MTL - Super Soldier-Chapter 2472 The war kicked off

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After the Buddha’s son left, Xiao Bing couldn’t wait to call the Longmen. At the same time, he also gave a call to the heads of the above. Finally, he specially asked the people of Longmen to go to the Mozu to come over and go to the Protoss. Please come over to Ouyang Ye, because now the enchantment disappears, you can take the plane directly, so you don’t need Xiao Bing to run it. .

Xiao Bing is going directly to communicate with the above things. First of all, this time the big battle must be broadcast live globally. Xiao Bing does not care about raising his reputation. Xiao Bing wants to be an ordinary person, thinking To live a quiet and peaceful life with his wife and children, so whether he is famous or not has nothing to do with Xiao Bing, not to mention that Xiao Bing is now famous enough. Which one in the world can't recognize Xiao Bing?

The reason why Xiao Bing wants to conduct a live broadcast around the world is mainly because the protoss and the demons in the human world have indiscriminately killed innocent things. Although it is said that the old class personally came out to come out and say that it is all that someone is It’s secretly confusing, but after all, the ear is seen as a virtual reality. If you really see the country’s secretly confusing people, it will look more realistic.

What's more, this is also a rare collaboration between the Protoss, the Mozu and the human race. This war can also indirectly increase the cohesiveness between the gods, the demons and the humans, so that they all understand each other.

Even Xiao Bing urgently allowed Huaxia to arrange two huge screens for the Kingdom of God and the Magic State, so that all the people of the Kingdom of God and the Devils could see the global live broadcast in the square.

In addition, Xiao Bing was also approved to mobilize human special forces, including all kinds of advanced weapons, all of which will be shown this time.

The location of the specific war is above the sea. The reason why it is said to be above the sea is because no one has ever known that there is still a small island in that area, although no one has ever found it in that area. There is a small island, if the two brothers and sisters in the area are a bit ignorant, is it not at the bottom of the sea? However, Xiao Bing believes that the Buddha’s son is definitely not wrong, because the Buddha is definitely not a targetless person.

At this time of the day, Xiao Bing should run down. When I was eating at night, the leaves raised the glass and said: "Husband, I wish you a good victory tomorrow."

All the people raised their glasses and said together: "I wish you a victory!"

This is a blessing to Xiao Bing. It is also a blessing to the whole mankind. If this victory is defeated, it is equivalent to the victory of mankind. If this war is defeated, then humanity, the devil and the kingdom of God will all be defeated. The battle has gathered the most powerful individual combat capability in the world. If it is ultimately impossible to win, who can win over others? The next time the other party's conspiracy, who else can defeat?

In the early morning of the next day, I don’t know how many reporters gathered outside of Xiaofu. The people in Xiaofu originally wanted to take them away. Xiao Bing went out to stop the guards and shouted: "Exactly, I am coming today. Hold a press conference."

These reporters are like bees who have found nectar. They flocked around and looked forward to hearing some explosive news from Xiao Bing, hoping to get the headlines of today.

Xiao Bing looked at these reporters and said aloud: "If many of the original things are said, it is likely to cause everyone's panic, but based on the current public misunderstanding of the gods and the devils, plus the people also have the right to know. Let me tell you something specific, and start from a time far away from mythology..."

Xiao Bing here said in a relatively short language about the actions of the two brothers and sisters. These reporters should have been very excited, but they all felt very scared at this time, which is simply for them. It’s a big news headline, but it’s also a horrible fact for them. The fact that the other party has no idea how many times the world has been harvested is not the same for each of them. People cut the leek?

Especially when thinking of a living life, the pair of sisters is like a sauerkraut sowed, harvesting every few hundred years or thousands of years, and the disappearance of hundreds of thousands, millions or even more lives. It was only for the sake of the two brothers and sisters to extend their lives. Everyone felt chilling as soon as they thought about it.

After Xiao Bing finished speaking, he said: "In order to make their conspiracy not succeed, let them not threaten humanity to continue. Today we will go together to find these two people and remove them completely. Let their traitors no longer harm the world! Today's battle is a concerted effort between mankind, the kingdom of God and the devil. We don't know how powerful the enemy is. Maybe we will be killed or triumphant. And return!"

