MTL - Supreme Throne of Doom-Chapter 1026 photo

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Galbraine groaned, "People who taught you," and said that the star power erupted sharply, such as Mount Tarzan, the four thousand mad ant cavalry suddenly broke the ground, and gave out a painful groan.

Once the Pirate King shot, no matter how strong the cavalry.

Gu Zheng jumped up, referring to the outbreak of sword air, but was annihilated by Galbrain's horrific star power in the air. Galbraine smirked, "Little reptile, dare to resist", and said, facing the Gu Zheng is a palm. .

Gu Zheng was blown out again. Fortunately, Galbraine didn't work hard, just venting the depression that was bullied by Jiang Feng before leaving Gu Zheng unharmed.

Gu Zheng got up again, gritted his teeth and stared at the figure. He could be sure that the other party was a strong Xinghai realm. It stands to reason that only Xingdu III and Dimel were in the European Xinghai realm. Dimel was not so boring to run against them. If Atsushi III wanted revenge, it would not be so light. Who is this person? Gu Zheng quickly thought of the answer, but he was also clever, and without saying clearly, Galbrain was embarrassed. After all, he was a pirate king. It was more embarrassing to secretly deal with a cavalry.

Gu Zheng didn't know about Galbrien. If he replaced Jiang Feng, it would definitely be disassembled on the spot. If Galbryn was ashamed, he would be ashamed. He didn't care anyway.

Galbrain oppressed the mad cavalry, and the entire city was like a decaying high-rise building, with a painful crackling sound under the pressure of Galbrayne.

Gu Zheng coughed, approached Galbrain, and reached into his arms.

Galbraine was interested in watching Gu Zheng. He was just interested in playing and was about to leave, but Gu Zheng's actions aroused his interest.

"Little reptile, what do you want to do?" Galbrain asked curiously.

Despite the suppression of the four thousand mad ant cavalry, none of them spoke out, resisting the oppression.

Gu Zheng slowly took out a piece of cloth and unveiled it. A token appeared in Galbrayne's eyes. Suddenly, dark clouds converged, and a thunderous thunder suddenly appeared. A fierce thunder bomber rang through the ears of countless people, the sea roared, and numerous sea creatures Fleeing into the distance, countless mutant beasts shivering around the city.

Galbrien's pupils shrank and disappeared.

Gu Zheng quickly covered the token again, exhaling, his forehead, sweat beads dripping.

From beginning to end, the cavalry of the ants did not say anything, but looked at the token in admiration. That was the token of Leidi, the token of the strongest in the world, which represented Leidi's majesty.

The most respected people of the mad cavalry are the sword emperor Liu Batian. They will never betray them. If it was not the order of the sword emperor, they would never turn to Baiyun City. Although the affection for the sword emperor has not changed, there is one more person who needs to look up, Lei Di is invincible.

By the seaside, Bright and Joan sluggish, looking at the thick clouds at high altitude, the sky changes? Just moments ago, they felt an unparalleled vast power, which shuddered them.

Galbrien appeared abruptly and stood on the island turtle. "Fuck, it's actually a Musheng card. Jiang Feng's **** will be more and more pretending. Forget it, don't play with them. I'll go. Miss, Joan, die for Lao Tzu. "

In country F, Mickey fell to the ground with blood in his eyes. In his eyes, he was unwilling.

In front of Mickey's body, Ma San panted, and her right arm was injured. Not far away, Ellen watched a battle quietly until the end.

All the high-ranking members of the Natural Faculty subdue Mickey. All the people who were previously pushed out stood in the distance, watching Mickey's death.

As soon as Mickey died, nature taught Ellen.

It didn't take long for the carrier pigeon to appear flapping its wings.

Ma Yi read the message and said to Ellen "The Lord Hongcheng wants to know your attitude."

Ellen nodded and wrote a letter to Hong Yuanshan. The content was very simple. From this moment on, Country F belongs to Baiyun City, and the crystal resources collected every year will be turned over to Qicheng.

Ma Yi releases the carrier pigeon, watching the carrier enter the void, silent for a long time, and said to Ma Er, "prepare, we will return to China."

Ma San was surprised, "Brother, what about me?"

Ma said, "You stay in Country F and help Ellen."

Ma San nodded.

Ma Er's eyes are excited and he can finally return to Huaxia. He didn't want to dwell on country F for a long time. Baiyun City had just unified China and needed talents. He went back at the moment and just caught up.

Ellen always looked calm. From the moment she promised Jiang Feng, she had already thought about all possible possibilities. The worst thing was that the natural religion was pulled out by Baiyun City. Now Baiyun City hasn't completely eliminated the natural religion. It is already a very good result. Yes, although there is an additional supervisor.

Half a month later, another time and space, Jiangyun, Baiyun City, Liu Pianran took a walk accompanied by elegance, Jiang Feng sat in the study, looking at the world map.

Ten years later, in the space and time, due to the battle between the Round Table knights and the Justice Army, the survivors were greatly dissatisfied. With the intervention of Baiyun City and those who were controlled, Country Y had bowed to Baiyun City and said that the Justice Army was Wu Yunfei has asked Rupert to promise that Y country's star crystal will provide Qicheng to Baiyun City every year.

