MTL - Super Manufacturing Force-Chapter 2 Great money power

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Sitting on a stool, Zhao Xu pondered for a while, suddenly scratching his buttocks, found a copy from the books on the ground, opened the structure of the human brain and studied it carefully.

After half a ring, he finally determined that the original energy crystal was located in the pineal gland. It seemed that the previous lightning had mutated the pineal gland.

The human body has infinite mysteries, as unpredictable as the universe. In many religions, the pineal gland is a very mysterious thing. The Purple House of Taoism, the sea of ​​Buddhism, and ancient Western prophets are all related to the pineal gland.

Many scholars believe that the pineal gland is the gate of communication between life and cosmic energy. Even in the scientific community, studies have shown that in ancient times, no matter whether it was an animal or a human ancestor, it used to have a third eye, but only the third in hundreds of millions of years. Eyes gradually degenerate into today's pineal gland.

"Do our ancestors have superpowers? Am I also a returning ancestor?"

When Zhao Xu thought that he might become a gorilla covered with hair in the future, he subconsciously fought a cold war, scratched his head, and thought that it would be better to think of something beautiful.

With something unique in the world, Zhao Xu first thought of maximizing benefits.

In his opinion, what he has is not superpowers, but stacks of banknotes that can shake the eyes of people. However, to make superpowers "money" endless, the most important thing is to find ways to control them first.

The scene in the dream has been blurred, but he still vaguely remembers that creating the original energy should be controlled by consciousness.

So he tried to calm down, thinking about creating a Rolex, one second, two seconds, three seconds ... one minute, two minutes ... five minutes ... the manufacturing energy was always unresponsive.

"No, what went wrong?"

Zhao Xu opened his hands and mumbled, and suddenly his heart lighted up. He remembered that when the energy-saving light bulb was manufactured just now, he held a light bulb in the left hand. The original energy was first lit in the left hand, and then a new light bulb was successfully manufactured in the right hand. .

Is it possible to create a new light bulb based on the old light bulb as a blueprint?

Thinking of this, he immediately took a one-yuan coin from his pocket and held it in his left hand, then manipulated again with consciousness to create the original energy. Sure enough, the red area of ​​the spar in the brain was full of light, and the entire brain was instantly wrapped in red light. In.

Then the original energy flowed out of the brain, flowing down the neck and shoulders to the hands, a red light on the left hand first lit up, scanned the coin, and then the red light on the right hand flashed a few times, a coin was already lying in the hand .

"It's done, haha, I'm well developed now!"

Zhao Xu laughed proudly, but stopped abruptly without saying two laughs: "Uh ... keke!"

I saw outside the window, I do n’t know when an aunt was standing, and the flames of gossip were burning in his eyes: "Xiao Xu, what is a person happy, what is the happy story for the aunt?"

Zhao Xu blinked. Just now, she was performing the manufacturing power in the house. The landlord's aunt should have seen it, but why her response was so bland, shouldn't she yell, "Ghost!" Scared to death?

Or that the manufacturing can't see it except others?

This speculation made Zhao Xu secretly rejoice, quickly pulled out his wallet and took out twelve thousand, opened the door and handed it out: "Auntie, take it, this is the rent for the next quarter!"

"Okay!" The landlord's aunt took the money and counted it, and then smiled and asked: "Xiao Xu, why did you spend so much money this time, did you make a fortune? Didn't the aunt say you, change your fortune when you get rich The house you ordered has a set of three bedrooms and a living room. If you want to rent an aunt, you will take you to the house tomorrow? "

Zhao Xu smiled bitterly and tried his best to explain that he didn't get rich, so the landlord's aunt reluctantly left ...

For the next few days, Zhao Xu stayed at home to research and make the original energy. Everything in the house was used for experiments: ballpoint pens, cups, chopsticks, spoons, mobile phones ...

He found that when manufacturing was able to copy items, only the first time needed to scan the physical object. For example, he had scanned a one-yuan coin, and now he can directly make it if he wants, without having to perform a second scan.

The difficulty of manufacturing the original product is mainly related to the volume of the object. This "volume" is different from what we usually say. The gap between various parts of the object is not included.