"But regardless of victory or failure, I just want to tell you that no matter which race, protoss, demons, humans, they are just different blood, they are all flesh and blood, and every race has a mood. Sadness, every race has its own relatives. I am a human being with the blood of the Protoss and the Mozu. In fact, I can say that because I grew up in a human society, I was raised in a human orphanage. My master is the class secretary of the Ministry of National Security. Many of my relatives and friends are human beings, but they don't feel that I am different. There are many beautiful and lovely human girls who married me and gave birth to me. Children, they never felt that I was different."

"It's like the Chinese people and the Koreans. Just like the Chinese people and the Chinese people, we are just people from different countries, but we all have flesh and blood and emotional existence. If you think that the magic country and the **** country are different. Then, the Devil Kingdom and the Kingdom of God can also understand that you are a terrible alien. What kind of heterogeneity do you think you are? Are you terrible?"

"If you want peace, it is not enough to rely solely on the constraints of an agreement. This requires us to accept each other sincerely. Only when we first understand tolerance can we be tolerated by others. When we think about being wary of others every day, how can we get someone else? Really treated? I have finished talking about everything, and then I am the person with the blood of the gods and the devil in my body to fight for you!"

All the reporters have been shocked, especially the one that Xiao Bing finally said. I am a person with the blood of the kingdom of God and the country of the devil. I will fight for you. Yes, you all contravene the kingdom of God and the country of the devil. All of them are skeptical of the kingdom of God and the country of the devil, but in the end, those who have the blood of the Protoss and the Mozu are desperate for you! For your sake, regardless of the children and daughter-in-law at home, you are desperately outside!

These reporters were all moved. They suddenly thought about what they would like to publish in the media today. They hope that the meaning that Xiao Bing wants to express today will be known to all.

Xiao Bing and they left after chatting, except for Xiao Bing, Gao Fei and the second goods left with Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing did not intend to bring two goods, but the second goods said nothing, plus The Chishang branch also spoke, so Xiao Bing had to take him.

Xiao Bing first came to Longmen and met with the people of Longmen. Then he took a private jet with the people of Longmen and flew in the direction of this destination.

At this moment, in addition to Xiao Bing and Longmen, there are several other forces that are equally moving toward the same place.

Shaolin Temple, Zhiming abbot called many brothers and brothers, he stood in front of the brothers and brothers, with compassion on his face, sacred and solemn and said: "This war is related to the world, it will be our ultimate battle, if it is If you win, human beings, the kingdom of God, and the demon country will be able to get long-lasting peace. The efforts of Vice Minister Xiao have made sense, so even if we are killed in battle, we will not hesitate!"

"I don't hesitate!"

At this time in the Holy See in Europe, many Cardinals were summoned by the new Pope. The new Pope only said one boarding, and all the people boarded the plane together.

In a valley, the Buddha son is sitting on a rock in the high place, and all the Buddhas are standing below and looking up at the Buddha.

The Buddha’s tone is calm: “Are you ready?”

Aldridge bent over and asked with respect and respect: "The doorman, we are people walking on the edge of the dark, why should we help this dragon son... I heard that he is your brother?"

"Yes." Buddha's son admitted straightforwardly.

Aldridge respectfully said: "The Lord, you are the Lord of our Buddhism, we all listen to you, you are told, we have nothing to do, but today we go to life, but there is no Good!"

Aldridge looked at other people, and everyone else nodded. Only Gongbei and Pan An were silent.

The Buddha’s son said faintly: “I know that you don’t want to play for life. This time it sounds like a dead life, plus it’s about my brother. You think I’m going to be my brother’s.”

The left hand smiled: "The door owner, we just think that this is something that we have no interest in. We are not always self-interested in doing things."

The Buddha son said faintly: "If this time they are defeated, will we still have a way to live?"

These few people did not speak, and the Buddha son slowly stood up and said: "People who want to go with me, all stand up."

Pan An took the first step forward, and Gongbei’s general manager took another step, followed by Huang Quan. Finally, the left hand and Aldridge looked at each other. After a little hesitation, they also moved forward. Take a step.

"Giggle, I am here too!" A fiery red light crossed, and the first Buddha will appear.

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