MTL - Super Soldier-~ Fan Wai: Buddha's Son (2)

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Xiao Sheng slept in a stable feeling at night, and also made a sweet dream. In the dream, Xia Hongyin smiled at him. .

The mother has not laughed at her for a long time. Since the family changed greatly, the mother did not smile at her alone. She did not laugh at anyone, and more and more made him feel strange and awe.

The next day, Xiao Sheng had been lying in bed and sleeping. Counting the night before, I slept a whole day and night.

Xiao Sheng is too tired and too tired. He was a child when he first came to the world. Even now he is only ten years old, but in these years when other children are playing carefree, he It is the same hard work every day, doing the same thing, is constantly getting stronger.

In order to become stronger, he only sleeps for a small amount of time every day. He gets up at almost three o'clock every morning, and even an adult rarely has such perseverance.

In order to become stronger, he is sweating almost every day.

Finally, in the evening, he got up and went to dinner, then returned to the room and waited quietly.

The time passed a little, and in the middle of the night, the door slammed open, and Xia Hongyin came in calmly. After seeing Xiao Sheng, he said, "Come with me."

Xiao Sheng jumped out of bed and went out directly to Xia Hongyin, then walked all the way in the direction of the city.

"Mother, what do we do?"

Xia Hongyin said calmly: "killing."

"Killing?" Xiao Sheng's body glimpsed, although he said that he has been eager to kill Xiao Tiantian revenge immediately in his years, and he has thought about countless times in his mind, but he has never killed anyone. After all, he is still a ten-year-old child, and he has to worry about murder soon.

Xia Hongyin cold and cold: "Don't you dare?"

"Who said that I dare not!" Xiao Sheng suddenly stood up in his chest, with a strong face and a stubborn face, said, "I dare!"

"That's good, it's up to you to do it in a minute."

Xiao Sheng swallowed a sip of water and asked: "Mother, who are we going to kill? Why kill?"

Xia Hongyin took a look at Xiao Sheng and asked: "Are you afraid that I will let you kill a good person?"

Xiao Sheng hesitated for a moment and said: "Sheng Er feels that some people should kill, some people should not kill."

Xia Hongyin asked: "Would your father kill?"

"My father..." Xiao Sheng had a **** head and a bite of teeth. "My father is such a good person, of course, should not kill."

"Okay, but your father is still dead, so if people live in this world, they must become ruthless. If you don't kill others, you will be killed by others. The kindness to others is the greatest cruelty to yourself. You have to remember this." Xia Hongyin said something when she said this, but she was afraid that she was afraid that she would not be able to lift the knife in her hand after Xiao Sheng. There is a lot of killing in the realm of the gods. There are too many people in the realm of the gods to kill.

Xia Hongyin secretly thought: "Shenger, my mother knows that this is too cruel for you, but you can’t marry a mother, you are the eldest son, only you can afford this, not to mention your talent is more I only see my pro-life, and one day, one day, your strength will be able to attack your enemies."

Xiao Sheng did not speak, although he felt that Xia Hongyin’s words were a bit wrong, but he did not know how to refute.

Xia Hongyin is cold and cold: "But you can rest assured tonight, I will let you kill the tonight tonight."

"Oh." Xiao Sheng was relieved.

Xia Hongyin said faintly: "This man is Luo Yuanqiang. He is a big messy person in Tongcheng. He has several lives in his hand. He also has a group of beaters and young ladies under his hand. He has arrested many good women and forced them to be arrogant. Some are disobedient. The woman handed it over to the man and bullied it. Then the women broke down only in the jar. Just the night before, a woman was forced to die."

Xiao Sheng’s eyes flashed a murderous machine, biting his teeth and tangling: "Damn!"

"Yeah, **** it." Xia Hongyin said coldly. "It is not enough for such a person to die ten times. You killed him this evening. It is an important test for you."

Xiao Sheng excitedly said: "Important exam?"

"Yes, your strength is already very good. At the age of ten, you are at the top of the world. I don't know how strong your father can be when you are so big, but I guess it is just that. Now you need It’s more experience, not hard work around me day after day. Sometimes it’s more effective to experience something outside than at home.”

Xiao Sheng asked excitedly: "So... if I finished the exam, can I go out and travel?"

In these years, Xiao Sheng basically received guidance from Xia Hongyin. He never went out to have any travels. He is a ten-year-old child, and he also looks forward to what the world outside is like.

"Yeah." Xia Hongyin nodded, said, "I can let you go out for three years, and after three years you will come back, I will personally test your travel results."

Xiao Sheng thought that he could go out, and his heart began to get excited. The outside world made him feel both embarrassed and expectant. At the same time, he was a little excited. For the murder this evening, his uneasiness in his heart was also reduced a lot.

Into Tongcheng, Xia Hongyin took Xiao Sheng to a dilapidated residential building, Xia Hongyin’s footsteps stopped, and then said to Xiao Sheng: “The whole building is the base of their sale. Originally it was supposed to be demolished. Later, I didn’t know what method Luo Yuanqiang used to let the government temporarily suspend the demolition. Luo Yuanqiang took the whole building to the temporary rent with almost the price of empty gloves and white wolf. It’s down.”

"So as long as someone enters this building, it will be arranged for a young lady. If you walk in but don't find a lady, you will be given a chaotic stick, so as soon as you step in, it is a dangerous start."

Xiao Sheng clenched his fist and swallowed his mouth and said, "I am not afraid!"

"Good!" Xia Hongyin said. "The little punks have no way to compare with you. You just have to go to the 801 room on the top floor. Luo Yuanqiang lives there every night. He is only responsible for collecting money, and every day. There will be two women to accompany him. The strength of Luo Yuanqiang is actually not weak, and it has reached the level of the middle of the enthusiasm. It is considered to be the top master hidden in Tongcheng. This is also the reason why he dares to be so rampant, his strength. Although not as good as you, but after all, the combat experience is much richer than you, the killing experience is more abundant than you, so it is also a good opponent for you, your task is to kill him!"

"it is good."

Xia Hongyin took out a knife and handed it to Xiao Sheng’s hand. Cold and cold: "Be careful, otherwise he is likely to kill you."

Xia Hongyin said coldly behind his back: "Remember, except for those women, almost everyone there is dead, although you can kill a Luo Yuanqiang to complete the task, but if forced to help, there is no psychological burden. They were originally **** people."

"I know." Xiao Sheng took a deep breath and walked slowly toward the corridor.