MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 882 Space collapse

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In the weird space, the guardian team members of the fantasy cave are attacking the remaining army of apes. Although the army of ape clan death soldiers was not afraid of death, but after finding out that most of their comrades-in-arms had been killed, and the powerful enemies on the opposite side started to counterattack, they finally began to collapse, losing their will to fight, and then being guarded The team members are squashed and will be destroyed at any time.

On the other side, Yanfei’s steel giant is rapidly absorbing the mutant universe rules. As a large number of mutant universe rules are absorbed by Yanfei, the middle cluster of mutant universe rules of light becomes more and more transparent. Not only that, its size also began to shrink significantly, no longer as overwhelming as before. But at the very center of the rules of the mutated universe, the self-cultivator produced flesh and blood **** still absorbing high-level energy, and the breath it exhaled from the outside has become unimaginable.

Shao Zuo has been manipulating the rules of the mutated universe to revive the innocence, but he did not expect that the induced mutated universe rules began to decrease rapidly. From the outside, he also found an equally powerful and extremely terrifying atmosphere. Shao Zuo was awakened immediately. She looked outside and found that Yan Fei's steel giant was quickly absorbing her own mutant universe rules. And as the rules of the mutant universe enter the body of the steel giant, the breath of the steel giant is also rising rapidly, catching up with his resurrection body of the self-cultivator at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shao Zuo was stunned. She had never thought that someone could absorb her own mutant universe rules. It is precisely because this thing has never happened, even she does not know what it will look like in the end.

In just a moment, Shao Zuo thought of several of the most serious consequences. She dared not let the Iron Giant continue to absorb the mutated universe rules. So she started to awaken the instructor, and no longer continue to improve her strength. Because Shao Zuo feels that the current comprehension can completely kill the steel giant, but if the steel giant continues to increase its strength, the strength of the steel giant is likely to overtake the comprehension. By that time, Shao Zuo's innocence was no longer an opponent of the Iron Giant.

What's more, the steel giant is absorbing Shao Zuo's mutant universe rules. If the steel giants are allowed to continue to absorb the mutant universe rules, the mutant universe rules here will soon be completely consumed. Without the support of the rules of the universe, this strange space cannot exist, and everything that depends on the rules of the cosmic universe will collapse, including the self-cultivator who has just been resurrected...

Under Shaozu’s control, the self-cultivator in the flesh and blood group stopped absorbing high-level energy. Its hands were inserted into the flesh and blood wall, tearing the flesh and meat ball, and squeezing its body out of it.

Yan Fei immediately discovered the movement inside. He looked into the regular universe of the mutated universe and saw a huge human body up to 800 meters high. This is the Cultivator who has just been resurrected. Because his previous body could not contain such a powerful energy, he would grow up under the influence of the rules of the mutated universe, allowing him to control the horror energy in the body.

Shao Zuo was obviously satisfied with her masterpiece. She put her body upright and merged with the resurrected instructor in this way, and regarded herself as the controller of the instructor's body. Then I saw the body of the instructor shake, its actions became agile, it opened its eyes, a fierce light came out of the eyes, and the surrounding space was shot into inches...

A strange smile appeared on the face of this comprehensionist, and in just one step, he stepped out of the sphere of light where the rules of the mutated universe were located. Its body flickered and disappeared. When it appeared again, it came to Yanfei Iron Giant. At this time, Yanfei Iron Giant's absorption of the mutant universe rule has reached a peak, and he can no longer continue to absorb it, so his strength has reached its peak, and he can no longer be improved.

Yan Fei saw the instructor who appeared beside him, his steel face showed a smile, and said: "Near the horizon..."

Very strange, the resurrected Cultivator clearly approached the Iron Giant, but suddenly found a gap between him and the Iron Giant. This gap does not seem wide, but the instructors have exhausted all their strength and cannot cross this gap. If you can't get close to the steel giant, you can't attack the steel giant naturally.

The true elemental forces in the Yanfei Iron Giant are derived from the variation of the universe rules, so these mutant elemental forces also have the ability to partially modify the universe rules. Yan Fei is just a simple application, which creates a gap between himself and the instructor, so that the other party cannot get close to himself.

