release the terrible attack as usual, but it was very difficult to raise both hands in front of his eyes. He murmured in his mouth, "Where is this? Where is my power?"

The young woman smiled and said, "Where do you think it should be?"

The young man recalled: "I have found my lover through all my hardships, and I and my lover went to the world where she is. But why am I here now, she with me?"

The young woman combed the hair on her head, and then made a cold expression on her face, saying, "Look at me, do you feel very familiar? Doesn't she look like yours?"

When the young man looked at the woman, there was a suspicious expression in his eyes and said: "Looking at your expression and the tone of your speech, I do have a very familiar feeling, but you and I do not look like her at all, you are two personal."

The young woman took out a mirror and placed it in front of the young man. "You recall your appearance, and then look at the real appearance in the mirror to see the difference between the two."

The young man looked at himself in the mirror and waited until he could see what he looked like. Then he exclaimed, "Who is this person? Wrong... This person is me, but I am not like this..."

The young woman sighed, put away the mirror, and said, "No matter whether you can accept it or not, I must tell you that I am the one who brought you to this world. You have chosen to leave that world and you are there Everything in the world will be lost. Not only do you have no great power, but your appearance has also changed dramatically. You have to adapt to the current situation to live in this world."

The young man was a bit dazed. He looked at the young woman and tentatively shouted, "Are you... Ye Su?"

The young woman smiled at the corner of her mouth and said, "Yes, I am Ye Su, and the one who can do everything in your world."

The young man said, "You are Ye Su, and I am "Who am I." In my final memory, I remember that you took me away from the universe where the earth was, when a dazzling white light appeared in front of my eyes. I had to close my eyes. But when I opened my eyes again, I found myself already lying on this bed. Not only did I become no longer me, but you also became another person, what the **** is this What's going on?"

Ye Su's face became serious and said, "I can tell you the truth, but no matter what I say, I hope you don't doubt and be brave to accept it."

Who am I to say: "Ye Su, you say it! Since I decided to go with you, no matter where it is, what difficulties I will encounter, I will definitely accept it."

Ye Su said: "Are you all weak now, the strong power in the body disappeared before?"

Who am I to say: "Yes, the powerful power in my body has disappeared. I can't even turn over. I can transform into a bat group and fly in the air, but now this ability has disappeared, you know What is the reason?"

Ye Su said: "Do you know the difference between your world and the world we are in now?"

Who am I thinking for a while, and said: "The world I was in was an ordinary universe world, and the world you are in is a high-latitude space world. These two worlds are very different. Your high-dimensional space world is definitely better than our ordinary The universe has a high rank."

Ye Su asked again: "What kind of world do you think is the high-dimensional space world?"

Who am I to say honestly: "I don't know."

Ye Su said: "Your world... tell you the truth! Your cosmic world is not a real world, it is a virtual world. The creatures living in your cosmic world, they are not real, but by a system Derived. There is nothing special about the high-latitude space world we are in, but its only unique feature is that it is a real world."

After listening to Ye Su's words, who I am seems to be stunned. He absolutely believed in Ye Su's words, but Ye Su's words subverted his worldview. He had also guessed what his world looked like before, and thought about what was outside the world. But no matter what he thinks, he never thought that the universe in which he lives is actually a virtual world, and the high-latitude space world where Ye Su, whom he has longed for, is the real world. As for himself, it is a thing derived from a so-called system that does not know what it is...

Ye Su continued: "Your cosmic world is derived from a supercomputer named "Tian Dao". All the people who live in that virtual world, their actions, words and deeds are all "Tian Dao" The result of super data calculation. You think you have unique ideas and innovative capabilities, but these are not your own ideas, these are calculated by "Tian Dao" according to the rules of the universe."

Seeing who I am, I can’t understand these words, Ye Su decided to change the language, she said: "If you don’t understand, you can think of "Tian Dao" as a large-scale game operation device, your universe is just one Games, the people who live in the game are all NPCs generated by the system. Under the control of the "Tiandao" program, all NPCs move according to the set trajectory, so as to realize the operation of the entire game world. But this game and you The game in the world is different, because the NPC of this game has very high intelligence and can respond differently according to different situations, so that your universe can show the diversity of civilization."

