MTL - Supreme Throne of Doom-Chapter 1061 broken

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In Wuding City, countless people were stunned, and then shook and stunned another one. They were still masters of Baiyun City.

The South China Army quickly lifted up its hospitality and left without looking back.

Jiang Feng's expression was calm, his eyes were pondering, and he was still too hard.

Xu Dao was overjoyed, and everyone in the crew cheered. This scene they have seen several times. Among them, even the eighth strongman was stoned to death in the last few days. It is not strange to see this, but this time the meaning is different. Attentive but Major General Baiyun City, this stone Going down is equivalent to hitting Bai Yuncheng's face, everyone is happy and shy.

It's also bad luck. I still don't believe that Jiang Feng stunned Mi Tianluo, and looked for Jiang Feng without consulting anyone. Otherwise, Xia Zhiliang would never allow him to come, and even Mi Tianluo could not be seen. general.

When Xia Zhiliang learned about this, he smashed the table in anger. "Stupid man, smashed on a pole without knowing anything. Stupid man." Xia Zhiliang was so angry that he was very passive because of public opinion. The outside world has been rumored that Bai Yuncheng's top powers are not the opponents of the stone madmen, but now the incident of diligence has further confirmed the public opinion, and the bitter consequences of public opinion are to be endured by him.

If it weren't for his lack of military power, he really wanted to kill Yin Qin at this moment.

After a long time, Xia Zhiliang calmed down and stared at the map in a daze. Hong Ding and others stayed away from overseas, which caused Baiyun City to become a starless sea. The strong man Jiang Tianhao died, but suddenly a stone madman appeared. The invincible trend, as long as the stone madman's arrogance is suppressed, and then the news of Jiang Tianhao's death is revealed, no matter how the wind force resists, it will be disintegrated.

Xia Zhiliang thought for a while, and finally contacted a person who ranked lower than Mi Tianluo in the rankings, but Jiang Feng said that his strength would improve very fast, and maybe even not lower than the top of the rankings. Let this person curb the stone madman.

More and more people are coming from Wuding City, all to watch the stone madmen. Naturally, the movie "The Road to Glory" has not yet been broadcast.

This movie was already very hot. Lei Di Jiang Feng's **** attracted countless people's attention. Now, in the name of a stone madman, it is getting more and more popular. The decision was to choose Jiang Bai as the starring role, enough to stay in history.

A starring person who can defeat the strongest player in the list. This gimmick is not much worse than Leidi Jiangfeng's name. This kind of character is hard to see for ten years. Now everyone knows that he is in Wuding City. Naturally countless people came. .

Xu Dao was quite emotional, "At most one week, the filming of Wudingcheng was finished, but unfortunately, it would be better to stay a little longer."

Facing the sun, Jiang Feng sat comfortably on a lounger and drank juice.

A Yan was massaging his arm, pinching curiously from time to time, "It's not stout, and there's no domineering, why so vigorous?"

"Okay, okay, let's prepare for the next human experiment," Xu Dao shouted, and then came to Jiang Feng with a smile on his face, "Brother Jiang, you can go next time."

Jiang Feng nodded, his gaze suddenly looked to the west.

No one else knew it.

Xu Dao wondered, "Brother Jiang?"

Jiang Feng froze for a moment, "Oh, okay, right away, but we need to solve a problem first."

Everyone was puzzled.

At this time, Xu Manni was terrified, her back was cold, and she also looked to the west. There were several eight strong men hidden around the crew. They were originally observing Jiang Feng. At the same time, she was also looking west. Her face was white. Who is it?

On the west side, originally an abandoned building, it suddenly broke from the middle, collapsed, and splashed a lot of smoke and dust. A figure came slowly holding a sword. As the figure approached, the fierce gas turned into a hurricane and swept the world. The clouds were instantly Shattered, the instability of the void, the hidden eight-level strong pupil contraction, "Xiao Mo, the sixth Xiao Mo in the list."

Xu Manni's scalp was numb, staring closely at the incoming person.

The person who came was Xiao Mo. Xia Zhiliang asked her to come and curb the stone madman. She wouldn't take the initiative to take the initiative, but Xia Zhiliang's tongue went out to help calm the madman against Baiyun City.

Everyone took a breath, and it was Xiao Mo.

Xiao Mo is the sixth in the Tianbang list. On the ranking, he ca n’t catch up with Mi Tianluo, but many people think that Xiao Mo may surpass Mi Tianluo and be able to fight against the leader of the Tianbang list because she has followed one emperor, exerting strength and one emperor. It is very similar. Even Lei Di Jiangfeng praised her for reaching the Three Emperors level as long as she stepped into the Xinghai Realm, and her evaluation was much higher than Mi Tianluo, so in the hearts of many people, Xiao Mo still surpassed Mi Tianluo.

Xiao Mo stood still a few hundred meters away from Jiang Feng, and looked at Jiang Feng dullly, "is that you are propagating the news of the death of Emperor Lei? Who is the stone madman? Little Mote comes to ask".

Jiang Feng had not spoken yet, and Xu Dao hurriedly said, "It's not us, it's the Great Wind Army. We are the crew of the" Brilliant Road ". We filmed the glorious life under Emperor Lei's crown.

Xiao Mo's eyes were surprised. "Making a movie? Under Emperor Lei?".

