MTL - Super Soldier-Chapter 7 Not long after living?

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Xiao Bing returned to the hotel room. In order to get rid of the suspicion, he booked the room in the hotel in advance. The hotel monitor can see when he entered, but he could not find when he left. As the former strongest special brigade of China. Captain, he wants to kill a person is not suspected, naturally there are N ways.

On the early morning of the next day, Xiao Bing took a breakfast and then went to the ward of the hospital Sumu. At the door of the ward, Xiao Bing saw that Su Mu and Su Xiaoxiao were talking hot inside. It seems that the recovery should be ideal. He first knocked on the door and waited until both the mother and the daughter looked at the door, which pushed the door open.

"The benefactor is coming." Su Mu looked very happy. "I was not you yesterday, I am afraid I have not lived now. I just asked you about it with Xiao Xiao. This child is almost ignorant."

Xiao Bing walked over and smiled: "Auntie is a bit of a benefactor. I am Peya's comrade-in-arms. You are my elder. Yesterday's things are not enough."

"You can't say that, ah, you are still Peya's comrade-in-arms? Peya hasn't been back for a long time. How is she doing now?" Su Mu almost sat up excitedly, Su Xiaoxiao hurriedly held Su Mu next to him. I took a look at Xiao Bing, and I said it yesterday. This matter must be kept secret. Why did he still say it? It really is not reliable!

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Auntie is relieved, she is still performing tasks outside, but this task has to be executed for a long time, so there will be no way to come back for a while, she asked me and Auntie."

"Hey, this child... can understand her, work is important, not to mention that she is still selling for the country, just a poor old man, he did not die before he died."

Su Mu was sad there for a while, Xiao Bing and Su Xiaoxiao hurriedly comforted beside him.

After chanting for a while, I felt a lot better. Sumu noticed that she had neglected her own savior. Some embarrassed words: "I am really rude. I don't know what the name of Mr., my name is. Li Chunlan, you are called Li Wei."

Xiao Bing also smiled and introduced: "My name is Xiao Bing, and Auntie can call me a small soldier."

"Then I will call you a small soldier."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "How do you call Auntie?"

"Small soldier, where are you from, how old, how is your wife?"

Su Xiaoxiao, who was on the side of this question, frowned, and Xiao Bing was also guilty. Li Wei would not want to introduce himself to himself? However, it was not polite to answer or not, so I had to smile and said: "Auntie, I am a native of Maple City. I am already twenty-six. Where are the daughter-in-laws, even my girlfriend?"

Li Chunlan listened very happy. She did not consider other people. She mainly considered Su Peiya, the eldest daughter who was always away. She thought that if her daughter could let him visit him, I can still feel good about this guy, plus this. The young man is still his own savior, how to see how pleasing to the eye, she feels that it can be combined.

"Twenty-six years old is not too small. My family is also twenty-three. If you are all at the age of the target, why didn't you find it? Isn't it suitable? Your family didn't say it to you. One?"

Xiao Bing suddenly said: "I grew up in an orphanage, I don't even know who my parents are, no relatives."

"I am sorry, Auntie didn't think of you..."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, how is Aunt's body?"

"I feel much better. If I listen to me, I should be discharged now. They don't agree."

Su Xiaoxiao complained: "Mom, the doctor said, you can't even go to the ground now, you have to take a rest for two days, and the doctor just gave you a comprehensive check this morning, and I have to wait for the results."

"Hey, my body, I know. It’s the same thing to live in the hospital for two days. And I need me in the noodle restaurant. The only ramen in our house is only I will do. If I don't go back, how can the noodle restaurant be open?"

Su Xiaoxiao whispered: "The noodle restaurant doesn't have to eat ramen noodles. Besides, is business important or important to your body? You are honestly lying here to raise a disease, when the doctor allowed it, and when it was discharged."

"You kid...."

Li Chunlan is about to blame two sentences. Xiao Bing suddenly whispers next to him: "Auntie, in fact, you can take the hand, I will do it."

"You will?" Li Chunlan looked at Xiao Bing with surprise. In her impression, this is Sujiazu’s ramen noodles. After her husband’s death, only she and her eldest daughter Su Peiya will do it. Is it Peiya? Teach him? Thinking about it, Li Chunlan’s eyes are bright, and the daughter even teaches this man to this. What does this mean?

Xiao Bing said with some embarrassment: "Actually, this time I came over, that is, Peya asked me to go to the noodle restaurant to help me. I have already retired in advance. I am planning to find some work, but I don't know if I will accept you."

Li Chunlan said with joy: "Well, Pei's child's vision is good. I am the master. Now I will give it to you at the store."

Su Xiaoxiao blurted out: "No!"

The door of the ward was suddenly opened from the outside, and the attending physician wearing a white coat stood at the door and said, "The patient's family came out."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Small little first to talk with Auntie, I will go to listen to what the doctor said."

"Good!" Seeing Xiao Bing's initiative to treat himself as a patient's family, even with this kind of enlightenment, Li Chunlan was even more happy in his heart. After Xiao Bing went out, this stunned Su Xiaoxiao and said: " How good is a soldier, and saved my life. Where did he provoke you, so that you don’t want to see him?"

After Xiao Bing followed the doctor to the end of the corridor, the doctor looked at Xiao Bing and sighed and said: "The families of these patients are all mentally prepared, and the patient may not be able to persist for too long."

"What?" Xiao Bing’s heart was shocked. "I don’t think Li’s physical condition has changed.”