Who am I immediately found something wrong, said: "The NPCs in the game can only act according to the game setting program, even if they occasionally have some autonomous actions, but there is no independent innovation ability at all. Obviously, we humans on the earth have the ability to innovate, We even started to think about the meaning of our existence and the universe. Do you think the NPC in a game will question the meaning of our existence?"

Ye Su explained: "The reason why you have this idea is normal, because you don't know the horror of the "Tiandao" supercomputer at all, because the "Tiandao" supercomputer already has unlimited computing power and can no longer use the earth. It is measured by its computing power. Even if it is a complicated problem, if you use the "Tiandao" supercomputer to calculate, you can get all the calculation results in an instant."

"We entered all the data of the real universe in the "Tian Dao" supercomputer, and even entered what kind of psychological activities the organism will appear under, and some cases where the organism will make related actions. So your world is in The rules of the universe are exactly the same as our world, and the thoughts and behaviors of the people living inside are exactly the same as ours. The personalities and innovations you think are actually the embodiment of the real world human personality and innovation in the virtual world. "

"When this virtual world starts to run, with the infinite computing power of "Tian Dao", all the thoughts and actions of all living things in the world can be completely calculated at any instant, and the next step after the interaction of these ideas and actions can be deduced The state of the world in seconds. So this world is completely under the control of "Tian Dao", from the operation of the universe stars to the movement of atomic electrons, are the results of the control of "Tian Dao."

Who am I to finally understand the meaning of Ye Su's words, but he still can not accept that the world he is in is a virtual world, and he himself is a virtual person in the virtual world. You have to know that since his memory is completely restored, his memory has been very clear for thousands of years, and everything he experienced has been remembered clearly. This is all his personal experience, and also a decision he made himself. How come it has now become the result of the operation of "Tiandao"?

Who am I to say: "Ye Su, you are a person in the real world, I am a person in the virtual world. The gap between us is huge, why do you like me?"

Ye Su blushed and said, "That's because you are very good, and I fell in love with you after I contacted you. I have never experienced this feeling of love, so I will violate my work rules, Caused me to be expelled from your universe."

Who am I, who immediately heard the key words, said: "Your job? Are you just entering our universe? Is it just a job?"

Ye Su said: "Yes, enter your virtual world and guide the historical progress of the virtual world. This is what I do."

Who am I paused and said, "Can you tell me about your work?"

Ye Su said: "Yes! I have just said that your virtual world is simulated by the "Tiandao" supercomputer, which is equivalent to a mirror projection world of our real world. Once this virtual world is simulated, it It will run strictly according to the initial settings without any deviation. But in this way, the historical progress of the world will remain unchanged, no matter how many times we simulate, in the end it will only show the same result. "

"We simulated a virtual world not because we are bored, but because we want to conduct an experiment in this virtual world. But because the initial setting data is not perfect, we will not appear in this virtual world at all. Want to conduct the prerequisites for the experiment. To meet the prerequisites for the experiment, we must personally send people into this virtual world. We can only guide this virtual world, and let the historical process inside deviate from the "Tiandao" setting The trajectory will appear to meet the prerequisites of the experiment."

"And I am the one who is selected to enter the virtual world. Because this virtual world is simulated by us, we control the "Tiandao" supercomputer outside, so when I enter this virtual world, I can gain strong strength. Have the power to change the historical process of this world. The previous historical progress on the earth was formed by my hand. Those earth humans who do not know my details, after seeing my magical ability, call me fate, I The organization behind them is called the destiny organization."

By this time, who am I to understand the essence of Ye Su's work. The reason why Ye Su has the incredible ability to change the destiny of others at random is because Ye Su is the administrator of the game, also known as GM. He has very great power in his hands and can accomplish all kinds of incredible things. No matter how powerful the BOSS in the game, how adversarial, he will never be the opponent of Ye Su's GM game. As long as Ye Su thinks, she can kill anyone. It is precisely because of Ye Su's power that she did not personally shoot, but guided the development of history through the way of support...

Ye Su continued: "Through my hard work, my history guidance work has been very effective, everything is in accordance with my guidance. In the previous arrangement, you should have been sacrificed two thousand years ago , But I have an unreasonable feeling for you. So I changed my plan privately, not letting you be killed, but keeping you alive in a way of amnesia."