"Yes, we admire the Emperor Lei's crown, so in the life under the crown, as for the others, you just need to find the Dafeng Army," said Xu Dao eagerly. He had heard the name of Xiao Mo and knew it was a cruel man.

On the other side, on the Changbai Mountain, Ye Xing was shocked, "Xiao Mo actually came forward, it seems Xia Zhiliang was in a hurry."

Opposite, Huang Sanye said, "Xiao Mo is not a kind of diligent person. Outside rumors, if there is no stable state, Xiao Mo will definitely surpass Mi Tianluo in the Tianbang competition. She followed one emperor and Jiang Bai was in danger."

Ye Xing groaned. "On his own, we can't help him, we have no one who can resist Xiao Mo."

Huang Sanye nodded.

Wu Dingcheng, Xiao Mo groaned and looked at the crew.

Xu Dao was nervous. Although Jiang Feng was fierce, he still didn't dare to take risks. What if the movie was solved by Xiao Mo? The best solution is peaceful.

Jiang Feng didn't care. He didn't like the name of the stone madman. It was too rude, but it seemed that he couldn't get rid of it. How handsome was his name, how could he be a stone madman? Should I change something and smash it?

"Who is a stone madman?" Xiao Mo finally asked.

Xu Daoxin sank.

Jiang Feng walked forward, calmly saying "It's me".

Xiao Mo stared at Jiang Feng, surprised and said, "It really is an ordinary person. You are very surprised. An ordinary person has reached such a level that neither Emperor Lei nor one emperor can do it."

Jiang Fengdao "What are you looking for?".

Xiao Mo looked at Jiang Feng and said, "Teach me."

Jiang Feng nodded, just about to squat down to pick up the stones. Behind him, A Yan quickly handed over a stone, round and flawless, it was carefully selected at first glance. This girl has been waiting for this moment for a long time. The stone hit people, and Beyer has a sense of accomplishment. Min Jiangfeng also refused. He took the stone and choked habitually. It is not good to try the weight to prevent people from being hit too hard.

"You stood and made me smash?" Jiang Feng asked.

Many people around are breathing and watching this scene. It is very rare for Tianbang to make a strong shot. Xiao Mo and the stone madman are absolutely big news.

Xiao Mo's mouth was bent, although his eyes were still cold, but there was a smile in his eyes, "You can definitely defeat Mi Tianluo. We are in a fair battle. Is your weapon a stone?"

Jiang Feng nodded earnestly, "Be careful, I try my best not to kill you."

Many people have heard toothaches, how awkward to hear these words, and they say so seriously.

Xiao Mo stayed for a while, his face was full, his sword pointed to the ground, Ling Feng's wind rushed into the sky, "Come, see if you can kill me."

In the battle for the day, Xiao Mo understood the situation. There was only a trace of it, but it was very similar to the situation of the Emperor. It was because of this situation that the Emperor noticed her and gave her a message to Jiang Feng. He has mastered a lot of control. Although he is still unable to enter the state of the voice of all things at the moment, but his strength is far beyond the competition period of Tianbang. There is a lot of people who did not guess wrong. Xiao Mo, indeed, surpassed Mi Tianluo. Because she realized the potential.

With an indescribable violent uphill flow, and then swept Wuding City, Xiao Mo's whole person changed. The long sword pointed at Jiang Feng, but the sword did not come out, but it made Xu Manni and other eighth-level evolutionaries startled. They thought they were This power cannot be stopped, and there is no room for resistance, and it will be torn.

Jiang Feng's eyes changed, so familiar, this force is a bit familiar, where have you seen it? Jiang Feng's eyes flickered. Does this person know himself? The enemy before amnesia?

Xiao Mo's eyes were lingering, raising his feet and stabbing with a sword. In an instant, all the forces of despair and horror disappeared, all condensed on a sword. This sword is cautious even if it is away from hatred and wants to resist. No more than five people can block this sword. Even the strong players in Xinghai Realm must be serious about this sword. This is a sword beyond the current realm.

Everyone's breathing was stagnant, and their instincts told them that it seemed to be broken into pieces with a single movement.

Wuding City has stagnated, as if the dead wood is about to collapse.

Jiang Feng clenched the stone, and then still in that position, smashing a stone, smashing it out fiercely, only listening to the sound of pong, Qi waves swept Wudingcheng, many people were lifted off, Jiang Feng and Xiao Mo's central land directly collapsed , Collapsed, and Xiao Mo's action stopped, looking at the sword in disbelief, with the appearance of a crack, Xiao Mo's sword-broken.

Everyone took a breath and looked at the field in shock.

Xiao Mo's sword was broken, she was defeated.

It ’s just a stone. It ’s going to be against the sky. Li Xiao lost in a row, and rushed to Shao Chong, Mi Tianluo, and Xiao Mo. Among the eighth level, it seems that only hate is enough to qualify for the battle.

Xu Dian swallowed his throat, and his back was sweaty.

Everyone looked at Xiao Mo and wondered if she would shoot again.

Xiao Mo stared blankly at the broken sword, then looked at Jiang Feng, retracted his posture, and calmly said, "I'm defeated."

Many people were shocked, Xiao Mo gave in.

Jiang Feng didn't bother nodding, didn't say anything, but just thought that this time the power control was just right, this woman will definitely be stunned if she has more strength. Well, yes, it should be gentle for women.


There are not many bland chapters. Remember to prepare for the final climax! !! !!

Read The Duke's Passion