Country Ellen of F also offered 70%.

Country D is also in chaos now, Noah is dead, the port is occupied by Galbrain, and only when Galbrain leaves, Country D will definitely be ruled by Camille or Halle, and it is not difficult to recover.

The Holy See can just wait for Jia Jiayao to go back. I believe Jian Du III dare not oppose it.

Well, there are only XL countries and Northern Europe, the territories controlled by Tsarist Russia, and Eastern Europe, which is the most chaotic and still a mutant beast paradise.

Jiang Feng looked at Liu Pianran walking in the garden, and there was a hint of guilt in his eyes. Sometimes, things are not as good as people think. In this time and space, he has a perfect family and a stable position, but another time and space is still hanging. And because of various circumstances before the decisive battle, there were rumors in the dark. Jiang Feng had to make a decision. Time did not wait for anyone. He could only try to fight.

Looking at the calendar, it was only about two months before the child was born. Jiang Feng groaned for a moment and went to another space-time.

Ten years later, in the capital, Jiang Feng appeared in Nangongfu.

"Little Master, Master is waiting for you" Nangong Lin respected Jiang Feng. He still called Young Master Jiang Feng, not under Emperor Lei, warming Jiang Feng's heart and smiling at Nangong Lin, "I know Grandpa Lin. "

Nangong Lin made a present and retreated.

Jiang Feng stepped into the Nangong proud study.

The study is as usual, and the surrounding walls are covered with Nangong Ao's calligraphy.

"Grandpa" Jiang Feng went to Nangong's desk and watched him write.

Nangong proudly closed his pen, glanced at Jiang Feng, and said with a smile, "Xiao Feng, when you have a son, Grandpa will teach him to write brush calligraphy. This is a skill passed down by the ancestors, and it cannot be lost."

Jiang Feng smiled awkwardly. He knew that Nangong was proud of him. "Then I thank Grandpa for my unborn son."

Nangong laughed proudly and sat down with Jiang Feng, "Why are you here today with Grandpa?"

Jiang Fengdao "I think it's time to make a break with Xiao Menghan".

Nangong Aogang took a sip of tea and almost spit it out, "Broken? What broke? Do you have any resentment against her?"

Jiang Fengdao "No, too much happened before. She counted me. I counted her. In the end, I do n’t know who wins and who loses. Now she gives me all the people she controls and I have to give She explained. "

"Married?" Nangong proudly said.

Jiang Feng nodded. He didn't have too many emotional ties in this space-time. The marriage object was Xiao Menghan. He was completely acceptable. After all, on beauty, no one really matched her.

Nangong proudly said, "Xiao Feng, Grandpa didn't tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Feng wondered.

Nangong sighed and said, "Before the decisive battle, Grandpa and the old man agreed to her for the information about the seal stolen by Xiao Menghan. We promised her two old guys. In the future, you will not divorce Xiao Menghan easily. she was".

Jiang Feng froze, "Grandpa, why do you want that information?"

"It's not that you and Kong Tianzhao decisively fought. Although we don't know how strong the two of you are, we can strengthen Huashan as much as we can. I never thought it would be useless in the end."

Jiang Feng smiled bitterly, to blame him, and didn't make it clear to Nangong Ao in advance. The strength of him and Kong Tianzhao was not those seals that could resist.

"Xiao Feng, don't you blame Grandpa," Nangong proudly said.

Jiang Feng shook his head, "How could it be."

Nangong sighed proudly, "Doom is coming, the powerful man's three wives and four concubines are common, and the powerful woman's face is also common. This condition restricts you, so you can only marry Xiao Menghan, my wife. Grandpa is sorry for you. ".

Jiang Feng rolled his eyes. He didn't even think about how many wives to marry. One was enough. Others, when thinking of this, Jiang Feng thought of Li Yinger, thought of Ellen, thought of Alice. These are also good as lovers. Primary 3, Primary 4 and Primary 5, shouldn't they be lined up? Jiang Feng was bewildered, and when he came back, he found that Nangong was staring at him, embarrassingly, "Grandpa, what are you looking at me for?"

Nangong groaned and whispered, "Xiao Feng, don't blame Xiao Menghan for the past. The Xiao family is one of the four families in the capital. However, Xiao Menghan's father, Xiao Xian, is a fool who can't support the Xiao family. The old man also died early. If it wasn't for Xiao Menghan's support alone, the end of the Xiao family would not be much better than that of the Confucian family. He inherited the family, hundreds of people, and his life was tied to Xiao Menghan's girl. She has been with the girl since she was five. It is fair to say that her birth was a tragedy. How could a girl have such a strong desire for power if it was not for a special reason? "

Talking, Nangong Ao took out some photos to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng took a look. In the first photo, a girl about five years old was wearing a beautiful princess dress, playing among the flowers, and smiling innocently and romantically.

In the second photo, the little girl was six or seven years old, sitting lonely in Nuo Da's conference hall. Below, there were hundreds of people's mocking eyes. The little girl was aggrieved and stubborn, with tears in her eyes.

Read The Duke's Passion