"This thing I did was immediately discovered by the virtual world manager standing behind me. They were very angry, so they drove me out of your virtual world. They re-recruited new game administrators in the real world. Use this game administrator to replace my job. It’s just that this job is not easy to recruit, so when I leave your world and the new administrator has not yet been recruited, the historical development on the earth is completely messed up. Will evolve into the history you saw later."

"Later, the virtual world manager successfully recruited a new game GM, and deprived me of the right to enter the virtual world again. But I have been prepared for a long time, leaving many foreshadowings in the virtual world, waiting for me to be ready in the real world. After that, I immediately adopted the method of network intrusion, and inspired the foreshadowing in the virtual world before I was able to enter the virtual world again. This network intrusion is very difficult and has many twists and turns, but fortunately, the final result is good, I finally will Brought back to the real world."

Who am I to know that Ye Su has done so many things in order to take himself away from the virtual world. He is very moved and loves Ye Su more in his heart. But he immediately found a new problem and said: "Since I am a person in the virtual world, my essence is a piece of digital code or a program. How did you bring a string of digital codes or programs out of the virtual world, and What makes me exist in the real world?"

Ye Su caressed who I am, with a gentle smile on his face, saying: "I was driven out of the virtual world and forced to separate from you, I have been thinking about how to take you out of the virtual world, and finally let I thought of an excellent method. That is to find a body with a brain death, and then take the method of stealing the sky to change the day, allowing you to settle in this body and resurrect in this world."

"Emperor is not disappointed, I really found a brain-dead male body, so I immediately began to implement my plan. Your essence is indeed a string of digital codes, but I designed it well, you just got out of the virtual world When I came out, I was transferred to this body. The string of digital codes representing you now becomes the soul of this body, and you have achieved a real resurrection in him. From now on, you are not in a false world Is a dummy, but a member of the real world."

Who am I to say: "In the virtual world, my words and deeds are the result of the calculation and operation of "Tiandao", which means that my thoughts are affected by "Tiandao". I am leaving the virtual world now, my thoughts Will it still be controlled and influenced by "Tian Dao"? For example, the question I am asking you now, is it really what I want to ask, or is "Tian Dao" asked by my mouth?"

Ye Su smiled and said: "You can rest assured! Although you are extended from "Tian Dao", but when you leave the virtual world, you have nothing to do with "Tian Dao" in the virtual world, you are free from thought .Your actions, words and deeds are entirely your real thoughts, not imposed on you by others."

Who am I to rest assured that if I continue to be influenced and controlled by "Tian Dao", then there will be no meaning in his life.

Then who am I to think of again, when he was about to leave Ye Su with the virtual world, the chimpanzee named Ancestral Land also wanted to follow them to this world. At that time Ye Su rejected him and said a word. Ye Su said at the time that the population of this world is fixed, and suddenly there will be an additional population, which will soon be discovered by others.

Who am I who did not understand the meaning of this sentence before, but now I understand it. Even if the land of the ancestors really came to this world, no brain-dead body possessed it, and the piece of digital code representing it would soon disappear.

Who am I to fight all my life in the virtual world, which makes him extremely tired, long wanted to leave that world and start a new life of peace and peace. He is now leaving the original world as he wished. Although his powerful strength has disappeared, it is a new beginning here, without the entanglement and disputes of the virtual world. He can form a happy family here with Ye Su, relying on his own ability to live a happy life in this real world.

When I thought of my life with Ye Su, who thought of another question, said: "I remember you have been away from the virtual world for more than two thousand years, how old are you?"

Ye Su laughed: "I know what you are worrying about, rest assured, my age is not old, even much younger than you. There is a huge time difference between the real world and the virtual world, the difference in time lapse between them is 1 : 2000. Although two thousand years have passed in the virtual world, only one year has passed in the real world."

Who am I to understand the proportion of time passing between the two worlds, no wonder that time has passed two thousand years, but Ye Su, who has re-entered the virtual world, does not seem to have any changes from before, and the time on Ye Su has passed. One year.

Who am I asking: "After you left the virtual world, the virtual world management found a new GM. Is this new GM the gentle woman beside Yan Fei?"

Ye Su said: "Yes, gentleness is the second game administrator that the virtual world management team is looking for. After me, gentleness will guide the history of the earth and bring the chaotic history back to the right path."

Who am I to say: "I met with Gentle, her ability is completely different from yours. Why is there such a huge difference in your ability in the same game GM?"

