MTL - Supreme Soaring Immortal-v2 Chapter 3004 Home

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Qin Shuang grabbed another piece of soil and placed it on the rectangular plate. Soon the soil turned into a stone forest. Qin Shuang grabbed another piece of soil attribute law silk and drove into the stone forest, which became extremely hard. From the space, he grabbed a water attribute law silk and broke into the stone forest. I saw white mist gradually growing in the stone forest, which was permeating the stone forest. Slowly, white clouds grew in the middle of the strength, flowing in the stone forest, changing.

Qin Shuang waved his hand and put the bonsai into the storage ring. The appearance of his face changed instantly, and then he took a step, and the next moment he landed on the rockery in the Yang family’s manor. The spiritual consciousness spread and took a step. Out.

In the study.

Yang Youshan was doing the calculations, and suddenly felt that there was another person in front of him. Huo Ran looked up and saw a fierce-looking woman standing opposite him.



A bonsai appeared on the table in front of him. His gaze was immediately attracted by the bonsai.

A stone forest with mist at the bottom and white clouds in the center.

"Make a price, I am satisfied, this baby is yours." Qin Shuang said.


Yang Youshan looked up in surprise. Since the aura began to recover decades ago, monks have begun to appear, so he was surprised at the sudden appearance of Qin Shuang, and then calmed down, but was attracted by the bonsai. .

"Of course it's true, this immortal is a bit tight, otherwise I think it will take a lot of effort to make a treasure for you?"

"Is this made by the fairy?"

"Yeah!" Qin doubled his head, his face a little impatient: "Can you buy it? Just give it."

"Buy, I buy! How about I give... twenty thousand taels of silver?"

Qin Shuang frowned. The twenty thousand taels of silver must not even be worth the fraction of this bonsai. After all, this is a rule. But no amount of silver is useful for Qin Shuang, in fact she only needs two thousand taels. Then nodded and said:

"All right, give the money! Just send it to the study."

"Okay! Fairy wait a minute."

Yang Youshan hurriedly left, Qin Shuang sat on Yang Youshan's big chair. Soon, Yang Youshan brought in three boxes of silver with his servant. Qin Shuang's divine consciousness swept away, and then with a wave of his big sleeves, the three boxes were put into the storage ring, and then disappeared before Yang Youshan's eyes.

"What a fairy!" Yang Youshan stared blankly at Fang Caiqin's direction.

With the money, Qin Shuang quickly bought the house with two thousand taels of silver. Thinking of living here for a period of time, at least one year. Qin Shuang decided to hire someone to renovate this place. Throwing three thousand taels of silver, someone promised to let Qin Shuang live in within half a month. She carved dozens of jade symbols and set up a formation that could temporarily and limitedly seal the formation eyes so that the formation eyes would not interfere with people's minds, and then gave the yard to the renovators.

Qin Shuang returned home and saw that only one-third of the water was left in the cauldron. He took a sip with a spoon, then nodded, filled the cauldron with water again and continued to stew. The meat in the cauldron was tumbling in the water.

Qin Shuang added water from time to time, occasionally spreading the consciousness of the soul to Huofeng Mountain, and scanned the stone statues of the three Wanhuan people. At dusk, footsteps sounded outside the door, and Mu Xue and Li Che ran in.


Then the two of them saw the inside of the big pot, and their eyes were suspicious, because in their eyes, this was just a pot of water. What would Aunt do with a pot of water?

"Aunt, I'm cooking!" Li Che hurriedly said.

Qin Shuang waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, he is talking about the strength of your dojo. And who is the strongest in the small city?"

"There is only one of our dojos in the city, and the city lord has the strongest strength. It is said that it is the eighth level of the refining period. Next is my master, the fifth level of the refining period. My senior brother is the first level of the refining period. Then there is no refining period. My strength is in the middle of the few disciples of my master, and I am now at the sixth level of Body Tempering Realm. Mu Xue is at the fifth level."

Qin Shuang nodded, then pointed to the pot of water: "Go get the bowl by yourself, everyone can only drink one bowl, and then immediately go to the yard to practice the style I taught you."

Li Che's eyes lit up: "Auntie, is this medicine?"

"No! This is a kind of meat, you haven't seen it before."


"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!"

"Yes, aunt!"

The two looked at each other, and they all meant to say, Aunt is crazy, right?

Where is the meat in this pot?

But the two of them honestly drank a bowl of each, and then they felt the energy rolling in their bodies. When the expressions of the two changed, they ran into the yard in a hurry, practicing the jade body tempering technique repeatedly.

"Boom boom..."

There was a sound in the body. After more than an hour, the two looked at each other in disbelief, and then ran into the main room excitedly, seeing Qin Shuang holding a home book introducing the history of the mainland and reading.

"Auntie, I have six layers of body tempering." Mu Xue bounced.

"Aunt, I'm on the seventh floor." Li Che also said excitedly.

"Okay, let's take a bath, it's a smell." Qin Shuang raised his hand and fanned the end of his nose.

"Hey..." Two little ones smiled and ran out, Qin Shuang couldn't help but smile.

In the early morning of the next day, Qin Shuang did not let the two of them drink broth, but began to teach them the second formula of the Jade Body Tempering Jue, and then sent them to Wentian Taoist Temple. And she is a book looking at Li Che and Mu Xue's home. There are more than 100 books in the collection of Li Che and Mu Xue's family, all kinds of books, Qin Shuang is not in a hurry, and slowly looks at them.

In the evening, Qin Shuang let the two young men drink a bowl of broth to practice the first to second forms of the Jade Body Tempering Jue. This is the meat of a monster or a monster in the fairy world. Although it has been diluted by Qin Shuang thousands of times, the energy is a treasure of heaven and earth for this world. After more than an hour and a half, the two teams broke through again.

Li Che, the eighth level of Body Tempering Realm.

Mu Xue, the seventh level of Body Tempering Realm.

Qin Shuang stood on the steps and said, "I will teach you a set of boxing techniques today called Chuangfengquan. Follow me to learn."

The next day.

Li Che broke through to the ninth level of the Body Tempering Realm, and Mu Xue broke through to the eighth level of the Body Tempering Realm. Seeing the excited appearance of the two little ones, Qin Shuang said to Li Che:

"You start to feel qi right now, and the broth energy in your body is still left, which has a strong effect on helping you feel qi."

"Yes, aunt!"

Li Che breathed deeply, trying to calm his mind. Mu Xue came to the bottom of the steps and looked at Li Che enviously. After about half an hour, Li Che sat cross-legged on the ground and began to get angry. With the help of internal energy, he quickly perceives the aura around him. The Qin Shuang who had been following him immediately came to him, put his hand on his head and said:

"I will teach you a set of exercises now, and follow the path I guided to practice."


I am very grateful to Taixu Zongzhen Xu Ziyan (500) and book friend 20200621054231510 (100) for their rewards!



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