MTL - Super Soldier-Chapter 2438 Gao Fei’s heartbeat girl

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Gao Fei asked: "What purpose does he have, can you imagine it?"

"The people, gods, demons, and beasts continue to split. This is his purpose." Xiao Bing said coldly. "He confuses you to kill me. It only shows that once I die, the previous peace agreement is likely. It will be abolished, because this time human beings can temporarily trust the gods and demons, and a large part of them are because they trust me. If I am dead, he will only use a little more means, and it is very likely that the war will be renewed. It started to erupt, and it may not even be necessary for him to use any means, and the war will break out."

Gao Feidao: "Now the peace agreement has just been reached, at least three or four years, and no matter whether you are absent or not, it will not affect the overall situation."

"Yeah, it is still unstable now," Xiao Bing said. "The only thing I can't figure out is that once the war broke out, what good would it be for 'that person'? Of course, if that guy is a nine-day dragon, everything will explain. Clearly, the only thing that may be hoped for the outbreak of war now is it. This is the reason why we are looking for it this time, but the realm of the nine-day dragon is definitely far above us, and now it has appeared in recent times. It’s all happening by using its horrible demon atmosphere. I don’t know if it’s not wanting to expose itself too early, or what is wrong with its body now.”

Gao Fei cold and cold road: "Whatever the reason, the guy who dares to confuse me is dying."

Xiao Bing smiled and the two men had already walked to the security checkpoint, so it was not convenient to continue talking about it. They were at the end of the team and went forward one by one. After they passed the security checkpoint, they Start walking to the terminal and wait for the official time to enter.

Xiao Bing and Gao Fei sat down on the chair, Gao Fei said: "You have worked hard in recent years."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It's all the responsibility, there is no hard work."

Gao Feidao: "After all, these years, other people may not know, we are all in the eye, Aydin, they have just had children, this time, you can't take care of you." ""

Thinking of this, Xiao Bing raised his guilty feelings and sighed: "This is my responsibility to be a husband. I am very embarrassed to my wife."

Gao Feidao: "They can understand you."

"Hey." Xiao Bing said, "Gofei, do you really have no ideal objects now?"

Gao Fei began to talk coldly and did not speak.

Xiao Bing said without words: "Look at you, as long as you talk about this kind of problem with you, you must start to be cold-faced right, just as if I asked you what is a very unreasonable problem, is the man object? Not very normal? Regardless of men and women, it is the object of the morning and evening."

Gao Fei cold and cold road: "It's not until the turn of me."

Xiao Bing shrugged and said that everything is up to you, you are happy.

Officially can enter the plane, Xiao Bing and Gao Fei walked together to the entrance of the passage, slamming, followed by a scream, a girl directly hit the high flying body from behind, the girl only felt like she had hit a hard The wall, the whole person squatting will fall backwards, but Gaofei quickly turned, reached out and directly held the waist and held it in his arms.

The two men looked at each other, but they saw the girl wearing a pair of eyes, carrying a schoolbag on her body. Although she wore glasses, this did not affect her good looks. She had a fair skin and she couldn’t talk about working flowers and The school flower level, but it is very tolerant, and there is still a bit of a cute.

She hurriedly came out of Gao Fei’s arms, and nodded her heart and said: "Sorry, I am talking to my classmates."

There is also a girl next to her. She is tall and looks very good. It is comparable to this cute girl.

"Oh, nothing." Gao Fei’s eyes looked at the girl, and he replied casually.

"Yeah." The girl looked down at her toes and looked a little embarrassed to say something.

Xiao Bing looked in the side, his eyes lit up, although Gao Fei’s appearance was very good, but in Xiao Bing’s impression, anyone except Maggie used to be like Gao Fei’s eyes. It’s a cloud, unless it’s his enemy. Now this little girl, Gao Fei seems to have been looking at it for a few more seconds... Wood 疙瘩 also started to open up? Spring heart is smashing?

Gao Fei quickly turned around and continued to line up into the passage, as if the thing had just passed completely, and the little girl became much more relaxed.

Xiao Bing’s heart is a bit unpredictable. Is Gao Fei interesting to this little girl? Or is it just an illusion?

Everyone lined up the team and entered the plane through the safe entrance. Then Xiao Bing and Gao Fei found their seats. Xiao Bing found out which two little girls passed by the seat and walked to the front and separated from Xiao Bing. There were four or five meters to sit down, and in the process, Gao Fei clearly looked at it more, although it was only a glance, but Xiao Bing’s heart was counted.

"Hey, are you looking at other girls?" Xiao Bing joked.

Xiao Bing originally thought that Gao Fei would not respond to himself, or he would like to talk about him, or he might let him not talk nonsense, but he did not expect Gao Fei to say very directly and very refreshingly: "Yes."