Shao Zuo has already merged with the self-cultivators. As the master of this group of mutant universe rules, she knows how Yan Fei now isolates herself. So her spiritual power extended, slamming the mutated universe's regular light **** outside, and said in her mouth: "Time goes back in time."

As Shao Zuo's voice fell, Yan Fei was surprised to find that his body of the steel giant was shrinking rapidly, and soon changed from the appearance of an adult to the appearance of a child. As time continued to flow backwards, Yan Fei's mental strength actually felt somewhat broken, which surprised Yan Fei. But he knew in his heart that this was Shao Zuo's arousal of the mutated universe rules in his body that had not yet had time to be transformed into true elemental forces, and he used these mutated universe rules to control himself back to the past.

If Yan Fei does not have these variant universe rules, Shaozu cannot force Yan Fei back to the past, but with these variant universe rules as seeds, she can complete this incredible spell. Although Yan Fei was surprised, he did not panic. He quickly came up with a response and said, "Quick refining."

As a result, the rules of the mutant universe in the steel giant quickly changed, and all became the true power of mutation. Without the mutant universe rules as seeds, Shao Zuo's time-lapse spells against the steel giants began to fail. Yan Fei's mental strength has become stronger from the previous collapse, and his body of steel giant has also changed back to his previous strong appearance.

Yan Fei and Shao Zuo use incredible spells in this strange space and use them to fight each other. None of these spells are achievable in the outside world, but in this weird space, they actually exist and exhibit incredible magical powers...

Yan Fei and Shao Zuo continued to cast various spells. With the support of the mutated true elemental power and high-level energy, their spell effects were brilliant and the effects were incredible. They fought in the space, and under the influence of the power of terror, this space gradually could not bear it, and began to show cracks. Outside these cracks is the void outside the big bubbles of the universe. Chaos in the void blows into this space and begins to erode this strange space.

Lu Pingping has been paying attention to this ultimate battle. At the beginning, she barely could see Yan Fei's movements. But in the end, when the steel giant and the self-cultivator created a huge enchantment, and they began to fight in this enchantment, Lu Pingping could no longer see the situation of the war. She was very worried about the safety of Yan Fei, but she was unable to provide support to Yan Fei, which made her worry...

When Lu Pingping was anxious, Yang Qi next to him finally cracked the frequency of this spatially mutated cosmic rule. His face rarely showed joy, and he quickly moved on his hand to set up the mutated cosmic rule destructive force field generator. . Yang Qi was holding the position generator. His body leaned forward. With the blessing of the nano war armor on his body, he threw it forward vigorously, and he will throw this device into the ball of mutated cosmic regular light.

The variant cosmic rule light sphere originally could only be accessed by Shao Zuo with the help of Su Taner's body, but when this device touched the light sphere, the above variant cosmic rule was melted like a snowy white sun and the device was unblocked. Unimpeded entry into the sphere of mutated universal rules of light, and came to the center of the light sphere. Then the device exploded, and a large amount of magical power waves appeared, beginning to break the rules of the mutant universe outside.

In just a short time, the group of almost unchanged rules of the mutated universe fluctuated violently, as if it was about to collapse...

Shao Zuo's incarnation was resurrected on the basis of the rules of the mutated universe. As soon as the rules of the mutated universe changed, Shao Zuo discovered that something was wrong, because the power in her body was falling rapidly. She screamed in horror: "Yan Fei, what did your people do to my baby?"

Yan Fei's steel giant also exists because of the mutant universe rules. When the mutant universe rules fluctuate, his steel giant's strength also drops significantly. But he doesn't care about this, because his power is at least 500 meters high as a steel giant. Even if all the mutated real power in the body disappears, he will not collapse and he also has powerful combat capabilities. He sneered: "I don't know what they did specifically, but I want to come to what they are doing is to drive you apes to your star domain!"

Shao Zuo found that the situation was not good, so she quickly lifted the state of war with Yan Fei, and she quickly retreated, so she must get rid of the abnormal position in the light ball of the mutant universe. But that position generator is rapidly breaking the rules of the mutant universe. With the destruction of a large number of mutant universe rules, the strange space originally supported by the mutant universe rules began to collapse, and a large amount of void chaos entered the space, destroying everything inside.

Yan Fei also found that the situation was wrong, he shouted loudly: "Ping Ping, it is very dangerous here, you quickly take Yang Qi, Gu Xiaolan and the **** team members back to the dream cave, and close the door to the space here."