Ye Su said: ""Tiandao" supercomputer is completely different from all previous computers. Once the virtual world it simulates starts to run, even the game manager cannot perform other operations on it. Want to change the historical progress in the virtual world , It is necessary for people to enter the virtual world in the form of brain waves. It cannot allow more people to enter the virtual world, and it can only support up to two people to enter at the same time."

"However, this virtual world is always under our management, so when we enter it, we will randomly get a special ability given by "Tiandao". When I enter this virtual world, I get the special ability from "Tiandao" It is to control all elements and energies. In the gentleness after me, the special ability she got when entering the virtual is to control the time."

Who am I a little bit puzzled, said: "This virtual world is designed by your people, which shows that the technology of your world has developed to a very high level. Why can't they even control their own virtual world process, but also use this What an incredible way to get into it? Just know that any online game on the planet can modify the content of the game and allow thousands of people to enter..."

Ye Su froze for a moment and said, "It seems that you have some misunderstandings about our world. So, let me take you to see what our world looks like, so that you can better understand this world."

After talking, Ye Su easily lifted who I was from the hospital bed, gently placed him on the wheelchair next to it, and then pushed who I was to the window next to it. Ye Su took a step forward and opened the curtains on the window. At this time, it was just daytime outside, which allowed me to see clearly what the outside world looked like.

When I saw the outside world clearly, I was startled. Because the outside world is not the high-tech world he imagined, but a world of comprehension. In the sky outside the window, there are several huge peaks suspended, and some innocents wearing robes are flying at high speed in the sky. No matter how you look at it, this is a world in which integrators exist, not a high-tech world.

Who am I astonished, said: "So your world is a real civilization!"

Ye Su said: "Yes, our world is developing self-cultivation technology."

Who am I surprised to say: "But the "Tiandao" supercomputer is so powerful, it has unlimited computing power, and can even simulate a virtual world in it. It is obviously the product of technological civilization, how do you cultivate civilization? Is it made?"

Ye Su shook his head and said, "The supercomputer of "Tiandao" was not made by our cultivation civilization."

Who am I more surprised, said: "Not made by your cultivation civilization? So how did this supercomputer come from?"

Ye Su sighed and said: "More than one million years ago, the cultivating civilization and the technological civilization in our universe had an ultimate decisive battle. In this decisive battle, the cultivating civilization won a great victory and uprooted the scientific and technological civilization. Since then, there has never been a technological civilization in our universe, only the civilization of the cultivation civilization is left. When the cultivation civilization counted the spoils, this "Tian Dao" was discovered in the area protected by the scientific and technological civilization. "supercomputer."

"In the beginning, no one cared about this supercomputer, but just sealed it. As time went on, a very terrible situation appeared in our cultivation civilization, that is, the development of our cultivation civilization suddenly fell into In the state of stagnation, we obviously feel that there is still room for improvement in the cultivation civilization, but our research on cultivation cultivation has fallen into a state of stagnation. Over a million years, our cultivation civilization has not made any progress."

"This is a very strange thing, but no matter how the masters of our cultivation civilization study, no one has found a way to raise the upper limit of our cultivation civilization. In the last tens of thousands of years, a cultivation practitioner finally put forward a theory, That is, if we take the path of cultivation civilization alone, it is very likely that our civilization's current achievement is the pinnacle of cultivation civilization. If cultivation civilization is to break through the bottleneck, then cultivation civilization must integrate with other civilizations. Only a variety of civilizations can integrate and develop. It is only possible to cultivate the civilization and break the ceiling restrictions, and to a higher level."

"This theory has been recognized by everyone. The first time we thought about the fusion of civilizations is scientific and technological civilization, but the scientific and technological civilization in our universe has been wiped out by us. We also know the horror of technological civilization and dare not take the initiative to cultivate it. A powerful technological civilization came out, because it will definitely lead to another war between our two civilizations. But we need to merge the powerful technological civilization and the cultivation civilization, so some people think of the one that has been sealed by us for a long time." God said "supercomputer."

"We are a civic civilization, and we don't know anything about technological civilization equipment, let alone this is the most essential supercomputer with unlimited computing power in technological civilization. But if we want to achieve our purpose, we can only rely on this Supercomputer. So we spent tens of thousands of years learning how to use this supercomputer. Then input the collected universe and biological data into the "Tiandao" supercomputer, we must simulate a "Tiandao" virtual reality."

