MTL - Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner-Chapter 1754 Finale (18)

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"What came from?"

Yang Zimei picked up the black box and found it very heavy, at least 30 kilos.

Such a box larger than the palm would be so heavy, which really made her feel a little surprised, so she couldn't help asking Dragon Chasing the Moon.

Long Zhuiyue shook his head. "I don't know. I just feel that this thing is strange. I think you usually love these weird things. You should be interested in it, so I hid the master and brought it back to you."

"It's strange that such a small thing is so heavy."

Yang Zimei opened Tianyan to look at it, but didn't see any breath, but just thought that the pattern on it was particularly strange.

"There seems to be a switch here!"

Long Zhuiyue pointed at a small bump that was not very obvious, "I tried many times to open it, but nothing happened, it depends on your ability to open it."

Yang Zi nodded.

This kind of thing will be hidden in the mysterious pyramid, and it must have its unusual place.

I really want to know what mysterious power is hidden in it.

She packed the box into the storage ring and studied it carefully when she was ready.

"Sadako, is there anything ready to eat today? In these days in Egypt, I'm dying. No matter what I eat, it doesn't seem to be as delicious as yours."

Long Zhuiyue touched his dry belly. "In order to eat well, I was too lazy to drink on the plane."

"So are we!"

Xiao Qian and Ripple called out, "Sadako hastened to make the best for us!"

"it is good!"

Sadako smiled back into the kitchen and began to get busy.

"Sister, how about Xuehu?"

Xiao Qian looked around and asked.

"Xuehu went home, I don't know if I will rush back."

Yang Zimei glanced at the closed wooden door where Snow Lake lived, and a sense of loss was in his mind.

Snow Lake has also been away for more than half a month.

During this half month, there was no sound, and it was not known whether he was OK or not, and whether he would return home.

However, when he left, he said that he would be back before her birthday.

Today is her birthday, but she hasn't seen her yet.

I hope he just puts the market down because of things at home!

Sadako prepared the meal.

Although Yang Zimei and Long have already eaten one by one, they still eat a little with the three men who chase the moon and Qianqian Ripple.

Looking at these three eating and eating, and then full stomach, I feel a little hungry.

The three of them ate and kept talking, squeaking, and extremely joyous, making the whole house full of vitality.

It hasn't been so lively in a long time at home.

Yang Zimei looked at the scene in front of her, and moved her eyes wet.

After going through so many things, she also saw through the prosperous things in the world. She just wanted to be ordinary and live with the people she cares about.

Therefore, she chose to have an ordinary high school birthday.

In these two years, she has lived quite well, and she has lived the most practical life since the last life to this life.

There are family and friends, a large house and Sadako's hot food waiting to go home, as well as the warm blankets of the dragon ...

All these things are so happy!

The people around them are also quite peaceful.

Sadako has gradually had an independent soul, and the breath of her living dead has become weaker and weaker, and her relationship with Jiang Ziliang is quite smooth, and she is married.