For example, the bulb looks much larger than the rubber, but don't forget that the interior of the bulb is empty, and the volume of its various parts is not much larger than the rubber!

In addition, he also found that the ultimate volume of the original manufacturing energy can now copy the maximum volume of the mobile phone. He once tried to copy his own mobile phone. As a result, the copying of one mobile phone was completed. Genius is fully restored.

This seems to be a bit of a pain. Obviously, the ability to make the original energy is still very low. It may be too early to make Iron Man armor like in a dream.

However, Zhao Xu is not in a hurry. Everything must be done step by step. Just as you want to marry a wife, you must develop certain functions first.

There are seven colors of the original spar. He believes that after the upgrade, he will bring great surprises to himself ...

A week later, Zhao Xu finally walked out of the house, ready to start his super power to make a fortune.

As a person who is about to become a rich man, Zhao Xu felt that he should be a little bit pursuing, and his bus career must be completely abandoned, so he hit the bar very boldly, and came to the Apple Store, which will be his first step in getting rich. .

There are not many customers in the store, and there is no grand occasion in October last year. I remember that at the time, the iPhone 6 was released on the first day in the mainland. There was a line of elders at the entrance of the store, which almost filled the entire street. Already.

Zhao Xu walked into the door, and a shopping guide lady immediately greeted her. The girl was choppy in front of it. I wonder if it was equipped with some artifacts. People really wanted to go up and rub two.

"Hello sir, welcome. May I ask whether you want to watch a computer or a mobile phone?" The shopping guide missed Zhao Xu's sneaky eyes and said with a smile.

"Show me the Apple 6.4.7 and 5.5." Zhao Xu felt very proud at the moment.

"Okay, please come with me!" The shopping guide lady introduced Zhao Xu to the counter, and then came up with two mobile phones to introduce the function.

Zhao Xu did not listen to the introduction of the shopping guide at all. He picked up the 4. 7 屛 model, and suddenly flashed red light in his hand to scan the phone. At the same time, he stunned the shopping guide lady who was still eloquent and found that the other party did not. I was relieved when I was scared by the ghost, and I could only see it by myself.

Then he scanned the phone box, charger, and other accessories one by one.

The shopping guide lady was flying spit, and suddenly heard the guests in front of her saying, "Give me two 5. 5 units. Right, can you swipe your card?"

She froze, and immediately said with a sweet, greasy voice, "You can swipe the card, I'll fill in the order for you right away!" I thought to myself: I thought I was a tyrant, but I didn't expect to be a local tyrant. Make up, don't know if you have a girlfriend?

Zhao Xu didn't know that the beauties were thinking about him at the moment. At this moment, he was very hurt. More than 12,000 bank cards were drawn out and he bottomed out. This is the money he saved from his work-study and university work. When it can be done.

However, even if you are distressed, you have to buy it. After a while, you are going to return to your hometown in Fuyun City. These two mobile phones are a gift for parents.

It is said that the older the person, the more like a child. My father and mother have suddenly become fond of using a mobile phone to play landlords in the past two years. Unfortunately, in order to save his wife for his son, the elder has been reluctant to spend money on a new mobile phone.

Now that I am getting rich, of course, first of all, I have to honor my parents, and I must send the licensed goods, because the two elderly people have always been stubborn thinking that parallel imports are fakes.

After returning home, Zhao Xu immediately began a vigorous mobile phone manufacturing industry, he chose the 4. 7 屛 this one.

You have to ask why you do n’t choose 5.5, which one is more expensive after all?

Of course, it is because of the limited ability to manufacture original energy. At most, it can only be manufactured at 4.7mm, which is a short distance from 5.5mm.

Speaking of this Zhao Xu, he was extremely indignant at the "black heart" manufacturers. Why do you say that a good mobile phone is not as big as it is, I ca n’t just eat it now, buddy!

The process of making a mobile phone is painful, because the original manufacturing energy can only be copied one day, and in the rest of the time, apart from sleeping and eating, he can only wait for the original manufacturing energy to recover a little bit.

This feeling is like riding a turtle on the road, letting you burn your **** in a hurry, people are still not slow.

As a result, Zhao Xu made 20 mobile phones, plus packaging boxes, chargers and other things, and it took a month to complete them. 2k novel reading network

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