MTL - Supreme Soaring Immortal-v2 Chapter 3058 Qin double fight

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Yanshan Soul's eyes lit up: "Maybe we can directly decompose the laws of chaos in the body, and use it to correspond to the secret realm and derive the mystery of the birth of life."

At this moment, several saints were excited. Zuo Yan said: "We are now able to suppress some of the laws of chaos and restore the strength of the first level. It is better to return to our respective holy land and implement the plan that Qin Shuang provided us."

"it is good!"

After three hundred years, Qin Shuang seemed to disappear in the entire immortal world, like Xu Ziyan's saints, disappearing from the eyes of everyone.

Her cultivation level finally broke through to the second level of the holy level, and her mood reached the sixth level of the holy level. But it seems that she has encountered a hurdle, which makes it difficult for her to improve her mood.

She is not in a hurry, just as Xu Ziyan said, now her cultivation level has the same life span as heaven and earth, and time has no meaning to her. Xu Ziyan’s six sages were in retreat, and there was only one sage like her in the entire immortal world, and the level of her cultivation was meaningless. Therefore, she is not in a hurry. Just understand it slowly.

This day.

One person and one dog walked into a passage, which was the passage to the Demon Realm Continent.

In fact, Qin Shuang didn’t come to the Demon World on purpose. After visiting the six holy places, she wandered around at will, but she just happened to be here, and then she realized that this was the gateway to the Demon World, and then she remembered it. Two things.

One is that the Devildom does not appear in the Hundred Races Alliance.

Why is that?

When did the demons become so peaceful?

It stands to reason that there is absolutely no shortage of demons in such a large-scale war. But why isn't there a magic shadow this time?

There must be some secrets here, and the secrets of the Demon Realm are usually not good for the Human Race.

The second thing is Qin Ying!

"Go and see!"

Qin Shuang walked slowly, walking thousands of meters, Qin Shuang shook his head and walked in the passage, both sides are chaotic laws, there is nothing to understand.

"It's been a long time since I entered the Town Demon Tower."

Qin Shuang entered the town demon tower, Hua Taixiang held the town demon tower in his mouth, and rushed forward. And Qin Shuang began to weave the law in the town demon tower.

Qin Shuang didn't know that just now, the Butian Continent where Mu Suifeng was located finally appeared in a secret realm where life was born, and Mu Suifeng had already arrived there. Moreover, he was ranked behind Xu Ziyan, Yanshan Soul, Heavenly Palace Master, Zuo Yan, and Ming Hao's five sages, the last sage to discover this kind of secret. The other five saints have successively discovered such secret realms in their respective continents in the last hundred years, and have understood them for a long time.

Three months later, Qin Shuang weaved more than 60,000 law chains in the town demon tower, but it was still more than 900,000 short of breaking through the third floor of the Saint Level.

Hearing Hua Taixiang's call, Qin Shuang came out of the town demon tower, raised his eyes and looked on, and had already walked out of the passage and entered the demon world.


And there is a kind of magical thought in the fairy vitality, it is the kind of crazy magical thought.

There are no demons around, and Qin Shuang is not in a hurry, as long as she is willing, she can travel in the demon world for thousands of years, and she can always figure out why the demons have not participated in the battle of a hundred races and can always find Qin Ying.

She did not hide her breath, but also showed her original appearance, just trying to attract Qin Ying to appear. I have to get my shadow back, otherwise it will be incomplete.

In this way, in the devil world, the breath of Qin Shuang is like a torch in the dark night, very obvious. Soon it attracted many demons to attack Qin Shuang.

Facing the demons like a black cloud, Qin Shuang still walked with his hands unhurriedly, without even taking out the fairy artifact.

"Qiang Qiang..."

Endless sword energy gushes out from the hole orifice, circling horizontally and horizontally around Qin Shuang's body, sword energy is like a dragon.

Pieces of Mozu monks fell, but the fierce Mozu continued to succeed. This lasted for a quarter of an hour, and the demons finally collapsed. They realized that no matter how many they were, they would be twisted into powder.

The Qin Shuang is like walking on a walk, but the sword energy is like no end, dense, like a huge vortex.


The demons finally dispersed and fled, Qin Shuang stretched out his hands and grabbed several demons. They did not ask, but directly searched for their souls. Then the palms shook, and those demons turned into powder.

Qin Shuang slightly frowned and stood there. From the memories of these demons, he learned that it was the great heavenly masters of the demons who had united to order the demon world and did not allow any monk in the demon world to leave the demon world.

This is simply equivalent to a sect to close the mountain.

Why is the devil like this?

Does Qinying play a role here?

As long as I remain in the Demon Realm, I don't believe that those great gods will not come to me, and there is also Qin Ying, she has always wanted to completely take control of my body, and she will definitely come to me.

Qin Shuang walked freely in the devil world.

One day.\n

Two days.

Three days.\\n

Three months have passed.

During these three months, Qin Shuang experienced several attacks from the Demon Race, and once an attack, the realm of the Demon Clan monk was higher than that of the other. But it still collapsed in front of Qin Shuang every time.

Nine Aishan.

Qin Ying sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, and countless magical thoughts were absorbed by her like a huge black whirlpool. Her body's energy was very surging, and she turned out to be the peak of the third-tier holy level.

She swallowed Cheng Buming's blood, and also swallowed the law in the blood. Let her break through the holy rank, and all the way to the peak of the third layer of the holy rank.

Today's Qin Ying not only has the inheritance of Qin Shuang, but also the inheritance of the master, and the inheritance of the blood demon. The inheritance of this blood demon allowed her to quickly improve her cultivation level by devouring other monks.

"Devil Lord!" a figure shouted from the bottom of the mountain.

Qin Ying opened her eyes and looked at the ten Great Heavenly Lords under the mountain, and said coldly:

"What's the matter?"

"Qin Shuang has come to the Demon World."

"Qin Shuang? Come to the Demon Realm? God helped me, if I swallow her, I will be complete, hahaha..."

The endless grassland is full of black flowers.

Qin Shuang walked in the sea of ​​flowers, admiring the unique black flowers.


Qin Shuang stopped, raised his head and looked forward, a black cloud drifting quickly towards him.

Do not!

It was not a black cloud, but a black shadow.


The shadow swooped down towards Qin Shuang, and in the diving mid-air, it condensed into the appearance of Qin Shuang, just a black dress and black dress.

It is Qinying!


A big palm slapped towards Qin Shuang, and Qin Shuang greeted him with a backhand. Seeing Qin Ying, Qin Shuang was also very excited, and could finally take back his shadow.


The two palms collided in mid-air, and the space was instantly torn apart, and the earth was full of ravines. Qin Shuang's figure flew upside down.

"Holy second floor?"



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