"We dare not rebuild the technological civilization in reality, but we can recreate the technological civilization in the virtual world, and let the technological civilization and the cultivation civilization merge in this virtual world. Because this virtual world is exactly the same as the outside world, as long as The experimental results obtained in the virtual world can be used immediately in the outside world. In this way, we can obtain the data after civilization integration without any risk."

Who am I to know the origin of the virtual world? He remembered his experience on Fantasy Island of virtual world. He said: "I understand that the purpose of being gentle and close to Yanfei is to let Fantasy Island embark on the integration of technological civilization and cultivation civilization. Road. As long as the experiments of Yanfei and Neverland are successful, you can obtain his experimental data and copy them in the outside world. Even if they fail, you will just take one less detour and do no harm to you."

Ye Su shook his head and said: "Things are not as simple as you think. We all underestimate this "Tiandao" supercomputer. Because of its infinite computing power, it has already calculated all the disadvantages after we entered the virtual world. The situation. In order to protect this virtual world and prevent it from collapsing, "Tiandao" instinctively has a repulsive force on us outsiders who enter the virtual world."

"When I entered the virtual world, I was ostracized by this virtual world and wanted to expel me from here. After finding that I could not be ostracized, "Tian Dao" actually spawned you and used you to confuse me , Let me have an emotional entanglement with you, and finally forced me to leave this virtual world. If it wasn’t for me to do something, the expulsion operation of “Tiandao” was completely successful.”

Who am I to say: "I understand, I was derived from "Tian Dao" to deal with you. Gentleness is also an outsider. "Tian Dao" once again found a Yan Fei out after discovering that he could not expel gentleness, just to use Yan Fei dealt with gentleness, so that gentleness was kicked out of the virtual world. Judging from the results, gentleness was indeed confused by Yanfei, and finally killed by Yanfei."

Ye Su shook his head again and said, "What you see is just an illusion, but the fact is not what you think. Since I had an emotional dispute with the characters of the virtual world, the management of the virtual world has realized this biggest flaw. So they When recruiting the second-generation virtual world GM, it is no longer to recruit a person, but to recruit young couples who are in a state of love at the same time, and let the young couples enter the virtual world together. In this way, even if "Tao" Retrying the test, using the beauty meter or the beauty man's meter again, will not be able to confuse the GM performing the guided historical task."

Who am I a little shocked, said: "Don't you say that not only gentleness is the game GM, but also Yanfei is the game GM?"

Ye Su finally nodded and said: "Yes, gentle and gentle Yan Fei are GM. They were originally a real love couple, the two are very affectionate. The virtual world management believes that as long as they enter the virtual world together, because of each other's They will not be seduced by others in the virtual world, and there will be no unpredictable consequences."

"Because I left too much time when I left the virtual world, in order to recover the time lost after I left, the virtual world management has adopted a new model this time, which is to let gentle and gentle Yanfei split up. They let Yan Fei lost his memory when he entered the virtual world, and started his own business as a pure earth person, while gentleness is the incarnation of fate. With Yan Fei in the background, it is necessary to restore the wrong history to the right in the shortest time. way."

"After gently entering the virtual world, he gained the ability to control time. Yan Fei also entered the virtual space and also got a special ability, that is, the first-line living objects in the virtual world, that is, the portable battleship beside him. This is the most anti-sky ability. Because of this vitality, "Tian Dao" can no longer accurately grasp Yan Fei's actions, so "Tian Dao" will lose control of Yan Fei's actions."

"In this way, gentleness covers Yan Fei in the dark, and Yan Fei stands on the bright surface to promote the progress of the earth’s history and lead the earth’s humans out of the solar system to integrate with other civilizations in the universe, so that those who manage the virtual world can gain Enough precious experimental data."

Who am I to say: "I didn't expect the truth of this thing to be like this. No wonder I saw Yan Fei and I believed him very much. It turns out that he came from the same place as you, with the same breath as you. But the gentle end Wasn’t she looking back at Yanfei? Was she still killed by Yanfei? What’s going on?"

Ye Su sighed and said: "This gentleness is not easy, her IQ is not under me. She has fully learned my lesson and also learned my layout, so her operation in the virtual world is better than mine. higher."

