MTL - Super Manufacturing Force-Chapter 524 Upcoming Star Wars

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Zhao Xu's eyelids jumped wildly, and he didn't dare to hesitate for a second, directly let the Holy Spirit open the space vortex, and then rushed in like a brow.

At the moment when the space vortex disappeared, thousands of launch tubes lighted up. At the next moment, thousands of particle beams shot like pouring rain, flooding the entire area instantly. If Zhao Xu was still far away, I'm afraid it was sieved directly.

In the parallel universe, Zhao Xu asked the Holy Spirit to show the scene of the real universe. When he saw the scene where thousands of particle beams struck, his careful liver almost jumped out: "I rely, how can this fight?"

"Let's wash and sleep, so many spaceships, even if you are really God, you have to run obediently, but fortunately, you are in a parallel universe, they can't attack you!"

Zhao Xu pursed his lips: "I really want to wash and sleep, but I'm afraid that these guys can't attack me, but they will have other ideas, such as running to attack the earth?"

As soon as his words came down, he saw that in the real universe, the hundreds of spaceships paused for a while, and they really flew towards the earth.

"I went for a while and found out today that you still have the potential of a crow's mouth?" Said the Holy Spirit with tears of laughter.

"I'm so tight!"

Zhao Xu blinked and shook his head silently: "It seems that we must find a way to destroy all these spaceships, or else they will land on the earth!"

"It's hundreds of spaceships. Do you think it's Chinese cabbage, just say" 啃 "?" Said the Holy Spirit in depression.

"Yes, there are too many. If there is less, I can still use the manufacturing power to solve it, but if there are so many, even if I use the manufacturing power to destroy several of them, I will be immediately attacked by other spacecraft and beaten. sieve!"

Zhao Xu frowned, thinking about the solution to the crisis: "If I can make the same number of ships or more space ships in a short time!

"More spaceships?" The Holy Spirit seemed to be holding on to a key point, and then racked his brains to think. Suddenly, he shouted, "Zhao Xu, hurry up to the moon shrine that parallels the universe!"

"What to do there? The most important thing we have now ..."

Zhao Xu just uttered a sentence, and suddenly stopped suddenly. He opened his eyes and asked, "Do you want to say that there are also spaceships in the holy place of the parallel universe?"

"Yes, you think about it, there are the same people and the same bronze tripod in the two universes. In this case, it is not surprising that there are also spaceships in the moon shrine. We just need to drive out the spaceships here and we can Fight against those guys! "

"Yes, that's right!" Zhao Xu yelled excitedly, turned and flew towards the moon quickly.

Although the rock giant of the parallel universe was gone with the Huiyan tribe, but the holy place was not destroyed, so the spaceship here should still exist.

A few minutes later, Zhao Xu had landed on the moon, then he quickly broke through the ground and drilled in, diving all the way, and after a short while, finally came to the Holy Land again.

Compared with the sacred place of the real universe, this sacred place of the parallel universe looks extremely desolate. There is no life here, and the grassland that should have been green should have been turned into a desert.

Zhao Xu knew that it was not the time to watch the scenery at the moment, and his body flew towards the distant mountain of Shen as soon as he moved.

After dozens of seconds, he came to the sky above Shenshan, and in the valley of Shenshan, there was a lonely dry tree. This was obviously the dead tree of the world, or the King of Titans.

"It really is a different world, a different destiny!"

Zhao Xu sighed, immediately flew down, directly broke through the surface of Shenshan, and got into the mountain.

I saw the interior of Shenshan as a huge space, and on the ground below, there were thousands of large and small spaceships.

Most of these ships are exactly the same as those you saw in the real universe just now, while other small ships are larger than other ships, and even there is a giant spaceship that is three to four kilometers long.

Obviously, in the real universe, the Titan King did not send out all the spaceships. Maybe it is because these larger ships will consume more energy, or they are not enough to operate manually. After all, the remaining rock giants There are only a few hundred of them.

Zhao Xu did not hesitate to release the manufacturing power directly, began scanning one of the spaceships, and then built a model in the spar of the original power: "Holy Spirit, analyze quickly, this thing requires you to drive in a split, I don't!

"Okay, leave it to me!" The Holy Spirit immediately began his analysis.

A short while later, the Holy Spirit suddenly said, "Okay, I've done my analysis. Now as long as we provide energy to the spacecraft, we can go out and fight!"

"This spacecraft uses a kind of high-power mixed energy. This energy should be condensed by the King of Titan through the world tree and absorb the minerals. But we do n’t have to worry about it. I ’ll wait in the original crystal. Inside, design a model of this energy, and you can copy it! "

The Holy Spirit said that he had begun to design energy models in the elemental spar.

It didn't take long for the model to be designed.

Zhao Xu opened his palm and immediately used the manufacturing power to create a white fist with a large fist on the palm: "Is this this thing?"

"Yes, now you just need to make a lot of copies of this energy block. Also, immediately create 5,000 Terminator robots and make me a clone. Hey, I'm going to drive all the spaceships here and see those The Rock Giant is not dead yet? "

"Okay, wait!" Zhao Xu took a deep breath, his blue light flashing, and he saw Terminator robots based on him, starting to come out of him constantly.

In about ten minutes, all 5,000 Terminator robots were created.

Then Zhao Xu didn't pause, the manufacturing energy could continue to surge, and began to create white energy blocks on the ground, and then the Holy Spirit immediately manipulated the Terminator robot, picked up these energy blocks and mounted them on the spacecraft.

The cooperation between the two was extremely tacit. It took about a quarter of an hour for all the ships to be filled with energy blocks.

"Hahahaha, hurry out, the first real Star Wars in human history will be born in our hands!" The Holy Spirit laughed excitedly, urging Zhao Xu to move quickly.

"Okay, let's go out and hit him hard!" Zhao Xu snorted and flew into the largest spaceship immediately.

Under the control of the Holy Spirit, 5,000 Terminator robots each boarded the spacecraft, each one of them, the next moment, with a buzzing sound, thousands of spacecraft were activated and floated slowly.

Suddenly, the Holy Spirit emitted a white light, forming a huge space vortex in the mid-air in front of many spaceships, and then a spaceship rushed through the space vortex. 2k novel reading network

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