"On the surface, it seems to be turning better." The doctor sighed and said helplessly. "In the course of the rescue last night, we found that there was something abnormal in her body. Because it was impossible to determine, so I did not elaborate. This morning we A thorough examination of her body was carried out and the results were just checked out."

Xiao Bing asked nervously: "How?"

"After a thorough examination, she should have pancreatic-adenocarcinoma."

Xiao Bing's face has become extremely poor, pancreatic-adenocarcinoma, even if his medical knowledge is so shallow, I have heard that pancreatic-adenocarcinoma is the most difficult to treat in all cancers, even after it is cured. The time of living will not be too long. I can't think of Su's so many disasters. Su Peiya died. Her father died in a car accident. Now even the aunt wants to...

The doctor's face is dignified: "You should have heard that the cure rate of pancreatic-adenocarcinoma is extremely low. Her illness has reached the advanced stage, and there is no possibility of cure. Even if it is operated, it will not live for a long time."

Xiao Bing hurriedly asked: "How long will it last if the operation is successful?"

"If you are lucky, you can live for two more years. If you have bad luck, it will be no more than four months. But the biggest problem now is that if the operation fails, it is very likely that you will die directly on the operating table, and according to her current physical condition, The chances of a surgical failure are great..."

Xiao Bing’s face was extremely embarrassing. The doctor sighed and said: “So I don’t think I should have surgery. Let her eat what she wants and try to reach her some unfinished wishes...”

Xiao Bing asked: "How long can she live without surgery?"

"At most, it can only last for a month. This is a gamble. If you lose, you will not have any life in this month. You still have to discuss it. Hey, if she goes to the hospital earlier, it will be fine." In general, this disease will occasionally have abdominal pain, she is too big, so that the condition is delayed."

The doctor sighed and was about to leave. Xiao Bing suddenly caught up with two steps and asked: "Doctor, is there really no way?"

"Her condition has reached an advanced stage, and I can't do anything about it." The doctor said, shaking his head.

Xiao Bing’s heart sank into the bottom of the valley, and the doctor suddenly paused and said: “Unless...”

Xiao Bing is like grabbing a last straw, grabbing the doctor's clothes and asking: "Unless what?"

"Unless medical doctor Zhang Yizhi personally came to do this operation, Zhang Yizhi is the first person in China's medical field. With his superb medical skills, it is necessary that this surgery will have at least 70% of the success. If successful At least, it can live for a few months or even a year or two. Unfortunately... Zhang Yizhi has been withdrawing from the medical profession for many years and is currently living in Kyoto. Now, even if it is a prominent official, please do not move him."

"Zhang Yizhi?" Xiao Bing's eyes lit up and continued. "Thank you, doctor, thank you doctor."

The attending physician thought that Xiao Bing was going to be in a hurry to go to the hospital. Zhang Yizhi said that others should be moved, but he did not want to attack Xiao Bing too much. He took Xiao Bing and then turned and left.

After he left, Xiao Bing immediately went to the corner and made a phone call. The phone talked for more than ten minutes. Then Xiao Bing's brow stretched a lot and returned to return to Li Chunlan's ward.

When Li Chunlan saw Xiao Bing coming in, he smiled and said: "Xiaobing, what did the doctor say to you, said it for so long."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "The doctor said that we must look at you and let you rest well. Auntie, do you often have abdominal pain?"

"Yeah...." Li Chunlan smiled bitterly. "It may be that I have not eaten on time in the past two months, so there will be some problems in my body."

Su Xiaoxiao also looked at Xiao Bing and asked: "Is there any problem?"

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "Auntie, you should really pay attention to your body, small, you should also care about your mother, you don't care about your body, how can you be so careless, abdominal pain? Great, do you think it is a small thing?"

If she changed her mind to Xiao Bing, she said that Su Xiaoxiao had already changed her face, but now she only cares about her mother. Xiao Bing’s words scared her and asked me hurriedly: "What is wrong with it? What disease is it?"

"There is a tumor in the body, but you don't have to worry. The doctor said that the tumor grows very small. It is fine to do a minor operation to remove it."

Su Xiaoxiao first relieved, and then some self-blame said: "Mom, I blame me... I should have advised you to come to the hospital, but fortunately this check came out, or..."

Li Chunlan sighed: "In fact, even if it is dead, there is nothing to be prudent. Just go to find your dad below, but I can't bear you and your sister."

"What is not dead, I will not let you say!" Su Xiaoxiao's appearance is very quiet, slim, but he is angry and has a strong temper.

Li Chunlan smiled and said: "Well, don't say it, don't say it. Xiaobing, just now, I have already discussed with Xiaoxiao. It is just that there is no shortage of people in the noodle restaurant. I am not there. No one can do the signature ramen. You If you don't give up, I will give you five thousand dollars a month."

"Do not dislike, do not disregard." Xiao Bing's purpose is to stay and take care of their mother and daughter, the amount of wages naturally does not matter.

Li Chunlan smiled and said: "That line, then you can go at any time. I am hospitalized now, and I will entrust you to the noodle restaurant. I will call Guizhi and let them listen to you. Right, Where have you not lived yet?"

"I just arrived in Jiangcheng."

"My room also has an empty room. It was originally Peya. She was not at home for two years. The room has been empty. It is better to move in and live. You don't have to worry about it. Your character, Auntie rest assured." ”

Xiao Bing was about to agree, but he saw Su Xiaoxiao looking at himself with a warning eye. He thought that he would stay in the noodle restaurant. Su Xiaoxiao still didn’t know how much complaints he had in his heart. If he had to live in his home, She has to turn her face, she is not waiting to see...