MTL - Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner-Chapter 1766 Finale (30)

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Long day by day, she was kissed by her so suddenly, the numbness of happiness spread quickly, and the locked heart was also opened.

"Under the bright sky, the cold is bad!"

There was a stern sound of blame from behind, and his ears were trembling.

Yang Zimei was startled, hurriedly looked back, then her eyes were red, and she screamed, "Master--"

The gray-dressed man with a goatee and a man in his fifties who heard her calling, he slightly hesitated, and then sternly said, "Why, when did my Master Li receive the girl .disciple?"

"Brow, he just looks like Master, not Master."

The dragon pulled Yang Zi frowning day by day.

Yang Zimei turned back and looked closely at Li Fuzi in front of him.

Master Li's facial features look like Master Yuqing, but his temperament is completely different.

Master's temperament is elegant like an immortal, and his expression is indifferent, making people look like Mu Chunfeng.

This Master Li has a harsh face, his lips tight, his eyes sharp, and he looks like a serious old man.

She really recognized the wrong person.

She has already seen Master leave the world, how could she cross back to this thousand years later?

It's just that they look so similar.

Yang Zimei's heart was both lost and happy.

What was lost was that he wasn't actually a master. I was glad to see a person who looked a lot like Master.

"I'm sorry, Master, I confessed the wrong person."

Yang Zimei apologized politely.

"The cold is bad!"

Master Li scolded her disdainfully, and went upstairs to eat.

Being scolded in this way, Yang Zimei not only was not angry, but was very happy, as if he could hear Master blaming himself.

If Master is still there, even if he scolds herself every day, she is happy.

Unfortunately, she could no longer hear Master's voice.

Thinking of this, her heart darkened again.

"Hey, what are you two talking about that long?"

Long Feifei came down from the top, found them, and said unhappyly, "Don't you know people are waiting for you? It's really impolite!"

"Oh, sorry."

Yang Zimei did not care about her.

In terms of blood relationship, Long Feifei is regarded as Long Zhutian's aunt, that is, their elder.

Yang Zimei couldn't afford to care about with an elder, otherwise, it would be really impolite.

When she heard her apologizing, Long Feifei's anger was gone, her face looked much better, and she urged, "Come up, the dishes are ready, and then it will be cold."

"it is good."

Yang Zimei pulled the dragon to go day by day, but found his footsteps stagnate and refused to move.

It seems that he still can't survive Long Xiao's psychological relationship with his biological father, and he hasn't really forgiven him.

"Let's go, no matter what, we have to eat a meal first, we haven't had a good meal for more than half a month."

Yang Zimei advised.

Long could not bear to beat her every day, so she had to follow her up and sit down.

Facing Long Xiao again, Long Zhutian's heart was awkward.

While he refused to accept him, he couldn't control himself to watch him quietly.

This is his father!

Such a voice echoed in his heart, like a snare drum, pounding his heart, making him unable to calm down.

Long Xiao also noticed a change in dragon's mood day by day.

He really wanted to know what Yang Zimei had been saying to Dragon day by day, which caused him to feel awkward always.


[In order to reunite important people, it seems that I have to write dozens of chapter endings to be truly completed. What should I do? You do n’t want to fight in groups, I ’m so scared. . . 】