MTL - Supreme Soaring Immortal-v2 Chapter 3036 Catch up

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Great grinding disc of heaven and earth.

A big millstone shaped like a Tai Chi pattern instantly enveloped the dragon patriarch and grinds it up.


The patriarch of the Dragon clan let out a very long and stern scream, and he found that his body and soul had been ground. The Great Mopan of Heaven and Earth released by Qin Shuang today not only comprehend the profound meaning of Tai Chi, but also increased the comprehension of the use of Taoism at the holy level. This is the comprehension that Kuitian brought to her. This is her strongest blow. Even if the patriarch of the dragon clan possessed the magical powers of time, he was traumatized at this moment. And a thought came up in his mind that he was not Qin Shuang's opponent.


The patriarch of the dragon clan returned to its original shape, and a 10,000-mile-long dragon appeared, unleashing his strongest power, shattering the world and earth grinding disc, covered in blood, and fled in the direction of the second line of defense.

"Senior Xu, you withdraw!"

Qin Shuang Xuanzhi transmitted the sound, and then chased the dragon patriarch. The speed of the two people is extremely fast, because the patriarch of the dragon clan is using time to escape, and Qin Shuang is using time to chase. Everyone only sees the two groups of light circulate for a while, and they disappeared.


Seeing this situation, Xu Qinyang's eyes showed envy. The reason why he hasn't broken through to the holy rank is that he has comprehended the light, dark, wind and thunder on the basis of the five elements, but he has never comprehended time and space. But he knew very well in his heart that with the speed of the Qin Shuang and the Dragon Clan chief, there was no chance that the Heavenly Lord could catch up with these two people. So he also relaxed, and immediately turned around again with dozens of Celestials, and fled in the direction of the Holy Land Alliance.

Tianzun of the Hundred Races Alliance did not chase it, and it was not the first time this happened. The Hundred Races Alliance is used to it. Even if they chase Xu Qinyang to the Holy Land Alliance and kill them as much as possible, how many Holy Land Alliance monks can be killed?

Moreover, it would be too shameful to kill those monks with low cultivation bases as Tianzun!

That is to say, the Holy Land Alliance has no choice but to bully the small.

There is no need for the Hundred Races Alliance. After the entire six months or one year, it will organize another large-scale attack. You can harvest the lives of a group of monks from the Holy Land Alliance. Therefore, they watched Xu Qinyang and the others escape, and did not think about chasing Qin Shuang.

Can't catch up!

These two people are too fast!

Do not!

That is not speed at all, that is time!

However, they still made a decision not to allow Xu Qinyang and the others to do this. They wanted to kill once, just once. They decided to move to the first line of defense and no longer give Xu Qinyang their chance.

The depths of the starry sky.

In the black void among the dazzling stars, two light clusters cut across the void like time goes by, shooting towards the depths.

Qin Shuang's body is wrapped in time, and his fingers are constantly moving.

It was only the power of time, the dragon clan patriarch flees with the profound meaning of time. Even the dual-purpose piano and space magical powers can't catch up, and can only catch up with the magical powers of time.

"Can't catch up!"

Qin Shuang was a little discouraged. How long has it been that speed is her strong point, and how many times she has escaped the pursuit with her own speed, but she did not expect to encounter the dragon clan chief this time and lose in speed.

After weighing it, even if the flower is too fragrant, it can't catch up, unless the flower is too fragrant to reach the peak of the heavenly sovereign, maybe it can compete with the dragon clan chief.

Fortunately, Qin Shuang's time supernatural power realm is weaker than the dragon clan patriarch, but it is not much weaker. Although he can't catch up, he can stay behind. So, what everyone fights is consumption. Qin Shuang felt that he should be able to fight the dragon patriarch. Although this time magical power also consumes immortal energy, it mainly consumes profound energy. Qin Shuang's current profound strength has been perfected. She believed that the profound power of the dragon clan chieftain was definitely not jade, or even solidification might not be 100%, so she could definitely consume it.


The two heavenly veterans flew by like a stream of light, so another day passed, Qin Shuang couldn't help but frown, weighed himself, and calculated that even if the dragon patriarch's soul is only solidified, it will probably take a long time.


With a movement of Qin's eyes, she found that the dragon clan chief had deviated from the direction of escape, and no longer flew toward the second line of defense, but fleeing out of the galaxy. After thinking about it for a while, I understood in my heart that there was not much left of Tianzun who should be the second line of defense, and they all went to the first line of defense. If you lead yourself to the second line of defense, it will only lead to your own slaughter, maybe you will be killed by yourself. Moreover, the patriarch of the dragon clan should feel that his time supernatural power is better than Qin Shuang, and he can finally get rid of Qin Shuang, so he alone attracted Qin Shuang to fly into the void.


The two Tianzun chased and fled, Qin Shuang suddenly spoke, sending the voice far away:

"Friend Long Dao, you can't get rid of me, can you just run away forever? When your profound power is exhausted, aren't you a lamb to be slaughtered at that time?"

"I am the pinnacle of Tianzun. You are only the ninth level of Tianzun. I will not be able to fight you?" The voice of the Dragon Race came: "Still worry about your own consumption!"

Qin Shuang kept silent, and the two continued chasing and fleeing. After another day passed, Qin Shuang's voice sounded leisurely:

"Friend Long Dao, do you know why I am staring at you?"

"Why?" The patriarch of the dragon clan also didn't understand. With so many Tianzun, why did Qin Shuang stare at him and pursue him?

"I'm very interested in your magical powers of time, but not in killing you. Why don't you stop, we two sit down and talk about each other, don't hide each other, what do you think?

"Are you talking and laughing?" The dragon clan chief said with sarcasm: "We two are enemies, how can we sit down and talk?"

"The chief dragon is joking. The so-called war is just that you great heavenly venerables fight for the holy. In fact, it has nothing to do with those underground cultivation bases, and it has nothing to do with most heavenly veterans, but only with a small number of you. Tianzun is only relevant. Since the essence of war is for sanctification, now that you and I communicate, it is possible to have a further understanding of sanctification. Why should you and I fight?

Therefore, fighting and discussing the Tao are essentially for sanctification, and there is no difference. Clan Chief Dragon lives for a long time, he won't even look away from this, right?

not to mention……

If you sit down and talk about it, it’s not only me who benefits, you will also benefit. This is a good thing for both parties to mutually benefit. Does Chief Long really want to refuse? "

Hearing Qin Shuang's explanation, the Chief Long's heart also moved. But then he decided to ignore it. Tiandi Damopan impressed him too deeply, who knows if Qin Shuang has any better cards?


Thank you very much for the reward of Little Bookworm Children (100)!



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