MTL - Supreme Throne of Doom-Chapter 1022 Dark List

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"Okay, how are you thinking?" Jiang Feng said impatiently.

Shi Gang said, "I promised that I would meet overseas. Once defeated, I will obey Baiyun City, and I will keep my promise."

Jiang Feng is proud.

"However, I will not return to Huaxia," Shi Gang said, staring at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng nodded, "I didn't plan to let you go back to Huaxia. No one at Huaxia welcomes you back."

Shi Gang was furious, gritted his teeth and did not speak.

"Just stay in Olia and help me solve the beast tide. I will send someone from Baiyun City to help you, at least to ensure that your supply is sufficient. I will also help you to solve a batch of threats before leaving. Hope You try to be as strong as you can to solve the nine-level creatures alone. This continent is also human territory, and there are still many survivors, "Jiang Feng said.

Shi Gang was surprised. "There are survivors on this continent?"

Jiang Fengen said, "Just in the west, look for it yourself, those people are safe and may not be willing to leave with you." After that, Jiang Feng looked at Galbraine, "You stay here to help him."

Galbraine smiled awkwardly, "That, dear Baiyun City Lord, I didn't promise, I don't need to stay."

Jiang Feng's eyes flickered and he was very interested in saying, "I heard that you are a pirate, and arresting pirates is everyone's obligation." "Jiang Cheng, I decided to stay and help the Shi Gang brothers. Without me, he could not stand alone. Galbraine said immediately, the crackling of his breasts, confident.

Jiang Feng was satisfied, took another sip of the drink, the taste was good, but he hated the color, got up, and sent a message to Baiyun City, allowing his grandfather to select a group of troops to enter the Oriya Continent King of the Beasts, and arranged for Ning Goushi, etc. People enter the fortress and report the situation of the fortress to Baiyun City at any time.

Although Shi Gang is arrogant and ruthless, but one thing, he keeps his promise. Jiang Feng is not worried about his backwaters, even if the backwaters do n’t matter. Today this situation will never happen once, without Baiyun City ’s help. The fortress may face the disaster at any time. For today's Jiang Feng, Shi Gang of this time and space is also a dragon set with a maximum of two episodes, which does not matter.

In another piece of time and space, in the Baiyun City of Sichuan and Sichuan, Hong Yuanshan looked at the list in shock, which was sent by Shen Ning himself.

On the list are the high-level names of the major forces. These people are all arranged by Xiao Menghan. It is the result of her layout of the world. Now, all of them have been given to Baiyun City.

Hong Yuanshan saw Wu Haoyuan on the list, which made him incredible.

Who is Wu Haoyuan? He is the general of the First Army of the Beast Emperor Army. The earliest person who followed Shi Gang was the second-most-ranked person in the Beast Emperor Army. This kind of person turned out to be a dark child arranged by Xiao Menghan. Hong Yuanshan even thought that someone had dropped the list.

Prior to the decisive battle between Emperor Thunder and the First Emperor, the Beast Emperor Army Special Corps assassinated the black. This incident led Hong Yuanshan and Xia Zhiliang to speculate that there were other forces in the Beast Emperor Army, because the center of gravity of the Beast Emperor Army had shifted to the Oriya continent. It is necessary to be at that time, they guessed that it was most likely that the female emperor Xiao Menghan was operating behind the scenes. The result was really so. The grandeur of the first army of the beastly emperor was actually the female emperor. If Shi Gang knew that he would spit blood.

Not only Wu Haoyuan, there are several people in the Beast Emperor Army, of course, not only the Beast Emperor Army, Zheng Kang of the Tianzi Army, the Tuoba Xing of the Emperor Army, the head of the Ice Wolf Cavalry Corps Wang Haoyan, etc. These are the powerful names, other forces such as the Armed House of Representatives, the Food Transport Consortium, and the once exposed Lu Xing family, plus European nature, the Knights of the Round Table, etc., a list of hundreds of people, including Around the world, hundreds of secret hands arranged by the emperor were all handed over to Baiyun City.

Hong Yuanshan was shocked to put down the list, and he hasn't slowed down until now. It is said that the female emperor laid out the world. Hong Yuanshan didn't even bother. How could a girl be laid out? After all, it ’s just a child, but at this moment, he really sees what is going on in the world. He really ca n’t figure out how Xiao Menghan ’s girl laid so many secrets. The end is coming, everyone is in despair and fear, but she is Being able to complete a variety of layouts is really unfathomable.

Hong Yuanshan was a little dazed. Although Jiang Feng is the strongest person in the world, is it really good to marry this woman back? He wasn't sure if Jiang Feng could hold this woman, it was really this woman who was too scary.

"Old man in Nangong, you look for the good daughter-in-law of Xiaofeng. Look at the list for yourself." Hong Yuanshan contacted Nangong Ao through the wave mine, and he was unhappy.

Nangong smiled proudly, "I already knew."

"You know this list?" Hong Yuanshan was surprised.

"Of course not. How could I know the secret hand arranged by Xiao's girl, I mean I know the horror of Xiao's girl, do you remember the number one?" Nangong proudly said.

Hong Yuanshan said for a moment, "What is the old man doing?"

"You will not know the layout ability of that old man. His plans and smarts are beyond ordinary people. You have been played by him not once or twice," Nangong laughed.

Hong Yuanshan's face was not very good. "That's what I let him do."

