MTL - Supernatural Clairvoyant-Chapter 1021 God tree

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Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Need to see God's Eye!

The people who deal with the nine-tailed demon fox, together with Wang Dou, have a total of six people.

Everyone is fluttering in white, like a fairy.

On the earth, it has reached its peak, and there is no rival Wang Dou. Looking at that momentum, it is still the weakest of the six.

The strength of these six people is truly terrifying.

If it wasn't for Fang Shen's use of the corpse of the Blueskin royal family from the girl prisoner, he successfully refined a new heavenly path. In that space battleship, he also successfully realized the eight-door armor; These people can only escape from the wind.

"This kind of strength, even if placed in the Eastern Regions, can be regarded as the pride of the sky. The strength that Wang Dou attached this time is really not simple."

Fang Shen thought so, and cast his gaze back on the nine-tailed demon fox.

It was bounded by six chains.

Each chain is like a red-hot soldering iron, like a bundle of immortal rope. One is in the hands of six people including Wang Dou, and the rest is tightly bound by the nine-tailed demon fox.

The chain entangled the demon fox, causing great damage to its surface, causing its aura to flow wildly out of the body.

But the aura of the nine-tailed demon fox is too pure and rich, and because of its constitution, the aura in the body is all fiery red.

At first glance, it seemed like blood was pouring out of the ground and it was all over the land.

This kind of aura is a treasure that can be encountered but not sought for monks or spirit beasts.

At that time, the spirit beast in the foggy forest could no longer control its inner desires and began to be restless.

The less powerful, the more intelligent the spirit, but understands that although Jiuwei Reiki is precious, it must be enjoyed with life. Although there is nothing to do, there is no substantial action.

But those weak spirit beasts howled and rushed to the past, but unfortunately they had not been exposed to that aura, they had been killed by the repression of Wang Douliu's people.

At this time, Fang Shen, who had no waves at all, did suddenly make a noise.

He looked down, and the cloth bag around his waist turned out to be impetuous, and he encouraged himself there.

Inside the bag are eight octopuses. Like the nine-tailed demon fox, they belong to the tail beasts, and they are the two most powerful.

Is it possible to have some kind of induction between them?

As soon as the bag moved, Fang Shen felt wrong.

Wang Dou Liu did not react.

But on the ground, the nine-tailed demon fox struggling under the six chains turned his head to Fang Shen's position, then grinned widely, exposing his teeth.

Although this action is horrible, the look is not malicious.

Fang Shen can be sure that at the moment when the eight octopuses changed, it and Jiuwei already sensed each other's existence.

Fang Shen took two shots on the cloth bag, and the eight octopus gradually calmed down.

Fang Shen was really afraid that it would continue to stir up so many people.

At this point, after seeing the nine-tailed demon fox so lingering and lingering for a long time, there was still room for resistance.

Wang Dou couldn't help but slap his tongue: "It's really awkward that a hundred-footed worm died but was not stiff."

He came out with no one to cater to it, but it made Wang Dou very embarrassed.

After all, no one speaks, which shows that he is really ordinary.

Not to mention the leader in a team, it is the few people in the middle, but if you say something, it will not be this situation.

Wang Dou wasn't embarrassed, and he laughed.

The person in the opposite position couldn't see it, and said indifferently: "You are still growing in a small place, the big scene is reduced. After that, you go to Middle-earth and follow us to see the world more often, so you won't be lamented Now. "

Wang Dou saw that this person was talking, his face rejoiced, and even a glorious expression, he quickly laughed: "Yes, yes, Brother Xiuwen said extremely."

Brother Xiuwen said a little hum, and said nothing more.

And the other four were all disdainful glances towards the king.

That disdain is not because these people have any opinions on Wang Dou.

It is purely a condescending, overlooking contempt.

The reason for this contempt, Fang Shen can understand with his toes.

It is just that these people are from the big world. Listening to what Brother Xiuwen just said, they are even from the center of the big world-Middle-earth.

And Wang Dou is from the earth, so they do n’t even think of the backcountry.

This alone is the deepest gulf, and the biggest nature.

Fang Shen not far away sighed.

What a proud Wang Dou on the earth, it turned out to be a humble person.

As a soldier who has gradually become a great wall of a country by virtue of military merit and talent from the bottom of the soldiers, he does not know what has gone through before this transformation.

However, Fang Shen did not despise the king's fight.

If he was placed in the same environment, maybe he would do the same for the sake of living.

It's just that the others are lucky.

With reincarnation eyes, immortal body, smooth sailing all the way, so far has not been humiliated.

At this moment, Brother Xiuwen seemed to have lost patience and pulled a lot with his hands.

His chain like a soldering iron was taken back by him instantly.

"We've been delaying for some time, Master has been waiting so urgently, so let's make a quick decision."

"Yes, big brother." Several others greeted.

Another slightly older man asked, "Are you really going to use that thing?"

Brother Xiu Wenzheng Zhengwen headed, and then added a sentence: "This is also what Master said."

The man nodded and his brows spread: "Then I will be assured."

"Hmm." Xiu Wen said, took a few hundred steps back, hovered in the air, his hands quickly unprinted, and kept rolling, a moment later, a complex pattern appeared on the ground.

From that center, a small sapling grew out.

This scene is really funny to outsiders.

However, Xiuwen's students were pious, and they looked at the little sapling with red faces and ears, as if they saw a god.

Fang Shen chuckled.

But soon he felt wrong.

The little sapling grew up at a very fast speed, and soon began to take shape.

That turned out to be a tree.

It's just like this, how Fang Shen is familiar and familiar with his breath.

Wait until the tree reaches ten meters.

Fang Shen patted his head.

Hey, isn't this the ancient tree of Aragon?

Fang Shen froze mentally.

Isn't this **** really his own tree?

That was a big loss.

In Fang Shen's eyes, the importance of the ancient tree in the desert is the same as that in the reincarnation eye and the fairy body.

That inexhaustible aura that seems to be inexhaustible is one of Fang Shen's greatest reliance on the path of cultivation in the future.

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