MTL - Super Manufacturing Force-Chapter 548 The arrival of nano-biology

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I saw that the nano-organisms were in the front part after climbing up the window. Suddenly, they were in groups of two or three, and they hugged each molecule with their tiny claws and began to move to the side.

Soon, they opened a "huge" hole in the middle, allowing them to pass easily. Of course, this "huge" is just for them, in fact, the diameter is only about a hundred nanometers.

The nano-organisms began to quickly enter through the entrance of the cave. In the villa, a black stream of water flowed from the window frame, and then flowed down the window sill and the wall, all the way to the ground, without any sound during the period.

After a while, all the nano-organisms entered the villa, and they converged into a pool of black water on the ground. Suddenly, the black water began to flow toward the bedroom.

On the bed in the bedroom, Zhao Xu and the two women's limbs were entangled, and they were sleeping deeply. They did not notice that a black stream of water had penetrated under the door slit, and then they climbed onto the bed and approached Zhao Xu quickly. .

They did not directly touch the three people's bodies, and it seemed clear that they would wake them up.

After approaching the three, they suddenly split into three strands, and then the nano-organisms began to stack up, and suddenly they saw three black silk threads rising from the bed surface, then bending out the arc of an arch, and drilling into the nostrils of the three. .

This group of nano-organisms actually wants to drill into the body directly from the nostrils of the three people based on their small size. It is not necessary to know that they do this, and they definitely do not want to check the body of the three people.

The crisis is approaching, just as nano-organisms are about to succeed.

Suddenly, a white light was emitted from Zhao Xu's eyebrows, and all nano-organisms were ejected instantly, and then turned into a small white turtle.

At the same time, the sleeping Zhao Xu also woke up and sat up instantly from the bed, and then a thick blue manufacturing power enveloped the entire room, and his consciousness was also mixed in the manufacturing power, which can be clearly seen To the existence of all nano-organisms.

Immediately afterwards, the two women were also awakened. Chu Zixin looked at the black water there and screamed, "What are these things and how did they come in?"

The Holy Spirit flew for two laps in the air and laughed: "If I guessed well, they should be what we are looking for, a super elementary creature, hey, did not expect that this super elementary element evolved, is it a nano organism?"

"Are you sure? They are really super elemental life?" Qin Yinxue asked frowning slightly.

Zhao Xu nodded: "It shouldn't be wrong, I can feel that manufacturing can't influence them!"

The super elementary element is a heterogeneous energy required to make the original energy upgrade, so it is normal to be unable to exert influence.

At this time, countless nano-organisms on the ground converged again, a stream of black water rose from the middle, and soon condensed into a black face more than two meters high, and then the face opened its mouth and issued a burst of "buzz "Hum" sound.

"They are talking. It's a weird language. It seems to be composed of information instructions. Wait, I need to analyze it to understand!" Said the Holy Spirit, and his body began to flash white light.

Seeing Zhao Xu and others not responding for a long time, the black face seemed angry, so the "humming" voice became more and more high-pitched, as if humans were cursing with anger.

At this time, the white light of the Holy Spirit finally stopped flashing, and he said funnyly: "Zhao Xu, this group of guys are asking where you came from, why do you have a Rock Giant ship, and they say you are an alien, you must Leave the planet right away or they will kill you! "

"An alien?" Zhao Xu snorted. "For this planet, they seem to be aliens themselves, holy spirit. They should be regarded as electronic intelligences in essence. Have you grasped their thoughts?"

The Holy Spirit shook his head: "It's unlikely, although they are electronic intelligence in nature, but their evolutionary form is strange. You should see that they are tiny individuals, each with independent thinking ability, but they There is a close relationship between each other, as if it constitutes a whole, with a general consciousness. This is a very strange kind of life. Before I can understand their operation mechanism, once I forcibly invade, the only thing The result is that they crash and no information is available! "

"This way, I originally wanted you to invade them and obtain some information about another intelligent life. Now it seems impossible!"

Zhao Xu felt his chin and was about to continue talking, but suddenly, a huge roar came from outside the villa, and then the whole villa began to shake violently.

"What's the matter?" Qin Yinxue and Chu Zixin were frightened and asked quickly.

At the same time, the large black faces gathered by the nano-organisms seemed to become very excited.

"Damn, it's their companions!" Shouted the Holy Spirit, and as soon as his voice fell, the whole villa shook again, and then began to sink.

"No, let's rush out!" Zhao Xu's face changed, and the original energy surged. At the same time, three sets of Iron Man armor had been worn on himself and the two women. At the same time, the top of the villa suddenly burst open. A huge mouth.

The next moment, the armor was activated, blue flames sprayed from the feet of the three, and they rushed out of their mouths and flew up into the sky. At the same time, the Holy Spirit turned into a white light and rushed out.

They came to the sky, looked down, and saw the villa, but a huge pothole collapsed, and the villa was sinking into the pothole.

"Booming ..."

The huge vibration roared through the sky, and the pothole seemed like a huge mouth, and it swallowed up the whole villa in an instant.

With Zhao Xu's eyesight, he could clearly see that the villa was enveloped by a stream of black water after sinking into the pothole, and all of them were actually nano-scale creatures.

I saw that the nano-organisms were in groups of two or three, and quickly began to move the molecules that make up the villa, but the entire villa was decomposed and ceased to exist.

Zhao Xu was stunned: "The efficiency of this group of guys is too high. If the demolition team on the earth finds them for demolition, it will definitely do more with less!"

Qin Yinxue couldn't laugh or cry. When is it? This guy is still joking.

After the nano-organisms broke down the villa, they suddenly started pouring out of the pothole, and saw a black stream quickly swell, and then accumulated in the pothole foreign exchange, and in a blink of an eye they became a huge black giant.

This giant is no less than thirty meters tall, with numerous edges and corners all over his body. Except for the black body, he looks exactly like the giant rock. 2k novel reading network

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