MTL - Supreme Throne of Doom-Chapter 1049 the film? ?

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"Hey, Mr. Amnesia, why did they come to Changbai Mountain?" A Yan asked.

Jiang Fengdao was "invited by the Great Wind Army".

Xu Manni's eyes flashed, and the Gale Army invited? Then it ’s not that simple. Although the film is to enrich the entertainment life, do n’t forget that the film has a very big purpose-propaganda. Film propaganda is incomparable by any publicity means today. Any purpose? Thinking of the rumors heard before and the appearance of Gu Shaoyang and others, Xu Manni increasingly felt that the wind army was not simple, and perhaps the plan was very large.

From here, Jiang Feng and others looked at the people who made the movie from time to time. Among the people, a middle-aged man looked at Jiang Feng with surprise, "like, really like".

Aside, a man asked, "Guide Xu, what kind of plasticity did you find?" The man was named Li Jin. He was an eighth-class strong man who had participated in the coastal guard battle. His power was Tianlong Sword. Join forces to slay Ross, who was sent by the Dafeng Army to protect this Xu Dao.

Xu Dao excitedly said, "Mr. Li, I seem to see a qualified starring".

People around are surprised and starring?

Li Jin was surprised, "Did Xu, the starring role not set? Looks like that person."

Xu Dao shook his head. "No, he is too frivolous. He has no contempt for the domineering world. His eyes are easy to play. The light is useless. That person is not an ordinary person. That is the first person in the world. Not everyone is qualified. alternative"

"Then who do you fancy?" Li Jin asked, looking down at Xu Dao's eyes. Many people looked at him. At this time, Jiang Feng was already facing the beast car and talking with Xu Manni. see.

"Mr. Li, Trouble Dafengjun pays attention to those people, and the one I want is in that beast car," said Xu Dao excitedly.

Li Jin nodded, "Yes, but guide Xu, really want to replace? You know, Mr. Jiang attaches great importance to your effect."

"Rest assured, absolutely no problem, as long as that person agrees, immediately start the show" Xu Dao said.

Li Jinen said aloud, "Well? Actually the pink mercenary regiment? Interesting, I've seen Xu Manni once, they can't run."

And Xu Dao has already set his sights on the script. He attaches more importance to this movie than anyone else. In the last days, survivors everywhere struggled to survive. Even now, fighting is always the main theme, and no one will waste energy on watching movies. No one in the major gathering places will agree to build a movie theater. Fortunately, Baiyun City unifies Huaxia, and the major gathering places are not in their own way. With unified management, the safety of survivors' lives is guaranteed. At this time, the entertainment industry can develop again. He believes that the film will usher in the golden age again, because human beings have been scared for too long and need to vent. This film will be the beginning of the film industry in the apocalyptic era. He will always engrav his name in the history of film.

On a snowy peak in Changbai Mountain, many evolutionaries guarded the surroundings. Two figures were facing the snow and looking into the distance. Many people gathered. Because they stood too high, those people were just black spots in their eyes.

"I didn't expect that the two of us would meet again in this way," one person said. He was a Ye Xing, a former Chinese parliamentarian and an armed council.

On the opposite side, the man Shen said, "Baiyun City deprived me of everything, forcibly occupying the mercenary association. I won't just leave it that way." The man is Han Sheng, who was also a member of the Huaxia Council, and created the mercenary association.

Before the Baiyun City unified China, they were both peak figures, and they could even talk to the powerful names. However, Jiang Feng together ordered to deprive them of everything. How could they be willing to do so? Today, they are both high-level troops.

"You don't have to spread this kind of words. In the present era, Jiang Feng has no prestige, and we must all develop under the banner of revenge for him" Ye Xingdao.

Han Sheng sneered, "Retribution. I didn't expect Jiang Feng to die. It was really retribution."

Ye Xing said with emotion, "I just stood at the top of my life, but planted it all the way. No wonder, Jiang Feng killed too much, was too overbearing, he deserved it, but he didn't expect to be the person he once trusted most." .

"Okay, don't say him anymore, obscure" Han Sheng said, watching a lot of people gathered below, proudly saying "Fortunately, the former president of the mercenary association has a little face, and used the mercenary association to release the task of ice grass, Forcibly ask the mercenary association to confirm the effect of ice grass. Otherwise, how can there be so many people, the more people come, the more likely we are to succeed, haha. "

Ye Xing worried, "You are not afraid to attract the attention of Baiyun City. Don't forget, even if Jiang Feng is dead, there are several generals in Baiyun City, even Hanzun is the general of Baiyun City."

"That's not what I have to worry about, leave it to Mr. Jiang," Han Sheng said.

Ye Xing didn't speak. He looked down and watched more and more people gathered, his eyes were fiery, and he once stood at the pinnacle of power. How could he retreat willingly, he wants to regain power and form an armed judge again.

Tens of thousands of people gathered under the Changbai Mountain. The Hongfan Mercenary Group originally planned to collect ice grass, but found that there was very little ice grass here, and it seemed to be of little use. In connection with the assembly of the Gale Army, Xu Manni immediately knew that this was a conspiracy and used mercenaries The Association released the task of the grass to gather the evolutionary arrival.

