MTL - Super Soldier-Chapter 2447 Buddha son VS Jiu Tian Shenlong

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Second cargo road: "Hey, go chase now!"

Xiao Bing squatted down and saw that Shaolin abbot, who was sitting on the ground and doing his own healing, seemed to have a good recovery. So he stood up again and said, "Let you stay personally to protect the abbot, go flying, let's stay. ""

Seeing Gao Fei wrinkled his brow, Xiao Bing took out a drug ** and threw it to Gao Fei. He said: "The ** I just gave the abbot is for internal use. You are external. All of them are painted. You have just been desperate, even if it is not so desperate, we can certainly win him, you stay to apply medicine, otherwise you will be lonely."

Seeing Gao Fei’s reluctance, Xiao Bing said: “If you are down, no woman likes it.”

Gao Fei just hesitated, and then sat down on the knees. Others looked dumbfounded. In their opinion, Gao Fei is unlikely to be threatened by this kind of person. Gao Fei still cares about women who are not women? Isn’t Gao Fei a raft?

Xiao Bing smiled in the heart. Where do these people know that Gao Fei is now open for the first time? Hey, people who are already 30 years old have just started to open their sinuses. It is estimated that Gao Fei, such as Gao Fei, will do the same.

Xiao Bing took out his mobile phone and was about to call out. The old class just happened to call the phone. Xiao Bing picked up the phone and asked, "Hey!"

"Hey, that nine-day dragon has fled to the nearby Songhua River and went straight in."

"Okay, let's talk about the specific location."

After listening to Xiao Bing, hang up the phone and scream: "Go!"

After that, the first flight directly, the speed of other people is not as fast as Xiao Bing, only to chase after.

Xiao Bing all the way to the Songhua River, seeing the river rolling, but there is no trace of the nine-day dragon, Xiao Bing follows the river to look inside, faintly observe the flow of the river, smiled and said: "Nine days of dragon, you What are you doing so fast, just we are not playing well, or continue!"

Xiao Bing flew high, his mouth screamed and became longer... The gold hoop in his hand began to extend continuously, and it was extended to the river. Xiao Bing began to forcefully enter the river and then began. Stirring up, the river began to roll violently, and the nine-day dragon couldn’t help it anymore. It rushed out from the inside and snarled loudly in his mouth: "Damn human, you have to die, I will fight with you!"

Xiao Bing lifted a hundred-meter-long gold hoop and directly smashed it in the past. He slammed and the nine-day dragon fell down again and fell into the river.

It once again rose to the sky, it seems that the breath has weakened to the extreme, the nine-day dragon is angered by the whole, but it is hesitant to go forward, it says it is desperate, but it has been around for so many years, The longer it lives, the more it wants to live.

Xiao Bing re-supplied the golden hoop to a little longer, more than one meter long, so it is more comfortable to swing. He stood in the air and looked at the nine-day dragon. He smiled and said: "Nine days of Shenlong, what else is left to say casually? Say it."

At this time, I saw that Molong and others also flew from a distance. At this time, they were looking up at the ground and attacking them at any time. The nine-day Shenlong only felt that she had desperately reached the extreme. It has weakened to the extreme, and the injury is very serious. .

At the beginning, it was formed twice by the atmosphere, because the damage of its body has not recovered, and it can exert the most power, that is, the degree of the god-level body among human beings, and its peak. The period is very far apart. Nowadays, with so many people attacking, its injuries are superimposed. Even if Xiao Bing is no longer shooting on it, it may be necessary to recuperate for hundreds of years to come back.

It is very difficult for a monster to get hurt, but once it is injured, the speed of recovery is very slow.

Nine-day Shenlong said: "If you spare me a life, once the monkey breaks through the seal and is not good for you humans, I can be your helper."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Do you want to say this?"

Nine-day dragons roared angrily: "Do you think monkeys are good things? It killed more humans than I killed people!! It is natural and violent, killing evil, not making sense, not rules It’s all the most horrible! If you don’t have me, once it breaks the seal, you will stop it at all, and you don’t even know how powerful it is.”

Xiao Bing shook his head and said, "Why do I trust you to help us?"

"You don't need to trust me at all. I myself have no hatred with this monkey. How can this demon **** deceive you? Even if it is not to help you humans, I will kill it!"

Xiao Bingdao: "But it has been sealed for years, why don't you start early?"

"Damn, do you think that I don't want to take revenge? The strength of the key demon **** has not been completely restored. I can't beat it at all. If you have hurt me this time, and after a few decades, the strength of the demon **** will be completely Recovery, by that time, I naturally will kill the monkey!"