"The trough!" Xiao Bing was a little surprised. He asked, "Can the iron tree bloom?"

Gao Fei took a look at Xiao Bing and wrote: "No matter men or women, it is necessary to be in the morning and evening."

"..." Xiao Bing smiled. "Isn't this just what I said? You just didn't say, haven't you arrived yet?"

"It's here now."

"It’s just a few seconds... is it here?"

"Yes, it was a few seconds." Gao Fei's face showed a touch of tenderness. "The fate is only a few seconds."

"Oh my God." Xiao Bing glared at his heart and said, "I am not a brother, I am not happy for you. I am really happy from the heart, but you are also very fast." Ah, but this is a good thing. If you like it, then feel free to go after it. I will help you out...."

Gao Fei suddenly stood up and looked at Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing stunned and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Let's make a place, I want to go out."

"Oh, oh." Xiao Bing didn't think too much. He narrowed his legs slightly and left a position to let Gao Fei squeeze out.

After seeing Gao Fei go out, he walked straight ahead and waited until the position of the two girls stopped. Xiao Bing’s attention began to be attracted to the past and looked like a lively.

The two girls were talking and chatting, and the cute girl had a sweet smile on her face, and the more fashionable classmate next to her was talking passionately. When she saw Gao Fei suddenly stopped in front of them. After looking down and looking at the cute girl, they both stunned.

The female student of the cute girl held her shoulder and smiled and said: "Uncle, you are not going to look at my classmates? Do you want to soak her?"

Gao Fei said: "Yes!"

The girl squatted, lying down, so direct, it is reasonable to say that she is different from the cute girl, she is also a veteran of the love field, but never seen someone who told her sister so direct.

The girl quickly responded: "Hey, what are you talking about? Send a love letter? Tell me? Or do you want a phone number?"

This girl looked at Gao Fei, thinking, not to mention, this uncle is also very handsome, it is simply the overbearing president in the youth idol drama, if it is me, it is nothing to be able to work with this handsome guy. Mind, but he is looking for the wrong person. People have never been to the object. The boys who chased Meng Meng did not chase themselves so much, but they also had six or seven. The results were rejected. This uncle is estimated to be frustrated.

Gao Fei looked at the cute girl and asked, "What is your name?"

The classmate of the cute girl said: "My name is Zhang Xinyu. Her name is Li Yumeng. You see that both of us have a rain word, so the relationship is so good."

Gao Fei gratefully glanced at Zhang Xinyu, then looked at Li Yumeng and said, "Can I know your contact number, school and class? I have a chance to see you."

Li Yumeng hesitated a little. Although she wore a pair of eyes, she actually looked very good, and her eyes would add a little bit of her feelings of protection and impulsiveness. Li Yumeng’s character Cheerful, but the contact with the boys is not particularly high. Although she has been chasing her before, she is euphemistically rejected every time.

Li Yumeng hesitated and said: "My mobile phone number is 4122xxxx. Do you want to find a piece of paper to take down?"

Gao Fei shook his head and said: "No, my brain is safer and more useful than paper and pencil."

Li Yumeng said: "My class is the second year of the Fine Arts Department of Northern Vocational University...."

After Li Yumeng finished speaking, Gao Fei said that he had written down, and then walked silently back to Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing was staring at Gao Fei, and he was shocked.

Gao Fei said: "I am going in."

"Oh, oh." Xiao Bing directly let go of the position, let Gao Fei go in, and then looked surprised. "Where, you just happened to be picking up girls? And so direct, go directly to someone’s mobile phone number and School class? Niubi, my brother, people still tell you, the wind of your overbearing president looks very market!"

Gao Feiyu said softly: "She is very good looking, people are very good, and her heart is very kind."

Xiao Bing squinted and said: "Love is really blind, you haven't touched it yet, just just met, you got to know her so deeply?"

Gao Fei looked serious and said: "Not one side, it is two sides!"

"Oh, okay, then you will go over a little while, just see three sides?? You look at her when you pass by the bathroom, even if you see it all over the place? Hey, love makes people idiots!"

Gao Fei: "...."

On the other side, Zhang Xinyu was also incredulously watching Li Yumeng, surprised: " told him the mobile phone number? The school class also told him? God, Meng Meng, he is really handsome. And there is a cool feeling, I looked at my heart, but I did not expect that you Li Yumeng actually had a day of madness!"

Li Yumeng is a little embarrassed. I feel incomprehensible in my heart. What is wrong with me? According to my personality, I should be euphemistically refusing without hurting his face, but why should I Everything blurted out. Why did he just look at me casually, and let me feel involuntarily?