MTL - Super Urban Master-v12 Chapter 79 Viper

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I can control a human unconsciously!

This didn't make me feel happy, instead, a huge sense of fear came over me, because I realized that it was a direct control signal from my mind, not the old art I practiced. Ability.

To put it more bluntly, that is, I am like a quack at the moment. No, it should be a higher-level intelligent product that is more powerful than a quack. It can affect a normal human through its own program. The other party becomes my "slave".

This is stronger than any mystic arts I practiced on my original planet.

And I finally understood what the "change" in my bones that I felt before, but could not define, was.

It was a change in the essence of my body. At this moment, I am no longer a pure human being, but I don't know whether this change is related to the power I have absorbed a lot of priests, or whether it is just me.

I even vaguely felt that maybe the disappearance of the quack had something to do with it.

The woman was still standing there, waiting for my order. I didn't bother with the messy questions in my mind, I planned to give the woman some tasks and then left.

It's just that when I saw the plate in the woman's hand, I was stunned - these few dishes were actually poisoned.

And they are all deadly poisons.

When I realized something, I couldn't help but sigh: "Yuwenhu, you are so cruel!"

Then, I asked the woman who had poisoned her, and she brought it in truthfully, saying that it was Yu Wenhu who told her to do it in order to poison Guo Rong and make outsiders think she was "suicide", so as to achieve her own goal.

I know that Yu Wenhu's purpose is definitely not as simple as getting rid of Guo Rong's wife, it seems that this treacherous and cunning guy is holding back his **** again.

I didn't say anything, I just removed the poison in the food and replaced it with the medicine I brought, and then let the woman leave.

The woman opened the door, and what caught her eye was a gaunt, scrawny woman who was Yu Wenqian's mother Guo Rong.

Guo Rong was leaning on the bed weakly, her eyes were blank, and there was a sense of dejection all over her body.

Seeing someone coming, she didn't even lift her eyelids, she just whispered: "Take it, I have no appetite."

The woman had been obedient enough to take out the meal several times before, but this time was different because she had a task to do.

She said sadly: "Madam, you can eat, otherwise... who will stop the master?"

Hearing this, Guo Rong raised her head in confusion.

The woman looked around cautiously, as if she was afraid of being discovered, and secretly said after making sure no one heard: "Madam, you are not curious, why hasn't San Shao been here for a few days? He has been busy all the time. The matter of revenge for our young master."

"This matter... I overheard the master's confidant talking about it. Master, he is determined to die and wants to give the young master an explanation."

Guo Rong believed it immediately, because in her eyes, her husband had to love her and her children so much.

She burst into tears and said, "No, he can't do this... I've already lost my son, and I can't lose him again."

The woman said: "So, Madam, hurry up to eat, you can go to persuade the master when you are healthy. You have to tell the master that you lost the young master, although your heart hurts extremely, but as long as you have his company, you can still Live well."

"Master loves you so much, and he will definitely take back his plan for you. Madam... Master's life, as well as the lives of everyone in our yard, are all in your hands."

The woman's words moved Guo Rong, who has always been kind, and she immediately said, "Bring the food up."

In this way, Guo Rong ate what I had prepared. Although he didn't eat much, the effect of the medicine quickly took effect.

The woman exited the room, and after I erased her memory, she went to work as if nothing happened. About half an hour later, she went into the room to clean up the dishes, and soon, screams came from the room.

Then, a large number of people arrived, and it was Yu Wenhu who arrived first.

His brows and eyes were cold at the moment, looking at his wife's body with coldness and mockery in his eyes.

But soon he performed a rapid face change in front of me, and when the people arrived, he was crying with Guo Rong in his arms.

The movement here naturally reached the ears of Yu Wenqiang who had just returned.

Yu Wenqiang was surrounded by a large number of people, and when he saw Guo Rong, who "died out of anger", he said with disgust: "They are all useless women, they will die if they die, what kind of daughter-in-law can I find in my Yuwen family? Yuwenhu, if you cry again, get out of Yuwen's house for me!"

Yu Wenhu didn't dare to cry for a moment, showing a cowardly look, and said: "Father, A Rong is different from others. She is the love of my life. When she dies, I will not marry again. I also ask my father to promise me to give She had a beautiful funeral..."

Hearing this, Yu Wenqiang froze and roared, "How could I give her a beautiful funeral for a woman who chose to commit suicide on such a day? Let me tell you, if you still want the third young master of the Yuwen family. Identity, let me deal with this woman overnight!"

I have to say that Yu Wenqiang's ruthlessness is chilling. If it wasn't for Yu Wenhu who didn't love Guo Rong, he would probably be heartbroken at this moment.

But now, everything is clearly in his will, and I can see it clearly, this Yuwenhu wants to have a legitimate reason to leave Yuwen's house, presumably to get out of Yuwenqiang's control, so he can contemplate his own plan.

Yu Wenhu pretended to hesitate for a long time, and finally said with tears: "I know... I won't appear in front of you in the future, I will upset you, father, please take care of your health."

After saying that, he picked up Guo Rong and left.

Read The Duke's Passion