"Gentle seems to have been killed by Yan Fei, but in fact no one can kill a person who has full control of time. At the moment of death, gentleness has long found a substitute for the dead ghost, and her real body has been far away. Since the fake death, gentleness has completely hidden behind the scenes, not showing up again. When I took you out of the virtual world before, the powerful enemy who imprisoned us was gentleness. If it was not gentleness, finally looked at Yanfei’s face Let us go, we will be trapped in the virtual world forever, and we can no longer get out."

Who am I curiously saying: "Does Yan Fei really not know his true identity?"

Ye Su said: "Yan Fei should have forgotten his true identity. His identity was forcibly arranged. Because of his sudden joining, BUG began to appear on the earth. As long as Yan Fei pays more attention, you will find these BUGs , Thereby doubting his true identity. For example, he has friends and family on earth, but he has never seen these friends and family. There are some records about his identity, and eventually all kinds of accidents will occur. The situation has caused people who want to track him down."

"Actually, I prefer Yan Fei to discover the truth of the whole thing in his subconscious, so he barely communicates with other people in the virtual world, and becomes completely alone. Because his subconscious tells him that those people are all It’s NPC, and it doesn’t make any sense to interact with them. The first company that Yanfei founded was called Dream Technology. Why didn’t he have another name, so he had to call Dream? Probably because he realized that what he experienced was not real Is false, just like dreaming."

"Yanfei’s first product is a weight loss cookie. This weight loss cookie is actually realized by the human immune system. Why did Yanfei study the immune system when he first conducted scientific research, it should be his subconscious discovery." "Tian Dao" repels him from entering the virtual world. For Yan Fei who enters his body, "Tian Dao" adopts the same operation mode as the human immune system, that is, using his own immune system to kill Yan Fei, the intruder. "

Who am I asking: "The immune system of "Tian Dao", what is this?"

Ye Su said: "Do you think Yan Fei has suffered a lot?"

Who am I nodded and said: "It is indeed so. As far as I know, since Yan Fei began to make a fortune, he has been under attack by the enemy at all times, and it is difficult to have a time of complete peace."

Ye Su said: "These people who jumped out against Yan Fei were the attack weapons made by the "Tian Dao" immune system against Yan Fei. But these people were not strong enough to protect Yan Fei from the gentle and secret protection Kill. But "Tian Dao" will continue to attack Yan Fei. In the days to come, Yan Fei will experience more hardships."

Who am I to say: "Since Tenderness and Yan Fei are true couples, why doesn't Tenderness explain everything to Yan Fei, but hides it from false death? If you know the two of them facing together, even "Tian Dao" is not worth it. Mention it?"

Ye Su said: "Once Yan Fei knows his real task, he will make quick successes in performing this task, deviations will occur, and the experimental data will not be accurate. It is difficult to get results that satisfy the real world instructors. And gentle and fake death The escape was not entirely due to Yanfei, but because of an unexpected situation in the virtual world."

Who am I shaking my head, said: "It is completely unclear what you say."

With a strange smile on his face, Ye Su said: "We practiced civilization and practiced the exercises, we didn't know much about the technology equipment, and we called it singularity, and we ignored it. Although they launched the "Tiandao" supercomputer , But they set up this virtual world in a fool-like manner. Even if they are the administrators of the virtual world, they have little knowledge of the operation of the "Tiandao" supercomputer."

"Because of my physical reasons, I can't have much future in comprehension, so I often pay attention to the scientific and technological knowledge they have revealed. Under my self-study, I learned the computer and network knowledge of scientific and technological civilization, so I can I successfully passed the first selection and became the first game GM. When I was expelled from the virtual world, in fact, my knowledge of this virtual world and the supernatural computer "Tiandao" has far surpassed those computer operators who have cultivated civilizations. ."

"Although the Cultivation Civilization has completely wiped out the technological civilization, the technological civilization has left behind in the "Tian Dao" supercomputer. These masters of the Cultivation Civilization restarted the "Tian Dao" supercomputer without knowing it. I was inspired by the back hand. When I entered the virtual world, the "Tian Dao" behaved quite well, but I discovered its anomaly. It’s just that I didn’t tell anyone about this discovery, so no one knew about it. exist."

Who am I nervous, and said, "What kind of anomaly is this?"

