MTL - Super Manufacturing Force-Chapter 572 Shock return

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Just when people are in despair.

Suddenly, a roar that shook the sky sounded. This roar awakened all the desperate people. They looked up at the beach in shock.

Just seeing there, the layers of space rippled, and then a huge white turtle crawled out abruptly.

The turtle turned to look at the huge waves on the surface of the sea, and there was a scorn in his eyes. He didn't launch any attack. He just moved the huge body to the seaside, as if it were a huge wall that penetrated the sky. The city is directly partitioned.

The next moment, a huge wave had hit, but the huge wave that scared countless people was not qualified to tickle the turtle, and all were blocked back.

People were stunned, a kind of ecstasy for the rest of their lives, instantly filling their hearts.

At the same time, Qin Yinxue, Xu Shicheng and others in the original Universe Monitoring Center were equally stupefied, staring dumbly at the screen, the huge turtle that occupied almost all their fields of vision.

"The Holy Spirit ... is it the Holy Spirit?" Even with Xu Shicheng's calmness, he couldn't help stammering at the moment,

"Yes, it is the Holy Spirit. He is back, and he is finally back!" Qin Yinxue wept and nodded hard.

Suddenly, there was an outcry of joy in the entire monitoring center. Everyone seemed to have found the backbone of the main body. They were no longer lost and hopeless.

At this moment, they just want to express their excitement in the warmest way.

On the seashore, the Holy Spirit stood up again, looked up at the roots of the sky above, and shouted: "Titan God, so far, you have no chance to attack humans!"

Only half of the Titan King entered the atmosphere, while the other half was still in space. Numerous branches suddenly tangled in his huge tree crown.

He used a pair of green eyes to see the Holy Spirit on the ground through the atmosphere: "Ha ha ha ha, do not speak loud, do you think you can stop me? Little thing, I recognize you, you are the one around Zhao Xu Intelligent life, since you are back, he should have arrived, where is he? "

The Holy Spirit blinked his eyes and teased, "He is indeed back, but you really want to see him? Oh, don't blame me for not reminding you, that guy has been looking at you for a long time, and when it comes out, it will definitely make you dry pile!"

"Ha ha ha ha, it really only speaks big words. He is just a humble human being. Now that I have greatly increased his strength, even if he has some special abilities, he is definitely not my opponent, but since he has not appeared yet, then I will First kill you and the humans here, let's die! "

Speaking, the tree roots that covered the whole sky suddenly spread like gigantic tentacles toward the bottom. Thousands of them directly attacked the Holy Spirit, while the other tree roots did not. Mercilessly pulled away from the cities on Mars.

People screamed in horror again. If these huge tree roots hang over the sky, if they are really pumped to the ground, all cities will definitely be destroyed in an instant, and the humans living in them will certainly not be spared.

Fear and despair filled the entire Mars again, and the Holy Spirit was startled and yelled: "Zhao Xu, what are you grinding about, and you wo n’t play with you in the future!"

This roar shook almost the entire Mars, and the frightened people quieted down instantly, and they clearly heard the word "Zhao Xu" in the roar.

"Is Mr. Zhao Xu coming back?"

"Really ... really?"

"It should be true, oh ... look what it is?"

People suddenly looked up at the sky, gazing at each other as if they saw something incredible.

I saw countless tree roots dancing in that thick cloud layer, but at this moment, a behemoth suddenly pierced the cloud layer and stretched out overwhelmingly.

It was a palm, a huge palm that seemed to cover the sky.

When I saw the huge palm gently flipping, the entire Martian atmosphere was stirred up by a strong wind, and then the palm of the hand lightly grasped the numerous tree roots in his hand.

At this time in the monitoring center, Qin Yinxue, Xu Shicheng and others were staring at the big screen with stunned expressions.

"This ... this is Zhao Xu?"

"Should ... should I?"

"Well, how did he get so, um, so big?"

Everyone's tongues were knotted, and they saw on the big screen, still the scene of Mars' outer space: I saw the huge body of the King Titan, half of which was still in outer space, and the other half was reaching into the atmosphere and raging.

But what really shocked everyone was that beside the Titan God King, a giant with a larger size actually appeared. This giant was Zhao Xu who had been away for ten years.

If the Titan King is a small car, then Zhao Xu at this moment is a heavy truck. His size is actually several times larger than the Titan King.

He was like a legendary god, with his feet stumbling in space, and his hands as if washing his hands in a washbasin, lightly stretched into the atmosphere of Mars.

When I saw his right hand gently scratching in the atmosphere, he grabbed the countless tree roots of the King of Titans, and his left hand was pinched with five fingers, and he pinched the trunk of the King of Titans.

In the end, he yelled, "Get up!", And then with both hands, he pulled the Titan King out of the atmosphere of Mars. The scene made people think of it involuntarily. ".

However, it is clear that this "weeping willow" is too big now, so when it is pulled out, it looks even more shocking. Just seeing it on the screen can scare a heart attack.

Immediately after, Zhao Xu yelled again: "Haha, King Titan, you are just like that, get out of me!"

The words didn't fall, he raised his hands, raised the King of Titan to his head, and threw it fiercely into space.


The huge body of the Titan King rolled in space and flew a million kilometers away before he could stop.

He stabilized the tree body, a branch on the crown of the tree, and reorganized a huge face, then his eyes were incredible, looking up a million kilometers away, standing next to Mars: "No, this is impossible, You are just a humble human being. How could there be such a terrifying power? My God, I have absorbed both the earth and the moon. How could the power be less than you? "

On the ground of Mars, the Holy Spirit despised his lips and said, "What is it that you absorb the earth? But it is just a planet. This guy has absorbed a neutron star, but that is equivalent to the existence of eight suns, just pull up with him. Hair is thicker than you! "2k novel reading network

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