Nan Gong's laughter converged, and he solemnly said, "Tell you that No. 1 can control anyone, including you and me, but only once missed and was also opposed by the generals. This person is Xiao Menghan."

Hong Yuanshan's eyes narrowed, "Xiao-Meng-Han, the Emperor".

"Yes, Empress, this is Xiao Menghan. I am not surprised by her ability at all. If the first one was not to worry about the whole of China, you can pull it out, and you will be a few decades younger. The pattern of China will certainly not be like this Situ Kong can't get up. Only Xiao Menghan can compare with him. Unfortunately, No. 1 is old, "Nangong proudly said.

"Since you know Xiao Menghan so well, why do you even propose to her?" Hong Yuanshan complained.

Nangong smiled proudly, "When I proposed the marriage, Xiaofeng was not the current Lei Emperor, far worse than Xiao's girl. I wanted to let Xiao's girl keep him at a critical moment. You also know Xiaofeng's temper, too bad How many people have offended this time, but I did not expect that I would never be able to rely on just mentioning a pro. This girl is so clever that I can't help it. I hope Xiaofeng can calm her down. "

Hong Yuanshan hung up the wave mine in annoyance and looked at the list with a sad face. This list gave him too much shock. If the list leaks, the whole world will shake. This girl is too hard. Of course, he will not completely I believe this list needs to be verified.

Although Baiyun City unified Huaxia, although there are still many problems to be solved, at least Huaxia is calm on the surface.

In the western China, Tianzhu Port has attracted countless people's attention, because the two groups of people are following Tianzhu.

Dozens of ships of the Barbaric Army confronted dozens of ships of the Tianzi Army and appeared at the Tianzhu Chennai port at the same time.

The Tianzhu people in Chennai Port have already been scared away. The entire port is empty, but in the distance, many people look at the sea through various means.

On the sea surface, nearly a hundred ships undulated with the current, killing off the sky.

The sea was high above the ground, and East Thunder and Jia Lan faced each other.

"You should know that this is not the first time I have come to Tianzhu, this is my place," Dongdailai Shen said.

Jia Lan rolled her eyes, "Well, you can eat alone in such a big place."

"It has nothing to do with you, just retreat, otherwise you don't want to leave today" Dong Po Lei chilly, he has realized the voice of all things, the combat power is almost comparable to the original Liu Sheng killing God, not Jia Lan can fight.

Jia Lan also knew, but his face didn't look good when he evacuated like this.

At this time, it was Cheng Siyu that one person flew out of the Tianzi warship.

As a Tianzi Army think tank, Cheng Siyu has great power, and only she dares to appear under the confrontation between two powerful names.

"Under the crown, we can't stay in Tianzhu," Cheng Siyu said eagerly to Jia Lan.

Jia Lan wondered, "Why?".

"Did you forget the westward project under the crown?" Cheng Siyu solemnly replied.

Jia Lan was stunned, and her face was also dignified. On the opposite side, Dong Po Thunder also thought about it. They only wanted to **** Tianzhu and forgot the westward project.

The road from Tianzang Peak to Tianzhu has been opened. Baiyun City can attack at any time. There is not much difference between staying in Tianzhu and staying in Huaxia.

Jia Lan turned her head and yelled, "Well, Tianzhu will leave it to you, let's go."

Dongbolei didn't say a word. After landing, he also ordered to leave Tianzhu. He was not stupid. He just forgot it. Now he remembers that the fool occupied Tianzhu.

The Tianzi Army and the Barrens warships left, but some people stayed. They were a group of people from the Holy See. He received a letter, and Lei Di wanted to see him.

Tong Jiayao was bitter, and he wanted to leave with Wan Siqing, but Lei Di had a life, and he didn't dare to go back.

A week later, Jiang Feng came to this space and time and met with Jia Jiayao.

"See under Emperor Lei's Crown" The moment when Jia Jiayao saw Jiang Feng, he quickly and respectfully said that he could dress in front of Jian Du III, and in front of Dong Po Thunder, but never dare to dress in front of Jiang Feng. It's too stressful.

Jiang Feng pressed his hands to let Jia Jiayao sit down and looked at him with a smile, "How are you doing in the Holy See?".

"Thank you for your attention, everything is fine," Jiajia Yao got up again and returned.

Jiang Fengdao "I'm going to take action against Europe. Are you sure you can replace Jian Du III to control the Holy See?".

Although Ji Jiayao was mentally prepared, he was startled by Jiang Feng's candidness and took control of the Holy See. Following this, Jiang Feng said that it was as simple as having breakfast, but on the stand of Lei Di, he resolved the practice. It seems that III is really not as important as having breakfast, it is very easy.

"Under the crown, relying on me alone is more troublesome," said Tong Jiayao.

Jiang Feng said funnyly, "I didn't plan to rely on you alone, nor did I plan to kill Jian Du III. Although this man has great ambitions, at least the preached doctrine is not bad. It maintains stability in many parts of Europe. I need this. This doctrine helped me to improve the hopes of the survivors for the future, "said Jiang Feng. He took out a piece of black cloth and threw it to Ji Jiayao," see it for myself. "

Tong Jiayao opened with curiosity, only opened a corner, the thunder blew, the clouds gathered in the sky, and countless people in Baiyun City looked up at the sky.

Read The Duke's Passion