MTL - Super Urban Master-Chapter 8 Needle for the first time

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After confirming that there are indeed people involved, Qin Hao said with a serious face: "Miss An, is your mother taking this medicine recently?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Anru asked suspiciously.

"It's like this." Qin Hao explained: "I saw your mother's illness. It is very peculiar. Don't use ginseng anymore, otherwise, you will die."

"Nonsense." Cui Niu interjected dissatisfiedly next to him: "Are you studying medicine?"

Qin Hao shook his head, "No."

After getting this answer, Cui Niu immediately sneered, "Since you are not a medical student, don't slander you here. Get out of the way quickly and don't delay our time."

"Although I am not a medical student, I know medicine, unlike some quack doctors, who can kill people if they mistakenly treat others." Qin Hao's words pierced Cui Niu's chest like a knife.

Cui Niu was furious, "Who do you think is a quack?"

"I'm talking about you. The elderly people are most taboo to use ginseng as a tonic drug, but you prefer to use it. What is it if you are not a quack?" Qin Hao is very angry, and usually hates the quacks the most, and seeks money with those quacks. The fate of people is equally hateful.

"Ha, ha ha." Cui Niu smiled angrily, "I'm a quack doctor? Look at this brand, the deputy chief pharmacist? Also, I'm still a student of Ouyang Dou, a leading Chinese medical practitioner. May I ask, what is your title, you Which famous teacher's student is it?"

Ouyang Dou Qin Hao knows that this person is indeed a leading figure in the TCM world. He often appears on TV. Qin Hao also met him on a health program on a certain TV station. I heard that even some foreign presidents sent special planes to invite him. He is going to see a doctor. He is great, but it does not mean that the students he teaches are also great.

"I don't have a title, and I don't have a famous teacher." Qin Hao was very disdainful of the title and the name of the famous teacher. However, he ignores the role of this head. A person with a title and a famous teacher must have a much greater say than him. Besides, Qin Hao is just a young guy. What can he compare to Cui Niu and let others Why trust him.

Cui Niu sneered and stopped arguing with Qin Hao. He suddenly realized that he had a problem with his brain, and he went to argue with such a hairy boy. Is he qualified to argue with himself? He really surrendered his status. Maybe this guy is just crazy.

"Miss An, don't listen to his nonsense, let's go." Cui Niu said towards Anru.

Anru nodded, feeling that Qin Hao's words were not credible. She couldn't find a reason to believe in Qin Hao, even the slightest. Besides, the reason why others introduced Cui Niu to her is because of his famous name. What's more, after taking the medicine prescribed by Cui Niu during this period, her mother's symptoms were indeed relieved, but she didn't know that this was a glimpse before the danger came.

Although she didn't believe Qin Hao's words, she still politely smiled at Qin Hao and said, "This gentleman, thank you. Dr. Cui is a very professional doctor, and we trust him."

Hearing this, Qin Hao had no choice but to shut up. He wanted to save people, but others didn't want to. He was not the savior. If others didn't let him save him, he wouldn't have to die to save him.

After letting them out, he put the Chinese herbal medicine he bought on the toll counter, the toll collector cleaned up the things he bought, and then crackled on the computer for a while, and then he printed out a large bill of charges. The cost turned out to be as high as 15,000 yuan, which made him sweat.

He didn't expect it to be so expensive. Fortunately, he brought the card, otherwise he really didn't have the money to pay.

After swiping the card, there is only more than one thousand yuan left in the card. It is estimated that it will only be enough for a month's living expenses, and we must find a way to make some money.

Carrying a large bag of Chinese herbal medicine, Qin Hao just walked out the door of the toll room when he saw someone rushing outside in a hurry.

"Quickly, someone passed out outside."

"Really? Wait a minute, let's take a look."

Out of curiosity, Qin Hao also followed the people who went out to the outside. A group of people outside were rushing towards the parking lot on the right.

Qin Hao followed the parking lot and found a circle of people in the parking lot. An old woman in the circle fainted on the ground. It was Anru's mother just now.

At this time, Anru Liushen Wuzhu, who had always been steady, kept asking, "Doctor Cui, how is it, how is my mother?"

Cui Niu was giving first aid to An Mu, pinching people, pressing his chest, and even using artificial respiration, but the person still did not wake up.