Xiao Bingdao: "Oh, since you can't beat it, what do you say?"

"Although you can't beat it, can you not get a helper?"

The nine-day dragon is getting angry and looks a bit violent. It has experienced so many times, once ruled the world, and put both the gods and the demons under the feet, but now it is in a human hair boy. In front of him, he felt that he had just lost his face. The most important thing was that this little boy didn’t even let it go.

Xiao Bing shook his head and smiled. "I have no interest in this."

Seeing that the nine-day dragon is condensing the last terrible force and wanting to attack Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing suddenly said: "So, you tell me the whereabouts of the two humans, I will consider not killing you for the time being. ""

The nine-day **** dragon sighed, but some doubts said: "What human?"

"It is the two ancestors of humanity who have never died."

"Do you know them?? It really is what the monkey told you... well, then I said..."

Nine-day Shenlong is planning to leak the news. Suddenly an extremely terrifying force is shot from a distance. This force is coming from the air and directly shot at Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing’s face is dignified and he is aware of such an attack. It is simply more than any attack released before the nine-day Shenlong. Who has such a strong attack? Is it the two human ancestors?

Xiao Bing refused to take advantage of the nine-day dragon, hurriedly smashed out with a stick, and slammed with this force.

Seeing that the nine-day **** dragon wants to escape, Molong and others are planning to stop in the past. Suddenly, it is a force that has come from afar. The success of the mountain and the sea will stop Molong and others, wait until Xiao Binghe When Molong and others planned to chase, there was no shadow of the nine-day dragon in front.

Xiao Bing slowly fell on the ground, frowning slightly, Shen Sheng: "The power just should be above me."

Molong is different: "The door master, your strength has reached the realm of the gods, is there anyone in the world who has reached the **** of the gods?"

"I don't know, it may be the two legendary humans." Xiao Bing took out his mobile phone and called the old class. "Hey, old class, once again help me locate the position of the nine-day dragon, by it. I ran away, I am going to kill it now."

The old class smiled bitterly: "I am afraid I can't do anything now, because the nine-day dragon has disappeared from satellite surveillance."

"What? How is this possible...unless... unless someone shows the enchantment, it is equivalent to entering another small world, so the satellite will not detect it."

The old class asked: "What should I do now?"

"There is no way, I will take people around and look for a circle."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Bing said with a heavy voice: "I have a hunch that I am afraid I will be escaped by this nine-day dragon."

Molong said: "We are going to find it now."

"Can't be scattered!" Xiao Bing said. "The other party still has a master hidden in the dark. We are not necessarily an opponent in a single match. I am afraid that only I can retreat, so the scattered search is too dangerous for you. Now The situation is rather not found, and it is absolutely impossible to risk life. After all, it is hard to recover from the green hills. This nine-day dragon has not been able to recover for a hundred years. Our chances are still there."

After everyone listened, they nodded one by one. Xiao Bing pointed to one direction and said: "Let's go there and look for it."

At this time, within a certain enchantment, the nine-day **** dragon squatted on the ground, and soon it climbed up again, took a look at the body, and after sweeping around, said loudly: "Is it two of you?" Can you actually come out from there?"

"Who are you talking about?" At this time a strange voice passed into the ears of the nine-day dragon, scaring the nine-day dragon into a spirit, the one-eyed eyes full of vigilance looking forward, and then saw a robes And the mysterious man wearing a golden mask appeared in front.

"You... are you?"

"Buddha son... Or you can call me Xiao Sheng, who is the brother of Xiao Bing who wants to kill you!" The voice of the Buddha is calm, watching the nine-day dragon is like watching a pet, without the slightest The sensation of color.

The nine-day **** opened his mouth wide, and the horrible flame sprayed directly to the Buddha son, as if the heavens and the earth were to be burned up. This is the power of the nine-day dragon at this moment. The Buddha in front of him is better than the Xiao Bing in his eyes. More dangerous, it did not dare to hesitate to release all of its power directly.

The eyes of the Buddha’s son changed instantly, one eye was golden, the other eye was blood red, and then he reached out with a light grip, and the flame was caught by him. This horrible flame After being caught by him, he casually pulled it with his hand and immediately began to change his direction. He directly bombarded the ground beside the Buddha, and the ground was immediately burned out of a deep black hole.

The Buddha son shook his head and sighed softly: "You really let me down, you are too disobedient..."

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