This fact was found not only by the pink mercenary regiment, but also by several mercenary regiments. Most of them took on the task of collecting ice grass, but now they were found playing, and immediately made a noise, and some even threatened to report to Baiyun City, please Baiyun City Sanctions against mercenary associations.

Suddenly, a gust of wind swept across the world, everyone was silent, staring dullly at the sky, a man flickered with thunder and thunder, and looked down at them.

There was no shortage of eight strong players, and someone immediately exclaimed, "The strong title, this is the strong title."

Tens of thousands of people were shocked, but unexpectedly a strong name appeared here.

Xu Manni's pupils are shrinking and her face is dignified. This is not the title strong, but Xinghai Realm. Although the title strong is also Xinghai Realm, the title strong is a unique title of Huaxia, which refers to the strong Xinghai realm, such as Yidi. Such as Lei Di, and this person is very strange, a new strong Xinghai realm.

Tens of thousands of people were uproared, and the Xinghai Realm appeared.

In the distance, Gu Shaoyang's eyes narrowed and he was very scared. The Xinghai Realm is not at the same level as the eighth level. This so-called Great Wind Army actually has Xinghai realm to back it up. This is a big deal.

At a high altitude, the silhouette said, "My name is Jiang Tianhao, and I am the descendant of Lei Di Jiang Feng."

In a word, shake everyone.

Tens of thousands of people are sluggish.

Many people in the crowd filmed this scene. Jiang Tianhao did not stop. "Four months ago, Emperor Lei went abroad under the crown of the emperor, and took his wife Xiao Menghan to travel around the world. However, he encountered villain calculations and was buried in the sea. The last will passed to me, let me take revenge for him, set up the wind army, kill the villains, and restore peace in China. "

Everyone gazed at the sky and was afraid to accept the fact. Although the Great Wind Army has been spreading the news of Lei Di's death, no one believes that it is now from the mouth of the strong Xinghai Realm, and more importantly, this person has The same power as Lei Di, the thunder of that strange color is only possessed by Lei Di, and this person is also named Jiang.

No one disputed that because Gu Xinghai was majestic, but it did not mean that everyone believed it.

Jiang Tianhao bent his lips and looked down confidently. This is his ability. He can change the form at will. It is not difficult to imitate Thunder. "I know you don't believe the death of Emperor Lei. I can confirm this." , Said, took out a token in everyone ’s eyes, "This is Lei Diling, but now there is no majesty under Emperor Lei ’s crown. If this has not been confirmed, then everyone at Huashan Ruins should understand that Lei Di The Huashan site was still covered by vegetation while the underpowers were still alive, but all vegetation withered a few months ago and replaced by magma. This is evidence. "

Below, countless people swallowed. Many people at the Huashan site had speculation, but no one dared to say it, but now it is used as evidence of Leidi's death.

"Under the crown, these two points alone are still not enough to convince people. No one knows whether the token in your hands is really Lei Diling," someone asked.

Suddenly, everyone discussed below.

Jiang Tianhao said lightly, "What if Bai Xiaosheng's confirmation?"

The world was quiet and the wind was blowing, which made countless people cold.

"Isn't Bai Xiaosheng dead?" Someone said.

Jiang Tianhao said in a deep voice, "Bai Xiaosheng is dead, but his disciples are still alive, that is, Mr. Tianji. Mr. Tianji can confirm what I said, because it is inconvenient for Mr. Tianji to come forward to prevent villains, but we got With the support of the Lord of the Void City, Bai Xiao, he can prove the identity of Mr. Tianji, "and said, taking out a token again.

When the token appeared, the void was distorted, and powerful power swept through. Although it couldn't hurt everyone, this pressure was real. This was Bai Xiao's power.

Many people were shaken. Bai Xiao confirmed the identity of Mr. Tianji, and Mr. Tianji confirmed the death of Lei Emperor. Did he really die under Emperor Lei's crown?

"In addition, there is the most important point. Many of you have a close relationship with Baiyun City. Now you can try to contact the grandfather Hong Lao under the crown of Lei Emperor, and the owner of Nangong. Bai Yuncheng is generally chaired by Hong Lao He has lost contact with the outside world, you can try "Jiang Tianhao loudly.

Tens of thousands of people look at me, I look at you, someone really tried to contact, but was told that they could not be contacted.

"We can contact Mr. Xia, and Mr. Xia's status in Baiyun City is not low," someone said.

Jiang Tianhao cried out, "The villain I want to eradicate today is Xia Zhiliang. He calculated that under the crown of Emperor Lei, he was sieged and killed by several ninth-level creatures under the sea, and his wife Xiao Menghan was missing. Bai Yuncheng has been controlled by Xia Zhiliang ... ".

Among the crowd, Xu Manni and others watched Jiang Tianhao stupidly and said, I ca n’t believe it. Although the evidence released by Jiang Tianhao is insufficient, it has made many people doubt because Lei Jiangfeng has disappeared for four months, and the honeymoon needs to disappear. So long? There is also no one to contact Hong Yuanshan, especially a few days ago because of the smell of plants caused chaos, but Baiyun City did not do much, which is not consistent with Baiyun City's usual style.

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