MTL - Super Soldier-Chapter 2433 God country

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The old class smiled and said: "Yeah, yeah, I thank you. But you have to know, although the Protoss and the Mozu are liberated now, but now the most acceptable to the Protoss and the Mozu is the Huaxia Country. Other countries have to adapt to at least a few years. Now, even if you want to work closely with them, they may be in conflict."

Xiao Bingdao: "That is."

The old class said: "Because of your reasons, everyone loves the house and the Ukrainian, and the inclusiveness of the Protoss and the Devils will be stronger. You should not worry about the Devil of the Gods. After two years, other countries will see China and the country. There is no problem between God and the two countries. At that time, they will be bold and accepting you."

"I don't worry," said Mai Tian. "Now I feel that it is already very good. In fact, we can understand that if people from other countries are sent to our territory, it is estimated that people in their country will not dare to come. After all, The mythological era also has a shadow on human beings. They will have concerns in their hearts. Everything is normal. After a year and a half, everyone knows that both Protoss and Mozus can coexist peacefully."

"That's it, everything still takes time. Now we have taken the perfect first step." The old class smiled and said, "Think about it. Later, you will be a country with a variety of high-rise buildings. The building, selling a variety of fashionable clothing, a variety of food, running cars in the streets, built into several modern metropolises."

Mai Tian shook his head and said: "I don't have this plan."


“Pavement is needed, food can also be introduced, but I don’t plan to change the architectural style. The Mozu should have the architectural style that suits the Mozu.”

The old class sank a bit and nodded: "You are right, this is also a national characteristic."

"Well, apart from this, the car is not going to be introduced."

"Oh, what is this for?"

"Hiking can increase people's perseverance." Mai Tian said, "Whether modernization is good, but I can't let the Mozu people who have been competing in martial arts become slack, so part of the entertainment can be opened. But it can be as little as possible, and some can be introduced like a paper towel, but I don’t think it is better to introduce a car."

The old class admired: "What you think is really far-reaching."

Mai Tiandao: "What I want to do in the future is to concentrate on training those who have martial arts talents. Those who do not have martial arts talents can do various industries. The preferred industry is to learn about your human technology."

Old class: "Oh, these are your ideas, I don't participate."

Mai Tian smiled and said: "Now in order not to have unnecessary friction and human life cases, I have set up a police force of the Mozu, which is responsible for arresting people. If you humans have violated the law in our demon, we Will arrest and judge, if the Mozu has violated the law in your country, you can also grab it, or directly notify me, we will cooperate with the action."


The old class looked at Mai Tian and said: "Now I am sorry, your people can not enter the territory of our China. In the next few days, in addition to sending the construction team, we will send professionals to install machines in your country. Everyone is logged in to the ID card. In addition to this, there will be a person in charge of the inspection at the border of our country. In and out, registration is required, and I hope to understand."

"I can understand, then let's do this first."

"Okay," said the old class. "The borders have now been divided. Now it has increased almost half of what you have before. I believe it is enough."

"Yeah." Mai Tian nodded. In this respect, Mai Tian did not ask for a lot. Not to mention the fact that the Mozu had ten cities. The total population was only about 30,000. Now it has increased so much. It’s a lot of people.

The old class looked at Xiao Bing and asked, "What about you?"

"Oh? Of course, I have to go back to Xiaofu. I have first handed over to Ouyang Yee, the protoss, to help me manage. After a few days, Xiaoyu is properly arranged. I may bring people back to the realm. Xiao is going to move."

The old class smiled and said: "You grew up in human beings since childhood, and I believe that you can build better."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing nodded and sighed. Although he said that he is very successful now, Xiao Bing does not want to take over a country as big as he is. But now the gods have just changed their masters. If Xiao Bing still wants If you let go, you don’t know who to hand it over, even if you can give it out, it will cause turmoil, and now people trust the gods and demons because of their own reasons. If you hand it out directly, that kind of trust may be It is also going to be gone.

