MTL - Supreme Soaring Immortal-v2 Chapter 3048 Tianzun Peak

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In the Hundred Races Alliance, the great heavenly venerables gathered in the void, their expressions gloomy. These seven days have been their biggest loss since the war with the Holy Land Alliance. Although countless cultivators have fallen in the past, there has never been so many Heavenly Sovereigns that have fallen all at once, exceeding the early stage of two thousand Heavenly Sovereigns.

This is not important. The important thing is that if this problem cannot be solved, they will still lose at this rate after three months, and the balance of victory will be reversed.

"It's not impossible," the dragon clan chief said.

"What can you do?"

As soon as the words fell, the gods suddenly turned their heads, looked towards the void, and saw three figures walking in the void. There was a surprise on the faces of all the heavens.

"Patriarch Shi!"

"Fantasy Taoist Fellow!"

"Fairy Ice Lotus!"

When the three of Wanhuan saw the scene in front of them, their expressions couldn't help changing slightly. While the three peaks of the heavens flew toward the heavens, they exchanged profound knowledge.

"Seeing this situation is a decisive battle."

"what should we do?"

"When we leave at this time, maybe we will be strangled by a hundred tribes, or threaten us with our tribesmen."

"Don't mention leaving, I'll talk about it after you understand the situation."

"Three fellow Daoists, you are not dead?" The great heavenly venerables greeted them excitedly.

Wan Huan smiled bitterly: "Although he didn't die, he was on the verge of falling several times."

"What happened?"

The three Tianzuns of Wanhuan did not conceal them, and they told the story of the matter once, so that all the Tianzuns couldn't help but feel their relatives. It was a fluke for the three Wanhuan to survive. For yourself, you may not be able to survive. And from what the three of them said, they were able to come back alive thanks to Qin Shuang.

Next, Zhong Tianzun recounted what happened here, and then asked the three people:

"Three Taoists, what are the good strategies? Qin Shuang must die!"

The three of Wan Huan looked at each other and heard that Qin Shuang was already on the tenth floor of Tianzun, which made the three of them more determined to leave this decisive battle. Their experience with Qin Shuang made them have a deep fear of Qin Shuang in their hearts. Hearing the tenth floor of Qin Shuang Tianzun, their hearts are undoubtedly certain that Qin Shuang will surely become holy. With Qin Shuang's strength, even if the decisive battle is finally won, can he seize Qin Shuang?

"No, it's an ordinary Tianzun tenth floor, it is extremely difficult to kill, let alone Qin Shuang?

As long as Qin Shuang wants to escape, he can't keep it! And what the old dragon said, that Qin Shuang is also proficient in the magical powers of time. If he wants to escape, how can he stay?

As long as Qin Shuang does not die, it is only a matter of time before he becomes holy. Maybe thousands of years, maybe hundreds of thousands of years, but they will surely become holy. At that time Qin Shuang returned, who can resist?

This is to invite trouble for your own race!

Can't stay anymore! "

The three people understood, and immediately shook their heads and said: "We just came back, and there are no good ideas. Let's discuss it."

The other Tianzun did not suspect that he had him, so they discussed it. In the end, a solution was negotiated, and this solution made the three Great Heavenly Venerable Wanhuan's hearts scream.

Their method is that after three months, after the monks of the Holy Land Alliance came out, no matter what level of law monks they were, they would send a law monk corresponding to their cultivation level to entangle them. Of course, Xu Qinyang will send a few more of those six great gods. Then from the Immortal King to Tianzun, the remaining law monks add up to at least eight billion, and they use the eight billion law monks to set up a battle formation and besiege Qin Shuang. The large formation that Qin Shuang hurriedly set up could not withstand the combined bombardment of the monks of the Eight Billion Rule. Although most of the eight billion monks are not Tianzun, they are also law monks, not to mention the large number. As long as the formation of Qin Shuang was broken through, Qin Shuang could not withstand several attacks by eight billion monks.

After the meeting, Wanhuan’s three people gathered together, placed restrictions, and exchanged ideas carefully:

"What do we do?" Wanhua said.

"Why, do you still want to stay?" Fairy Binglian asked.

Wan Huan pondered: "Do you think the Hundred Clan has the possibility of success?"

Patriarch Shi and Fairy Binglian both fell into contemplation. After a while, Patriarch Shi said, "It's not that there is no possibility of success. This will be caught off guard by playing Qin Shuang. I feel that I have 90% confidence in breaking through the hurried formation of Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang is slightly injured with 60% assurance, Qin Shuang is seriously injured with 30% assurance, and Qin Shuang is killed with only 10% assurance. Qin Shuang is injured and ran away, accounting for 90%."

Fairy Bing Lian nodded in agreement and said, "Do you want to take a risk on blogging?"

"I really don't want to take risks!" Wan Huan shook his head and said, "However, if the Hundred Clan succeeds, then there is a 10% chance that they will be realized. We are the traitors that the Hundred Clan will kill."

"However, if we stay, if the Qin Shuang enters the sacred, we can have good fruit? You know, we promised Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang may let other races go, but we will never let go of us. "Fairy Binglian said coldly:

"No matter what you think, I will definitely leave."

"I will leave too!" Patriarch Shi said.

Wan Huan sighed and his expression became firm: "Then leave, how do we leave?"

"I definitely can't leave now, I will be blocked by the Hundred Clan." Patriarch Shi muttered: "When the battle begins three months later, when the two sides are anxious, we will leave with the clansmen. The Hundred Clan Alliance has no time to hunt us down. Wait seven days later. , We have long been far away. And their goal is the Holy Land Alliance, even if they are angry, they can only endure it until they defeat the Holy Land Alliance before they can deal with us. Therefore, we have no problem returning to the mainland safely.

As for the future, I will talk about it later. "

Wan Huan and Bing Lian nodded, and studied the details.

The outside world hurriedly passed for more than two months. In the discussion hall, Xu Qinyang had recovered from his injury a few days ago, and five great heavenly venerables including Yun Hao were waiting here for Qin Shuang. They are also very curious about Qin Shuanghui's use of holy Taoism. And also want to exchange experience with Qin Shuang.

The six of them have communicated with each other many times, and they are all too familiar with each other, there is nothing new. Now that a piano pair appeared, they were slightly excited in the heart of such a big Tianzun. Communicating with Qin Shuang will give them a renewed insight, which will not only improve their combat effectiveness, but may also make themselves feel a little closer to the Saint Level.

Two months after an appointment, but now that five days have passed, Qin Shuang still has not come. This can't help making them feel a little anxious.

Inside the town demon tower.

Qin Shuang opened his eyes slowly, the laws flowing in his eyes, shining like stars, then disappeared under his eyes.

Tianzun peak!


Thanks a lot to book friends 20200621054231510 (200) and Bai Zibing (100) for their rewards!



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