MTL - Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner-Chapter 12 [005] Natural Feng Shui Eyes (2)

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Could it be that their brothers were rich because their ancestors buried a good cemetery?

She fixedly looked at the grave.

Suddenly, I found that on the grave, under the sun, it was suddenly divided into two colors of black and white, the white was bright, the black was thick, and the cemetery was just between the black and white dividing line, and there were still The little black mist concentrated here, and the cemetery was like a devil with a big mouth, sucking in the misty mist in one breath, and the surrounding mist was continuously supplied ...

She thought of the yin and yang of Feng Shui theory.

Yangzhai, living live, must be in a place full of yang, fortune and luck. The shady house should choose the place where the yin gathers, hide the wind, gather the nourishment, nourish the spirit of the dead, and extend the future of Fuyin.

White fog is yang, while black is yin.

This grave, which was chosen at the division of yin and yang, is a place where yin and qi converge, but it is adjacent to yang and thus achieves a good state of yin and yang balance. The root is the good terrain of the tomb.

After watching it for a long time, her head appeared a little dizzy, and she blinked quickly.

The thick layer of misty air disappeared, and it was just a grave that appeared to the eyes.

"Master, how do you distinguish between yin and yang? Can you see it?" Yang Zimei couldn't help but ask Yu Qing.

Yu Qing smiled with a white beard. "Master does not have yin and yang eyes, and cannot see the yin and yang atmosphere."

"Then how do you know that the tomb has wind and gas?"

"Inferred from the surrounding terrain and natural sensitivity."

"Oh, that's it." Yang Zimei didn't want to tell Master that he had just seen the two yin and yang qi, but then asked, "Human factors can destroy Feng Shui?"

Hearing her question, Yuqing Daochang's face was positive, and she said solemnly: "Since ancient times, Feng Shui, the tomb of the ancestors of the bad, is the most lacking virtue besides the loss of vitality. It makes the dead unbearable Rest is not good for the living, except that its descendants are those who commit great crimes. "

Yang Zimei recalled the virtues of the village chief's brothers.

The village chief Yang Deming was bullying on the side of the village, bullying the weak, pinching his life to death, and doing a lot of women's affairs. Whenever a new-looking daughter-in-law married in the village, he must rob the people of the first night Right, however, forced by his strong background, everyone just dared not to anger.

His eldest brother, Yang Dejie, who is also the secretary of the municipal party committee, is also known in city A as a prostitute, and is known as a three-foot hook machine, which makes the city A dark and turbulent, and the order is chaotic. No matter how bad it is, no one has been able to bring him down and make him continue to do well.

Because his second brother was in the Provincial Party Committee, Yang Zimei was not very clear. As for his entrepreneur, the third brother, Yang Deqing, and his elder brother, Yang Dejie, colluded with officials and businessmen to monopolize the real estate, financial, hydropower, entertainment, and catering industries in City A. There are a lot of bad things that make the citizens of city A miserable. Such a person actually won some outstanding young people and philanthropists in the country.

I bother!

Thinking of what the four brothers were doing, Yang Zimei couldn't help but want to spit a bitterly.

Regardless of public or private complaints, she must quickly destroy the feng shui here, and let the village head start early to keep her family.