Xiao Bing and the protoss of the Protoss greeted each other and then handed over the Protoss to Leng Yu and Ouyang Ye, and went back with the old class.

When two people were sitting in the same car, when they were about to drive to Kyoto, the old class couldn’t help but said with deep emotion: "Xiao Bing, if it is not because of you, I am afraid we will not have peace today."

Xiao Bingdao: "Why should I go to the old class?"

"Well, I know that you don't want to listen to these, huh, huh, but I am telling the truth." The old class sighed and said, "Really, the night of the peace meeting that day, I was excited and didn't sleep for one night. Although it is said that this peace is not what I am fighting for, but it is also through my hands. At that meeting, I am also a representative of China, and the representative of your protoss is brought up by me. Do you know, The feeling of pride is simply indescribable."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "If you feel so proud of me, just ask me to have a meal."

"Bad boy, you know how to eat. Haha, if you are serious, you can rely on the credits you have made, even if you are full of feasts every day, it is not too much."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You still take it seriously."

"I didn't take it seriously, but what I said is true. Are you really going to be the patriarch who has been doing it in the future?"

"Yeah." Xiao Bing shrugged and said, "Not only that, I have to establish a more sound system. I want to establish an electoral system. Every four years is a term. I can't be re-elected after two consecutive terms. I am starting this year."

The old class stunned, and then laughed loudly: "Good boy, you are going to run away, is it wrong to prepare for the eight-year patriarch?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You are wrong, I think four years."

"Four years?"

"Yeah." Xiao Bing said, "I plan to wait for a term, I will not continue to seek re-election, and I will not participate in the election. Now I can't pick up the child. After all, many things on the Protoss are still not perfect. I have to wait. Everything is stable, everything is in order, and I don’t need to worry about it at the time, I can let go. Oh, think about it, I’m tired, I’m going to be old after I’ve planned to be peaceful in the Three Realms. I didn't expect to wait for four years."

The old class smiled and said: "Be content, what is your tiredness? Four years, the moment has passed, and it is more important. How old are you now? Thirty-one years old, four years later, you are thirty. At the age of five, how many people in the world can go to the age of 35 when you are 35 years old? Is it very old at the age of 35? Is it right to be a good old man?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "But how many people in this world have experienced so many things like me when they were thirty-five?"

"Well, that's it."

Xiao Bingdao: "So, I am really tired a lot these years, but I don't regret it. But in the future I plan to spend more time on my wife and children."

"Yes, your wife and children are so many..." Old class, "Right, you really want to bring the daughter-in-law to the Protoss? What should the child's education do after that?"

"Let's talk about it, and my child is still very young. The first thing I did after I went back was to establish a school in it. What is the most important thing in the world? Of course it is talent! So education is the top priority. ”

"So I started to build the school building after I went back. Then we will give us some teachers in China. I can pay a higher price if I am an elite teacher."

The old class smiled and said: "You have a lot of requirements."

"That is of course, education is the most important." Xiao Bing said, "When I get the education, I will study other things."

The old class said: "When your child is at school age, your school is estimated to have stabilized."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Yes, I want a kindergarten teacher and a kindergarten school."

The old class turned a blind eye: "Are you doing this for power? It is for your children."

"Don't talk nonsense." Xiao Bing said, "I have prepared for the education of the Protoss. I can call you Chairman Xiao later. Our country is called, um, this is the case for the time being. Right, I will send people in Kyoto. Set up an office."

"Well, we will go to your office in two days, and this is even a diplomatic relationship."

Xiao Bing blew a whistle and leaned back in his seat. Haha smiled and said: "Hey, it’s good to experience the feeling of the chairman."

"Bad boy, your future position is bigger than me. If I visit you later, I am not qualified to let you meet."

Xiao Bing proudly said: "That is of course, I am the chairman, you are the minister, the minister under my hand will not see you."

When I saw the old class and raised my eyes, Xiao Bing laughed and said: "Well, well, who makes you the old class, that line, I see you, I see you, see you in an exception, is this the general line?"

Old class: "...this is for you to are a mixed ball!"