MTL - Supernatural Clairvoyant-Chapter 11 Liu Bo bowed his head

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In the restaurant, the security guards preparing for a big fight began to slowly retract.

Sitting on the ground, Liu Hui, covering her face, the resentment in her eyes disappeared, replaced by blankness.

On the contrary, those diners who are going to the theater are more interested.

Ye Xiaobei thought for a while and probably guessed the ins and outs of the matter. In her eyes, Liu Bo is really an insignificant role. If he is abandoned, he can get Fangshen's favor, which is really a good deal.

"Mr. Fang, what do you say about this?" Ye Xiaobei looked at Fang Shen with a smile.

Fang Shen also didn't want to be too aggressive, and his general knowledge of such people was really tasteless.

Unexpectedly, Liu Bo slapped himself two slaps on the contrary, his voice was loud, and his hands were full.

"Mr. Fang, I don't know Taishan. Please don't mind." Liu Bo's head was lower.

Fang Shen did not expect that a Ye Xiaobei had such great power.

Fang Shen felt a wonderful feeling in his heart.

"This is the taste of power. No wonder so many people are fascinated by it."

"Although Fang Shen is now using the tiger skin of the Ye family, but with these wonderful eyes of life and death, maybe one day, even the Ye family will have to rely on my breath."

Fang Shen waved his hand: "It's okay, but I want to remind you to stop thinking about my sister's idea."

"Dare not dare." Watching Ye Xiaobei and Fang Shen walked up to the second floor, Liu Bo was relieved, even if there was air-conditioning in the room, his forehead was still sweating.

Liu Hui had already risen from the ground at this time, and she covered her face and said aggrieved, "Liu Shao, that surname Fang so insults you, is that okay?"

Liu Bo turned his head to look at Liu Hui. If it wasn't for this woman, how could he almost offend Ye Xiaobei.

Angrily he gave Liu Hui a slap: "You know what a fart! Do you know the power of the Ye family in Jianghai? Do you know Ye Xiaobei's father Ye Sanye, his status in the underground world of Jianghai!"

Fang Shen and his party sat down in the private room on the second floor.

"Miss Ye, thank you for this incident." Fang Shen said sincerely.

If Ye Xiaobei did not come to make a siege, brothers and sisters Fang Shen would probably be arrested in the police station.

Then Song Song had already taken refuge in Chen Ri, and when he got there, how could Chen Ri make it up?

Fang Shen doesn't care about himself, forgiving the other party is not afraid to kill anyone.

But if you let your sister in, Chen Ri digs a kidney.

That was something Fang Shen didn't dare to think about.

Feeling the sincerity in Fang Shen's words, Ye Xiaobei also toasted: "Mr. Fang, I also want to thank you for your life-saving grace."

Fang Shen said: "It's just a hand."

Ye Xiaobei's eyes flowed: "Mr. Ye, is there any magic in the bag of herbs you sold?"

Fang Shen remembered that the bag of herbs was just an ordinary medicinal material. He had planned to sell it for a few thousand pieces and it would be the sky. However, he did not expect Ye Xiaobei to be rich and gave two million in one breath.

Fang Shen didn't want to hang people, so he said, "The bag of herbs, if used by ordinary doctors, has only average effect. I must use it myself to achieve its effect."

"Oh?" Ye Xiaobei was more interested: "I can't think of Mr. Fang or an Xinglin master?"

Fang Shen blushed, what kind of master is he?

But thinking about it, the pupil of life and death eye: the rebirth eye is really magical, it can actually make the wound heal at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

If you say that, then you can really be a master.

Thinking about it this way, Fang Shen stopped talking, which was considered the default.

When Ye Xiaobei saw him acquiesced, she was even more surprised. She thought that this bag of herbs was recommended by Sister Su for sale. Doesn't it mean that Sister Su has accepted and recognized his medicine?

Sister Su, Su Qingru, but that's the princess of the Su family, what kind of masters aren't there?

That being said, the young man in front of him is really a master who is not born?

Ye Xiaobei asked tentatively: "Did Su also receive your treatment?"

Fang Shen nodded.

He couldn't help thinking of the scene where Su Qingru was pinched.

And Su Qingru's attractive aura.

"Mr. Fang, Xiaobei has a merciless request, I don't know if to say it inappropriately." Ye Xiaobei stared at Fang Shen with a sharp look, and asked with some expectation.

Fang Shen replied, "Please say."

Ye Xiaobei made a point to Fang Shen, and lowered his voice, saying, "Do you know the hidden illness of the body that failed to fall due to the refining of the gas, how to treat it?"

Fang Shen's mouth twitched sharply.

Refining gas? Chongguan?

Is there really any cultivation in this world?

But after thinking about it, your own life and death eyes can really exist; then it is normal for the cultivation path to appear on the earth.

Fang Shen said calmly: "Miss Ye, please explain the situation at that time."

Ye Xiaobei replied: "Mr. Fang, this is the case. My aunt, who failed to strike the ninth floor of the inner strength more than ten years ago, failed to repair it by relying on the secret medicine, but since then, a hidden disease has fallen. In heaven, she has a headache, and her body is like bites from ants.

Ye Xiaobei said sadly: "My aunt loved me the most since I was a child. Every time I saw her painful appearance, I felt like a knife cut, but I went to the major hospitals across the country and could n’t solve my aunt ’s illness. My grandpa said This is the root cause of cultivation's fall. To solve the bell, you must also be a bell person. Only those who practice medicine can cure. Mr. Fang, can you? "

In Ye Xiaobei's expectant eyes, Fang Shen was lost in thought.

The effect of the rebirth eye is so amazing. It must have an effect on the hidden diseases that fall from cultivation, right?

Even if the treatment is not good, presumably the Ye family will not treat themselves.

And if Ye Xiaobei's aunt is treated, it is equal to the entire Ye family, and she owes a favor to herself.

Why not try it?

Thinking about this, Fang nodded slowly: "Miss Ye, Fang can try, but I can't guarantee whether it can be cured."

Ye Xiaobei nodded: "Thank you for your success, Xiaobei."

After eating, Fang Shen first sent Fang Ran back to school.

This is what she asked for. This little girl believes in "knowledge changes destiny" and has been studying hard.

And she heard her brother was going to treat people while she was eating. Although she couldn't figure it out, why did her brother suddenly get medical treatment?

Ye Xiaobei also promised that she would say hello to the leaders of Jianghai University, not to mention taking special care of Fang Ran, at least from then on, no one would dare to bully Fang Ran.

Ye Xiaobei left Fang Shen to say goodbye to Fang Shen because he was attending a family meeting at 3 pm.

Carrying 2 million cash in hand is not a problem.

Apart from giving Fang Ran a little pocket money and leaving a little for his own expenses, everything else was saved.

As for what to do, whether to work hard in the city, or go back to the country to dormant development, Fang Shen hasn't figured it out yet, so he can only take one step at a time.

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