MTL - Super Urban Master-v12 Chapter 130 return

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"Your life is just a fun for the gods of the universe."

I never imagined that the so-called secret I was waiting for would be such a sentence.

I still wanted to ask, but the man suddenly covered his neck, as if he couldn't breathe for a moment, his face was distorted and hideous, his expression was painful, and his eyes were full of horror.

He struggled desperately, but he seemed to be hoisted by a huge invisible force. In the end, his entire soul was completely torn into pieces.

And all this happened in an instant, and I didn't even have time to rescue him.

When the other souls saw this scene, they all showed expressions of fear, and knelt down on the ground tremblingly, chanting words of begging for mercy.

I heard a sigh, it was Chen Yi's voice, I asked him: "Did you do it?"

Chen Yi said coldly: "No, it's the way of heaven. He was too stupid, forgot the original curse, and tried to..."

Having said that, he suddenly stopped talking.

But I thought of what that person said before, and I probably guessed something.

Something... something I never thought of.

If there really are gods in the universe, perhaps Chen Yi is not the most powerful one at all, and he is just a **** of the gods.

His fate is also in the hands of others, and those gods don't know why they play a boring game with him.

If this is the case, then Chen Yi is just a poor man.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the oppression of fate that Chen Yi has such a paranoid and ruthless character.

Just thinking about it, Chen Yi said sadly, "Are you sympathizing with me?"

I coughed, and when I was thinking about this just now, I couldn't help but glanced at him, unexpectedly he guessed my thoughts.

Well, it's not that I couldn't control it, but that I deliberately wanted to stimulate him. Only in this way can I get more secrets that belong to him.

But Chen Yi obviously knew what I was thinking, he snorted coldly and said: "Don't waste your efforts, sometimes not knowing everything is far more happiness than knowing everything."

I said: "Since you don't want to say it, forget it. Anyway, you and I are both pawns, and we are both fallen people in the world. It seems that I am not kind to force you."

Chen Yi remained silent.

I thought he left and was planning to refine these ghosts, but I heard him say something leisurely: "We are different."

I was stunned for a moment, and then I heard him continue to say: "You protect them from death, and I will give you 10% of my strength to help you protect those people."

How powerful is Chen Yi's 10% power? I think that should be beyond my reach.

I really didn't expect that he cared so much about these people, but these people hated him to the core. This reminded me that when I was misunderstood by the entire earth race, Chen Yi also had something hard to say. He would rather be hated by these people than Bury this secret in your heart?

Is it about that curse?

Withdrawing my thoughts, I immediately agreed, "Deal."

Then, I put those souls in the bell, and before they even realized what happened, they lost their freedom again.

Then, a strange force suddenly enveloped me layer by layer, and Chen Yi's voice sounded in my ears again, only this time, he was instructing me to absorb his power.

This abundant force, like a cocoon, interrupted every inch of my body. The first second made me miserable, and the next second immediately made me feel like I was born again.

In this way, in the process of being destroyed and reshaped again and again, my body keeps getting stronger, and my strength is as endless as the stars and the sea.

The big tree in my dantian collapsed unexpectedly at the last moment, and finally turned into thousands of stars lingering in my dantian.

At the same time, Ao Ze, who had been sleeping all this time, suddenly opened his eyes. He came out of my body, sat opposite me, looked at me worriedly, and shouted: "Huang Pi, I'm back."