"Hey, are you okay? Can't you go to the hospital quickly." The onlookers saw Cui Niu tossing An Mu for a long time without responding, and someone shouted anxiously.

Cui Niu was already sweating profusely, not tired, but anxious. If An Mu cannot be awakened at this time, it will damage his identity as a famous doctor, and will greatly damage his image in front of An Mei.

"Don't worry, Dr. Cui is an expert in our medicine hall and a proud student of Teacher Ouyang Dou. He is superb in medical skills and will definitely be able to rescue the elderly. Please be quiet and don't affect Dr. Cui's first aid." This is obviously a hundred. The people in the cottage said.

This was very useful, and the people around immediately calmed down.

Cui Niu continued to toss hard, a figure quickly rushed over from behind.

"Get out of the way, if you do it like this, people will be killed by you. Paralysis, don't hurt people if you don't do it." With a rude anger, a person rushed in and pushed Cui Niu aside. With a lot of manpower, he almost directly threw Cui Niu out and rolled aside. This person was Qin Hao who rushed over.

The onlookers reacted, and someone shouted, "What are you doing?"

Qin Hao ignored them, and put An Mu flat on the ground, and then opened his own clothes with his hands. There was a leather bag hanging on the belt with a row of slender silver needles inserted. This was just buying medicine. Bought it incidentally.

"Huh, what is he doing?"

"It seems to be acupuncture therapy."

"Will he be so young? Wouldn't he kill people?"

The people around were talking worriedly. Qin Hao had already repeatedly shot, inserting silver needles into the acupuncture points on An's mother’s head, and began to turn cautiously, with traces of spiritual power following the rotation of the silver needles through The silver needle was injected into An Mu's brain veins.

"What are you messing up with? Can you bear the responsibility if you die?" At this time, Cui Niu, who was pushed down, got up, his face flushed and roared, he was about to rush to push Qin Hao down, and Anru on the side was anxious. Stopped him in one step.

"Doctor Cui, don't be irritable." Anru's tone exudes a strong woman's aura. She has always been smiling at people, and she rarely has such an aura. Seeing Qin Hao's concentration, she believed him a little bit.

Cui Niu was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Miss An, this kid doesn't understand that chaos will kill auntie."

"Ahem." An Mu coughed twice on the ground, which was a resounding slap in Cui Niu, and she woke up.

"Hey, wake up, this young man is good." Someone exclaimed in surprise.

"Much better than Ouyang Dou's proud student."

Cui Niu was embarrassed, the face turned like pig liver, and his eyes on Qin Hao were full of resentment. He said cruelly in his heart: "Boy, you made me face today. Sweep away, I, Cui Niu, swear here that I will definitely make you pay a heavy price for your behavior today."

"Mom, how do you feel when you wake up?" Anru almost cried when she saw her mother wake up. She was really scared to death just now.

An's mother opened her eyes slightly and rolled her eyes to look at Anru and then at Qin Hao who was applying the needle. She opened her mouth to say something, but couldn't say anything.

Qin Hao had fine beads of sweat on his forehead at this time. Although he inherited the superb medical skills of others, this was the first time he had used acupuncture. To be honest, it was fake if he was not nervous.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to Anru: "Miss An, your mother's life is temporarily saved, but she has not escaped her life threat and must be sent to the hospital immediately. I repeat to you again, what you just asked for You really can't take the medicine, otherwise the gods will not be able to save your mother."

"Okay, thank you little brother." Anru said with gratitude. After Qin Hao received the needle, she ordered her driver to put An Mu on the back of the car and drove to the hospital whistling. When the car drove out, she realized that she had forgotten to ask the young man's name.

After Anru left, Qin Hao gave Cui Niu a fierce look, and then took the medicinal materials he had bought and drove away in a taxi.

Cui Niu helped his glasses and looked at the taxi going away, with a vicious light flashing in his eyes.

"East Asia Normal University, boy, I remember you." The reason why he knew that Qin Hao was from East Asia Normal University was that he told the driver when he heard Qin Hao's fight just now and went to East Asia Normal University. Immediately, he took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, Qiangzi, help me find a person, from East Asia Normal University... Don't worry, money is indispensable for you, but I want to be fast. I'd better find out the details of this person within two or three days...., OK, just such."

Putting down the phone, Cui Niu showed a cruel sneer on his face.

Read The Duke's Passion