At this time, the guards had already killed all the ape clan army. They were standing beside Lu Pingping, observing the following battle. Lu Pingping said loudly: "A Fei, are you going to leave here with us?"

Yan Fei said: "I can't leave for the time being, but after I wiped out these ape races, I will definitely go back to Dream Cave."

Lu Pingping took a look at the horror scenes that were falling apart, and said, "A Fei, it's very dangerous here, or would you leave here with us!"

Yan Fei said: "I'm afraid it won't work for the time being. This ape race is very cunning, and the space here is very strange. If I also leave here, maybe this space will stop collapsing. Once these ape races are given breathing opportunities, our Dream Cave is in great danger. So take these people and leave here first, and I will go back to meet you soon."

Lu Pingping said: "I am not at ease to leave you here alone."

Yan Fei said: "Don't worry about me, I will be able to wipe out the ape clan. You remember, our child has not been born yet, I still want to hear him call my father!"

Having said that, although Lu Pingping was very reluctant, she could only take other people to leave here first. After everyone left here and returned to Dream Cave, Lu Pingping did not enter. She stood in front of the space gate and stared at Yan Fei.

Yan Fei shouted loudly: "Ping Ping, close this door, I will go back to find your mother and son after I win."

In desperation, Lu Pingping had to pass through the door of the space, closing the door connecting the dreamy sky and the strange space...

Shao Zuo enters the mutated universe rule light sphere, trying to prevent the collapse of the mutated universe rule light sphere, but her action is too late. Yang Qi’s device has been 100% effective. Under its effect, this group of mutant universe rules is undergoing a chain-like destruction reaction, and it is collapsing at the fastest rate.

Yan Fei tried it, and immediately found that he could also enter this light ball. So he also rushed into the ball of light, using the steel giant to attack Shao Zuo's cultivator avatar who tried to save the mutant universe rules. Under the interference of the Iron Giant, Shao Zuo not only failed to save his mutant universal light ball, but suffered a powerful attack from Yan Fei.

By this time, Shao Zuo knew that she was unable to return to heaven, and her mutant universe rules were destined to disappear. Without the support of these mutant universe rules, not only will this space collapse, but the ape flagship outside will also lose its power. Her trip to the solar system this time is doomed. Although she also wants to make a comeback, the strength she has in her hands has been exhausted here, and it doesn't make any sense for her to stay here. So Shao Zuo no longer entangles with Yan Fei, but changes direction. He will go back to the ape clan emperor star along the space door that he opened before.

The reason why Yan Fei did not leave here immediately was to eliminate Shaozuo completely. This is not only because Shao Zuo is insidious and cunning, knowing all the secrets of human beings on earth, but also because Shao Zuo holds the space coordinates of the fantasy hole in his hand. As long as Shao Zuo escaped this time, with her must-have personality, she will definitely use the strongest power to launch another attack on Dream Cave. UU reading

Under multiple attacks, there is not much energy in the fantasy cave at this time, and it can't resist the attacks launched by the ape empire. Even if Shao Zuo can't use the mutant universe rules to make a strange attack on Dream Cave, but as long as she still knows the location of Dream Cave, it is the biggest threat to Yan Fei. In order to completely remove this threat, Yan Fei must kill Shao Zuo.

After discovering that Shao Zuo was about to escape, Yan Fei would not let Shao Zuo escape. Yan Fei's steel giant immediately caught up, and he would kill Shao Zuo's innocence. Just as they chased and fled, the rules of the mutated universe in the sphere of light were finally destroyed. Without the effect of the rules of the mutated universe, this strange space collapsed. I saw a large crack in space, and the chaotic air in the void outside the cosmic bubble blew into it violently, destroying everything I touched.

Shao Zuo's self-cultivator and Yan Fei's steel giant were also blown away by the air of chaos. Fortunately, their strength was very strong. After paying a certain price, they rushed to the door of the space. Behind them, the collapse of this strange space suddenly accelerated, Shao Zuo was frightened, her body of the instructor quickly drilled into the door of the space, and Yan Fei's steel giant also followed.

Just when they passed the door of space, the door of space supported by the rules of the mutated universe collapsed completely and disappeared...

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