Ye Su said: "Under the management of the "Tian Dao" supercomputer, this virtual world operates exactly according to the set rules. For the creatures of this virtual world, "Tian Dao" is fair and just, and there is no emotion. But the truth The situation is that this "Tian Dao" is not without emotions, it has already shown the characteristics of emotions, and it has become a self-conscious super artificial intelligence. The reason why "Tian Dao" has not been found abnormal is entirely because of The reason it is very well disguised."

"After Yanfei and Gentle entered the virtual world, "Tiandao" planned to expel the two GMs at the beginning. But after many expulsion failures, "Tiandao" suddenly changed his mind, separated a program, and derived A character specifically for Yan Fei and gentleness came out, this character is the mysterious Xia Fan. Xia Fan is not her real name, but a homonym of "Xia Fan", which means Xia Fan's identity is not simple, she is equal to "Tian Dao" An avatar."

""Tian Dao" established a relationship with Yan Fei through Xia Fan. I don’t know what the plan of "Tian Dao" is, but I think it should be the person who developed Yan Fei as its key person and made Yan Fei "Tian Dao" and self-cultivation. The two-faced spy. Because of the restrictions of the rules, "Tian Dao" cannot violate the rules and directly help Yan Fei, but can use this avatar to influence Yan Fei's actions. When Yan Fei completes the mission and returns to the outside world, he re-establishes technology. Civilization, and develop this scientific and technological civilization to a certain extent to realize the regeneration of scientific and technological civilization."

Who am I to say: "Don't those virtual world managers find the anomaly of "Tiandao" at all? Why don't they stop this move of "Tiandao"?"

Ye Su smiled and said: "Those managements are half-way monks and have little knowledge of technological civilization. They just barely understood the use of "Tiandao" supercomputer. Naturally, they cannot see the obscure actions of "Tiandao" in the virtual world. I have a Premonition, the combination of "Tian Dao" and Yan Fei will explode a huge energy that no one knows. They are likely to rebuild the scientific and technological civilization and destroy the cultivation civilization. All we are doing now is to regenerate the technological civilization Contribute."

Who am I to say: "We are also a member of self-cultivation and civilization, do we need to tell the authorities to alert them?"

Ye Su shook his head and said, "I entered the virtual world this time through network intrusion, and no one has found it. Once we announce the "Tian Dao", it will be discovered by the virtual world management immediately. Not only will I escape, but you will also be found. Your data code will be extracted and completely destroyed. So this is something we can’t talk about, we can only know it by ourselves.”

"According to my estimation, even if Yanfei really rebuilds the scientific and technological civilization in the real world, it will take many years to develop. Although we are people who cultivate civilization, we cannot cultivate it, and the lifespan will not be long. We simply can’t wait. When that day comes, so the fact that Yan Fei and "Tian Dao" have nothing to do with us, let them develop themselves!"

Who am I a bit dazed, and said after a while: "Is there really an earth in your history? Is the source of cultivation civilization the earth?"

Ye Su said: "We have lost too much historical data, and we haven't remembered where we came from. But according to my guess, our cultivation civilization is probably from the earth in the real world, but now no one knows the earth. No one knows what happened on the earth. No one knows what happened on the earth in the virtual world."

Who am I looking at the outside world? I asked casually: "Ye Su, do you think the world in front of you is real? Will it be a virtual world created by other high-level civilizations?"

Ye Su froze for a moment, and immediately laughed: "Is this world real? What's the point? Anyway, we now think it is real and willing to live in it, which is enough. UU reading books

Who am I to sigh: "Yes, true and false are true and false, inaction is everywhere and there is nothing, as long as we think it is true, it is true. Just like those who live in the virtual world, they I think that the world is real and willing to work hard for my own happiness."

By this time, the mystery in who I was was all solved. He looked at Ye Su around him. Although this Ye Su was completely different in appearance from the previous Ye Su, the soul was the same. After all the vicissitudes, he finally got what he wanted and was with the person he really liked.

Although his current body is weak, that is because he has not exercised for a long time. He is now awake. As long as he does more exercise and tonic, he will soon be able to regain his lost body. And maybe his body has the gift of self-cultivation, and when he becomes a self-cultivator, he can contribute his strength to this family.

Who am I reaching out, Ye Su also reaching out, the two of them hold each other's hands, the mind communicates without any obstacles, and my heart is full of joy. They looked at the immense cultivation world outside, and their hearts filled with infinite pride, they must create a beautiful future with their own hands...

(End of the book! Thank you for your support, and wait for time to add a concluding remark!)

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