MTL - Super Manufacturing Force-Chapter 560 Strange and familiar planet

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This is a desolate planet. Through the outer atmosphere and floating clouds, you can see a vast blue ocean on the planet, which surrounds several continents, but these continents are khaki. Without any vegetation.

At this time on the planet's sandy beach, the tide of the sea water was washing the golden sand.

Suddenly, a terrible energy vortex appeared over the beach, and a white light was seen, as if pulled by some huge force, constantly twisting and deforming.

The next moment, the center of the energy vortex quickly opened up, and a black hole appeared. The inside of the hole was dark, exuding a terrifying breath.

"Hmm ..."

Suddenly, a bright blue light shot out of the black hole and crashed on the beach, arousing the dust of the sky.

As the black hole closed, the energy vortex gradually disappeared, and the calmness resumed on the beach. Then, the blue light gradually dissipated, revealing a person inside, it was Zhao Xu.

Time passed slowly, I don't know how long, Zhao Xu grunted, and slowly opened his eyes.

He sat up gently and looked around in wonder: "Where am I?"

Rubbing his head, he thought about the previous things carefully, only remembering that after sending away the Holy Spirit and the two girls in the super space, he continued to create super **** alloys to resist the attack of the space storm.

However, the power of the space storm is too powerful, and not only does not have a tendency to calm down, but it continues to accumulate strength, so later, even if he runs at full capacity to create the original energy, he gradually becomes incompetent.

Finally, when the power of the space storm reached the apex, he suddenly opened a crack in the endless void of hyperspace, and then he was sucked into it and fell into a coma. When he woke up again, he was already lying on this beach. on.

"It's a terrible space storm, and I don't know where it was taken? Well, it wasn't torn into pieces, even if it was a fluke!" Zhao Xu shook his head helplessly, stretched his sore body before standing up.

His gaze was faint, and he looked towards the distant part of the continent.

But faintly, he could see that there was a withered forest on the distant earth, there were numerous broken trees, the green leaves had long disappeared, and only the dry trunk was lying sadly on the ground.

The existence of dry woods proves that there has been vegetation on this planet, but all vegetation has been destroyed because of some unknown disaster.

From the perspective of the withering of those trees, the disaster did not take long, it is estimated that it was years or decades ago.

Because if the disaster has passed tens of millions of years, or hundreds of millions of years, those trees may have been deeply buried into the ground with geological changes, forming fossils or coal.

In addition, Zhao Xu also found that the air on this planet is very similar to the earth, and it can be said to be exactly the same, which is very suitable for animals or humans to breathe.

Coupled with the existence of vegetation here, Zhao Xu judged that there might have been animals or even intelligent life on this planet.

"I don't know if all life on this planet has been extinct?" Zhao Xu thought in his heart, and flew towards the sky as soon as his figure moved.

After flying to a height of thousands of meters, Zhao Xu stared again into the distance, seeing the sights everywhere. There was nothing but desolation. Among them were forests and grasslands, but without exception, they had already withered.

On the vast ground, there are still rivers flowing slowly, but unfortunately, animals have never been seen.

Suddenly, Zhao Xu's eyes moved, and he seemed to faintly see some reflective things in a very distant place. It was not the reflection of the river, but something similar to a glass mirror.

"What's that?" Zhao Xu was puzzled, and flew in that direction immediately.

A moment later, he had already reached the sky above the target site, and saw that there was actually a huge city below, with high-rise buildings, and highways staggered into a huge network in the city.

It can be seen that this was once a quite prosperous city, but now it is completely abandoned.

The city is extremely quiet, it is a dead city, it looks dismal everywhere, and Zhao Xu ’s eyesight is very good. Even in the high altitude, you can still see the city's ground. My heart was involuntary, a trace of sadness rose.

The most important thing is that these dead bones are actually human, just like the Earth people died.

"I didn't expect that there is another planet in this universe that has evolved as a human like Earth?" Zhao Xu muttered to himself, and then fell into the city below.

A moment later, Zhao Xu had landed on a street in the city.

I saw the streets covered with dust, there were cars parked on the road, and on the sidewalk, many human bones lay lying on the sidewalk, which looked very infiltrating.

In addition, there are shopping malls on both sides of the road. Obviously this street was once quite bustling.

When Zhao Xu looked at the billboards in those shopping malls, his eyes widened unbelievably, as if he was a ghost.

"This ... How is this possible?" He opened his mouth in shock, his jaw was almost falling, because the text on those billboards was actually Chinese, and occasionally English, even Korean and Japanese were seen.

If there is a planet that has evolved in a distant star field, humans like the Earth are barely acceptable, but humans on this planet have actually developed the same civilization as the Earth, and even Even the text is not bad. How likely is this?

Suddenly, Zhao Xu turned his head and looked at the cars on the road. He didn't pay much attention just now, but when he looked closely, he found that the signs of these cars were just too familiar:

Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Cadillac ... even the brand of the car is actually exactly the same as on the earth, which is really crazy.

Zhao Xu had some bad hunch in his heart, he thought for a while, and suddenly walked into a "Xinhua Bookstore" next to him.

Yes, you didn't read it wrong. It is indeed "Xinhua Bookstore". Even the name of the bookstore is exactly the same as that on the earth. This is really speechless.

Is it too coincidental that he was sent back to the earth of the solar system by a space storm?

And, logically speaking, humans have now migrated to Mars in the parallel universe, so it is normal for cities on earth to fail, but the question is, what is going on with so many dead bones on the street?

Since humans have completed immigration, how can they all die on the earth? 2k novel reading network

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